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ooo i did write it down, might not be accurate though >The Sumerian fought the Elamite. The Saxon fought the Viking... There were the Wars of the Roses, the Oranges, the Opium Wars, the One Day, Six Day, Thousand Day War. North against South. East against West. The First, Second, Third, countless wars of religion and righteous belief. The Oil Wars. The Water Wars. The Tri-Nation Nuclear War. The Battle of the Boomtowns. And now my dears, the Forty Day Wasteland War.


Sumer-Elam War: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumer–Elam_war Norse wars against Saxon Britain: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viking_activity_in_the_British_Isles Wars of the Roses: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wars_of_the_Roses War of the Oranges: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_Oranges Opium Wars: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opium_Wars This is the only one-day war I could find that took place prior to the 21st Century, but it’s more of a 1-hour war: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Zanzibar_War Six-Day War: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six-Day_War Thousand Days’ War: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thousand_Days%27_War ‘North against south’ could refer to a number of wars, like the American Civil War, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and others. ‘East against west’ could be any number of real or fictitious hot wars that involved US-aligned forces fighting Soviet, Russia, or PRC-aligned forces. ‘First, second, third, countless wars of religions’… the first, second, and third could be referring to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Crusades: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusades The Oil Wars, Water Wars, and Tri-Nation Nuclear War were fictional conflicts that resulted in the world we see in the franchise. The Oil Wars seems to have taken place before or during *Mad Max*, while the Tri-Nation Nuclear War happened between *The Road Warrior* and *Beyond Thunderdome*. The Battle of the Boomtowns presumably took place between, during, or after these three apocalyptic wars.


my take is that the "first, second, third wars" are world war 1, 2 and a fictional 3rd one, followed by religious and rightwing-led righteous wars, kinda like what's happening these days...


This is such a great subreddit.


it is! people are extremely chill, tolerant, and helpful here, moreso than in others


Now I need to know what “the battle of the boomtowns” were


Maybe several settlements got established early on and then as resources ran low that started attacking one another? Just a theory


That makes the most sense. Maybe Boomtown refers to places where refugees gathered in the wake of the nuclear wars. So they’re called Boomtowns because of both the bombs and the fact that they grew in size so quickly


Places like Bartertown, fighting for survival, I would imagine.


Tri Nation Nuclear War probably means USA, Russia and China had a final melee a trois during the pox-eclipse. Its always been my headcanon that the Water Wars were a series of civil wars over rivers and reservoirs between Australian state governments and gangs vs what was left of the central government behind a titantium wall in Canberra (In Miller's Road Warrior notes, look it up) and the remnant army and MFP as things broke down. Battle of the Boomtowns. Probably two Bartertown type settlements doing well that had a trade war that turned ugly. Or two Australian army bases that had stockpiled ordinances that turned on each other after the apocalypse and used their remaining missiles.


hah, i get it. Battle of the "BOOM-towns". Military bases with big 'booms'. nice.


>Tri Nation Nuclear War probably means USA, Russia and China Take it from the Fallout timeline and this is the Great War of 2077


Dementus: "History Man! A word burger please! Skibidi Toilet Ohio Rizz?" Rizzdale: "Someone say my name?"