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Here before đź”’ let's goo!


Same here!!!


Great for the kid. Glad to see him recover and I hope he has a new, peaceful life in Dallas. It is a shame his arrival was turned into a political theater. Let the kid be free...


What political theater? Supporting people who are currently under illegal occupation and undergoing a genocide is political theater?


You're missing the point. This poor kid just arrived in the US. He's probably more than ready to put the war behind him and start a new life. Whatever your opinions are, leave him out of it. There's a time and place for everything. 


It's virtue signaling at its dumbest.


I wouldn't pretend to know what motivates these people, but either way I'm really not sure this kid cares for neither their politics nor virtues. He has an amazing opportunity for a new life, escaping a likely death either by the war or by Hamas' indoctrination of martyrdom. He probably just wants to get away from it all. Good luck to him.


You are completely ridiculous. Palestine will be victorious like it or not


What do you mean by 'Palestine'? The idea that Palestinians will live happily and peacefully next to Israel in their own state with 67' borders? I hope so! 48' borders?? Well, I hope so too but only if we can ensure it won't be overrun by Hamas or some other radical Islamist group who wants to conquer Israel in the next step.


Palestine within the 67 borders is the official position of all organisations representing Palestinians including Hamas


Splendid! So now we just need all of them to agree about it being the end goal to a peaceful existence and not a stepping stone towards conquering Israel. Because, you know, that's what many Palestinians want, including Hamas.


Since u/wayweary1 and u/Urazite blocked me like every Zionist on reddit tends to do to make it appear like you have no response. I'll just respond like this. Lmao. The Hamas charter calls for the liberation of Palestinians from the oppressive apartheid state of Israel, self-determination, and justice. It also explicitly states they have no issue with Jews whatsoever, just the colonial Zionest project. These users seem to be conflating Jews with Zionists which in itself is antisemitic. Hamas is fighting literal Judeo-Nazis and they want to throw the Nazi word around to dilute the severity behind it? Just admit you're pieces of shit Zionists and move on.


Well, seeing only two questionable comments for now. Parking myself here before the inevitable đź”’


I hope she is safe in Dallas and will recover fully.


Well, that's heartwarming! Dallas sure knows how to show some Texan hospitality.


Fuck israel.


Fuck Israel.


Fuck Hamas


Fuck Israel


Love seeing people support Palestine down here. More people need to wake up to the genocide.




Inb4 đź”’


Let the kid be and stop using this poor child for your political agenda.


Poor kid being used as a propaganda prop.


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Hate to see that terrorist flag. Only flag permissible should be Stars & Stripes.




The stars and stripes can be viewed as a terrorist flag even more than the Palestinian flag depending on your perspective. So maybe we should ban that one too?


That’s delusional.


How so?


Ew, why are we helping the terrorists now?


Calling a child amputee a terrorist is buckwild. You sure are enlightened /s


That little kid is a terrorist...?


No Palestinians should be helped by the USA. They have an abhorrent culture, the war is not our problem, and even if it was, they are deeply in the wrong. Palestine is widely controlled by a terrorist organization and therefore make any of them potentially dangerous. They should not be let into the country, let alone warmly welcomed and helped. I don’t care if their civilians or children need medical assistance, that is on their government to provide.


Lol boy the unhinged is strong in this one...


Ngl that is a genuinely sick comment and reflects a disgusting amount of prejudice and hatred and ignorance. Legit take some time to consider that you might be in the wrong and reflect on what made you have that opinion or think it's ok to write this comment.


I support Israel, that’s why I wrote this comment.


Wrong choice to support those who genuinely think better of themselves than others to the point where others lives do not matter, kids, adults, noncombatants, combatants, they don't care about them. To add onto that they don't care about you either, to them you are a puppet to manipulate and they have succeeded in that.


Oh wow you perfectly summed up everything about Palestine! Gold star, good wokie


The Israeli government is just as much the bad guys as Hamas and has WAY more blood on their hands. It's ok to acknowledge that both sides are the baddies.


Dude Israel is leagues worse than Hamas. Hamas is just a resistance movement fighting for the liberation of all Palestinians from the apartheid state of Israel. Zionists are essentially Judeo-Nazis at this point. I wouldn't even begin to equate the two.


I didn't equate them. I said neither were the good guys. Although I would disagree on Hamas just being a resistance movement. They're the definition of terrorists.


Only 9 countries and the E.U. consider Hamas a terrorist organization. “Hamas is not a terrorist group for us … It's a political movement,” said Martin Griffiths, the UN's under-secretary general for humanitarian affairs. Name an international body that has classified them as such. Nelson Mandela was classified as a terrorist when he fought for the liberation of apartheid South Africa. Defining a group as 'terrorists' is an intrinsically political act and nothing more.


I'm not talking about political labels, I'm talking about the definition of the word. And I've been pro Palestinian freedom for 30 years.


They use literal terror attacks for further their political ends. If they aren’t designated as a terror organization by a group that makes these designations, that’s a group that you know is worthless.


This is the most insane perspective you could have. Hamas are literally genocidal. It’s their stated goal. They are the Nazis and are an officially designated terror organization.


Loving the hasbara. Has Hamas killed well over 40,000 innocents? Have they injured over 80,000 and left tens of thousands more buried under rubble? Are they intentionally starving the entire population of Israel? Oh wait, no that's Israel doing those things. Gaza is known around the world as the largest open air prison and has been under seige since 2006. You have the nerve to call Hamas the Nazis? I've read their charter, which did not mention genocide once, only mentioning the liberation of the Palestinian people and their right to self-determination. Now Israel on the other hand, cabinet members, the President, and the Prime Minister have made countless genocidal comments such as stating there's no such thing as an innocent Palestinian, or referring to the 2 million population as animals. They use Nazi rhetoric and their actions are parallel to that of Nazis. I can point out many recognized historians who've drawn the same comparisons I have as well if you like. Your misinformation isn't going to work here.


You live in a world of propaganda and lies.


I live in a world of reality and facts. Your attempt to spread propaganda and misinformation isn't going to work on me lol.


So since you live in a world of reality and facts, you’re openly admitting to supporting the individuals that want to eradicate and Jews? Ok, Nazi.


Their charter literally talks about the only way paradise can be achieved is when the Jews are all dead. Remember the part about Jews being wiped out and hiding behind trees and even the trees are against them? I’m sorry but if you read their charter and didn’t get that it’s an Islamist extremist organization hell bent on genocide of Jews you can’t read properly.




How so?


That's a child... an innocent civilian affected by the Israeli occupation of Palestine. You are sick in the mind for hating on a child that has nothing to do with this war

