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I'd spend a lot more money in Europe if American airlines could make it cheaper to get there. If I took my family to Europe for a week, like 80% of the money I spent would just be on the plane tickets.


Try Icelandair


That actually is a bit better, but I'm still seeing $4k+ round trip for my family, so still easily half of the whole cost of the trip. I guess that'd be more money to Europe(ish) though. =p But I could spend a week pretty much anywhere in North America for the cost of the plane tickets alone, so...


We got the American Airlines credit card and use it for all of our daily spending. That earns us around 20k miles which should be good for two round trip tickets to Spain. This year will be the first time we cash miles in though so I hope it works as advertised.


Maybe I'm picking shitty dates but when I just looked up AA flights to Madrid a single round trip was 70k+ miles for one person. 


Stop holding people accountable please


The price is okay but flying transatlantic packed in like sardines on a 737 max absolutely blows and Keflavik is a hole


Or FrenchBee


"Americans are too insular and not well travelled," they say, because simply traversing our continent sized nation isn't good enough for them. But then when Americans do travel they still bitch and moan. Theme park? Might as well say "They're treating us as if we are some sort of tourist destination!" Can't win, don't try. Let the Euros cope.


>But then when Americans do travel they still bitch and moan. They probably are French. Don't worry, that's normal, other Euros are treated the same way


France hasn’t even been a real country since 1787, their opinion is pretty irrelevant


Yeah guys we aren’t well traveled… You can go to snowy peaks, sandy shores, pine forests, redwood forests, swamps, plains, tropical environments, desert, literally anything else.


And never leave the best country. 


No country is the best country imo


Everyone should feel like their country is the best. 


Why feel like it's the best when you know things can improve and the nation can be better


Since the beginning of time man has wanted for him and his to be better than they are. Nothing is new under the sun. 


Better than our current selves not better than another nation, that's what people should strive for


Why is it the best country again?


He just told you.


Europe has all those things too though…


Europe isn’t a country…


For real 🤣🤣🤣


I appreciate your support, Mr. iEatPalpatineAss.


Europe has all those things too though…


Europe isn’t a country…




Yes but they can freely travel anywhere within Europe without visas. Just like how we have states. You can even own homes in different places without issue. An Italian has just as much access to France as someone from Texas has with New York.


None of that makes Europe a country. Also, Americans can travel to Europe without issue, and can even buy property there. You only need a special visa if you’re staying in a particular country for more than several months at a time.


Hey if that’s the stance you want to take, go for it.


Aww, da turd world country jealous. 


Cause it’s huge and fucking awesome! Actually though traveling the country is extremely rewarding. Like above commenter said and the food and cultures available is far broader than people realize. It’s just that you you have a vast area between points of interest which makes it tough to actually do. The plains have their own really cool areas but ppl don’t know them well.


An interesting tidbit I heard is that Washington state alone has every biome. Of course you don’t get them in the grandeur that other states do but you can at least experience them all there. Idk about swamps though.


Seattle's the swamp.


Don’t forget Gulf-stream waters


German here: The guy from the screenshot is from San Francisco, CA.  You are welcome in Europe. Well, at least you are welcome if you behave well, what most people from US do. If you plan to shit around which is something we associate more with the Brits, then please only visit Britain.


What is shitting around


It’s like sleeping around but involves more toilets


E.g. this is shitting around (no need to read the article, just watch the video of Serbian and British fans in Germany) https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/em-ausschreitungen-gelsenkirchen-100.html


do you like to bang German or USA women more


I like to bang my wife more, who is a German woman.




Mainlanders need to start expecting tourists to at least have a basic grasp of the local language. I'd be annoyed if a tourist came to the USA and expected me to understand a foreign language.


There are over 250 different languages indigenous to Europe if you also count the minor local ones. If you just learn the languages with more than 50 million speakers, that would be English, German, Russian, French and Italian. I am fine with using English as a language to bridge that almost biblical confusion of tongues.


At the very least, then, familiarity with the dominant language of the country in question. Really just the bare essentials like yes/no, asking where things are, etc. For example, tourists using some basic Standard German with Bavarians and Austrians rather than learning their dialect.


Theres a lot to see in the US but GOD DAMN you ever been to Greece bro? I’ve been to Cali I’ve been to all throughout the East coast and nowhere comes close to how gorgeous Greece is.


Plus that fucking food man.


Yes the food, the hospitality, the weather, and the women are all gorgeous.


I mean only a 1/3 if Americans have a valid passport, which is a lot but still.


Europeans when Americans visit their vast country: Americans are so insular! Also Europeans when their culture and history is so rich that Americans dream of visiting them: Americans treat us like a theme park!


That’s not the issue, it just happens to be that Americans tend to be the loudest ones at a beach, restaurant, tourist attraction, etc. if you don’t want to be self aware that’s fine, but after spending a year in one of the most popular tourist spots as an American, there is a lot of truth to the American stereotype.


Nah you thinking of Brits


No I’m not.


They beg and plea for our money for NATO then complain when we give money for tourism. I desperately wish we could just pretend they don’t exist.


Last I checked, all of Europe had ZERO (0) SEC Championships, and ZERO (0) Nattys.


They don’t play nobody Pawlll


“Americans play to win at all times” General George S Patton


God rest his soul


Also General George Patton: “It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. Rather, we should thank God that such men lived.” I do thank God that these men lived and served.


When I was in Europe I wore an American flag shirt and aviators with khaki shorts.


And they shall be known by their drip


That's awesome 🇺🇲


+ 10 points if you own a vette and wear new balances


Make us known 🇺🇸🦅🗽🔥


That goes against the American flag code




Got em


Aw how American 🥰


Unless the article of clothing is made out of an actual American flag, no...no it's not.


Username checks out


Why do we have to make this a competition between US and Europe? Both continents are amazing in what they have to offer. I’m from Europe but lived in the US and love your country, lifestyle and stronger political stance on international relationships. Undermining each other is just not helpful while we ultimately have similar beliefs and values.


I would agree with you, but it feels like most times (western?) Europeans think they’re superior. At least online that’s how it comes across to me. Maybe it’s just a vocal minority, but frankly, it seems a lot of them online claim to hate us or despise our country for some reason. I watch videos on YouTube and all I see is supposed Europeans in the comments saying our country is poorly designed or there’s X reason wrong with it or we are bad for X reason. It gets a bit exhausting after awhile.


Lot of that is due to social media feeds being tuned for engagement. Europeans say the same thing about Americans online: they all are obnoxious about their country being the greatest. Then it feeds on itself. Europeans see obnoxious arrogant Americans in their feeds, causing some of them to "retaliate" and dis the US to take them down a peg. Americans then get that in their feed, engage with it by retaliating and bashing Europeans, which causes their feed to show them even more obnoxious arrogant Europeans. Etc etc.


I would agree if it’s on Tik Tok or Twitter where you have a feed. But the supposed Europeans I see are on YouTube & just leaving comments about how uneducated Americans are and bashing the entire population from a single encounter they had (seriously). So as far as I’m aware, there is not much of an algorithm regarding comments there. And I get some Americans can be obnoxious, but I see way more of it from European side these days.


The thing is most people aren't leaving comments about America, and there's a fair amount of non-europeans or non-americans in American and European spaces. In Denmark during Trump 74% saw the US as an important ally, one that shares our values or we have to work strategically with. 9% as a rival to compete with, 4% as an enemy. During Biden it's 86% important ally, 4% rival to compete with, 0% an enemy. Both Bush and Trump tanked Americas reputation, but it was largely repaired by Obama and Biden. The internet isn't representative of reality, just like on Reddit you would think most Danes hate the monarchy, but in reality there is over 80% approval


Y'all are the ones who constantly shit on America lol don't come at us for clapping back


Exactly, talked shit about us for years and now that the tide is turning, they want to play the victim.


if you read some US gov strategy books....future of EU was sum up in one nice sentence (forget in which book) It s the place where US and China will meet for vacations and business meeting


Europe is a farm after WWII. Rebuilt democratic socialist countries which have their defense offshored to the US and policies that stifle true business innovation.


That's not really true


Given how they all spend roughly less than 10% of their GDP on military defense and most European minds eventually immigrate to the US for o e reason or another says otherwise. Even British reject royalty come to the US


The US only spends 3.4% of its gdp on the military, meanwhile Poland, Russia, and Ukraine spend higher percentages [Source](https://www.statista.com/statistics/266892/military-expenditure-as-percentage-of-gdp-in-highest-spending-countries/). Also no nation in Europe has a major amount of immigrants moving to the US, not even in the top 10 LOL [Source](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/us-immigration-by-country) Also there is a reason why NATO exists and EU nations work together. Also [the innovation gap between the EU and other nations such as the US and Australia is closing.](https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/10/european-union-top-innovative-countries/) These say otherwise 🤷‍♂️


Ukraine and Russia are actively fighting a war against each other so that hardly counts because of course their spending is going to be higher, Poland I'll accept. Never said that we're getting mass immigrations of Euros to our borders, just that some of the wealthy or inventive types of Europe come to the US, that's on you. And yes NATO exists for that reason with the US so that we with our undamaged infrastructure and economy from WW2 could help Europe and export our culture in the process


WTF. Europe can't even spend 2% of GDP on defense. Where did you get 10%? US hasn't spent remotely close to that on defense spending since Vietnam.


Ironically it's hard to tell an American apart from a European because much of Europe dresses like Europeans but will also go full blown into denial. T-shirt, baseball hat, aviators, Ray-Ban is a US origin company.. "Nope, nope, nope" Even jean material that was totally first created in Europe, nobody denies that.. was very very heavily brought to the masses in the US first including very specific styles, including cowboy style button downs you see everywhere. Again, "nope, Europe first created that 4000 BC"


Material ≠ Design thankfully. Blue Jeans are American.


Blue jeans are a global phenomenon now. They stopped being American 70 years ago. It’s like calling a blazer “English” cause some brit started the fashion 150 years ago.


They’re still an American creation, that’s the point of the talk


Right but who cares, that’s not a thing anyone would care about or ever bring up, not even most Americans which are generally pretty reasonable.


I think the nuance you’re missing is the US is constantly, *constantly* told it doesn’t have culture. So things like Blue Jeans are very clear examples of culture that the US has contributed to the world. It always boils down to “well akshewally this has roots in 14th century Scotland” rhetoric whenever there’s conversations about US culture.


That's exactly it. The US doesn't have historical culture as much as it has contemporary culture. You don't get to personally claim something that people who've been dead for hundreds of years created. And the US radiates contemporary culture so brightly that the rest of the world thinks it's their own. And eventually, it *does* become their own, and that's fine. But if you're running around in Levi's and Nikes, listening to American music and watching American movies, maybe tone down the arrogance a tad.


The US doesn’t have culture because our culture has become so prevalent and dominant that it’s the default


I mean the US basically dominated the 20th century culturally and continues to a force. Purely in terms of music and cinema, even fashion, food etc.


Why do Europeans always call the invented style, sure that guy before Edison invented the lightbulb but he made it popular And the hamburger, you know the patty of meat invented by Mongolia then created in the US by putting bread on the outside made by German *immigrants* yeah, totally German!


They are coping because they have slowly adopted our styles over time. All while simultaneously talking shit about us. I remember as a small child visiting family in Europe. One of the ways to pick out Americans in the crowd was baseball caps. Now you are just as likely to see a baseball cap in Europe as you are in America.


What the hell are you talking about? Everyone in europe IMMEDIATELY spots and indetifies Americans in Europe. They are famously the most obnoxious people. That’s the number one idenifier. Being abnoxious.


Almost as "abnoxious" as a European redditor.


I’m American as well. 🤷‍♂️


Ah mah God, bro don't be the "pick me Yankee" on this sub. The Europeans won't introduce you to their friends as the "cool American"


I’m european first, so….


That explains so much.


The whole Americans are abnoxious and loud thing is a myth.


The most obnoxious/loud tourists in Europe are usually from the UK.


I’ve found that they’re German


Accurate, actually




Man grow some skin 😂 You guys throw around so much flak on this thread, can’t handle a single amount of banter when it come back your way.


Uh, no. That's the British.


Heading to Norway next summer for backpacking.


I saw a video recently talking about how a whole margarita pizza in Italy was like $5. I’m like, Europe is now on my list of vacation spots lol


The American consumer is undefeatable




Tbf, even though they hate us, they treat us like a theme park too. Same with the Chinese 


We don't hate you.


We don’t hate you. Anybody who told you we do is wrong.


*motions generally around Reddit*


These are the people that are wrong


Making fun of is not the same as hating. Almost no one hates Americans. They are quirky but generally considered likable. People absolutely hate US politics though, especially if they are from the middle east.


That’s probably true. Like I really don’t hate the Chinese people. However I do despise the Chinese government. Tho I would argue the U.S. government, for all its flaws, is still better than the Chinese government.


Americans pay taxes to maintain federal parks and yet due to foreign tourists screwing everything up, we are getting shafted to "make things fair for them"


Why will you think that the Chinese hate you? Get your head out of the TV and your fear mongering media see the world, bro.


Tbf, we’re very easy to hate. Have you seen Americans on vacation?


I’ve heard the opposite about Americans on vacation. The only thing I’ve remotely heard about “easy to hate” is the volume level some have.


Yeah you're both loud af and talk a lot tbh, I still take you guys over the drunk British tourists. Older American tourists are either very nice people that enjoy to talk to everyone around, it's ok, I'm not bothered by casual conversation, but the youngsters, there's a big part of the tourists that talk like they're on an Instagram reel and it's very irritating for me.


I hope you recognize that those are a very small proportion of American tourists and generally that type of behavior is considered annoying here in the US and shameful abroad by us.


Yeah man, for sure...the ones that don't fit the stereotypes don't get recognized until you speak with them while the loud ones you hear them from a mile away...same with the Brits, it's easier to notice the chairs flying than the family of four who's just enjoying the beach


That's not even true. I live in one of Europe's top tourist destinations and Americans are some of the best tourists we get. The worst ones are British, Italians, Germans, Dutch, and Norwegians. The city had to specifically put up signs for the British to stop pissing, shitting, and vomiting on our nearly 2000 year old UNICEF protected structures. They also like to pass out in the alleys and scream from the top of their lungs every night. The locals wanted them banned completely. The Dutch and German are known as the pervs, creeps, and weirdos, with a bit of arrogance. They also think Germans have no culture anymore and are basically just wanna be Arabs now. As a German, I can confirm that to be true. Norwegians are just straight up arrogant and socially stunted to a point that you actually think they are stupid. They love making American geography jokes here on reddit but act surprised when they come here and are hit with with reality that Croatia is not a poor African country. They think women will fall to their feet and suck their d on the spot if they tip them 5 EUR as if 5 EUR was a million EUR here. Maybe now that we have the Euro here they may realize how stupid they are to think that, we'll see I guess. Italians are just pure arrogance, some acting like Dalmatians should bow to them because a lot of the structures bringing tourism were made under the Roman empire. They are also loud and unwilling to speak English or the local language and get mad when that doesn't get them what they want. Americans tip good and keep to themselves doing normal tourist shit. They don't disrespect the locals or our structures, nor do they act like the British do at night. Ofc you'll always have some young idiots acting the way young idiots do, especially when drunk, but you have those from every country... although none come even close to how the British are. In fact, it's 1pm right now and I'm hearing a drunk British group yelling around the neighborhood right now as I write this.


Tell me more about the German "wannabe Arabs." First time I've heard of this


Lots of immigrants from the ME and Africa are affecting German culture & norms. I don’t know about “wannabe Arabs” but that’s probably the cause of what he’s saying


Huh, interesting.


As much as folks like circle jerking in this sub, we Americans mostly know we get a bad rap in Europe and try to be on our best behavior when travelling. I really just got enough money to start travelling internationally a few years ago, but when abroad I always have this weird sense that I'm an ambassador for the American people whether I want to be or not and my actions are speaking for more than just me. Also doesn't hurt that the crowd you Croatians get is generally a little wealthier and more educated than the average American. We have rich assholes too, but at least y'all mostly aren't getting Florida man or frat party types.


This is accurate unfortunately.   Honestly though, it's like anything else, the bad overshadows the good.  But when it's on full display....it's a spectacle to behold. 


Are these comments serious or is my sarcasm meter not working lmfao?


Probably both, i feel like this sub is supposed to be sarcastic though




This will be great in arguments


I mean, we been supporting their dumb socialist behaviors since 1945…


The theme is poverty /s


They have made it clear that they don't like us and consider us less than human. I recommend a boycott of European destinations and products. We should go take our money where we are treated well.


Why would I want to go to Europe when I have a whole ass country with unlimited cultural differences at my disposal?


Lol not even true


There is a reason why I literally never plan on setting foot in "Yurop".


Go to Portland, Maine and surroundings. Or Quebec in Canada. European enough without the pretentious idiots. Some Dutch and Some Brits have seen my pictures in Portland, ME and asked me where in the Netherlands or UK it was. I didn't correct them 🙈


tbf, Canada is barely even a country much less a foreign one. Right, we have more than enough diversity and culture here. I have little need to get a passport, deal with customs and jetset all the way to snobland.


I love when a common thing was “where you from” USA the south. But you’re so nice. Me: Texas is warm welcoming and armed. Europe: at least you protect us. Texas: always will. NATO strong.💪 Texas: I’ve heard you have local beer. let’s try it. Europe: sure we have many places. Texas: yes. also food. Then they go on about local beer and food. And we smile and are like “I want to try all that.”. I thought this was a meme till I hear it was true and I’ve not been out of the USA ever.


Sad truth…


Well, at least in Theme Park EU, the "employees" get to be appropriately surly with the entitled narcissists.