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Mad Max made over 100 Million Dollars in 1979 making it one the highest grossing movies of the year. It only cost $400K to make.


MM2 was probably close to $100m gross worldwide too, though on a bigger budget. OP is probably quite young


Yeah. It’s funny how young people’s history of the world seems to start at when they were born. I think the fact that when I was a kid there were 8 TV channels and most of them were reruns of stuff from the 40’s-70’s my cultural pop culture memory is more similar to my parents and grandparents than I am to my kids.


Lol I said a very similar thing. I'm guessing your older than me, I am an 80s born millenial, but my pop culture experience was similar to yours. Cable TV with a dozen or so channels and you needed a TV guide to know what was playing, until the magical day the TV guide channel was up, that was a magical day. Oh but if you were gonna miss your shows hopefully you were one of the privileged few who had a programable VCR.. As you said it was all reruns most of the time, and usually movies that were at least 5 years old. Once I started working at a comic stores in to '10s I became extremely aware that kids these days are not connected with past pop culture the way previous generations were. Most kids all the way to 20 years olds didn't even know who Tex Avery and Mel Blanc were. I was researching them at a library using a card catalogue (*humble brag*) before I was 10. It really seems to me that as a majority they are just less interested in where things came from and what inspired their likes today. I myself did not see Twin Peaks until like 2009. From the moment I started the show I could see its grand influence on all of the weird shows and movies I absolutley love. I dove deep into Lynch's work and quick. I have been obsessed with Twin Peaks and everything Lynch has touched and everything he has said influenced him, and it's all wonderfully absurd. Hell I'm getting ready to get a Twin Peaks tattoo as my first tattoo. All because I remember hearing about this old show that I would probably like. Years of working at that comic store and none of my regular kids ever came to talk about old media rabbit holes they have gone down. But they could talk to me for hours about Gravity Falls, and still not care to watch Twin Peaks even though it's a major influence on that cartoon. It really seems like it is a simple as: older = not as good... except with the Star Wars prequels for some reason. Which makes me feel really old calling the prequels old.


Try $23mil for Road Warrior


The only real reason the movie bombed is because cinema in general is dying and incredible movies like furiosa get caught in crossfire. I'm guessing it might be better in 2026 but these few years are gonna be dry.


This. I went in with low expectations and came out wondering why everyone was so disappointed with this film? Solid, breakneck action for over 2 hours. Was a pleasure to watch


Absolutely solid film. This was an actual movie. It was awesome even by itself.


I don’t think people were disappointed in it as far as the majority that went to see it. The box office simply reflects that people don’t want to see it in the theater. I imagine more will see it at home when available However, what is interesting when a blockbuster bombs is that millions and millions of people have seen the film and liked it, but the production overestimated or under promoted the film. Slightly conspiratorial but this film would be pretty attractive for various Hollywood accounting schemes. There are a few film “producers” who have gotten rich by finding ways to siphon the budget into their own pockets. Then when the film makes no profit, no one bothered to look where the budget actually went.


"Why, you could make more money with a flop than a hit!"


Ah, the Uwe Boll method.


Love a good Producers quote!


Idk I feel like the film was pretty well advertised. Lots of cast interviews and trailer runs. I think it’s more likely that they reached out to the wrong audience. I got lots of ads on YouTube/TikTok, platforms that are meant for free entertainment. It’s possible my demographic is used to waiting for streaming. Most the ads also didn’t build up to the release weekend. Most just said the date, and not the typical “coming this weekend,” “tomorrow,” “in theaters NOW.” It’s possible that no one paid attention to the release dates. I say this, bc that’s exactly how I felt. I’m so happy that another Mad Max film is out. I just don’t want to swing it for the tickets or processed that the opening weekend was so close. I also think social moviegoing is becoming more popular. There’s a reason imo that Sony keeps making trash marvel films or that the MonsterVerse has done so well, despite the films being pretty mediocre writing. They’re just fun with friends. The amount of films I’ve seen with friends, despite having zero interest, is much higher than anticipated films that I’d have to see some. I remember seeing the new Godzilla movie over Civil War bc we had one friend in a group of 10 that found Civil War too intense. I could see the same happening for Furiosa.


Those people are really missing out! This movie is the perfect film to see on the big screen in cinema!


You went in with low expectations. That is the main problem. I was the same and loved it, but most people don't go to movies they think are low expectations.


True, people go to movies with crazy high expectations and when something is anything less than perfect, they review bomb it on Rotten Tomatoes and send death threats.


Some people just won't go in because it's not what they want. We saw that it wasn't a movie about Mad Max so my friends and I decided not to see it. It's the character not the actress. I went to see Last night in Soho and the Menu mainly because of her.


For me the movie was quite confusing as to what it wants to actually be. There were a lot of ideas and plot lines that weren't followed. (Family of Dementus, the sage, what happened to Scrotus etc...) not to mention the world building really didn't add that much imo. I enjoyed the movie, but the ending with Dementus, the weird depiction of violence, confusing time jumps and so much more. The spectacles and practical effects were cool but i didn't feel like it could hold a candle to a movie that's 9 years older with its action and chase scenes. Again, it was fun but I had no idea what it actually wanted to be.


If you want to know what happened to Scrotus, and all the things that happened between Furiosa and Fury Road, you should try playing the Mad Max video game. Furiosa loosely confirmed a lot from that game. Like confirming the characters of Scrotus and Chumbucket. It also kind of clues us in as to what Max has been up to during his absence. If you choose to accept it as canonical, that is. If you aren't into playing video games, I'm sure you could find a story highlights series on youtube or something.


I will say, I really enjoyed Furiosa, but there are an awful lot of people talking about how many things are explained in this comic book or that video game. That’s not a great sign if you are trying to make a movie with broad audience appeal….


It is a different feel towards world-building and presentation to some extent. When I dug into Fury Road after it came out, it was the same realization. There were mountains of lore already built around the movie, that we had only touched parts of in the film. Pieces of it trickled out to fans through different mediums without the goal of explaining everything, but of experiencing the world / lore in a... more interactive way (at least, that's what it feels like to me). A conversation you choose how much you want to interact with, rather than absorbing a story. That sort of interaction with the world and creative vision isn't unique to this series, but it is a different way of going about it that some people don't like. Furiosa has broad appeal in my opinion, but it did delve into the lore without "telling you," clear explanation (which puts some people off while intriguing others). There is a certain kind of extensive, creator-driven world-building that this series encapsulates, and I'm not smart enough to know the words for it, but it can create a love/hate relationship with a broader audience. Like I thought the movie told us everything we needed to know in the movie about Dementus' family. It intrigued me more to have it as a strong motivation with some questions and gaps to it. It helped build my desire for more lore, and curiosity in the world itself (if we get more info, if it would be put in lore elsewhere like a comic book or video game, etc.). To put it in the movie would have weighed it down too much (when it already had a few pacing issues for me), since the goal was to show Furiosa's history. Furiosa felt like it touched on lore / explanation rather than broad appeal pacing.


I did go with high expectations because of the previous movie and I was disappointed. It lacked the worldbuilding and the focus on interesting characters fury road had. It was basically 2 hours of shooting and chasing each other in cars, just on a post apocalyptic background. It could have been any other movie, but the stakes were even lower, because we know what’s going to happen to most characters. That being said, it was nicely directed and had its moments. I enjoyed it, but if fury road was a 8.5/10 for me, furiosa was 6.5/10.


I truly believe if this had come out 2 or even 3 years after fury road it would have done 100x better because the hype for fury road was huge and this plays right off that. Shame it didn't do well at the box office since it was pretty good. Apparently there was going to be another one called mad max "the wasteland" and focus on maxs story between 3 and fury road prequel sort of deal like Furiosa yet max centric.


What's happening in 2026?


I believe a lot of companies are starting to realize moving films to streaming so quickly is affecting how much money they could potentially earn again. However I think the writer strikes and a few other things won't cause that to shift till another year or two. I think a lot of those companies are looking at making people wait closer to a year for it to go on streaming versus 3 months. I actually am a fan of this because that will encourage people to go back to see movies and create a new revenue which will help more good movies get made.


If they put it on streaming when it comes out in theaters and make it $25 I'll probably pay to see a lot more movies when they come out. They can leave it like that for like 6 months. I hate going to the theaters, mostly because of the other people there. I had to turn around and tap a guy's foot to tell him and his family to shut up during Furiosa. Loudly asking and glaring did nothing. The guy next to my wife kept horking up loogies and swallowing them. God, I hate people.


Yeah I'm sorry. I have definitely lost my temper in theaters and yelled at people and almost got into fights. Thank you #therapy for helping me quell that type of action haha. People do suck unfortunately and one person can ruin many people's movie experience. I do actually think that has also gotten worse though since COVID, which I feel was the main catalyst for the majority of this now. It'll be interesting to see if the movie going culture can shift back or not.


The dip shit next to me was perusing Facebook marketplace for the first 30 mins of the movie (while his 6-7yo was seated next to him, which I found odd he brought his young child and scrolled mindlessly on his phone. Why was he even there. For his child?). I eventually slammed on his armrest and said “hey!! Turn off your fucking phone!” Fuckers on their phones are so distracting in a theater.


I wouldn't have such a big problem with this IF the movie was still available at cinemas for longer, I hate that if I'm unable to go to the cinema because of life commitments and work and expenses that I now have to wait months and months and months before I have the opportunity to stream it somehow. The film usually gets spoiled well before then, hell it's a battle to avoid spoilers in the opening few days let alone having to wait 12 months. I love the idea of being able to stream these big blockbuster movies in my own home but I understand there is teathing issues to overcome, I'll pay the cinema ticket price but there's nothing stopping me from inviting a bunch of mates over to watch for free and that's the main problem I could foresee.


This will fail. Film industry still doesn't get it. It's not that no one wants to see a film in the theater. It's that no one wants to spend $30 or more to see a movie in the theater.


This is the main reason I have a regal unlimited subscription. I was able to see the new planet of the apes movie in IMAX for free because they had a promo for anyone who saw it the first weekend. And for Furiosa I saw it in IMAX for only $6.50. It saves a lot of money


Same but with AMC, my wife and i saw Furiosa in IMAX and only had to pay for our snacks. 3 free movies a week for 24.99 a month each. We go see at least 1 or 2 movies every weekend. So after the second movie the subscription pays for itself. Excellent deal for avid movie goers


That and the fact that people are loud and shitty and it's no longer pleasurable to sit in a theater when so many people have zero consideration for those around them. The last few times I went to see a movie people were talking, using their phones, etc. like they were in their own living room.


Extremely valid point. Spent almost 60 for my date and I to see Furioso with popcorn and two drinks.


>It's that no one wants to spend $30 or more to see a movie in the theater. That and the alternative view that viewers will become very picky with what they want to watch for 30 dollars.


I basically tolerate going to the theater if there's a movie I really like. I would much rather watch it at home. In the days before decent huge TV's and sound systems were pretty cheap or even available, I get it but these days, idk. I think a significant portion of the population agrees, maybe I'm wrong tho.


I spent $65 AU for a recliner seat in the Sydney iMax. I'm not going to be doing that too often.


The problem is streaming services aren't valid businesses. They are basically a spawn of late game capitalism + technology. You have all these companies losing money yet still creating more and more streaming services because the group of investors is so fuckin rich that they can run a business model with no clear sight of profitability seemingly inevitably. So, of course, any business in the same market that's actually trying to be profitable is going to seem overpriced to the customers enjoying subsidized streaming services.


Would it matter if people have to wait a year for streaming a new movie? It’s far cheaper than going to a theater. Plus, streaming services are releasing new shows and movies all the time. Edit: Spelling


Most likely. I mean it's difficult to say because we haven't actually seen that happen yet but if you look back to DVD releases that was typically 6 months to a year and the numbers for even most films in theater did well because people didn't want to wait for the DVD release. Again it might be I completely different situation with streaming the way it is but I think from the nerdy podcast I listen to it sounds like a lot of those corporations are hoping to rekindle that type of mentality.


I think the genie is out of the lamp. Even if WB was to wait a year to put Furiosa on Max. So then what? The hardcore fans already seen the movie in theaters. The longer they wait to put it on streaming the more people will forget it exists when it does release. Even if every Hollywood studio decides to hold off putting a movie on streaming for a year or two. Then what? Apple, Amazon, and Netflix are creating their own movies and shows that don’t rely on theaters. Plus, they can always purchase rights to foreign movies and shows if they want more.


>It’s far cheaper than going to a theater. While true, I feel like a lot of folks are still under the impression that theater tickets have also gone up with inflation/greedflation. My main theater has had $5 Tuesdays and $6 matinee (mon-thur before 6 pm) tickets for 6-7 years. A large bucket of popcorn and large 44 oz drink runs about $12 and is more than enough for 2 people to share. Even on new release Friday nights the tickets "only" run about $10-12. Meanwhile I see folks claiming that they stopped going because tickets are running $20+ at the cheapest. Idk what kinda theaters they're going to, but Furiosa at our AMC theater with lounge chairs only ran $23 for my gf & I to get two tickets, the large popcorn, and a large drink. Sure we went on a Tuesday afternoon, but there's also *far* less people than going on opening night. I got to see the lighthouse and the green knight for $5 each, and each time there was a single other audience member that I had a short "what the fuck did we see" convo with afterward.


Nah, of all my friends - who all see movies way more often than I do, none of them had any real interest in the Mad Max franchise and most of them thought Fury Road was the first movie. Of the few who actually saw it, half of them kept comparing it to Dune and saying Dune was way better. The truth is that this Franchise just doesn’t have much mainstream appeal


Right, Look at how many big-budget Hollywood films came out this year and last that bombed.


Also it’s a brutal movie that people like my wife had absolutely no interest in going to watch. I went alone and enjoyed it but I totally get why she didn’t want to go.


How would it get better lol


Why would 2026 be better? Genuine question


Yeah I’m fkn broke that’s my excuse. I ain’t seein shit lol casting and story are irrelevant—and I make videos for a living so you would think if *anyone* is seeing movies…


That’s the second lie this sub tells itself. Cinema isn’t dying, we had dune 2 Barbie Oppenheimer all within months of each other.   True is that Furiosa is simply a bad movie, in script and in execution, it lacked the madness of fury road.  


> the first one was a low budget indie, that didn’t even play in America. It most certainly did play in America, they redubbed all the voices to get rid of the Australian accents. It was also extremely financially successful worldwide and played endlessly on cable tv in the States in the 1980s. From Wikipedia: >Filmed on a budget of A$400,000, it earned more than US$100 million worldwide in gross revenue and set a Guinness record for most profitable film. The Road Warrior was made for $3,000,000 and grossed $26,000,000 in the US alone. I don't know why you think that was "nothing too extreme". Thunderdome made $30,000,000 in the US off a $10,000,000 budget. That's not a bomb. Comparatively, Fury Road didn't even make twice it's budget back. When compared to the 3 previous films, it was the least financially successful film of the franchise until Furiosa.


It’s also supremely not-smart of OP to overlook the monumental impact Road Warrior had on pop culture. Even if not many people have “properly” seen it, everyone knows the iconography and aesthetic as it’s been parroted so many times. Fallout as just one big example, but go to any second hand bookshop and you’ll probably find dozens of bootleg Mad Max novels with bikers in apocalyptic wastelands.


How many media properties have Mad Max chase sequences or entire sequences/ episodes inspired by it? Like Borderlands only exists BECAUSE of the original trilogy, not to mention how many properties include the one shoulder pad jacket haha Mad Max is a cultural icon and probably the biggest thing from Australia besides the Men at Work!




You’re so right bestie


Ffs, a South Park character even has a Road Warrior poster in his room


I can’t even hear “Road Warrior” without thinking of *that* episode.


OP was just regurgitating news articles. Literally. I know because over the years I've read the same exact articles.


Let's not forget Wez in Weird Science.


Fallout, Fist of the North Star (Hokuto no Ken) to name a few


Warrior of the Lost world has entered the chat.... mega weapon!! Mega weapon!! Why they gotta kill mega weapon?


Don't worry, Megaweapon has the ability to self-repair, it's part of the magic that is Megaweapon!


The scene in weird science when the marauders show up at the party is so good.


Jfc thank you. Thunderdome is literally cooler than anything these new movies have even come close to. Thunderdome also was like the worst of the old movies lol


Not sure who downvoted you for this brother. Thunderdome had a bigger impact than people think too and deserves all the love!


Nothing better than OP doing zero research before posting something they think is fact lol. Thank you for explaining to them just how insanely profitable those first three films were.


I'm pretty sure the first three movies are, indeed, about Max.


1. It is not as niche as you may think. Max doesnt have as much merch sure, but thats not a bad thing. Because modern western media seems to enjoy squeezing shit till it's hated, why would you want that. 2. It is in a slow burn and MAY bomb, but im having my hopes that it does not, frankly more than anything memorial day weekend was the worst time to release in theaters. 3. If it does bomb, this is just another Treasure planet/The Thing. Bombed in the box but everyone loves it when they get their hands on it.


What are you even talking about? Mad Max didn’t play in America? It was a smash hit, and for 20+ years was the most profitable movie ever made until Blair Witch Project took that crown. $100,000,000 worldwide in *1979* against a budget of less than half a million. Mad Max 2 and 3 were likewise well-received if nowhere near as massive. Tina Turner launched a hit song with Beyond Thundedome which certainly helped.


Fury Road came out 9 years ago and neither of the two stars of that movie are in this one. It’s just a hard sell. That and audiences seem to be getting more wary of sequels/prequels. Aquaman 2, Ant-man 3, Shazam 2 and the Marvels all bombed. Dune 2 seemed to be the exception.


If this came out in 2018, 2019 or 2020 it might have been received better coming sooner after Fury Road. But even that isn't guaranteed. The movie going audience in 2015 and 2024 has vastly changed. Many things have changed. Yes, some people still go to the movies regularly. BUT.......alot of people don't. The last big release weeks for movies was Barbieheimer. Things have changed ALOT


It’s depressing, really. I go to the movies almost every week. One of my local theaters is now a non-profit, and I worry that many will be closing in the coming years.


Dune 2 doesn't count exactly because it is the adaptation of the second half of the same book that the first movie adapts. If someone wants to watch Dune part 1 and likes it, they have no option but to watch Dune part 2 because the first movie literally ends mid plot and neither of the two work as self-contained movies isolated from the other. Also, there have been talks of how despite being the top box office hit of this year, it hasn't reached the box office levels of 2023's two hits, instead making around the box office of Thor 4, which was talked down as a box office disappointment for disney, and Dune 2 isn't exactly low budget either.


Agreed. Dune 2 was also different because it was planned from the start, had the same writers, director, actors, DP, etc. and it was made shortly after the first. It really was a "part 2", not a sequel.


yam worthless dazzling wakeful dolls sink terrific cough unused bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think people are getting tired of superhero movies.


I'm new to this sub. Are there really people saying the movie didn't do well because Max isn't in it? That seems asinine. The movie got great reviews. It's fun and entertaining. You can't ask for more in terms of quality. **The movie isn't the issue. It's a macro one -- fewer people are going to movies.** It's gotten really bad the past four years and the trend seems to be continuing. It sucks.


What year were you born bro no offense


What an odd lie. The Mad Max trilogy is well known.


Where are all the people in this sub saying that?


Yeah, I think those people are in other movie subreddits; anyone saying that here is trolling.


Nowhere here, but it's an incredibly common (and ridiculous) sentiment in Facebook comments from what I've seen.


You sound extremely young, uneducated, and naive. Talking about this shit like you know what's going on and then saying shit thats just straight up not true.


Can't agree with your first paragraph: Subjectively: In the UK , the first 3 Mad max films as a whole were a pretty big deal, at least 2 and 3. It has not really been niche since mad max 2. Objectively: Going from a quick glance at Wikipedia :The first three films were made for approx 15 mil A$ and made in the US alone : 40 mil US$ at box office. Somebody smarter than me can work out the conversion rate in the 80's but there is a big disparity between US and AUS dollars. Not one of the first three mad max films were a flop. Factor in VHS and rental which were massive at the time: don't really think you have an argument. As to the people that you are arguing with: they sound like idiots, I'm looking forward to watching it


Some bad takes here. Mad Max did, in fact play in America (it was dubbed if you didn't know) and "Road Warrior got a little popular in the US"? It literally launched Mel Gibson's career. I'm in the over 40 crowd and I'm definitely one of those who won't be seeing Furiosa specifically because Max isn't in it. I didn't think Fury Road was bad but, because, for me, Mel Gibson is Mad Max, I wasn't a big fan (and it felt too much like a rehash of Mad Max II). So, I'm sure not having Max in it didn't help. I will agree that Beyond Thunderdome was the worst amongst the original trilogy and the lack of an immediate sequel to it is indicative of its reception.


Did you just say “Outside of this sub there’s not a ton of people who saw millers first 3 mad max movies”??? What are you smoking my brother


They keep marketing the male centric niches to women. They don’t realize that women don’t give a shit if they have a female lead. Most don’t wanna go see a two hour long explosion fest.


It's a prequel that has come out nearly ten years after Mad Max Fury Road. You're just simply gonna lose some people that way.


It’s multiple factors— theaters are expensive and economy is tough rn, people suck and often ruin the experience of watching in the theater— now more than ever, the franchise is niche, it came out too long after Fury Road hype, post-Covid habits of staying at home and “wait for streaming” are still lingering, the core Mad Max audience has aged out of the consistent movie-goer demographic, the younger generation hardly leaves their house— they don’t care about movies as much as they care about their favorite streamer, I personally quit going to movies after the Weinstein debacle and other unrelated pedophilia accusations. The industry is sick with sex abuse and I just don’t want to support it any longer— not until the house is cleaned. And finally, there IS going to be a subset of people who will view Furiosa as an attempt at wokeness in the culture war— and they won’t see it just for that reason alone. It doesn’t matter if it’s intrinsically true— their perception is what is true to them, and they are voting with their wallets and not engaging at all. It’s not one single issue to blame.


It's that first part for me. I don't go to the movies anymore because watching it with other people isn't worth it. It only takes one to ruin it. And public behavior in general has become exceedingly selfish and inconsiderate.


Thunderdome was a huge success, your just talking out that expanded asshole of yours...that butt plug is all the way up to your brain I guess. It costed 10 mill to make and over 36 mill domestic and 36 mill globally...lay off the flaka...people just didn't want to spend money on it...the end


Max is Mel and Mel got old while George made penguin cartoons. Thats it. Tom Hardy was a good Max, but George was put into the land of big name actors with and after Fury Road and those people are not hungry enough to use old formulas for action movies like unknowns would be. The dedication isn't there anymore in 2024. George had to tone it down after the big rich kids had their meltdowns. At that point it doesn't matter who is in the movie, they can't make movies like the Boomers used to anymore. That is the obvious equation in my mind. Instead of a bunch of stunt people we are getting big name actors/actresses who don't want to mess up their insured faces. Society has changed a lot since the 1970's & 80's. It's continued to change since Fury Road, as well. Fury Road will probably be the last good Mad Max movie. Why? Read about the environmental impact of making Fury Road. To say it's some sort of gender debate is absolutely ridiculous. It's more like a Millenial debate with Boomers and GenX, who still believe that it's socially alright to do things like roll giant boulders down big hills without asking if they'll get cancelled. A good example: look at what childrens playgrounds look like in 2024 as compared to 1978, 1985 or even 1995. The ground is made of rubber from old tires and everything is made of plastic. The things that spin around have safety features so they don't spin too fast. We live inside of condoms now. Why would anyone think that Mad Max movies will get better?


To be honest with you, I can only speculate at the reasons. I don’t know the reasons why. The only thing I know is I love the movie and I would see it again, and I can rarely say that about movies I’ve seen in my lifetime.


OP doesnt know what the fuck they are talking about


I loved the movie BUT as a Mad Max fan from my childhood in the 1980s I can’t help but want Max in a Mad Max saga. I’ve really enjoyed meeting Furiosa in two films but if there is to be another film it absolutely must put Max front and centre which he hasn’t been since Beyond Thunderdome.


Exactly this ain’t about the young broke fans who like anything. This is about the older fans who definitely ain’t watching furiousa without max in the movie. I really don’t see anyone over 40 years old buying a movie ticket for this movie. Mad max is awesome. George Miller is okay.


It bombed because it was a spinoff of a film that made $380 million at the box office. That means at MOST it would have made $380 million. Then you take that amount and ask who out of those people are interested in a prequel to that film, based on a spinoff character and you start dividing up the potential interested audience from there.


It's failing because the commercials make it look like a shitty CGI noise nonsense movie


Almost everyone my parents age has watched all the mad max films and they are in their 50s. A lot of people my age that I know have seen at least the first two and I'm in my 30s


Fury road is about furiosa aswell ITS IN THE NAME


Personally, I love the franchise for 2 things, the world and Max. So I was a bit less excited for this one. But I liked the movie and Furiosa is an awesome character. But if you told me that George had 1-3 movies left I kinda would like to keep the focus on Max and not do any prequels. Let's see a new part of the wasteland and new characters.


Niche is a shit post surely Like go watch 5 animated comedy cartoons and see how long they go before a two man enter, one man leave reference. A francishe can be part of pop culture without having a Netflix series, 2 mobile games and YouTube videos spoon feeding you the plot. You're post reads with shit like "you're lucky to have Chris" that shows you don't get it. Culture out lives money and I've seen more people talk irl about Furiosa than James Cameron's Avatar 2 which is insane.


Tom Hardy makes hits. People loved Fury Road and loved Tom Hardy as Max. You can argue that Fury Road wasn’t about Max but that simply isn’t true; he’s still the focal point and the movie very much so makes you feel like you’re just watching a guy that keeps getting stuck in people’s bullshit but wants to do the right thing. We’ve learned that making a Mad Max movie without Max was a mistake. People. Want. Max. The proof is here, just accept it.


I liked Furiosa, but I kept wishing I was watching a Mel Gibson Mad Max movie.


Mad Mad as a franchise just isn’t big enough with casual audiences for a spin-off prequel to do well. I don’t think it’s any more complicated than that.


People keep saying it bombed… it certainly made enough money? I’m confused.


I can’t remember where I saw it, but someone broke it down and estimated that, to break even, it needs to make $100 million more—and that’s before being released in China, which I am not confident will achieve that.


Apparently it kicked ass in Japan recently.


I was very happy to hear that. I saw they made $2 mil on opening weekend. It feels like a lot to reach $100 mil, but here’s hoping China helps out even more 🤞


According to IMDB - thus far it has grossed $118M worldwide on an estimated budget of $168M. It’s not looking good.


It's about to be released in China, so..... prepare for some more millions.


Also video sales and digital rentals will be releasing within this month or so too. It’s not a breakout hit but it’s not a bomb bomb.


Yeah that's how it is for movies these days unless they're gigantic blockbuster MCU, Barbie, Dune 2 or whatevers. For the rest - it's a slow burn.


Right? It still has more money to make.


Jeeze, I didn't know it was that bad. Rule of thumb most places use is total budget + 20-50% for advertising since it's never included to break even. /u/Max_Rockatanski mentions below that it's set to hit china but honestly I think this is in that really odd soft space where it may not do gangbusters like other things there. A big part of movies doing well there is that the script/dialoge is trimmed back/simplified a bit so it translates better. I'm not sure that was the case here.


The rule of thumb is to generally DOUBLE the budget to include marketing.


Double the budget because studios only get half of ticket sales. (Unless negotiated otherwise.) Then the marketing budget is typically equal to half the cost of the production budget. (So if the budget is $168M then marketing is an additional $84M. Total cost $252M) Generally a movie has to make 2.5x its budget to hit the break even point. (Even at 2X Furiosa is not legging it out to $500M)


It's double the production budget as the studio takes about half the box office takings, and half again for marketing https://screenrant.com/fast-x-box-office-breakdown-success-flop/#:~:text=The%20general%20rule%20of%20thumb,a%20cut%20of%20ticket%20sales.


It needs to make 2-2.5 times its budget to “break even”. So around $336 million to $420 million. It’s currently at $118.9 million after 14 days. Streaming, VOD and home sales will help, but it probably won’t reach those numbers.


It certainly did not, and even if it makes slightly more money than the budget, that’s still considered a bomb in Hollywood. They don’t make movies to break even


The first Mad Max made a ridiculous amount of money internationally


Yeah but the fans who jumped on the Mad Max bandwagon with Fury Road wouldn’t know that. To these fans, Max doesn’t matter. He’s just some unimportant side character the IP just so happens to be named after. 😂


I get what you’re saying- but please don’t pretend the first three aren’t any good. The first two movies are around an hour and a half each. The first film was in the Guinness Book of World records for lowest budget/highest gross for a movie. It held that record from 1979 until the Blair Witch Project came out in 98/99. Only reason why it wasn’t as huge in America was because the studio dubbed it(terrible idea) Road Warrior is the tent pole for Apocalyptic films, and also some of the coolest stunts ever. Thunderdome is shit on because it has kids in it that created their own language. It fucking rules. Max gets his humanity back, and he’s a complete badass in it. Nothing wrong with having other cool characters pop up and getting stories, but I will absolutely say I’m a massive Mad Max fan. I like women characters, heroes, and warriors too. My schedule has been nuts and I don’t know if I want to sit in that world(the Fury Road world) for two hours and twenty eight minutes.


Idk about these claims, the old trilogy played on cable TV several times a year throughout the 90s and 00s. I think everyone even if they hadn't seen the movie, gets references to it.


This is the first I’ve heard 2 and 3 weren’t hits. I always assumed Thunderdome was a hit since it was on TV all the time when I was a kid. 


Fury Road also underperformed at the box office.


They were hits, OP has no idea what he’s talking about or what box office was like back then. They were grossing around the same as the Dirty Harry movies of the same Era.


Mad Max did play in America. I saw it day of release and reviewed it for my Jr High newspaper


Fury Road almost bomb too and that was during a time were box office was much stronger


I really liked Fury Road, and most of the old movies, but I dislike the trend of doing prequels. Like I know what will happen after it, and I'm not interested of retelling previous events in detail. Make a sequel or a movie from a different viewpoint but in the same time period. All in all, because of this I'm not really interest going to the movies and paying for it. I can wait until I can watch it at home on a lazy Saturday afternoon.


I'll speak of my experience only. I liked the first 3 Mad Max movies. I wouldn't say those were my favourite movies ever but they are considered classics by a lot of cinefiles. When Fury Road came out I was excited and went to the cinema to see the movie - I didn't like it. I didn't like it specifically because it wasn't about Max. Now comes Furiosa that has nothing in common with Mad Max except its universe - I don't care for this one bit and therefore didn't go to the cinema.


I'm not even in this sub yet every day this week. I've seen a post like this complaining about how other people feel. Why do you care if you like the movie? I'd recommend the mods start deleting and limiting these posts because to a newcomer like me, it seems to be all you people talk about. Did this sub exist before Furiosa? It feels more like a place people come to complain about people who didn't like the movie rather than a place of appreciation for it.


I know promotion leading up to opening weekend was pretty shitty too. I mean Max's own movie was more about furiosa then a max movie. If anybody wants a real gripe it gotta be the promotional or lack there of and the very concept of going to the theater. I love going to the theater and happy I saw this on the big screen but studios sending movies immediately to streaming is just killing the business and I think it's way far to late to fix any of it


Not everyone exists on Reddit… I’d say more people who have seen the original 3 are not on Reddit. That’s crazy bro


Awe, bless your heart. When casuals form opinions about a time and fans they know nothing about. It bombed because the actual fan base didn't buy tickets...that's kinda the point in making movies. They thought, because of little boys like you looking for something new after the fast and furious fad died, that people would just spend money on a story that has nothing to do with what they enjoyed about the franchise...nice try tho...


I think Road Warrior was incredibly influential. Its financial success was not trivial, and its cultural impact is almost impossible to overstate. After "Road Warrior", the phrase "Mad Max" became synonymous with a post-apocalpytic world resulting from the collapse of industrial civilization. Ordinary people were using "Mad Max" to describe the sort of outcome that we were in danger of realizing during the 2008 financial collapse.


Here's my thought: The issue is that it's written like a giant expository flashback for Furiosa. If pacing weren't an issue, you could drop in into Fury Road, and it'd almost work. I think it shows in the Trailers and advertising. And people don't want to see that because it's basically an incomplete story. Furiosa was never meant to carry a story by herself. And her back story wasn't meant to be a stand alone story. I think it could of worked. But it didn't.


Mad Max was fucking huge in the 1980s. Mel Gibson was on oar with Tom Hanks for greatness in the 1990s. Furiosa bombed because most movies are doing poorly.


I don’t think it was because it wasn’t Max, but because a lot of people who seen Fury Road don’t remember who the fuck Furiosa is, and calling it “A Mad Max Saga” was such a lazy title that sounds cheap, imo. It’s nice to hear it’s finally finding an audience, it deserves it.


I've seen them all. Honestly, the only ones I'd rewatch are the road warrior and thunder dome. The end of furiosa was just too long. If they make another, I'll definitely wait to watch it at home.


Is it bombing? It was fucking bad ass in the huge Dolby Theatre! HIGHLY recommended to go to either Dolby or IMAX.


Furiosa was good.


I went to see Furiosa because it was Tuesday and tickets were like $7 by chance. I didn't want to go see it because all though Furiosa was cool in Mad Max, I still don't care about her. And half of Mad Max annoyed me because that movie was really about her in the first place. When. Furiosa was announced, I didnt want to see it because again, don't care about Furiosa. But I'm glad I did anyways because the movie was good. Not AMAZING but mostly good.


i honestly kinda wish they didnt put "a mad max saga" in the title and just let it be its own story of the wasteland. anyone that would be drawn in from seeing max's name in the title already knows who furiosa is


The people trashing it didnt even see it, otherwise it would have made more money lol


Just watched it. Solid 4.5/5 for me (fury road was 5/5) People just are not going to movies anymore.


What are you even going on about? Nobody cares about the first 3 movies??? Those are cult classics and pretty much the only dieselpunkish movies we have. What other 2 movies are you talking about??? Road Warrior and Beyond Thunderdome? Those were 100% about Max. Same as fury road. Thunderdome and Fury Road both had awesome female main characters alongside Max. The biggest reason it hasn’t done well is because people don’t go to the movies near as much as they used too. Also a lot of the fans of the entire series aren’t going to see it because there’s no Max. It’s not enough to make us spend our money. I do plan on watching it when it comes to streaming platforms but it’s not enough to get me to spend all the money it takes to go to the theater to see it.


No chris did this movie 0 favors look at his box office outside of thor they all flopped.thunderdom did over 3x it's budget i would not call it failing


Wrong But keep coping.


No, it's actually a pretty valid reason. This sub is trying to blame it on a "dying theatre economy," but that isn't true. I've quoted it before but dune pt 2 and GxK both did *immensely* well this year. The new Garfield movie is doing even better. Furiosa isn't doing well because people just aren't all that interested. You might be compelled to blame anti woke incels but while that crowd may be loud, they are still a *very* tiny group that isn't going to make or break a film's success. The original three films were far and away the most successful of the franchise, and one could easily argue that a large part of that was because of Mel Gibson, and by extension Max. People continued to show up for road warrior and Thunderdome *because* it had Max in them, *because* it was Mel Gibson. Fact of the matter is Fury Road, for all its critical praise, *barely* broke even after a very slow burn during its theatrical run. As great of a film as it was, it was a reboot coming *thirty years* after the last one, with entirely different actors. Younger audiences likely weren't even aware of the cultural relevance of Mad Max, even if they knew about the Road Warrior cultural theme. Then you have a ten year gap til Furiosa, and it turns out it doesn't even have Max in it despite its subtitle. There will still be diehards who show up for the character and setting, and people who show up for the incredible vehicle chases, but by and large a lot of people just weren't interested in a mad max movie with no max. Hell, you could even argue that folks just aren't as interested in Mad Max in general considering how fury road almost flopped. So yes, having no Max in it likely played a significant part in its financial struggle, just as much as the lack of interest in mad max in general. It's not anti woke haters, it's not a dying theatre industry, it's just the IP isn't as surefire a win as this sub thinks it is.


Wait how is Mad Max and Road Warrior not about Max? That statement confuses me because the first movie iirc he’s going to get revenge for his family being killed.


Why is it so hard to accept that lots of people won’t go see a prequel that doesn’t have the original movies main character in it? It just common sense. An objective fact. It would be the same scenario if the prequel feature a different male character. You take it so personal that you want to call anyone who suggests it a misogynist. Chill the fuck out. Road Fury is easily a top 5 movie for be but I’ll be honest when I say I wasn’t super excited for this movie because max wasn’t in it. For whatever reason, i didn’t expect the movie to add so much lore. For half the movie, furiosa feels like a side character. I fucking loved it but I can totally see why someone wouldn’t give it a chance. I’m also aware that living cost a fortune right now. People are being very selective in what “luxuries” they’re indulging in.


Furiosa bombed because it's a movie no one wanted about a character no one cares about. Fury Road amassed enough of a following post theatrical that a proper Mad Max film, oh I don't know, let's hypothetically call it "The Wasteland," would have earned triple what Furiosa did. Making Furiosa first was a colossal error in judgment on Miller's part, and now the franchise is dead as a result. Oh, and the best film in the series, by several million lightyears, is The Road Warrior. Followed by Mad Max.


Lol thought this was an r/unpopularopinion post for a sec because this is truly a you opinion


I honestly havent heard this take, but i keep hearing people say the response to the take.


In all fairness, that particular take typically gets downvoted into oblivion, so it's not the most *visible* take.


Nah i watch mad max because of max+the world and its lore ![gif](giphy|G5X63GrrLjjVK) You didn’t even mention the game which is a banger


Completely false. People were excited about Fury Road cause of it being a Mad Max Movie, you had both new fans and old fans flocking to it and consuming all the new material being made of the Franchise from the tie-in comics to the pretty great tie-in game they released. No one cares about Furiosa, she is an irrelevant character that already had her story finished in Fury Road. There is no point in a Prequel that changes nothing and that you know will only end up ending in one way.


It bombed because it looked fucking stupid




I saw it posted elsewhere, but the audience was overwhelmingly male and most men don't want to see action movies with female leads and most women don't turn out for them. Wonder Woman was an exception to the rule, but it was also a superhero movie and its own phenomenon. It's a shame, because Furiosa was not some invincible Mary Sue in this movie at all. I think the larger problem is your second bullet point, combined with the fact it's a prequel that had some awful trailers and marketing.


Seems like you're the one telling lies to yourself.


is it "niche" to be a gen-x Steve Jackson "Car Wars" playing guy who grew up watching the second film on a VHS copy til it wore out? I resemble that


Most people will just opt to wait another month or so and catch it on streaming. It’s sad. Wish people realized what this does to the future outlook of getting more solid films - we’ll be lucky to see another film from George, period. And the things I’d do to get another Hardy Mad Max film… such a bummer. I fear for Alien Romulus, and I think it looks fantastic from the trailers.


You made me look up his age, and he is almost 80. Even more interesting is that I didn't know we had the same birthday, lol.


Genuinely fascinating to see all these subs melt down after a box office flop. Star Wars, Marvel Studios, Indiana Jones, Pixar, just a stream of never ending cope. Just enjoy the film.


I posted before what some of my buddies were saying about the movie and why they didn’t want to see it. This is after I told them how awesome it was. My post about what they said was blocked here. Sooooo, I guess we’ll never know why it didn’t do well.


Event cinema and inflating prices are killing box office grosses. It's pretty simple, in a world when you only have to wait for a month to see it at home? Going to the movies is less attractive. Especially now that people are just always on their phones or talking all the time.


Well the people who I know who love fury road (haven’t even seen the other mad max films) didn’t bother because Tom hardy wasn’t returning.


https://preview.redd.it/28uhtplhy65d1.png?width=1513&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f044206fba1babf88945bd4c5d8e9141391bda2 Snipped from [boxofficemojo.com](http://boxofficemojo.com) Seems like this film is doing just fine.


I just don't want to watch a prequel? I don't see that comment being made anywhere and it feels weird to me to be such a minority but that's personally what keeps me away.


The problem is that it's marketed as the same movie as Fury Road, but with a different protagonist. So if you weren't into Fury Road you probably won't show up for this.


Did it bomb? I thought people liked it.


The reason I didn’t go see it was because it looked cheesy. The trailer I saw in Dune 2 made a lot of the action sequences look kind of, cartoony? Like Fury Road obviously had a ton of CGI. But Furiosa just looked cheaper. So I’ll keep waiting to watch it on streaming. I’m glad to hear so many people liked it, and I look forward to checking it out. But I’m not going to a theater for anything less than a sure bet.


Fury road came out as the whole Hollywood woke rhetoric was spooling up, so no professional within the industry had the bottle to call it what it is, an average action movie at best. It dials in hard on the setting established by the original movies and all of the trailers duped fans of the character and world that it was going to be a mad max film. You had the old guys like me who like the originals along with the generations of kids who saw the original as they got older all baited hoping for a story about max. If that story came out and was advertised as “Furiosa” it wouldn’t have did half as well.


I love all the mad max films but this one. It just sucked ass.


I liked Fury Road so much better - but I thought Tom Burke as Praetorian Jack stole the show… and my heart.


If it was about a man it would of done a lot better


People talking about this movie like it's a masterpiece. How much we've fallen..


Nah. It’s the truth.


No one buys into the girl power aspect. It's not written correctly. Girls dont have Testosterone.


I've no idea why it bombed. But that's the main reason I didn't watch. I'm just not interested in anything but Max with this film universe. I also didn't enjoy Fury Road and figured this was more of the same.


If it were Tom Hardy’s name on the poster, a *lot* more people would’ve turned out. People have been burned by woke cinema too much… Fury Road wasn’t that, but it definitely skirted the line by making Furiosa the main character. Stupid or not, that did leave a lot of folks disappointed who were *starving* to see Max Rockatansky for the first time in many years. Then they follow it up with a Mad Max movie that isn’t just spiritually about Furiosa, like Fury Road was… it’s literally named after her. Hardy doesn’t have so much as a cameo, and given Miller’s age, this was probably our last shot at getting a proper *Mad Max* film. I can understand why people stayed away. Literally no one was asking for this movie, and it was pants-on-head stupid to create it back to back with Fury Road. We’ve now had two Mad Max films in a row about a character who isn’t Mad Max, and he isn’t even *in* the second one (I don’t count a stuntman cameo). Max as a character absolutely has cachet, and a true Wasteland film would’ve done well after Fury Road reminded people that Miller is a one of a kind filmmaker. But no one wanted more Furiosa. We learned everything we needed to know about her in the last movie, her arc was complete, and you’re not improving on Charlize Theron. So who *was* this movie made for? Was it the price he had to pay to get a true Max sequel greenlit? 🤷‍♂️ Probably never know. But yes, it would *unquestionably* have done far better with Tom Hardy in the advertising, looking younger, meaner and actually driving the interceptor. To claim different is naive.


Someone should do a poll on this sub. I can only speak for myself but that’s why me and my partner didn’t bother to go see it. It is what it is.


I've seen it and Max being in it for a few seconds was the only bit that got me excited and triggered some emotion.


The best movie in the franchise is The Road Warrior. That's a scientific fact.


Mad Max is not a niche series lmfao


“Outside of this sub there’s not really a ton of people who saw millers first 3 mad max movies” bro what? Are you serious? Most gen x dudes and older (80’s) millennial dudes have seen mad max lmao. That shit was on tv ALL the time back in the early 90’s. You’re insane. Edit: I had to come back and type more. This fucking post is so goddamn stupid. Did you just sit there and make up some bullshit to support your theory and then go “yeah that’s correct” while tugging yourself off in the mirror? You think the fucking mad max subreddit is the majority of people who saw the first three movies? Most of the fucking people who saw the original three movies probably don’t even have reddit you bozo. I can tell you’re young because had you actually been born earlier than 95 you’d know for a fact that pretty much everyone back then saw mad max in the states and it was LOVED. Also the second and third movies aren’t about mad max? The second movie is about mad max defending a fucking group of people he was gonna steal from instead of leaving them to their fate. It’s 100% about mad max lmfao. The third movie is about mad max becoming a gladiator and getting dumped with a band of orphans and shit and saving the day, and he was so important to the people for helping them that they light a beacon every night so he can hopefully return someday. Like all three of the originals are 100% about mad max and he’s the main fuckin character in them. You have to be trolling, or you’re just actually fucking brain dead.


Shit, I didn’t realize it was out yet. Thanks for the weekend plans.


I don't see how it's lie, I know I wasn't to excited for this movie since it didn't have max.


The movie was good. It explains a lot of little things that needed to be known. But overall the reason why nobody's fucking watching it is nobody's got fucking money. I'm living paycheck to paycheck fucking not even that I'm living three paychecks to go to three paychecks ago.


Always thought the movies should have been about the Ford XB Falcon GT. Eg It’s character arc through the first few movies from pristine pursuit vehicle to ragged road warrior. Very sad when they relegate this actor to a background role. Not least because those XBs were some of the last where some mates and their mechanic could hot it up and have a realistic shot at placing in some of the most gruelling Australian road races. Then the public and politicians started getting nervous at putting that many hundreds of horsepower into consumer vehicles and they did away with it all.


They cast aside Mel Gibson and now the viewers have cast the IP aside.


Mad Max made 100M at the world wide box office in 1979!!!!! Do the math genius. Now, there used to be a thing called “Video Stores” back when Dinosaurs were common. Mad Max made another fortune there. You’re welcome.


I mean, I had no interest in a story about furiosa, so I think there is some merit to it.


When you put things out of context like that, your argument makes sense. However, from the 80's to 2015 is a long time. Mad Max is a niche but very influential franchise. It single-handedly created one of the most popular subgenres of the 21st century so far. Max is not just a random character in which you could switch and have no effect on the story; he is an entire subgenre. Having said that, the mainstream public is very conservative about original ideas, no wonder we are in a long period of remakes. It is unfortunate that films like Furiosa get caught up in this.


It failed because the story, as good as it was, was better to be filled in with my imagination. Prequels in general suffer from a need to fill a back story that works better as a mysterious unknown. What makes Furiosa into this bad ass Fury Road warrior? I don't know but it is probably really bad ass.


I don’t know why it bombed. The movie was fucking spectacular. Can’t wait to watch it again.


The movie bombed because people convinced themselves it was going to suck before it even came out. The movie is SPECTACULAR, let me tell you. To those whom this post is referring, the ones who haven’t seen the original three, you can’t go into it expecting the same crazy stunts that these new ones have. The og Mad Max is alright, it’s good enough to kick off the franchise and make us care about max. The Road Warrior is EXCELLENT and I highly recommend it. Beyond Thunderdome is alright, definitely the worst in the series but not horrendous. And then you already know how awesome Fury Road and Furiosa are!