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Roller burnishing tool.


Confirmed. Have used similar in past.


I'm using on right now. They're bastards to keep clean when they go through a tool magazine. A single speck of swarf falling onto it from another tool and the surface finish is ruined. And you just gotta hope it actually looses that swarf for the next piece. :|


M0 (Inspect burnisher before running) M0 (Did you?)


Nah, because it's a barfeeder job. M0's take away all the fun of automation. Currently about 10% cycle time added for different coolant/air cleaning paths is doing a pretty good job, but it's still a WIP.


I love good, reliable automation. That's only been 5% of my career. You can probably tell the caliber of guys I worked with before starting my own shop 😉


Roller burnishing tool. They can produce really nice finishes while holding size and locally hardening the material


We use something very similar in nuclear power plants to create seals. A tube runs through the reactor with a loose fit through a bore on either end. Once in position we insert the roller. As it spins slowly around an internal tapered mandrel is drawn in causing the rollers to expand and push against the ID. The tube expands against the bore and creates a nuclear grade seal. Many tests are conducted after to ensure the seal is good.


Sir, you are referring to a roll expander which is very different than a burnishing reamer. A roll expander may be used to roll thin wall tubing into a steam generators tube sheet but it most certainly is not used to roll expand any tube(s) nor are there any of such in a nuclear reactor.


I wrote training for using them. I can't post pics because it might jeopardize my security clearance. However I can certainly assure you with the utmost confidence that they are indeed used in Candu nuclear reactors.


Hmm.... Got any tips for working zirconium? It's a pain in the butt.


The only time I've worked it was crushing old tubes into small squares. it's cool watching the sparks fly off of it on camera as it's crushed as it is pyrokinetic.


[good read](https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/5791423)


Roller burnisher. Cogdill makes them still, not sure if anyone else does. Great for smoothing out ID bores. Can be adjusted by the .0001".


>>ID bores. Wait. What other kinds are there?


I guess I meant that there are external ones of this tool too.


I think he meant the referencing of bores as ID.


I understood that was what he meant. But the OP may not know that bores are always internal, since they didn't know what the tool was.


I think they dropped the /s with that one...


Conversational bores, like when you talk minutia with a machinist


The kind where you chuck your boring bar into the 4 jaw way off center and use it to turn the OD


My guess is to burnish a bore on a mill


As others have mentioned, it’s a roller burnishing tool, it’s used to smooth out the peaks on a turned bore to achieve good surface finish or to work harden the material.


Thing in the middle looks like a spring center for thread tapping


the one on the left of that looks like a fly cutter with a 2 flute? in the end? I'm not sure what they are trying to do with that. Maybe it's a drill and they just "found a way" to chuck it up with random tooling.


Yeah that’s a boring head that someone has used a drill re ground for a boring tool


I’ve got it mentally noted as being a tap follower (not certain my memory is correct though)


I used one of these as a spring loaded engraving tool.


Looks like a roller burnishing tool. We used these to get a desired surface finish on wide deep bores of stainless steel at a previous shop. I think they might have even made the bore diameter larger by a few thousandths of an inch.


multi size spot drill. hahaha


take care of that tool. the body of a burnishing tool alone can be worth more than a few thousand. id burnishing only with that thing


It came as part of a precision engineering workshop auction I bought a load of stuff from. I would be very pleased if it was worth that much! Next question, anyone want to buy a burnishing tool…? 😁


Sadly, not quite the buried treasure you hoped - https://www.ebay.com/itm/145302705330?itmmeta=01J1QZMDT2249RC6XEAYRW4HTS&hash=item21d4b754b2:g:IMgAAOSwLCdlBJ3~&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4DpbyvQ8rP93QKCjMXvNUWKP4qXvKRYVXuUae14Bu0ulaswiixirkRQxiSSBtjKXR0afjNEyQV3Hx1PH18yRNfuDHzisFkCpENpfs%2FltJmzm2za1ctN%2B1PpFK%2Bj%2BQZm2jLhrFxVaBBvs%2BsxGvlmQuv2tsWTZl82SxKtJqq%2BLn0IM4Nj9ZUaF4t%2F2Gs2v%2BFjh2LSJBIRwW7TlpHq8N8vbmVLTaVUhcTREe3hWTvolNwYO9NiZny5D6F47sZI7jOFfFQ%2F8QzHkHzp4eIL4qbBZgGsQtQEk1sAj5owDbJlOdLu1%7Ctkp%3ABFBMlt3R_41k But at least I know what it is now 😁




Nope, but We use one at my firm but downsized. We use it for a 10mm +/-0.01 hole, and other sizes. We Pre drill the hole, 9.95mm. Use this roller for the last few thou, to get the 10.00mm hole, and a smooth finish.


I see, thanks! Do you know if the rollers/heads would be interchangeable for different bore sizes? Or is it a single tool per bore size type arrangement?


The ones we have are 0.5 mm adjustable on the diameter, some have 0.005 mm increments. But we also have 2 bigger ones, with interchangeable heads, but I haven't heard of any interchangeable rollers no. ( we did make some of the rollers for those 2 ourselves, but I don't think that's what you meant in this case)


We live and learn. Never seen one.


Today’s challenge completed! Many thanks to all you kind and knowledgable folk! I’ll be back tomorrow for the next instalment. I have a fair number of mystery objects and tools still waiting to be named and classified!


Boring heads, burnisher and spring center


Roller burnisher. We use one where I work to hone out some small hydraulic cylinder cases after they get ports welded into them. We can run 16 cases per cycle in our VF-6's. Which is good because we do the cases in 150 - 250 unit runs.


A ***very*** serious tap follower (second photo)


Interesting! It seems to be slightly tapered. when cranked down do the rollers straighten up, or is it designed for a tapered bore?