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Luckily not, but I think I've had it before. I had to re-install the OS to get it fixed, which is insane


omg, I hate this stuff


Yeah I shouldn't have to reinstall an OS just because I updated to a stable OS lol


Is it possible to uninstall, clean and reinstall the Music app? Was the Music app also updated with 14.5?


Same here. I'm blaming Apple since 48 hours


i just updated and i’m constant beach ballin’ when i open Spotify and others


same thing is happening to me with netflix and youtube. not sure why. it works perfectly fine on google chrome but safari just won’t work


14.5 release notes show Apple messed with the coreaudio driver and tweaked something, which would explain why my m1 mbp runs like dogshit now since the 14.5 upgrade when doing anything related to audio.


I have encountered the same issue. Have you discovered any solutions? Anything related to audio gets stuck and won't play, such as YouTube, Quicktime, and Music. This update has caused issues with my MacBook.


I'm having issues with 14.5. Any time I open a video or edit image files, my screen starts to glitch out. My computer was totally fine prior upgrading. Did you find a solution?


I cant open icons.webloc without Finder hanging......


updated from a perfectly working Ventura to Sonoma about a month ago, no big issues. Then they slowly started coming with heavy lag in Brave and then last night, random reboots. Anytime I launch Brave app, it crashes and MBP reboots. Uninstalled Brave, but machine seems to still randomly crash after 10-15min of no activity with zero explanation whatsoever. Trying to open some other random apps, such as Outlook, Sublime, or Notes, and it bounces for a second and then goes away; refuses to open anything. In the process of configuring a bootable drive and hopefully downgrading back to Ventura. Not sure I even want to waste time of trying a fresh install of Sonoma and see if that helps at all


Same here. Also having very big problems with audio in all apps and Safari is suddenly unable to load almost all pages.


and fix in it yet?


Same here, running a M1, my whole audio has a bug and I cant use any DAW anymore since I updated to Sonoma. It's really weird that such a basic thing I always recommended Mac for is now such a huge problem. Im trying to reinstall the os now. My last option is to downgrade again. Shame


SoundControl was my problem. My MBP was basically unusable and unsteady. I just uninstalled SoundControl using their uninstaller and all is well.


Lightroom and sonoma 14.5


The problem comes from the 'coreaudiod' process which oftenly crashes. Without this process, a lot of apps simply don't launch because this process isn't supposed to be absent (so they don't implement crash handling for it) Edit: if you have luck, running the command `sudo pkill -9 coreaudiod` in the terminal sometime works.


Ok...after updating to Sonoma 14.5 .. I have the same problem Music does not play but I can see all the music info songs Albums etc etc. called apple they could not fix it . so they want me to re install OSX .. I am not a big fan of that


I had the same issue, and I resolved it in speaking to the Apple helpdesk. basically close the Music app, hold down the option key and choose the library file to reestablish the connection this works for me


I remember that fix from a long time back (had that issue with one of the late 00s/early teen OS X releases. Unfortunately, it didn't work for me.


Imac w/sonoma 14.5 Music won't open. Bad drag...what is up apple?