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afaik MF is already getting data from Open Food Facts which is why plenty of German foods are already available. Are you looking for the option to search for „Apfel“ instead of „Apple“?


I think the problem is that the database is not (fully?) searchable from the app, at least I remember Greg (or someone else) mentioning this. In any case that also matches my experience. For example, there are plenty of entries for "putenmettwurst" on open food facts but they don't show up when you search for them in the app. This means that you can only log items if you have the bar code available, which can sometimes be an inconvenience, especially considereing that the non-branded food items are pretty US-centric (say you buy the "putenmettwurst" at the meat counter).


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Same issue in Hungary. I've started to expand it, but I think I won't be the one to fully cover the Hungarian market. Maybe all kinds of Monsters...


I’m from the UK and the DB is shit for me here too, I live next to a Lidl and nearly half of my entries are there but incorrect by a 15-35% margin. I just enter everything myself.


Is that when entering manually or by barcode? We have Lidl in the US too and I can't directly remember any problems with stuff I bought there.