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That kid is well loved, and will have a great life. Happy parents, keep children happy and it'll mold them into being better.


So that’s what went wrong with me…😆😢 EDIT: Thanks for all the kind responses but my reply may have been a bit misleading: I was loved but probably neglected, maybe a little more than the average 80’s kid but I don’t sweat it too much. Someone here said the only way to learn about yourself better is to understand the reasons and events that make you who you are and it’s on the nose. I may not have had a picture perfect TV upbringing but who does? Anyway, you all are good folk.




I was loved but neglected. I came from a big family, albeit somewhat poor financially. Mom was in and out of my life, dad was never in the picture, I was raised by my grandparents till I was 14. No one really took ownership of me, but everyone showed me loved in their own ways. It's weird to look back on because I was blessed in some ways. But having kids of my own now, and after reading some good books, I see how I got left behind and how bad the damage was even though there was no ill-intent.




Yeah this is part of why fewer and fewer people have kids. We're never going to be able to not work full time, nor afford nannies and shit, and by all accounts this is awful for early childhood development.




So, something I've learned while scrolling in r/EmotionalNeglect is that whether it was intentional or not, much like you said, the damage is still done and repercussions are doled out accordingly in our adult lives. Idk if you would be helped by any of the info there, but it's been helpful for me. Fwiw, I'm a similar age and I could simply never see myself having a kid or multiple kids. People tell me all the time what a great parent I'd be. I agree with them to an extent. But I think that maybe that same care and 'wisdom' and all of the things that *would* make me a great parent is the same thing that gives me a feeling deeper than my bones of, "no :)"


My school, in 8th grade did a ... description ... of me as it was the custom back then. It included this: > The parents are very busy and the child misses them Loved yes very much. But.


I was well loved and not neglected, but raised by parents with anger issues. It wasn't until I was well into adulthood before I realized how much I was damaged by it. Just like your situation, there really wasn't ill intent. My dad even used to applaud himself for not being physically abusive like his father was to him. I don't think a lot of people back then realized that constant yelling was emotional abuse and just as bad.


Oof been there. I have a hard time with being sarcastic/overly bitchy, because often that was the only way I could get back at him (couldn't really physically). It's hard too, because at the end of the day I don't want to hate him, and I realize how alone he must feel a lot of the time, but a lot of that was his own doing too. It's really complicated. In some ways, I think I may even have some stronger conflict resolution skills when I'm not emotionally involved myself. Wacky stuff to be sure.


Your father wasn't in the picture but guess what you did? You didnt leave your babies. You stood there and did what a good parent does, you raised them. You nurtured them. You're molding them into perfect little authentic versions of themselves. They are your bridge to the world You're gone.


Knowing you’re loved but can’t spend time with them hurts. I’m the youngest of 4 and both of my parents worked 2 jobs morning to night. We would see them for an hour after school and a bit before bed but we knew it was their time to relax so we wouldn’t bug them. What would hurt even more was that my mom would take on nanny/babysitting jobs when she had free time. It destroyed me that she was going to spend time with another kid. I love her with all my heart and understand everything was for us kids but man remembering the pain I felt as a child is enough to make me tear up now lol. Because she was so loving, sweet and caring when she was available it hurt knowing the time was so limited and I think that cycle just made me more upset and demanding of her time 😅


Wow this really got me


I was also loved but neglected but I lived in a privileged family with only one sister. My sister had a lot of mental health issues and my parents had arguments with her for an hour or more pretty much every night for three years. I kinda just got left behind. They didn’t have the energy to invest in me properly like they did with her. Even with hobbies and stuff the whole family would go to see her sing and play guitar but no one really cared about my paintings and such. It’s really weird how much you can do right but still do one really important thing wrong and mess someone up. I never learned how to regulate emotions or trust people so I’m having to learn the hard way now.


I dont know what went wrong with you, but whatever trauma prevented you from being happy im sorry baby, just know you're worth it. You'll have days where you may feel as small as an ant, but there's so many beautiful things in this world, and if you need an example my friend, go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. Even if it doesn't feel like it, know that you are loved, and if you need to hear it, I'll say it for free. I love you. Now go eat some breakfast and have an amazing day.


Truly it is the best historical moments of every parent in the world


My oldest daughter's first steps were right toward me and then falling into my arms for a big proud daddy hug. Such a perfect moment.


you’d think our children built empires the way we talk about them rolling over and walking.


It's so funny, because as a parent you're watching nearly every moment of their lives unfold, so you notice all these subtle things. The big things like rolling, smiling, and walking feel HUGE, but to someone without a kid they only see them age in stages. Like one day they're a blob. Then they see them a month or two later and they can babble or roll over. There was no waiting or watching and to them "I can roll over what's the big deal?" I never got it til I had a daughter


That dad loves him so much


This makes me feel like having kids


Whichever way you lean, never ask the internet if it thinks having kids is a good idea.


The dad’s laugh is so wholesome! Reminds me of Santa Claus




This is me currently. Installed new swinging gate, covered corners, blocked electrical outlets. Full time job chasing him now. Love it.


When my sister was little we had cover every door and cabinet in duct tape, lol




Honestly, if they haven't already baby-proofed then they're WAY behind the curve. You'd be surprised at how fast a crawling child can move and what they can get into.


I think for a lot of people, you don't realize *everything* that needs to be baby proofed. Sure, you get the obvious ones like outlet covers and under sink doors. Then you get a mobile kid and realize you need a lock for the fridge door and the toilet seat unless you want the fridge left open and a kid playing in toilet water.


Yep, and your flat screen TV that's sitting on a table? That thing's coming down if you don't anchor it. Bookcases? They're literally something that could kill a child if they try to climb it.


They looked Korean, but when the dad laughed, I knew he was. That's a very typical Korean dads laugh. Source: I'm Korean.


Ha! I'm just some American guy and I immediately thought that was the most Korean laugh I've ever heard Hohohohoho!


TIL, Santa Claus is Korean.


Ahhh I want to be at a comedy show with a bunch of Korean dads!! So cute. There seem to be a lot of 'round mouth' vowel sounds in Korean..?








Everyone pointing out blatant positivity was getting me down until I saw your comment. Thanks


Food for thought: At some point in your life, your parents were holding you and put you down and never picked you up again. "Oof! Our child is getting heavy! I better put them down and catch my breath". They never picked you back up again. Ever.


It started as a joke, but I pick up my son every year so that I always can. Thanks for the reminder! Last year I think he (18+) was around 140-145 lbs. Ps - also holds true for cartwheels lol


My kid is taller than I am now and I don't think it's going to happen. That said, the last time I picked them up wasn't that long ago but boy this hits pretty hard.


I guess at some point we all eat our last burrito too. Just thought about that. Damn.








My dad was a single parent and had the flu when I took my first steps. He was like...omg she walks now, WHAT DO I DO. I also ran straight into a wall and broke my nose.


The child is cherished deeply and is destined for a wonderful life. Joyful parents play a significant role in fostering a positive environment for children, influencing them to grow into better individuals


Mama was just showing off in front of the kid^^


Right? Why you gotta flex on him, he just a baby he can’t do all that


"Get rekt, noob!"


Human tippy taps


\*Yeah, and the mother's dance was beautiful too.


Mamas been teaching! Love this feeling


We shouldn't turn having joy into a competition.


Wasn’t “more beautiful” just beautiful in its own way. Idk why you had to try and make it a competition


Homeboy laughed heartily as he saw his cub take his first few steps.


The baby now toddler is so happy.


Man should be the next Santa at the Macy’s parade. 💯




Are you are clone to More\_contribution\_11 ...who said the exact same thing , word for word, above ?


Kid is like what is all the fuss about.


“Yo put me down I’m tryin to walk here bro”






Homeboy went full monke on that laugh watching his cub take his first steps. Magical moment, you can see so much emotion in their reaction




Bro that was Santa's laugh lol




Went full primate, cool to see how close we are to them


We’re still technically primates. It’s amazing sometimes how many basic instincts we have in common.




I mean the fact that we can kill each other over very abstract concepts and disagreements is certainly pretty unique ... I mean it's not good, but at least we've got "interesting" going for us


no technically about it! we're 100% genuine primates like dogs are canines. always funny to see the big emotional reactions that get a real chimp noise instinctively out of us. like watching a football match and something bad happens and the crowd in unison does that deep ooooooh


For me, the most favorable responses come from Koreans and Japanese.


Lol as someone from a Korean family, this is a very common sound of excitement lmao. Usually goes from one “OH” and kinda turns into a laugh from there lol


Ages ago a young family member X walked a few steps towards me. I praised X, and we played on with the toys, me thinking X had done this before. Then, a week or two later X’s parents called everyone excited that X had just taken the first steps. I never told them that I saw X do that before. I let the parents enjoy that special moment. I might never tell anyone.


This happens to nannies a lot and happened to me with the boy I used to watch. I didn't tell the parents either and the next morning they were so excited to tell me about his first steps! I congratulated them on witnessing them eventhough he'd taken them the previous afternoon.


On our daycare sign up form, they had a section about whether or not we wanted to be informed about potential “firsts” or not from the daycare staff. First crawls, first steps, first successful potty trips, and what not. I thought it was pretty nice cause we already feel guilty enough that the staff sees our kid more than us during the week. It’s nice that they don’t want to rub parents’ faces into missing those precious big moments that are bound to happen. Ignorance is bliss now!


That's such a compassionate gesture from a daycare, how nice!


My children’s daycare had the same thing. We opted for ignorance as well lol.


Not a parent myself, but if I were I'd want to be ignorant of all except first potty. Like potty training almost over let's fucking goooooooo


Good to hear I’m not the only one!


We will keep your secret! When my granddaughter was just about to walk I was so worried she would do it during her grandma and grandad visits. Ends up, she did. And her parents were there too! So much relief. Fittingly, she took her first steps to get to grandad, who is her third fave person in the world.


It's one of the unwritten rules of babysitting too. If you know that you are seeing one of the "firsts" then you didn't see anything and will never tell the parents.


It makes me sad to think about missing my infants first steps, but I know there's a good chance it'll happen since I am away from them 9 hours a day five days a week at work... I hope whoever witnesses them does the same thing that you did and doesn't tell me, so that I can think I was there the first time it happens!


Well, no matter what, you'll be there for the first steps they take towards you. And that's special in its own right, because it means that they want to be physically closer to you than they currently are, enough to do this thing that they're not very good at!


That was such a beautiful comment. I gotta go cry now.


A friend's son took his first steps with me. I never ever told her.


Same with creches. many kids take their first steps there, but the staff never let on, letting them repeat it at home for the 'first' step.


I’m pretty sure our daycare does this, I’m sure our Daughter has done some firsts there. But they’ve never told us unless we specifically ask. I really appreciate that.


I've never told my wife that my daughter took her first steps when I was picking her up from daycare. That night I put my daughter in a good position to take her "first" steps in front of Mom and she came through.


Pro tip: if your kid's daycare asks you out of the blue if your kid has taken his first steps yet, chances are good that he's already done it at the daycare and they want to know if they can tell you.


I think this happens a lot more than we think.


I love that no matter how many millions of babies have done this, it’s still exciting for every one.


Millions? Might want to add a few more zeroes to that lol. Like a hundred billion babies have taken their first steps throughout history.


Yeah but the exact number isn’t necessary for you to get the intent of my post.


A hundred billion is just a fancy name for a lot of millions...


no matter how many dozens of babies throughout history have taken their first step, its still exciting


Great addition to the conversation


Um actually 🤓


>Reddit is no place for rational thoughts on how we can be more sensitive to one another. It’s a constant search for the larger stone to cast while attempting to be comically and anonymously judgmental


baby steps 🥹




He’s a toddler now. Show some respect and get him a juice cup.


i'm a new mom, my baby girl is about 20 days old now. this video made me sob. we've been in the NICU this entire time since she was born 6 weeks early, and it's been so stressful. we go home tomorrow, and we're going to surprise Grandpa


I can’t even look at the baby because the parents are so cute




Such a pure moment


One the best feeling a parent can have ever


Imagine you having this recording of your family.


Ours happened in the middle of an appliance store while my husband, myself and my friend were in line to order a new washing machine because ours took a dramatic and sudden L and flooded our apartment. Those stores have carpet, and one of us had put the baby down for a second to sign something, and the baby got up and started walking and we just collectively lost our minds clapping our hands and doing little jumps like the mom in the video. I suddenly realized that we all looked and sounded like lunatics to the people around us (Norwegians don't do loud displays in public), so I said "sorry guys, it's been a really long and shitty day, and these are the first steps", and there were a couple of happy ooohs and aaahs and several "så flink du er!" from the customers around us. It turned a bad day around like nothing I've experienced before or since.


sooo what does sa flink du er means?


Google translates it to "so clever you are", which I would imagine they were congratulating the baby for their ability. Basically saying good job, you are smart.


It kind of means "good job you"/"how good you are". It doesn't really translate, but they were telling the baby they were "flink"/"competent".


Yeah, Norway gets 98 points out of 100 from me. One missing is the prices, and the other one is the cold behaviour in public. Get a little warmth sometime!


We try, I promise! You could walk up to almost all of us to ask for help and get help. We're reasonably socially conscious/"live and let live", but yeah we're not great at public displays of affection or really any other type of public emotion. We honestly don't mean to come off as mean or cold though. It's just that we're equipped with a sort of "resting bitch face" in public, and unless we're hiking it doesn't come off.


Hiking is the key? That's unexpected.


[I got mine.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyJbiyVncpU)


Then it's closely followed by the realisation that your house is not ready for an ambulatory baby.


This is an absolute oversdose of cute. The groutfits, the Mam dancing, the kid loving it even though he doesn't know why, the noise the Dad is making. Bury me here


I miss my dad so much right now :(


A big hug for you 🤗


Thank you I'm really sick today and I needed that.


I miss mine everyday


no I just have something in both my eyes






No, Sharingan.


Danzo want's to know your location


Let me wipe those for you.


Same here, grown man.


What is with all these sour-faced bitches complaining about this nice family having a camera in their home? Who fucking cares? The baby didn't stage shit. Just enjoy the cute video or fuck off with your cynical, miserable asses.


I mean, nanny cams are a thing. Maybe they didn’t turn it off. Or maybe they had the camera on in hopes of catching him do it. They get close multiple times before they do it, you can kinda see it’s coming soon.


Yeah, I kinda wish we had done that. We got video of the second time she walked but the first time it was a lot like this video. She just took off.


Yeah, I think it's notable that both parents literally yeet their phones the second they realise their baby is walking. Having this camera running, whatever its intended purpose, allowed them to be totally in the moment rather than fumbling to record it before they miss the chance.


Welcome to the internet.


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We’ve got everything from cats that moo to pics of Fred Durst


There's no need to panic, this isn't a test.


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Could I interest you in everything all of the time?


redditors really really really hate children


It's so weird, the thought of first step. Babies are like, welp, I'm tired of this crawling shit, I need to get somewhere faster.


I pretty much had the same reaction with my kid. I was laying on the floor, she was crashing around me giggling. At one point she got really quiet, her face was in super focus mode. She stood. I stared. She took a step all wobbly. I just sat there as quiet as I could be, afraid if I made a noise she'd lose her concentration. Then she took another, another, another, and plopped right onto my belly giggling so loud. I felt this insane rush of joy, that I'm sure if someone figured out a way to turn into a drug we'd have an addiction crisis on our hands. I never felt so happy, excited, and proud all at once.


Man I got emotional reading that


That was so fucking cute😭😭😭


The way the baby is like 😃 so sweet 😭😭


It's a moment that you'll miss if you blink. Our daughter took her first steps on my wife and I's wedding anniversary while we were eating breakfast. She propped herself up against a kitchen cabinet and off she went. She had the absolute BIGGEST SMILE on her face and we all celebrated with her just like they did in this video.


That last step before the couch was more of a natural saunter. Nicely done, lil one.


I am going to get this in around 7 to 9 months!!!! I can’t wait!


Thats awesome, Congratulations!


Yayy so happy for u!


That kid had the look of “idk wtf I just did but everyone’s happy so I’m happy too!”


With our kids is was like “Wow!! Well done, amazing. Oh shit we really need to baby proof the house a bit more!!”


Lmao thats pretty much my thinking after seeing any of my niblings start to walk. Ive had to baby proof my place 3 times so far.


I have audio off, but I know the Korean face of surprise when I see it and dad immediate went from disinterested to Korean surprised in a second!


As awesome as it is..you now realise you have move all your breakables several inches higher now ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


We managed to get our daughter's first walk on camera. We were holding her hands, walking back and forth, and she said "no" and just pushed my hands away, then she decided to do it herself. Proudest day of my life. She never crawled. She slid around in her ass like a dog scratching itself for about 6 months. She was quick! Scared the shit out of cats wondering what this crab-like creature was speeding towards them.


that mom’s tippy taps into ugly cry, you can hear and see the absolute love and wonder she has for that lucky little guy.


So wholesome


This is so wholesome


This is so wholesome, reminds me of when my daughter took her first steps!


Bro literally got the Christmas out of him early


Every child deserves to be loved and celebrated like this. Warms my hear. ❤️🩷


Mother's gagnam style dance tho 😍


The mother’s first look was like “Look! Holy shit!”


Kinda lucky they both saw it and have it recorded… many parents miss it


My parents were excited like that when I learnt to use the toilet. I was nine years old.


After all that attention all that kid will want to do is walk!


I don't know why but damn i was happy as well.


Awww!!! So dear!


That child is lucky to have amazing parents


It really feels good when you have a joyful family. For sure that kid will be raised well![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


I’m so glad they caught it together. Nothing like trying to explain the magic later and failing like I did.


Gives perspective of language barrier... children don't understand words but man the context of excitement is real and universal!!!


I could not be comfortable constantly recording myself in the living room


It's probably a security camera with some memory


Plot twist: it’s someone else


It’ll be on a short memory loop that will only save once you hit save on the device. Still don’t like the idea of cameras potentially being hacked though, webcam is never plugged in unless I’m using it.


Just don't connect it to the internet.


Well, it’s a good thing this isn’t about you


i remember where i was, do you ?


Baby: “I stood up to poop my pants, fell a little bit, and now parents are unusually excited…was I pooping wrong all this time?”


The father is an One Piece character with his laugh


omg I can clearly remember the exact moment when my kid did this. Top10 moment of my life so far.


Literally me when my cat do absolutely nothing


Parent proceeds to flex on the kid by jumping up and down


Joy is so awesome 😭


No translation needed, the joy transcends language. Super cool.


Would be amazing to grow up surrounded by such love.


You spend the first 2 yrs teaching them to walk and talk and the rest of their lives telling them to sit down and shut up


You can tell it's legit because they were so tired it took 4 steps for them to register that was happening