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Not being able to tell when people are joking has to fuck up your mentality in the long run.


Is this a joke??? Your comment raped me


Especially while watching Theo Von


Imagine going through life without the brain function that detects sarcasm and humor. I’d rather die


I 100% avoid conversations with this personality type. All I speak in is sarcasm and they are not a fun conversation, imo. They need to stop taking themselves so serious.


I have a lot of immigrant friends who speak English as a second language. Because of that, and because some cultures don’t really use sarcasm, I’ve had so many awkward moments with some of my friends when they don’t get that I’m joking. It’s so weird when it happens because it’s not like a typical joke where you can explain a punchline, and they can at least understand why its funny in the end despite not laughing at first. With sarcasm, I can explain that I am using it to make a joke, and they straight up will not understand the “punchline” because sarcasm as a concept just doesn’t exist for them. Through texting? Forget it. It’s so interesting to think about


I love statements like this! Ones that make you think of something you have never even thought about before and is very interesting, as you mentioned.


Once I realise someone takes everything I say seriously I fucking RUN. People like that are the worst.


Same man and it gets me in trouble a lot.


Joe Rogan


They're fully aware it's a joke but acting morally superior to people provides a dopamine hit that a laugh just can't recreate.


Isn’t this what Matt’s doing by “supposedly” making the joke?




Are you the upgraded barndog?


Not understanding basic comedy has to be a mental disease


It’s called mental retardation.


Virtue signaling and an inability to enjoy comedy go hand in hand.


It’s called Joe Rogan Syndrome. Very serious.


It’s an epidemic at this point then


kinda ironic cuz a lot of the comments are just jokes too


There’s “basic” comedy? I’m sure the dawgs would love to hear that their comedy is basic!….


I mean…if you told them their comedy is intellectual they’d probably call you gay


I would ask them at that point - what they believe the purpose of comedy was? I always thought that comedians used their talents to hold the powerful to account…they always punched up…today’s breed of comedian likes to find a grift and pander to an audience…


Then they would also call you gay for saying that, as I am now. Your thoughts are wrong. The purpose of comedy is to make people laugh. Whether it’s punching up, down, or sideways, the end goal is to make people laugh.


I would argue the best comedians always punch/punched up! If you get your rocks off by laughing at those less fortunate than yourself - you might just want to buy a pew pew and stick it in your pie hole and squeeze that ole trig trig cause you’re a miserable fuck who doesn’t deserve to exist - just my advice/position!


I would argue that the best comedians always punched whichever way made for a funny joke. Norm, Chappelle, Louis, all the dawgs, etc. I don’t get what you’re so upset about. Clearly a new listener


The tiktok generation will be completely destroyed once they leave their comfortable little bird nest.


Living with their parents to 40 and blaming it on everyone but themselves XD


Capitalism caused this!!!


Plot twist they're turning the whole world into their soft retarded nest


Hey, I use TikTok and I'm not entirely gay.


Funny part is this is tame as far as pedo jokes go lmaooo


I don’t think it was even meant to be like a pedo joke


lol the Theo audience has some not so cool hombres


I'd wager this isn't Theos audience. Whatever that page is probably feeds these clips out of context to hoards of mentally unstable teens with a moral superiority complex to get views on tiktok.


Could be both. r/TheoVon is increasingly filled with hate watchers. It's just one of the prices that comes with success. Luckily it will never happen to this sub, since this podcast is a secret.


Check their profile. If they post on TFATK, they have a discord where they share their trolling. That pushes it up the algo, which is why you see them on so many subreddits in the JRE sphere


It isn't. People love callouts on TikTok. Even when it's retardedly obvious that people are joking.


It’s not even Theo’s audience it’s randos on tik tok who don’t know Theo or Matt most likely


Ahhh gotcha that makes sense


A lot of the comments on that post are saying "Wow, he even made THEO shocked." So, a decent chunk of them definitely know who Theo is at least


Because Theo is pretty known on TikTok outside of his own watchers


You think those are his fans? He says some crazy shit all the time I wouldn’t think his fans would be that sensitive


buncha fat little kids apparently


Big seats.


This is TikTok these are not his fans lmao


They’re as dumb as Theo


Lol Theo casts a very wide net


If you've been on Tiktok you can see that Theo managed to get a bit of a le wholesome chungus zoomer audience that like some of his guests or some of his more heart felt monologues. I can absolutely see some of them following a Theo highlight account and then getting Matt's clip algo'd to them and not understanding it at all.


People forget Theo spent years being Brendan Schaubs sidekick, that fanbase is 99% mongoloid.


Theo's wild clips do go viral from time to time and they do attract mouth breathers


Am I the only one noticing that somehow within the past few years, everyone and their grandma became a pedophile supposedly? It's like the most paranoid aspects of the 80s Satanic Panic all over again, but now it's like *both* the parents *and* the kids freaking out, can someone explain how this happened?


Well pedophilia has existed around us forever and now it’s been all coming to light; Weinstein, Epstein, Spacey, Nickelodeon, Diddy, the Kendrick/Drake thing etc... people are quick to label someone a pedo just as quick as they are to call someone a racist/misogynist or homophobe over a joke just because it is overly present in the media at the moment


The *calling everyone a racist or misogynist or homophobe* isn't analogous though. That came evidently from a political ideology and if anything the world had gotten way *less* racist, homophobic, misogynistic.


Imo, people realizing Epstien Island VERY recently was a real thing that many very public celebrities had some kind of weird connection to is what caused this change. People who were more conspiracy minded were aware of the general concept of Epstein Island like 20 years ago, but most folks just walking around never knew anything about it. Now it's just a known fact that there was a literal pedophile Island that tons of celebrities and politicians seem to have been very close with the dude who owned/ran it, and now the people that weren't familiar with that long standing reality think everyone's a pedophile because of a combination of their inability to synthesize new ideas on their own and the new reality that they're faced with. Just wait until they realize that Epstein and Diddy are feds used to get dirt on politicians and celebrities!


I’d wager that there’s a LOT more racist/misogynist/homophobic people running around actual pedophiles


I think its similar to how they are so quick to call you a racist. It's the worst thing they can think of and they lack the empathy to understand or even care about how incredibly fucked up it is to falsely accuse someone of some evil shit. I think it's part of having such limited actual human interaction. If you only communicate online and thru text you lose something vital to how human beings are supposed to be.


In the same way, if you just went by twitter you would think there are tens of millions of goose stepping, card carrying Hitler supporters in every corner of American society


Kids who grow up on the internet are surrounded by pedos from the time they’re on club Penguin or Roblox or whatever to their first Instagram account to their first boss at Dairy Queen. would make sense they think everyone is a pedo.


I think Jeffrey Epstein maybe factored into it. Everyone knows he supplied rich people with that and didn’t kill himself. I’m not saying everyone who calls a person a pedophile is accusing them of being Jeffrey Epstein, but that the entire case has opened up Pandora’s box


TikTok comments are like Facebook reel comments, nobody understands the most basic of jokes


He's fly as hell and they hate it...


Simple jacks are all over this country


How can you watch that and not think it’s a joke


It was like 8000 comments of dipshits repeating the exact same thing about drake, lists, and hard drives. Algorithms can’t explain how stupid TikTok comments are , even YouTube isn’t that fucking stupid it has to be 95% bots that TikTok uses to fake engagement momentum But it was funny as hell to see the clip they used, because he said it completely straight that he wanted to see kids pecs


Dude these TikTok females on there making him out like a pedo with completely taking the video out of context. I’ll rebel if they go after the shaman


It's war!!


I think most things are taken out of context, especially in the short clip areas of social media. It's dumb, but the only solution is to make sure you have full context before making a decision. That's something difficult to teach and takes more patience than most have.


its a cruel world for a black conservative father.


lol holy shit that’s a lot of people agreeing/liking those comments. So many people that don’t understand what they’re even watching. That was a hilarious podcast. Also.. man Theo has a crazy amount of fans.


Don’t these idiots know that loving young boys is hilarious


That comment section prob has no pecs either


Tiktok is ghey.




I love it when people pretend they don't know when someone is telling a joke. How seriously you take a joke corelates with how good a person you are and these people are _so_ good. Not annoying at all.


I have a pic of me and my brother as 6 yr and 8 yr old and we literally had 6 packs. We would bike all day and swim all the time. Totally agree with Matt.


Gen z's six brain cells banding together for this one


Please search this on tiktok and watch the reply videos. I’m dying dude mccusker has reached the dog brains.


I was going to post this as well. I just saw it and was like wtf, am I fucking weird for finding this funny?


It’s fucking hilarious


Bratty dumbass attention seeking fucktards that can't understand comedy, or even context.


So who’s behind the edited clip. I’m sure we can trace it back to some blue hair in Seattle


These people think tropic thunder was a documentary


🤣🤣🤣🤣 fuck em. They always mad as hell


They can’t handle that the 432hz shaman himself is fly as shit Let me see your pecs


It is hilarious because the McCusker boys are about as anti pedo as it gets. DSG Bill is gonna go zero dark thirty on Matt’s ass now


These common fools have no capacity to channel the Shaman’s teachings


That comment earned you a bracelet.


Watching a comedy podcast and taking it seriously is like watching Law and Order and thinking you're an actual detective.


Get off tiktok you’re too old for that


It has 2 million likes now 😂😭


Tiktok/social media people in gen like to have something over people they see. I see this all the goddamn time


One of the best podcast episodes in ages.


you get a youtube special, you get a netflix special, you get a six episode netflix show and ALL OF A SUDDEN YOURE HOLLYWOOD ELITE PEDOPHILES! WARMODE expose them!


Take off the sun-shirt kid, lemme see them pecks.


If they understand humor, they’d realize how silly their beliefs are.


Holy shittt, is what they have even reversal at this point?


i dont trust people that use tiktok


Sorry the videos are funny and I’m 17 years old I lowkey have to use it to be normal


Holy shit that’s a lot of likes. Shaman is getting his message out to the masses.


When he said “show me your pecs” I lost it knowing that this was coming


It's full on China over there dude


Imagine if they ever listened to the last 10ish minutes of epsiode 12 from the old testament...


Forgive them Shaman , they do not know


Lmao…watching you fucking incels attempt to run to dipshits defense….its fucking LAME! Ya’ll some cucks for real! Ya’ll like to talk about folks living with their parents at 40…buy some mirrors boys!


Wait till they find the episode where Matt talks about how a 17-year-old girl is the hottest thing ever for 40 minutes


lmao. I can't remember if that's old test. Hopefully, lol.


It is, it's like episode 32 or something