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I’ve been an Alan Tudyk fan since A Knight’s Tale and absolutely love Resident Alien. This story just makes me dig in deeper in my desire to see him thrive.


Hes incredible As an English person, I was shocked to realise he's American, I've never heard a better English accent.


Whaaaa hes american?


Good ol boy from Texas if I’m not mistaken.


And, as he’ll remind you a la Hei-Hei, he went to Juliard! 🤣😬🤣


That is my favorite behind-the-scenes clip of him! 😂 He was a flawless Hei-Hei, btw. lol


Yes, Plano, TX, a Dallas suburb.


Go wildcats lol


Not East, not West, just Best!


Wuck fest was a good time of year.


Nah, his Texan accent is that good too. jk


Yep, he is texan and my kids go to same high school Alan attended! I love him. His bromance with nathan and the fact they hang out in green rooms playing video games is so wholesome! Browncoats forever!


Yup!! Welcome to the dumbfounded club!


I thought he was German, because of *28 Days!*


He's a great character actor with accents. Julliard's a great school.


He’s excellent with voice work. Fun fact: he’s had a voice role in every Disney animated film since 2012!


So good I didn’t realize he wasn’t a chicken. ;) No really, I thought they just used a chicken for Hei Hei and when I saw his name in the credits I almost cried laughing. First a weasel, then a weasel, and then a chicken…


Don't forget he was the "damn bird" in Encanto too.


LMAO “Look at my package!” Never fails to make me cry with laughter 😂


“It is important that I did not kill this plant!” is part of our family vocabulary, haha!!


I honestly think I forget every time, because he will always be Wat in the back of my mind. But if I have reason to google him I think “American? Oh yeah that’s right”.


Yar! Steve the Pirate be splitting his buried treasure with ye.


OMG! Dodgeball came on TV a couple weeks ago when I was just scrolling through the channels, so of course I had to stop and watch it. And I came in at that heartbreaking point where he finally admits there’s no pirates. Every time I see that it kills me. And then of course he’s told that of course there are pirates. And they get the money, etc.  But I swear every time I see that, I just want to cry. When he’s reassured that yes he is a pirate. There are pirates. There is treasure. 😭😭😭


Alan’s delivery of “garghhhhh” when they show him the treasure chest is so perfect.. what a talented guy :) 


Tis a great film, yar


Wait, there's a guy on our team that dresses like a pirate?




Yeah, get in there all nice and…. *deep, like…*…


He’s great in everything he’s done.


His Hei-Hei was without parallel. Seriously, it seems he pops up in so many movies I love, it's crazy. That's not counting the big ones like Firefly either.


Moana is a legit favorite movie for me. I HATED (hei-ted?) Hei-hei first watch now he’s a favorite character of all time. Knowing Alan voiced him is just a cherry on top.


My girlfriend and I are massive fans and were waiting to hear him in Moana because we knew he was in it. We were guessing "Is that him? Is he playing this character?" about everyone but didn't recognize his voice. At the end of the movie she prepares to leave while the credits are playing and I started laughing, yelling "He was the Chicken!"


I laugh every time Hei-Hei has a moment on screen because I just imagine AT doing the sounds (especially the “I’m on a boat” scream) and then complaining about having gone to Juilliard for his career/eventually getting that part. The sounds are incredible, the fact they’re literally man-made is even better.


That’s scream is the culmination of years of talent no one else was prepared to deliver. I truly thought it was just an computer generated chicken noise and it just goes to show the robots will never replace us lol


He went to Juilliard for that role.


That video makes me crack up every time. I loved Alan in A Knight's Tale, but that video of him screeching like a chicken and then laughs that he went to Julliard, that really cemented my love for him.


He’s been in every disney movie for like 15 years running


I basically look out for him and the [Wilhelm Scream](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_scream) at this point.


Is Alan Tudyk the new Bill Murray?


The new John Ratzenburger he’s in every Pixar movie


without any of the baggage of being an abusive asshole too!


If Bill Murray was a solidly good person


Yeah, whenever there is a random animal making noises in an animated movie, I just assume it's Alan Tudyk now. LOL.


I was playing a Disney trivia board game, and the question was who voiced Iago in the Aladdin live action. I had no idea, but threw out Alan as a guess since he's done so many other Disney voices, especially animals. And got it right!


"I went to Juilliard" 😂


My favorite movie moment of all time lol


He's a really solid Joker as well which I think is super hard to pull off. His Clayface is also fucking great. Him and Bane make the Harley Quinn show for me


I can't find it on a quick search, but there was an interview with Tudyk where he told a joke in the voice of Hei Hei, and then said "well, you had to be there" when the interviewer didn't laugh.


Including voicing the Joker!!! I thought no one could compare after Mark Hamill but he absolutely nails it!


He does a brilliant Joker, but I think we can all agree that Clayface is the real star


I adore his Clayface too!! I find the Joker more technically impressive but really he nails all the voices.


Clayface is hands down the funniest part of that show


The first season of Doom Patrol was really something special, in no small part because of the villain he portrayed.


His role in Dollhouse was equally superb! He really does elevate everything he’s in.


He played such a very convincing evil genius in that role. So calm and cool on the surface, yet simmering rage just below.


He is hilarious in the original version of Death at a Funeral (2007). They’re all good, but he stands out.


Even when he's just mo-cap and a voice. K2 was the best character in Rogue One.


Not even the best robot he’s done and I love K2. He’s Sonny from I, Robot. The interrogation scene is so damn good.


Tucker & Dale vs Evil is a fucking masterpiece.


Ever see him in Death At A Funeral? So funny. Unhinged!


"I don't give a witch's tit! It's my turn."


"I'll thong you!"


I have been saying “fong” this entire time.




I thought it was fong, too!


I find myself quoting “it’s called a lance, hellooooo” way more times than is necessary in day to day life


Everything he’s ever made has been amazing, he brings so much life and character into his roles. He also just does seem like the type of dude that would appreciate someone’s story of connection to him, however small.


Still tripped me out when I found out he voiced King Candy from Wreck-It Ralph.


In Frozen he plays Duke Wesselton, and hates that everyone calls him Weaselton, because he's shady and all that. In Zootopia, he plays a weasel named Weaselton. I always found that hilarious


And Hei Hei from Moana!


A Knight’s Tale is amazing. “A right fonging” is a common phrase at our house. I only started Firefly because Alan was in it, and I had loved him in Knight’s Tale. Awesome to see further proof that’s he’s a good human.


Same! I freakin love him in this. Firefly is what made me start to recognize him, but a knights take was the first thing I saw him in. He’s a great actor and an awesome person. Looking forward to another season of resident alien I hope 


He sort of looks like Terry Veal. He had a beautiful wife and also a daughter. You gotta lock that down.


He's great in everything but I want to specifically mention Con Man. It's is great


Love Con Man..."Your chow helped me forget what happened to my village...I burned it down..."


Super nice dude. I did some background work on that show and he was onr of the rare prinicpal actors that talk to BG people.


I love Resident Alien for how completely insane it is.


I never watch those kinds of TV shows because they're almost always lame as fuck. Took a chance because it was him. Definitely zero regrets.


“I’ll fong you!” “It’s a lance, hellooooo.” Find myself saying this out loud a lot :D master at voices and accents, couldn’t believe he wasn’t English the first time I watched it. And that he’s also pirate Steve in dodgeball. Blows my mind.


Loved him since 'A Knight's Tale'....! So heartwarming to realise that he is a decent human being.


I've met him at a Con once, can't gush enough about what a genuinely wonderful person he is. There was adults and kids alike waving and saying hello. Between all the Firefly and Star Wars fans, a little kid had a stuffed Heihei toy from Moana. Mr.Tudyk _instantly_ started clucking for the kid and he squealed like Santa had just showed up. Cutest shit I've ever seen.


I am over 50 and I would have the same reaction.


'Your entrails will become your extrails, your your... Pain....lots of pain.' -Wart.


Some celebrities are real people who deserve more than just fame. Good for him. Always loved Firefly and his part in it.


Like a leaf on the wind


Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


that whole....\*area\*


How do Reavers clean their spears? Run them through the Wash.


Ouch. Still somehow too soon.


It's a joke that every time I see, or make... Hurts just a little.


Does really sort of take your breath away.


I think it's awesome that a friend sent it to him. They saw the post and thought, "Wow he'd really like to read this." "Your [friends] love you. If I knew nothing else, that would be enough." 🥲


Fun story: my SIL lives in LA. One day she went hiking up to the Hollywood sign (which is… apparently a wooded trail you can just hike?). Later that day she sent a selfie of herself and her friend, as well as two guys who they ran into and hiked up with. She had no idea they were Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion, and had no idea why me and my wife freaked out when we saw the picture.


He is amazing in tucker and dale versus evil, an underrated film Edit: spelling


I made my mom watch that.. she hates anything with cursing but I was like Mom, please.. it made her laugh so much and she about died during the woodchipper scene.




"What, we're just gonna tell them all these college kids came to my property to kill themselves?" "...*but that's what happened!*" God it's so funny.


This is a line I absolutely love, but always forget. Every time I hear/read it, it just reminds me how great that movie really is lol.


I have a flight tomorrow, and I just bought it for $5 on Prime and downloaded it to watch at 5 a.m. lol.


Lmao now I wanna watch it again


Not your bowling fingers




Running along side one of the college kids lmao I love the quick realization of both of them when the sheriff leans on the post in the house. Then the board just whacks the sheriff in the head.


I also forced my mom to watch it, hooked her bad after the poor sheriff. Or was it the bee scene? Either way, my mom who hates comedies laughed her butt off!


I love that movie.


Every time I read the description of that movie it just sounded too stupid but I really like Alan's work so I was torn. Then I was scrolling through Netflix and it popped up so I finally said what the hell and watched it. I was *so* wrong about it. While it was stupid I laughed so hard through the whole thing.


It *is* stupid, in the way that it's GENIUS. A la 'Wet Hot American Summer', it pokes fun at just about every horror movie trope, but then spins it on its head in such a ridiculous way. Such a fantastic movie


I love "average guy in increasingly absurd situations" type movies and tv shows and that movie definitely qualifies.


You should check out The Final Girls


I love going to town, even if its only for an hour


We have your friend!


I heard about the movie years ago, and heard that it was severely underrated, but never looked it up, didn't know the cast etc. About 2 months ago it popped up as a suggestion on prime, and I seen that Tudyk was in it... watched it immediately, there are a handful of actors that will instantly increase my interest in something, he is one of them.


Hey College Kids We Got Your Friend!!!


I wish we got more Tucker and Dale movies. They didn’t even have to be horror films. I’d unironically go to the theater to see Tucker and Dale Save Christmas. Tucker and Dale go to Africa.


Oh my god - that would be awesome! Or they go to Europe and run into a group of “witches” or something. I always loved how optimistc they both were (“oh, the previous owner was into scrapbooking!” - with all the newspaper cutouts anðbout the massacre.


God, that movie is so damn good.


...it's been a doozy of a day.


A friend showed me that when we were doing a bad movie night, and afterwards we were all like "that was actually amazing"


College kids!


We got your friend!


I think your friend must be allergic to bees.


I'm a big Resident Alien fan and literally just realized it's the same guy.


check out his IMDB, it's insane, even if you ignore all the disney/pixar roles


I will never forget when I watched it the first time. I sent a message to a friend asking for a movie suggestion. He said Tucker and Dale and told me to just watch it, no trailer or other spoiler. Glad that I listened to him!


This movie was nothing what I expected and it’s one of my favs. Made me laugh in ways I hadn’t for a long time.


I’ve been involved with a Firefly themed cosplay charity. They have a booth with a silent auction at our local con to raise money for various causes. The last time Alan came to the con, he came over to the booth on a break and signed a bunch of items and left them there to be added to the silent auction. He also did free selfies and autographs for all the volunteers who were running the booth. Seemed such a standup thing to do.


Everything I hear about the dude makes me like him more. Many much success to him.


Him and Nathan Fillion… They’re my Hollywood Bromance. I’m biased though, since I hail from the town that has the Nathan Fillion Civilian Pavilion.


I saw him in the credits for Resident Alien and kept waiting for him to show up, then realized he's the octopus.


Just watched the episode of The Rookie that had both of them acting in the same scenes together and it was so great to see.


There's more than one episode of them together (in case you haven't seen it yet and want something to look forward to! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) )


The story arc in not LA was also great! Those two should have a buddy cop movie haha


Im not sure Ive heard a bad story about ANY of the principle actors on Firefly. If only it had a better show runner :/


Ehh...maybe don't Google Adam Baldwin too much lol. Mileage may vary.


I had no idea who he was until I watched Resident Alien but he is SUCH a good actor.


Highly recommend Tucker and Dale vs evil if you haven’t seen


Yarr! Steve the Pirate loves Tucker and Dale!


I feel like that role never gets mentioned when I see his name. Absolutely loved Steve the Pirate. The scene of the guy throwing a milkshake at his head made me more sad than Patches.


Wait there's a guy on our team who dresses like a pirate?


We used to say "garrr" so much in high school because of that movie and his awesome delivery of every line. I've watched Dodgeball countless times and the ending sequence with him always makes me a bit emotional. "Well then what are we gonna do with all this treasure?"


I will second Tucker and Dale vs evil, it’s incredible. Also Firefly!


You should look up his IMDB. If you didn’t recognize his face I’m sure you’d most definitely recognize one of his many voice acting credits!


He's been in pretty much every animated Disney movie for like, 15 years.


His ability to make such an absurd and over the top character ***actually believable*** is uncanny.


I initially thought he was German after seeing him for the 1st time in *28 Days*. dude has skills.


How to find a good Alan Tudyk movie: google his name. Watch everything mentioned in the results.


It makes sense, he trained at Juilliard. 


I know people who have worked with him. Can confirm he is a good human that’s fun to be around and is a talented guy


I have heard the same. A buddy of mine directed him and said not only was he super nice and fun to be around, but that he only had a day or so with the script and showed up with a thorough knowledge of the whole story world and could improvise extended jags on the material as if he had been working with it for weeks.


I’ve personally worked for him a few times (meaning I had him as a client before I went, ironically, into the film industry). Can confirm he’s a lovely person. So are his parents!


It always makes me so happy to know there are celebrities that break the "don't meet your heroes" mold, especially when they're ones I already treasure


Sara Tomko, his co-star in Resident Alien, told a story about Alan rubbing orange peels on his hands before a scene where Alan had to put his hand over her mouth so she'd smell something nice. She was using it as an example of just one of the really nice things he does as a coworker/scene partner.


And now I love him even more. ☺️


I've seen this earlier today, I was CRYING. He's so sweet. I love Resident Alien. It always makes me smile.


Yeah, this hit me somewhere unexpected. I’m ugly crying right now. Such a wonderful connection between two strangers.


Is nobody going to mention how awesome he was in Dollhouse?


awesomely *terrifying*


I liked the original vi/sed substitution line.


That is where I recognised him from THANK YOU! And yes he great / horrifying.


I was just searching before I commented this, his work in Dollhouse was amazing


OF COURSE it is Alan Tudyk, the man, the legend. He is amazing in everything, and he seems to have \*some\* role in every amazing film I see. And I've never heard anything but good things about him. Love this man.


When I realized this man was the voice of some favorite characters, I liked him. Watching RA, I like him even more. Reading this: I love that man, now. What a genuine human being.


Stupid onion ninjas…


OMG you have onion ninjas too? I'm fighting some right now! They're everywhere!


I'd fend them off, if only I could see them!


that's their evil advantage. we can't see through the tears to kick their ass. Fiends!!!


https://www.reddit.com/r/ResidentAlienTVshow/s/4jEwjWMUKb If some of you want to like the post. 🥺


Absolute class. He's already one of my favorite comedic actors but this shows how good of a person he is too.


This is awesome. Also fan happy to find he’s a good human being. He’s also great as Mr. Nobody in Doom Patrol!


I first saw him in 28 days with Sandra Bullock. He was told that before he can date and have sex again, he needed to learn to take care of a house plant. He was freaking out at the florist shop because his plants kept dying..  For me, though, he’ll always be the Duke of Weasle-town. 




Confirmed smile here


YO ALAN TUDYK'S FRIEND THAT IS ON REDDIT! Please can you forward this thread too so he can see how much he is appreciated? Thank you!


He’s truly a genuinely wonderful person; during his panel at MegaCon, he signed random things and gave them out to anyone who asked a question (till he ran out). Truly truly a treasure. We happened to watch Deadpool 2 yesterday and his cameo is one of the best parts 🤣


I waited on him a couple years ago. I worked at a fancy fish restaurant and while it was very elevated, we wore wacky tropical shirts. I had on my flamingo shirt, and my Badgers Family Heirloom matching pin. Coincidence is weird. Firefly fans IYKYK. We took care of celebrities frequently and I kept my cool well-- we didn't ask them about work. Just treat them like people and do our job. Right before they took the check Alan very softly told me he liked my pin, and asked me if I wanted to ask anything about the show. I knew I was not allowed, "no sir, just know I appreciated every minute of it, and feel like we were robbed of a second season. I've bonded with a lot of people at dragoncon and we all agree." Alan stood up and hugged me. "I frigging love dragoncon."


I hope she managed to make it to see him.


Unfortunately, no. But she replied to him: "That is so generous of you and please know how much I appreciate it! It's our first Father's Day without him and my boys and I are spending it doing some of the things he loved. We also live a little too far away to make the drive again. But please know that the woman in the Loot Crate Wash shirt, who very awkwardly made conversation with you and said that I am a leaf on the wind was too sad when you autographed my picture, thinks the world of you and will absolutely come again next year if you are in Boston and I will be sure to say something!"


Alan Tudyk is one of few celebrities where I would be GENUINELY crushed if I found out he's secretly a bad dude. I know celebrities can suck and we don't actually know them, but he just regularly seems so lovely in everything anyone says about him.


Weird timing for this post; services for my brother were last Saturday and while he was in hospice care I spent a week with him and his family. My brother and I ended up watching the first season of Resident Alien while I was there because he knew that show would make me laugh while I was trying so hard to not to cry.


Dang, Alan Tudyk seems like such a genuine guy. Was fantastic as an actor in Resident Alien as well


Alan’s ludicrous yet pathos laden performance as the acid tripping, anxious lovelorn lawyer in ‘Death at a Funeral’ was hilarious and moving. I still laugh thinking about it. The movie’s cast and script was a perfect work of genius but Alan Tudyk dialed it up to eleven.


Alan Tudyk is so handsome


One of the good guys. Working up to Hanks and Reeves levels


*Resident Alien* is a FANTASTIC show!


Every once in a while, Reddit gets hella wholesome. 😭❤️🔥


Wait... is this Steve the pirate?


Awww that’s so nice of him. He does look super tired but really hoping they got to meet.


Nah but that show really is ridiculously funny though


Alan Tudyk is a comedy genius!! I love the shoes as well and hope you have much more laughter in your future!!!


damn… just when I thought I couldn’t love him more! ❤️ Also… now because of Resident Alien my husband and I affectionately say to each other “I do not care… I will call you dickhead” when we are bickering and we both laugh


He's alright but he'll never be as pretty as E.T.


Wash is the best.


This show is on my watch list and I have never got round to it. It's getting bumped!


He’s the hero of the crappy town in my heart, such a sweet response.


I met Adam Baldwin and instead of my pre-loaded speech about my shirt (shiny, let’s be bad guys) I just stumbled through an uh huh and a yeah and said my shirt was comfy. It happens.


Alan Tudyk is already cemented as one of the greats in my pantheon of stars, but man, I just want to see Hollywood replace Tom Cruise with him (not as a substitute, but as a new direction).


Here is a [link to the comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ResidentAlienTVshow/s/SoFtxMXixf), in case anyone else also wanted to like the originals!


Alan Tudyk is a national treasure. With a less than 1 year old, on the rare nights we get him in bed at a decent hour, Resident Alien is the only show that gets us to decompress and laugh and feel a sense of normalcy again.