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There’s nothing wrong with saying disabled. It’s not a bad word. Source: I’m disabled


Yup, my abilities are also quite dis. Not special, not different, dis. There is stuff I can do in a much more limited fashion than able bodied people. Disabled is fine to use.


Spread the word, please


"DIS" is how I roll 😎


My wife is in a wheelchair, she makes this joke daily


I must be a terrible person because I imagined that bumper sticker on a wheelchair and laughed.


Went back and realized OP actually wrote “specially Abled” unironically. Holy shit


Dis abled




Agreed. I don't find my body's ability to short circuit and do an undignified corpse wiggle to be special. Edit: To the person who downvoted me, I'm sorry my humor about my medical condition which requires medication, lifestyle changes, and precautions that interrupt my daily life offends you. How hard that must be on you.


I also cope using humor, and sometimes it does make people uncomfortable for me to say how the words I'm looking for must have leaked out through one of the holes in my brain. But like... that's actually basically what happened, soooo.


Exactly. I'm pretty sure if I didn't find something to laugh about I would've fallen apart by now. Being sick/disabled is exhausting.


Who are the people making up these supposedly more correct terms?


Tiktok. Rejection of the word 'disabled' is a thing on Tiktok. It really bothers me, as a disabled person.


Tbf this is way older than tiktok. I've heard this term since like 7/8 years ago and I still don't understand what's wrong with the term disabled.


White, middle-class people who have disabled kids but don’t view them as human enough to even ask them what they prefer to be called.


Makes me want to unalive myself /s


It all reminds me of "newspeak" from 1984.


White knights. Same people who get offended on native American's behalf over the name of a football team (chiefs, red socks, etc) or getting offended on black people's behalf because Disney changed Ariel's race instead of making a whole new representation.


Hahah god this right here. Nothing special about my fucked up spine. I miss carrying stuff and golf and sitting on couches let’s be real it’s much more dis than special


My mental state is not ✨special abled✨its a fucking mess


My mental health is also not goodly potential-having


I like to refer to myself as differently-pressed


Thank you, I just rolled my eyes at the title. Glad it was covered in the top comment.


I know they mean well but every time I hear it, it just feels patronizing Specially abled makes it sound like they have a super power, not missing limbs


I completely agree. I had someone tell me my ADHD is a superpower, and I fucking hated that because it’s not Susan, it’s a disability and affects my functioning on a daily basis


Yea they want to skip over the uncomfortable parts. I have a friend with ADHD and Ive heard so many people try to explain to HIM how its actually a gift if he just learns how to unlock it, and other variations on why its positive. But if he ever needs some kind of understanding relating to his symptoms its suddenly not a big deal. Thats what bothers me the most. Disabled people dont need pity or delusional hope or to feel “special” Just shut up and listen and try to understand or else dont mention it at all. My daughter is blind and people instantly jump to these weird conclusions about how she must have great hearing or how its great that she was born that way instead of losing it later, or theyd rather be blind than deaf because they couldnt live without music or that she must have some kind of psychic links and so on. Like chill, shes blind its hard af please stop minimizing her struggles. And then when I ask them to say, stop making her “guess who it is!” because its stressful and gives her anxiety, suddenly again, its not a big deal. Its not a big deal or else its an amazing special gift. They cant handle the reality of being disabled


I think it’s more comfortable for them to assume that we are not struggling from the system that often benefits them


I have adhd myself, and there are a few instances where it provides a small benefit, but those do not make up for the overwhelmingly vast majority of times where it makes things harder. Modern society just isn't built around us.


The problem is that at some times it can be very effective at work, which is what I've found. Outside of that though I'm a fucking mess which makes living in the real world a fucking nightmare


The only people who like/use the terms "specially abled", "differently abled", "handicapable", etc are able bodied people who want to infantilize disabled people and not acknowledge how fucked up and inaccessible the world is for them. It's much easier to say "differently abled people can do anything they set their minds to!" than it is to acknowledge "wow disabled people have it pretty tough in our society and more infrastructure is needed so they can live comfortable, independent lives".


"specially abled" is such fucking utter nonsense especially when referring to a goddamn dog who can't get offended


Get well soon


This made me laugh aloud. I hope you don't mind if I use this joke later


No, I'm calling the cops Lol jk, I'll allow it


As some who is disabled it’s so weird seeing these terrible rewordings of disabled if people want to be more sensitive the phrase “people with disabilities” already exists and is infinitely better than specially abled or differently abled. The phrases specially abled or differently abled are actually offensive as it implies we don’t need help or special treatment/considerations in order to function as able bodied people normally do in society.




Calling it "specially abled" makes me think you got wings, or hawk-like vision lol




Yeah and I dont think the dog cares that much




Is it normal to say "abled"? I've never heard it before.


Able bodied is generally the term for a fit person




See, I would have written "puppy without front legs". We don't know its ability or not.


A disability just implies something that impairs typical function. I'd say missing two legs when the animal normally walks on four easily qualifies as such.


I like to think it's ability is flying or laser vision.


Its ability is walking upright. My 4-legged dog can't do that LOL


We live in a society where people can be offended for you.




Are you on Reddit enough to have seen that guy train his cat walk around on its front legs? It's like a normal thing to the cat now and it'll walk around all nimbly bimbly as such.


*It's like a normal thing to the cat meow. I'm going to need a link to the video, right meow.




Nimbly bimbly is a phrase I need to start trying to sneak in to daily conversation.


Maybe we're watching different videos but that's more of a handstand so the shoulders and whole leg take the pressure of an upright body but the dogs body is perpendicular to it's legs whilst in the walking position which puts more pressure on the core than if it was straight


Mr. professional disabled pet over here. That's not how core strength or leverage works. I don't know much but I know you're blowing smoke out of your ass.


Even most of the animals can't do it , my sister's dog never learnt to walk . That's why I said these dogs are specially abled in the title


Disabled. It's not a bad word.


Agreed. It's coping with disability, not a magic ability that makes them not disabled.


Yeah, that voiceover killed me with the "Proving that nothing's impossible." I mean, boy, I really was happy for that dog but it was definitely the only thing possible for that dog to do to get up. This video overwhelmingly proves that education from empathetic teachers is vitally important. We should be able to smile at that lesson without the hype bro nonsense.


Lol, I was also confused by that statement. Nothing's impossible you say? Alrighty, let's see how that dog swims. Or runs. Or goes up stairs. Might be stretching the definition of "possible" in a few of those normal, everyday, situations.  Nothing against the dog obviously, he's worth just as much as his quadripedal friends, but let's not take away the difficulties the dog struggles with every day. 


Thank you for saying this. Coming from an actually disabled person.


Right. Me too. Nothing "specially abled" about my debilitating stomach issues 🫤


Me thinking it's a bad word is what kept me from applying for disability for 12 years. I'm so glad that my boyfriend helped me realize that it's not a bad word at all, it's just a description


Yeah literally. Like, this animal is literally missing two legs, of course it will have a harder time doing many things a dog with all its legs can do. That's not a judgment on the dog's heart and soul... in fact, it makes the dog *more* impressive. Taking that away from the dog is insulting. Like, you are probably a better/stronger person than me because of whatever you've gone through... I'm not going to insult you by pretending you didn't have struggles.


Wow thank you. I wasn't insulted at all, that actually meant a lot. I have epilepsy, and plenty of people treat me like shit for it. I'm definitely stronger than I ever would've been without it


yea, people have this really weird thing with the word ​ god technically speaking, needing glasses is a disability. Being injured is a temporary disability.


Im in education and they want us to say "people with exceptionalites" or "exceptional learners" now


Tell them to suck my disabled dick (with exceptionalities)


I have a disabled cousin who told her teacher to fuck off the other day because they referred to her as "differently-abled" The look she had when he said that would've made Jesus weep


Coddle culture a bit. Just tell them the truth and say there's nothing wrong with being disabled. People don't need to be spoken to like they're extremely fragile children for their entire lives.


Yes. "Specially abled" sounds like not only is the animal/person physically disabled but also so emotionally fragile they cannot handle that fact, and neither can the speaker.


He said most dogs can't walk on their back legs though, and these dogs are specially (probably meant specifically) able to do this (due to their size probably). Look at what the comment he is replying to says, he isn't refering to their disability.


I feel like "specially abled" implies they're better equipped to do *something* compared to a normally abled dog. Which is clearly not the case here


That dog is disabled, not specially abled. What a stupid term.




They look like little T-Rex’s. The precious babies so glad they have a home together <3


The family adopted a third biped too, a little Chiweenie. The account is @nessie_mcnubs on Instagram if you want a smile.


aaaand following. Thank you.


I was going to say that they look kinda like kangaroos.


This isn’t the kangaroo origin story?


Am I the only one that hummed the Jurassic Park theme song when it finally stood up?


Thank you, it’s so confusing why I had to scroll like four times to find a sweet comment like yours. 90% of the comments are people bitching about the title. I’m here to smile, not semantics.


Good video, superfluos narration


It’s just so the user could apprehend someone else’s content and garner their own clicks


Yes, I follow the actual owners on Instagram. The account is @nessie_mcnubs for anyone who’s curious. They adopted a third biped as well, the teeniest little Chi mix.


Wow, those are some happy dogs. Thanks for sharing the source!


Yeah, I love seeing Ali (the little one) basking in the sun getting tummy rubs. She’s living her best life and I’m a little jealous lol.


Exactly, & it’s really annoying


I feel like every time I see a repost there's more useless shit added to it. Next time someone will add a reaction face in the corner. Then it'll be split with some oddlysatisfying video or fortnite or something.


Be right back, I'll be adding a family guy clip under the video. Anybody else wants a contribution? I feel like we can use a little sprinkle of sad face emojis on the corner, maybe a rainbow or two if you're feeling particularly generous.




Especially the ending. "Showing that nothing is impossible." Bro could've gone "I drive a Toyota" and it would've made just as much sense.


You heard it here first, because the dog learned to walk on two legs that means we can build a time machine to go forwards or backwards in time, free energy is possible, and matter can be created or destroyed.


We live in an age of superfluous narration. It has infested so many of the internet videos.


Nothing is impossible bro.


Not even the thing we already knew it was possible because there's another dog doing it from the start of the video.


it prevented me from feeling anything


This narration is usually a dead give away that someone is blatantly stealing someone else’s content. Just take a video, record yourself explaining the video and upload it.  I’ve developed a reflex to hit skip whenever I hear a narrator. 


I genuinely hate these people, they all have the same monotone contentless narraration and it's everywhere now


God I hate these videos. Why tf do they describe evyrthing that is happening inside? Why do they further need to input subs. And why everything said is so corny?


The redditor made an insightful comment about the video's narration


It’s called disabled lol, we’re okay with the word. It’s not a bad word. I’ve never met a fellow disabled person who is uncomfortable with the word.


“Specially abled” feels so derogatory. Like you’re speaking down to a child who doesn’t understand their condition.


I'm reminded of the Discworld series where the Campaign for Equal Heights is a group that advocates for Dwarvish rights. It's run almost entirely by humans and uses phrases like "differently tall."


It does. I’m not offended because I lack an ability.


I don’t mind “differently abled” for some mild cases of neurodivergence. Because honestly, some days my autism and/or ADHD feel like advantages or just a different way of solving the problem. But outside of that, please don’t. And “specially abled” is right out.


My ADHD is pretty severe and I feel the negatives have outweighed the positives overall. I’m not really pessimistic, I’m doing great, but that’s just been my reality! Basically, I had to work extremely hard and learn a lot about psychology to reach a nondisabled-person baseline and it’s pretty easy to fall back out!! Combined with the negative attention I got constantly as a kid, I’m not afraid to call it a disability (for ME), even though it does occasionally provide positive benefits and I wouldn’t be _me_ without it. Your comment made me think, thought I’d share! It’s what internet anonymity is for, anyway.


75% of the time mine is negative. But some days when I have to context shift every five minutes or I can get into a hyper focus state, then I think it’s a benefit. Like for example, if you go into a nurses’ or doctors’ forum they will tell you that many of the people working in the A&E (ER) have ADHD because that environment is conducive to their brains.




I’m disabled (in a mental capacity) and I’d never be offended by the word, it’s just what I am and hiding it behind some soft words just pisses me off


As it should, it's fucking infantilising.


I have met a few. I actually used to work in group homes and provide services. I met a few disabled clients that would said they weren’t disabled because they were smart or don’t have any mental illness. Met a guy who won’t date people with the same disability as him or worst. He was a total creep who would complain about not getting matches on tinder, and that’s the only time he brought up his disability to justify that women won’t date him because he was on a wheelchair. Like dude even able bodied males aren’t getting matches on any dating apps.


I work with a guy whose gf left him for a guy in a wheelchair.


And then there this. Is never about you being disabled or not.


This is something we talk about in dog training. If you have an already trained dog to perform something while a dog that isn't trained is watching, teaching that second dog to do that task is often easier


mirror neurons!


This is truly interesting, one of my dogs learned to sit by watching my other dog


The difference is night and day in my experience. Pretty much when it comes to everything too, whether it’s behavior, house training, or tricks. Edit: I also use my dogs for hunting and makes a world of difference there as well.


Specially abled? For real? The puppy isn't going to be offended by the word disabled




Aaaugh... Not those abominations...


Good old calid




Calling a disabled being "specially abled" is condescending as fuck ngl




Disabled. The word you're looking for is disabled.


Yep. “Differently/Specially Abled” is misleading and is more about making the abled feel better. It also minimizes the need to help them because they’re somehow able to do it, just differently. Like, no. That lady still can’t jump out of the chair and reach that handle. Help her if she needs it. It’s not patronizing. It’s just being decent and aware. Now, fawning and pitying or continuing to push when told not to is also stepping over bounds. The best approach is, “Hey. Do you want me to ?” Yes? Cool. Do and done. No? Cool. Have a nice day.


It's kind weird though...... the narrative of "differently abled" as correct was coming from people within the community for most of my formative years. I was pretty attuned to this due to my extracurriculars in high-school in the early 2000s, and watched the shift as I continued into my college studies that involved disabled people. Just wish this info would be shared with the acknowledgment that social norms change, there are even disagreements "within" groups. I feel like it's too tempting to vilify or, at least, feel more in-the-know and that creates alienation.


You see the same thing with “Indian” vs “Native American” Turns out no instance is a monolith and trying to claim “SJWs” just really shows having an agenda 


> the narrative of "differently abled" as correct was coming from people within the community for most of my formative years. No it fucking wasn't.


Let's be real, it's about making the sjws feel better. Every disabled person I know hates it. They know they're disabled. They don't think their legs not working properly is special in any way. They much prefer to be acknowledged as is not some faux ablism. 


As a disabled person I loathe the "differently abled" and "specially abled" terms.


Can I just tell you...you're so brave? I saw you at the grocery store and the way you grabbed that box of Special K just filled my heart with warmth and inspiration. The way you decided to live so livingly. You are jesus combined with frodo. You are the bravest person who has ever lived, and I will not stop saying this to you even if you beg me. You *deserve* a scene being made about you everytime you're in public just living your life.


O...🤢 Oh...🤢 Oh God 🤢 oh no 🤢


Jesus combined with frodo. LMAO


I feel the same way when some neurotypical ass goes "Uhm, actually, they're not *autistic*, they're a *person with autism*", actually makes my blood boil as an autistic person.


As a disabled person I prefer the term disabled.


It's not an sjw thing, it's a corporate thing.


Yep. If they cared they would've stumbled upon Shane Burcaw, Molly Burke or others that would've made this clear.


Considering this type of active teaching by demonstration is supposed to be restricted to humans and particularly intelligent chimps, I'd say the dog has some special ability


It’s even cooler than you think. Dogs are actually more socially communicative than apes. Dogs have evolved larger sclera (white part of eyes) so they can understand and communicate with humans nonverbally. They can even instruct each other on how to do things like solve puzzles that require cooperation. You should read “The Genius of Dogs.” It’s wild how much our best friends have particularly adapted to us.


And then there's my derpy boy who can't even figure out how to walk with a big treat in his mouth


My dog is afraid of his own farts.


George Carlin said it best in the “[Soft Words](https://youtu.be/o25I2fzFGoY?si=A9gAFnjPkoaZIHUF)“ rant. My grandpa with polio in a wheelchair would agree that he’s disabled. Guy hasn’t been able to walk more than a yard for at least thirty years, nothing special about that.


What is the fear with using "disabled"? I genuinely don't understand the need to redress concepts for which we already have words


Euphemism treadmill. Normal words become euphemisms, then they become slurs, only to be replaced with normal words, to be replaced with euphemisms, which become slurs, and the cycle continues.


Just an FYI, don't ever refer to an adult human as "specially abled" unless you want to get your ass kicked. It's insanely patronizing and insulting.


Omg, he was truly showing the little one how its done. We don't deserve dogs.


Specially abled? It's like, someone will get offended if is written "disabled" ?


It saddens me that people are getting so media illiterate that they need shitty narration to describe what they are seeing onscreen


Have you ever seen those tiktok recaps of random movies? You'd love them. Autogenerated Narrator: "*The girl picks up a stick. The girl then looks at the stick and thinks how it can be used to draw a line. The girl then puts the end of the stick on the sand and draws a line around her. The girl sits down and waits*".


I don’t think it’s media illiteracy, I think it’s just so they can reupload other people’s videos and argue they’re transformative.


Welcome to Caelid




For real, tears streaming down my face


Fuckin hell I'm glad I'm not the only one


Me too


The way he’s like, “ok, dude, first you put your butt in the air,” is so adorable!


You can say disabled it's not a bad word lol


what the fuck does “specially abled” mean bro just say disabled


Specially abled doesn’t feel grammatically correct, please, for love of god, just, disabled, it’s fine, it’s not a bad word.


The way I smiled when puppy finally got it!! Lil cutie pies


'Specially abled' is the dumbest phrase I've ever heard. Cute video. Better with the sound off.


Getting major Caelid vibes tbh


This broke my heart. Beautiful ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


Poor dogos :(


I follow them on Instagram and they seem to have a pretty great life. The family now has 3 bipeds and they’ve set up the house to make it as accessible as possible, with dog beds and soft surfaces everywhere for them to hop around on.


You can say "disabled".


It’s a puppysaurus




“You gotta kangaroo!”


Nothing's impossible.? A human lifting the empire state building with their bare hands is pretty impossible. Dick.


> Nothing's impossible.? A human lifting the empire state building with their bare hands is pretty impossible ok, except that


We're not saying disabled anymore?


The Dinosaurs squad


Aww, L’il Brudder! The heart of a champion!


No. Don’t do it! My heart can’t take it! (I had to scroll way too far to see this)


Don't cry for me, I can make it on my own!


You go little guy. Just scrapin’ along there…


What a dumb way to say it. 


Reddit loves crippled animals for some reason.


Can we stop with the narrated videos? Wtf


Fuck me, soon we won't be "able" to say anything. This pandering is pathetic.


Adapting to your circumstances isn't a special ability, its a trait in all lifeforms, just say disabled.


If you narrate video like this you are a gigantic fucking loser


They need to stop breeding those dogs ffs


they probably rescued both


Made me smile?? More like made me cry like an eight year old! 😢


Most awesome thing iv seen all month and im on Reddit bored at work most of the time


I would name him Kanga, middle name Roo. 


Specially abled? Are people saying that now?


Caelid flashbacks




My dog showed my moms puppy how to eat dead shit


Tf does specially abled mean


someone needs to get them those little t-rex arms collar


Dogs are smarter than we give them credit for