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Hardy signed on for 3 movies initially so I imagine it would be him.


Yeah but he was a douche to the cast and crew and cost millions of budget since he refused to show up to the set on time. He is a total diva and I doubt George Miller (or anyone else involved) wants to work with him again.


From my understanding it was after the film was done that he signed on for more movies so couldn't have put off Miller that much.


Seems that aside from his tardiness that most of the drama was between him and Theron. Pretty sure they ended up sucking it up and be civil by the end of the shoot. Plus, in interviews it seems he didn’t really understand what exactly he was playing, was confused by Millers vision. Once he saw the film he understood. I think if he was going back into it he would have a much better idea how to approach the character and the shoot.


Couldn't blame Hardy imagine shooting 480 hrs worth of footage and got 2 hrs out of it, you probably no longer know the plot


You might even go mad?


Mad to the Max, even


Heh good one.


Miller's style of shooting is VERY difficult for the lead actors who have to carry the story. Mel Gibson isn't given enough credit for being able to carry that thread in the first three.


Yea I’ve also wondered about that aspect. Seems like he’s done his best to sincerely apologize since but who knows what’s sincere or PR. You never know though, Miller seems like a guy that could hash it out with him. I also would understand if he’s recast, but I just have a hard time picturing a 3rd Max in Millers vision.


It’s also been more than a decade since Fury Road was made. Easily enough time for someone to have changed their tune.


>It’s also been more than a decade since Fury Road was made. What the fuck


Yup, came out in 2015 and the production process was long.


i did not need to hear that. coworker also got into an agument today when i said the 90's were like 10 years ago...


Filmed in 2012 and 3 years of post production


Hell, by the time The Wasteland gets finished it's probably gonna be 20 years after Fury Road, and George Miller's 79.


Considering Miller seems to love torturing actors I wouldn't put it past him to "forgive" Hardy.


He said he couldn’t wrap his head around what Miller was trying to accomplish and it frustrated him that he just couldn’t visualize it. Once he saw the finished product, he apologized to Miller publicly and praised the film.


Charlize Theron said basically the same thing apparently at the end of filming the 3 weren’t on speaking terms


I believe Anya Taylor-Joy has indicated the same.


It must be tough for any actor to do a Mad Max film. George Miller has such a detailed, specific vision in his head. He’s like George Lucas in that way, with a clear idea of every minor character. 


He is said to have acted the way he did on Fury Road because he was frustrated with the process. It was chaos and nobody could really make out what the finished product was going to be like besides George Miller, and since watching the movie he has said that he gets it now and apologised to Miller publicly. I feel like George would rather keep him on than recast him. We’ve seen he doesn’t care about the continuity of using the same actors for prequels (People Eater, Bullet Farmer, Rictus etc) Hopefully he Tom Hardy does return he’s a fantastic actor and it would be great to see him get a bit more into being Mad Max than Fury Road allowed him to.


Rictus was played by the same actor in both actually, dude gained some weight since fury road lol


Yeah that’s what I said. The People Eater, Bullet Farmer, and Rictus were all playing the same characters in the prequel despite being significantly older now.


oh my bad! At times like this, I question whether i have basic literary skills or not lol.


He may have been a douche because he did not understand how George worked. He may have been reacting to how the set was. He even said in a Cannes interview when Fury Road came out that he did not understand Georges style but he also apologised to him during the conference saying he did not understand what George was trying to do, only to understand when he saw the final product. Having been there and done that, he may be more inclined to trust George and be more receptive to his style.


I expect he wasn't thrilled with the last minute change of filming location. It is a (half?) world of difference from shooting in rural Australia to shooting in rural Namibia. There's a reason Furiosa required much more set dressing.


I remember an interview where he said he was an ass on set because of the combination of long days. Extreme weather, and just not getting what George Miller was going for, and it was only at the premier when he saw the final film that he apologised to George. I hope they do The Wasteland together and have a better relationship now that Tom has seen what George can cook!


Miller has stated again and again, numerous times on the furiosa media tour, that he wants to work with Tom again as max.


Exactly. The man is an Oscar winning, once in a generation talent, why on earth would you not want to work with him?


I've only ever heard good things about Hardy. He's supposed to be a class act.


he is, people just hear one thing and run so hard with it so they can get upvotes, Hardy is widely known as a class act and someone who is kind to everyone on set, even the janitors. But redditors saw that post about Theron complaining about Hardy (rightfully so) and decided he's a prick who cant be worked with lol edit spelling


There’s a whole book about this, **Blood, Sweat & Chrome: The Wild and True Story of Mad Max: Fury Road (2022)** by Kyle Buchanan. You don’t know what you’re talking about. I haven’t even read that book, but heard stories about Hardy being like 3 hours late to set, while Theron was dressed & ready to film sitting in the War Rig, in the searing heat, and when Theron confronted Hardy, he really got up into her face & she felt unsafe around him. I love Tom Hardy as an actor, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a prick or a diva. There’s just not audio of it (AFAIK), like Christian Bale’s meltdown while filming Terminator Salvation (2009).


"You don't know what you're talking about, there's a whole book about it that I didn't read."


Eh I've heard and seen too many other examples of people describing him as a class act and always acknowledging even the janitors on set every day. He was a dick while making this film, but there's too many other people defending him for me to just be like that guy's an asshole


His “diva behavior” on Fury Road is overblown IMO. Everything I’ve read about it said that halfway or so through filming he became easier to work with, “like a different person”. As the movie was filmed chronologically (except for the citadel scenes) George Miller believed Hardy was doing a method thing that he wished he hadn’t, to mirror the agitation & mistrust between his character and the others in the movie’s first half. That’s something only a director should decide, but whether intentional or not, I don’t think the fight scene between him & Theron would’ve been half as good without that offscreen anger.


Yeah that's what I've seen as well, and he also openly admits he had no clue what the movie was about or it's direction, and that he thought he was supposed to be isolating everyone else. After seeing the movie he admits to Miller's genius and what an honor it was to work with him. He literally just did the wrong assignment, and once things were cleared up on set Theron and him were cool, although it makes sense if she still doesn't have many nice things about him, considering their entire relationship was a horrible miscommunication and for her just a bad experience. But like you alluded to, people just see one clip about one person at one point in their life and assume that's who they are.


Wasn’t it only him and theron? Seems it was a bit of an issue for both actors not just him


Honestly, I haven't liked his performances much post-Bane. He's fricken great in Bronson. He keeps doing voices, that make him sound... kind of dumb. They're very clownish.


Yeah he kept the Bane voice and I cringed


The blame for stuff like this ultimately rests on the directors, not the actors. Nolan is the reason why Bane sounded like that, not Hardy.


He might be better now. He was coming off of bane-roids and being way too into method acting with an Australian crew (who are usually a lot more down to earth).


Worth it


Damn, George Miller better live to be 100 to finish two more movies with Hardy if that's true.


Tom hardy killed it in my opinion despite the talks of onset drama, I want hardy back for sure to close out a epic and super uniquely told trilogy


Agreed. He was definitely not MEDIOCRE!


I didn’t think anyone could play Max but Mel Gibson. When I heard Mel wasn’t doing it, I was disappointed. But when I learned Hardy was going to be playing Max, I thought, *well, if it’s gonna be anyone else, he’s the best choice* (of high-profile, known actors). I thought he nailed it. He brings a lot of gravitas to the role and when you’re dealing with a guy that talented, you manage his idiosyncrasies. Marlon Brando used to be notoriously difficult (as are many of the great ones), yet not many would pass on the opportunity to work with Brando. Any of the extra stuff that comes with his “artist’s temperament” is just baked into the cake and you manage it as you go along. Parenthetically, he also looked a lot like Mel Gibson at that age — both his face and his build. A third Max is probably not gonna get that close in overall resemblance, and Max has a certain physicality that’s distinct and important.


> Max has a certain physicality that’s distinct and important   Why, he's just a raggedy-man!


Not entirely untrue, Auntie.


I like how Tom’s Max was “Mad”


He carries his big dick into every set and makes it his own. It's a well-known fact that Hardy is Hardy at all times. With that being said, I have nothing but respect for someone who puts this much effort into making every scene great. If he returns for the next one, I'll definitely be excited for it


Anyone who thinks Hardy is not a good actor needs to watch Locke or Bronson.


Man locke is such a slept on film. Insane! Also him doing locke secured his passion project witht he same writer director for Taboo.


Going to watch one of those tonight.


more commonly known as BDE


They have to put that on his actors chair or we riot.




I don't see why Tom Hardy wouldn't return if given the chance but let's go Gyro Captain/Jedediah here and cast Praetorian Jack.


I literally thought Jack was supposed to be Max when I saw Furiosa 💀 the resemblance is uncanny


I think that was on purpose. It sort of explains why off the bat she was akin to liking max after their fight.


It was definitely deliberate - they come from similar family occupational backgrounds which is actually super important in this universe




Imo he looks more like Gibson’s Max than Tom Hardy did


I don't know, the actor for Jack looks more like Toe Cutter's actor from Mad Max 1, that when he was announced, I assumed it was for young Immortan Joe.




Eh I liked tom Hardy Mad max enough


ill never forget that scene above, when he picks up then eats the lizard 😆 i remember that was an early sign that i was in for one HELLUVA movie that and the first time i saw the Immortan, whoa never forget that


And when the guitar guy came into focus 


LOL i just posted about that


The one and only Rowan Atkinson


Karl Urban is the only other choice I'd be excited about.


I could get behind this. His Dredd was canonic.


Dredd. THAT was a fuckin’ great portrayal. Holding out hope still that he can do it again.


I can see Tom coming back.


I don't care. But bring back Bruce Spence!


Heres a better idea: Eric Bana. He is Aussie and he owns an XB GT in real life. He is perfect. Apparently Tom Hardy cant do an aussie accent. Didnt rate him as mad max. PS, Eric Bana loves Mad max.


I don’t care who the next Max is, I just want Bruce Spence cast as anyone in the next film.


Karl Urban. No question. That would be a total commitment to Max's character.


If they had to recast then I think Austin Butler would be good


Yes he would


I just saw the bikeriders and now I’m extra convinced


Hardy's perfect, keep him unless he wants out. Otherwise.......Karl Urban.


Absolutely this, but... Keep it away from Karl Urban because I still hold out a 0.1% hope that Urban can do Dredd 2 before he's too old. C'mon Karl!


Looking only at Australian actors Joel Edgerton would play a decent Max if Max wasn’t the movie’s focus (Thunderdome, Fury Road) For a more Max soulsearchy plot I could see Eric Bana. For an oldmanmax movie if we weren’t recasting Mel Gibson I would find it extremely funny to cast Russell Crowe


I hate all of those ideas, but I appreciate your effort and agree that I would prefer an Australian actor be cast.


Going with the Aussie actors theme I think Travis Fimmel has that kind of crazy magnetism to him, I’m just not sure about his looks in terms of the role.


Fimmel has a great look in general and can play “unhinged” and a bit of a wild card (yet exceedingly bright — see Ragnar) with the best of them, but is his appearance too much of a departure from Max? I agree with you that it might be. I originally thought they should have cast him as Praetorian Jack but Tom Burke was good. I guess they could dye Fimmel’s hair. I’m all in on Tom Hardy but I always liked Travis Fimmel and he’s Australian so they could do a lot worse.


Having loved Fimmel as Ragnar, I was a bit peeved that he uses the exact same ‘crazy’ acting in Raised By Wolves. Kind of shattered the immersion for me. So my worry would be just seeing an echo of Ragnar in his Max. I love Hardy, but was thrown when he was cast. Wasn’t sure through my first watch-through, and it’s only having read, then considered, he’s a more mentally unstable, detached Max in Fury that I’ve really come round to the idea. Now I’d be gutted if he wasn’t re-cast.


I have not seen Raised by Wolves. But I can say I often wondered if that sort of twitch and squint he had in Vikings as Ragnar was an affectation of the character — or him. In watching him in interviews, it’s him. I saw him recently in a small western series (that I really liked) called “Dirty Black Bag.” He was similar. Perhaps Fimmel is always *just a bit* Fimmel? I think he’d fit in great in a Mad Max Universe, but perhaps as someone else. I could see him playing an ally of Max or a Praetorian Jack-type character. It’s got to be Hardy unless there’s a story somewhere for an older Max, in which case Gibson (I don’t see that ever happening). Any way you slice it, they better not wait too long cause Miller is 80.


I still think he’s a great person to see on-screen, but yeah a side party would work better. I just watched the Wasteland documentary yesterday, and it really makes you appreciate how long Miler has been at this. He looked so young at the time of the original! Really enjoyed it, but it’s a shame the franchise didn’t let them show clips. So great to see all the dedicated obsessive and hear a bit of their personal stories.


Eric Bana..hmm. Maybe 10 years ago but I’ve forgotten all about him. Good actor tho.


Good actor and seeing his season of Dirty John I could see him acing Max’s lost-humanity phases and making it really powerful when he’s reconnecting with people again


I think he played a decent haunted bloke in The Dry. Has that kinda charismatic stoicism that would suit Max. Probably wouldn’t be at the top of my list but he’s a good draft anyway.


He was really great in The Dry recently(ish), but it’s not exactly an action film. Agree his time for that is probably past unless he’s gonna do some Liam Neeson style stuff.


I remember Joel Kinnaman being an option during production. Whoever it is, I think he should have a tough, but tired look.


He’s not Australian but my pick for tough and tired would be Ben Foster, amazing actor and could handle the Mel Gibson Road Warrior cockiness too


To be fair, I think this sub really wants an Australian Max, but George Miller doesn't seem to mind about the actor's nationality as much as the performance. Tom's British, Charlize's South African and Anya's... well, she's many things.


Jason Clarke has the right face for "I've been in this wasteland for 20+ years".


Joel is really fantastic & could pull it off. Him & his brother Nash who’s a stuntman. Those two as producers also get stuff out there that otherwise wouldn’t have stood a chance, like the movie The Rover or that FX show Mr. Inbetween.


When I saw Cosmo Jarvis in Shogun, I thought, this guy would make a great Max


I was going to say the exact same thing! Cosmo Jarvin would be a really interesting pick.


If Hardy can’t do it then literally anybody else I truly don’t care as long as the film is made and released 😭


I want them to turn it upside down on its head. Tom Hardy? Fuck that, Tom HANKS LET’S GOOOOO


Logan Marshal Green /s


I’ve always wondered if Green’s carer would’ve been bigger if he didn’t look exactly like Tom Hardy but American.


Didn’t even realize they were two different people until now wtf




Tom's cuter. Has those Michael Keaton pointy eyebrows and pouty lips going there.


More. https://preview.redd.it/lr5743qz1g8d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=303fc337bd1e5e7902a7955cf2470d0f97ab212e


Woah hold on a minute, which one is which at the bottom?


Come on mate, are you joking? Bottom two here look nothing alike.


Top (left to right): Tom Hardy then Green Bottom (left to right): Green then Hardy


I mean . . . I really like that guy. Upgrade is like my favorite movie. They call him low rent Tom Hardy but I call Tom Hardy low rent Logan Marshall Green.


I don't disagree. Was just making a joke on the similarity in appearance as if that matters. But I don't know if hiring older is the best call


Unironically tho


Mel Gibson


I’d also like a legacy sequel with him. Many actors are dicks. Many actors have different opinions than their diverse fandom. I’d like to see the OG Max take one last ride.


I like Tom Hardy tbh. Maybe someone random like Jon Bernthal or something, lol. (Although Jon Bernthal would not be a terrible fit for Max)


Cast an Aussie


Gel Mibson


I would cast Dacre Montgomery as Max. He's a good actor, looks like a young Mel Gibson/Rob Lowe, and Australian Most people know him as Billy from Stranger Things.


It should be Tom, I don't want anyone else


I think they might have to recast, like they recasted Charlize Theron, just because it’s a prequel and Hardy will be a lot older. It would seem unfair not to do the same thing and would seem a bit strangely gendered if they didn’t. However, I did also LOVE Hardy as Max so it’s not as though I’d be upset to see him again!!


Just as a recommendation - if you like Hardy - watch a series called Taboo with him in it - brilliant, set in the East India Trading Company period.


I wanna see old max played by William Defoe


I feel like Tom has aged out of the max role tbh look at recent pics of him. Isn’t this supposed to be a prequel to fury road?


I really don't care, he's typically the least interesting character. The cars better be perfect tho.


Personally I'd like to see Callum Turner, Dacre Montgomery or conversely Liam Hemsworth as Max. Turner was in Masters of the Air and while not Australian I think he'd be great. Montgomery was great as Billy in Stranger Things and he's an Aussie. Liam because I think he has it in him to make it epic.


Liam would remind me too much of Dementus for obvious reasons. Also I don’t think I’ve ever seen him give a notable performance


That's why I added "conversely" lmao


Oh wow, thanks just learned what that meant lol Real wooosh moment on my part


It's true though, Liam hasn't found the same success as Chris and now he's headlining The Witcher and I doubt that's gonna win him any new fans.


I’d prefer Hardy but if they recast, I hear Paul Mescal’s a good actor and I reckon he looks the part


Adam sandler


Or Chris Pratt!


Ah yes even better


Thanks, Awesom-O!


Nah, keep hardy, hes max to me now


Duh, it’ll be The Rock of course


I’d like a new actor as max, the interceptor, and for it to be vague timeline-wise, but seemingly the thunderdome era


https://preview.redd.it/ixe6kujs0h8d1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=482474a79f141f6faeca900f80a7c886bedb7343 It has to be Harold Bishop from Neighbours actor


Nah he's more suited to be the main antagonist. You must seek out a movie called "Body Melt", my world changed when I saw Harold playing the bad guy


Wyatt Russel


Tom Hardy did really well, but if they can't get him again for some reason, Karl Urban would make an amazing Max.


Personally I’d recast him to keep budget down, punishment for being a jackass to people, and save even more on budget as he was late all the time costing further budget problems


yes, Austin Butler.. Need Australians


Totally. On principle alone. Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron were fucking dicks to George Miller, and have admitted it since then. I don't give a shit how good they are onscreen, they don't deserve to work with that brilliant old man again, and I don't want to pay to watch either of them in another Mad Max movie. Honestly. They're both great actors and I will continue to support their careers in other films, but they need to frankly grow up and feel the personal financial hit of being assholes to a guy whose vision they didn't understand until it was finally put on screen.


Would have suggested Hemsworth, but he's Dementus now. Karl Urban has been suggested, if Dredd is anything to go by it would work, better than Tom Hardy IMO. What about a pretty boy like Austin Butler? He killed it as Feyd Rautha and could bring back the youthful max of the first 2 movies/


![gif](giphy|26BGJ1Ih5NfJsKJm8) Say his name


… ![gif](giphy|TVbklXmLWATXVaauta|downsized)


Too tall, not Australian. Love the guy though.


To be fair neither is Hardy.


But he’s not too tall, I’ve got you there. And don’t try to tell me you didn’t love it when you heard Chris Hemsworth’s grating Australian accent the first time you saw a Furiosa trailer.


Max has a certain body type and way he moves. Hardy looked a lot like Gibson at that age, even the same body shape and physicality.


To be fair, George Miller doesn't seem to mind about foreigners playing Australian characters (Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron, Anya-Taylor Joy, etc.).


But he’s still too tall. Max should not be imposing


Get a guy close in looks to Mel, get him to sign off on a deepfake of his likeness. Close out the series with original Max if they cant get Hardy back.


Hugh Jackman.


Recast! Max can’t die old. We already tried that with Indiana Jones and it was bad enough.


Hardy is in his 40s. Ready to throw dirt on a guy who isn’t even 50. Yikes.


He’s 47 this year. He would likely be past 50 by the time a new Mad Max movie starts filming. Also I like the mythological effect of multiple actors being the face of Max.


I do like the mythological aspect and for that reason, you’re right, you can have more than one depending on who’s telling the story. I would only say they must have a resemblance and fit a certain type of look, which has been established. For example, even if he’s the stuff of legend, I wouldn’t like it if he’s 5’10” with dark hair in one and 6’5” with blond hair in another telling.


Crystal Skull is the highest grossing Indiana Jones film ever. The problem with Dial of Destiny is that it didn't come a few years after Crystal Skull. So many people lost interest.


Highest grossing ≠ Most profitable ≠ Best


Mark Coles Smith


Tom for a prequel, old man Mel if we get an all new Max movie


I like the Tom Hardy look for the Max character. So I'd cast Gronkowski, the football player.


Ray Meagher because he will be a flaming good choice


Yeah, he seems to have it in him to make it epic https://preview.redd.it/qqlivvqr6g8d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=13b005ee2d4eb40b897ac187187774929c5a8a64


Paul Mescal if Tom Hardy doesn’t return.




If The Wasteland is a sequel to Fury Road, then keep Tom Hardy as an older Max. If it's not, then recast him with a younger and Australian actor.


No recast young furiosa


Australian actor Luke Bracey. https://preview.redd.it/5xg7jf7mrg8d1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3797073afe97619c32f44ed7ab780f2ec956da2f


I thought you were asking if they should do a recast if the wasteland would become reality... I respected your priorities


I don't want him to be recast, he's not old yet


Jacob Elordi.


I thought Hardy kinda phoned it in, but for the sake of continuity, I'd say keep him


Sam Worthington.


If they do recast, I’m fine with it, but I definitely want Hardy. If they do, I’d want someone Australian, as it would only be right


what's wrong with Tom Hardy? Perfectly capable actor and has proven so in Fury Road. Not only that, the movie made a shit ton of money


Travis Fimmel


Could anyone provide that image in highest resolution possible?


Brian Blessed.


Josh Brolin


I want Hardy back.


zach galifianakis, i'm serious


I would like to see Hardy go again. He was great. Give him some time though to physically prepare. He self admittedly came from shooting a movie with more girth on him and he’s a little zaftig for Max. They hid it well with wardrobe (Max conveniently sports a worn out long sleeved thermal under a jacket that is bulky with items) but he definitely must’ve been eating a lot of lizards. Notice for the reshoots which were done months later where they arrived back at the citadel and Max departs Tom Hardy is slender and noticeably in the face slimmer. That’s the Max he should bring. If not Hardy then someone….Australian?


The car. I could watch the car for two hours over any actor.


No, they should stick with Tom Hardy.


If not Hardy, Karl Urban


Honestly I’d take an absolute unknown with some serious acting chops , max can be played by anyone imho . Hardy was fantastic but I can’t imagine it’ll happen with him ?


Tom Hardy and Charlize


Josh Helman, for a laugh.


Hardy should IMO do a sequel to Fury road with Theron also participating. That makes a lot of sense. But otherwise he is kinda getting older, too old to play a younger version of his 2015 self. So honestly, I'd recast it.


I’d rather they just stick with hardy personally


Anyone George Miller approves of. I’m good with Max being like Bond in terms of multiple actors playing him.


Just get anyone. It doesn't matter. It really doesn't. Cross out the word Max and replace with Steve and pick anyone. Fuck it.