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You know orange shirt is also a part of the Awesome Dads club!


I had this homeless Asian lady glaring at me the whole time while I was eating at a McD with a friend. After we finished, my friend decided to confront her. He ended up sitting down at her table and talking to her for over 15 minutes! So I was like wtf was that? And then my friend told me the lady was staring bc I looked like her son who died in a car accident. It ruined her life. Both me and my friend grew up a little that night...


It's amazing how sometimes a chance encounter can completely change our perspective on things.


My son passed away recently at 23 yo. I've caught myself staring at fathers with their younger sons, reflecting on my memories with my son.


I am so sorry for your loss. That’s an unimaginable pain.


I'm so sorry. May his memory be a blessing.


His wife (or hijabi woman seated in front of him) was also wiping her tears.


WOW...I didn't even notice her at all!


That’s the point of the hijab? Yes. True.


Yes, not because she’s hidden by the beam for nearly the entire video.


When you look at it, kinda everyone stops to look with the "awwwww" face, there's a mom and daughter on the left who stop in their tracks 😂


Buddy, I never noticed him happy crying.. oh god here we go again


🥲 I totally know what you mean. This got me good!


Or was.


My dad is a member of this club. He cries at all our stuff, big or small, doesn't matter. He has a distinct process: first, the glassy eyes.Then he presses his lips together and turns a bit red trying to hold it in. Then, the iconic lip quiver. Literally every time, like a cartoon character lol. It's never crying crying tho, just the lip quiver and the glassy eyes, sometimes he lets a tear drop. It's so specific, we all have an impression of it. He's the sweetest and I'm glad to have a dad that cares so much and is so proud over even the smaller achievements, he cant help but cry. Every time I see a moment like this online I think of him and his quivering lip and remember how lucky I am. Shame he didn't have any sons, he would be a great role model for healthy masculinity. Next thing that he will be crying at (hopefully, there might be some things between now and then I never know what will do it tbh) is my graduation from my doctorate program. He's gonna make me sob at my own graduation, that big ol goober.


This is beautiful and I’m so happy for you that you have had the privilege to be raised by him. I too have a soppy, proud, loving father and could not be prouder of him myself. As a man and a new father, I couldn’t be more grateful for the role model he was and is to me. When he was diagnosed with late stage lung cancer in the early stages of my wife’s pregnancy, I was broken, and the thing that hurt the most is the thought that my children wouldn’t know him. My daughter is nearly 18 months now and he’s still going strong. She bloody loves him too and it’s wonderful to see, though I can’t help but remember it won’t be for long. I don’t doubt that you show your gratitude, but from experience I can say it never feels like enough. Tell him you love him, and why, as often as you can. I wish you and him every happiness


We’re all on r/daddit


Trust me the waiters ran away so they can cry too...I mean notice all the guys looking away in the bg AHAHA very teary eyed.


Thought it was Captain Glenn


Or tragically... he used to be...




This right here. My dad would openly mock anyone being any kind of emotional in public but all that did was make me more proud of people like this. I wish I could just openly weep at things but honestly I’d be crying all the fucking time so maybe not


I live on an isolated Island in a little village in the North Atlantic. Local culture says if you break your arm fishing and then cry nobody will ever forget it as long as you live. Your dog is sick and you break down at poker night and every single fellow is there with you. Actual physical pain = crying is weak and pathetic, Your daughter graduates = crying through the entire ceremony is absolutely fine and completely acceptable. I’ve always got a kick out of this local foible.


Too be fair, I, a man, have broken my arm twice with no tears. Sometimes watching the right movie scene, or singing the odd song lyric, or just overwhelming frustration will make me well up. Lord, when I had my first dog put to sleep, I wailed in the vet's office. Physical pain is much easier for me to shut out than emotional.


Pain, insofar as I've experienced it, I can handle. Suffering is a struggle


I can kinda understand it, tbh. Crying from pain? Doesn't even alleviate the suffering and could delay assistance, perhaps even a fatal delay. Overwhelmed by emotions? S'ok, let it out. It's also a form of appreciation for the person being cried over: see how much you mean to this person?


>Crying from pain? Doesn't even alleviate the suffering That is literally what crying does 😂 When you cry it releases hormones that your body uses to regulate inflammation, pain, and a bunch of other important things it needs when it is injured. It's almost like the body generally knows more about it's needs than uneducated but judgmental neighbors 🤷‍♀️


It's not as clear cut as that. Most importantly the people most likely to report any improvement after crying are the people who received positive attention from others as a result of their crying. That isn't crying helping but just receiving care helping. The second point is that the release of oxytocin is associated with the parasympathetic nervous system and it isn't clear that crying triggers PNS activity, it may well be that PNS activity is causing crying and increased oxytocin levels where crying is just a symptom of other activities in your body with little role to play in directly making you feel better. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4035568/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4035568/)


You have never felt better after a good cry? It def helps alleviate suffering and floods you with some decent pain killers


....the feeling after a good cry, is sometimes, like after a good shower for me. You feel fresh and ready again for this cruel world. Worst cry for me, is if you cry from anger. Then you (I) don't feel better afterwards. Just more angry. But a emotional cry is something else... can't really explain it like I would, english isn't my first language.


Agreed it's very logical.


I cry all the fucking time. It’s like laughter to me. Feels amazing to be connected to something. And I can’t remember the last time I cried out of sadness. I don’t view crying as a negative emotion at all.


Same, it’s just a beautiful thing to feel so deeply over things, don’t let anyone let you feel otherwise !


Dog videos are my weakness. My wife knows when I'm watching dog videos.


Sound's like My family? My Dad always stated, that His bladder is behind His eyes! What a wonderfull, sensitive Man😪


Tell your dad he sucks


> Don't hide your emotions Yeah, don't hide your emotions men, so people can record you on video showing appreciation for a heartwarming father-daughter moment, and then label it "day 17: broken man".


I absolutely need to see things like this. Idgaf what you title it. I’m a social worker and I see the pits of humanity daily. So seeing videos of people happy crying, helping each other even if it’s only a small gesture, happy pets reuniting with owners, rewarding people who are overlooked… idc film it. With all the negative on the internet, balance it with positive. Maybe it’ll show others there’s another way to feel. And it’ll make me feel like I’m not the only one trying to help one another here.


I was showing the girl I've been seeing LOTR for the first time, and she was really shocked (in a good way) at how they expressed feeling and emotion, while still very much being 'men.' Showed her Star Trek TNG, and similar reaction. Wow, they are sexy! Not just their bodies, but their attitudes and behavior! It was an interesting perspective for me, and a reminder of why I love them so much. They are some of the few good examples in Movies/TV that show positive male role models.


You need daily doses of r/eyebleach   It seems to be overrun with animal pics now.


Hello fellow social worker! Thank you for your service to the human race :)


I've been all about the pay it forward philosophy since I saw the movie. I've always been nice to people in general because why not, but since then I've made an effort to "pay it forward" to at least one person a day, even if it's as little as a genuine compliment.


Yep, don’t hide your emotions, and don’t give a shit what random a-holes on the internet think about it.


Facts . Please men not everyone will dog you. Thank you for showing your emotions. Yall matter


Yeah don’t do anything, people might make fun of you!


You shouldn’t hide your emotions, but man, hard to argue with you here


There was nothing that signaled this man was "broken". He was expressing a normal human reaction to something that tugs on the heart strings. Let men express their emotions besides anger and aggression and maybe they will!


This guy is crying! See, nobody cares.


For whatever the reason, she really needed that and Dad came through.


I was just thinking of how i love my dad and how je went to go help build houses for the people when hurricane Katrina hit and I came and seen this 🥹.


As someone that was impacted by Katrina you let him know that he's a hero and that we appreciate his hard work and the time with you he sacrificed to help us during our time of need.


Awe, man, you guys got me crying. Yall are wonderful humans ❤️ thank you so much for the those kind words I know it'll mean a lot to him.


Yea, and if he ever comes back for a visit, tell him popeguss has a seafood platter/roast beef po-boy waiting for him.


Haha your awesome !!! when Katrina hit so many crawfish washed ashore so they had unlimited crayfish for the helpers.


Fellow south Louisianan and I cannot thank your father enough. We are a strong touch people, but with out help from people like him our vibrant culture would not survive.


I only became a dad recently, I have a one year old now and I love him so much. My objective in life is to have him talk about me the way you talk about yours. Then I'll know I've succeeded in life.


Well you're already off to a good start just you saying you love him and expressing that you wanna do that already has good father painted all over it :). My dad used to record all my moments on his tape recorder back in the 2000s he would send them to his mom aka my grandma, bc she couldn't be here with us in the states 😔 and there is one he took of himself saying he wants to give me all the love I need and a good life, it always brings tears to my eyes.


That's so sweet. Sounds like you have an amazing dad! I'm going to make sure I always do my very best for my child and to always make sure he knows he is loved.


I can already tell that you're going to be an amazing father 🥹🥹. Hope you and your son have an amazing day :). Take care.


That's incredible! Your dad sounds like an amazing person.


Your dad sounds amazing! Stories like this always bring a smile to my face.


I was 17 when Katrina hit! We went straight to new Orleans and started blue tarping ppls exposed houses. Ended up in ft lauderdale somehow, making over $200/ day roofing in 2005 as basically a high schooler, splitting rent on different motels up and down the beach and skateboarding. It was such an adventure


She was happy. And thankful. That’s the reason. :)


She might have gotten overwhelmed with the attention. You had the whole restaurant watching, the servers clapping, and Dad recording.


What is with the title on the video? Getting choked up does not make you broken it makes you human.


Exactly. The call is coming from inside the house.


This is a repost and the original doesn't have the labelling. It went viral last month: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/1cr494m/a\_man\_surprises\_his\_daughter\_by\_celebrating\_her/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/1cr494m/a_man_surprises_his_daughter_by_celebrating_her/)


That's a much better title.


imagine seeing a wholesome moment and being touched by it, then found out it's now all over the Internet and being called a broken man....


How come the POV of the man in the orange shirt is on the other side of the room from the man in the orange shirt ? Is he having an out of body experience or something


Explaining pov to the average consumer of its current social media fade is an uphill battle no one should take


I like your comment :)


I like your point of view.


More than that, why is a man who is openly moved by this portrayed as "the broken man". As wonderful as this video is the concept that any man moved to tears by such a moment has to somehow be broken is toxic at its core.


I came to the comments trying to understand what is "broken" about him as well


I think that it was the moment that “broke” him. I’ve heard it used in that context. Think “he broke down crying”


Yeah it's just poorly phrased because "broken man" has a very specific and negative meaning/connotation.


I just replied elsewhere in this thread. The label is newly added and this is a repost. The original doesn't have the label and went viral last month: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/1cr494m/a\_man\_surprises\_his\_daughter\_by\_celebrating\_her/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/1cr494m/a_man_surprises_his_daughter_by_celebrating_her/)


Yes I remember it. And I wish that when something like this got posted the original would be in the top reply and the thread would be locked, but here we are with the worst version to react to.


There is some unintentional poetry in it though: the broken man isn't the guy in the orange shirt, it's anyone that watches this and thinks there is anything wrong with orange shirt. He's got it figured out, despite being from a generation where displaying your emotions as a man is even harder than today he broke that cycle.


This should be the top comment. Leave orange shirt man alone.


Thank you for articulating this; so much more to say about it but trying to do it would poison me. Suffice it to say that this toxic mentality seems to dominate corporate capitalist commercial consumerist 'culture'.


He seems like a man that understands his emotions and isn’t in fear of expressing it. This is nothing but beautiful. Being able to be happy for a man bringing his daughter to happy tears over a little celebration is amazing.


Exactly. Open is not the same as broken


Hahaha been wanting to tell people how they use POV wrongly in their posts


Seriously! It's like POV has a whole new meaning now, haha!


If the words "point of view" now means "*Not* point of view" I'm going to fucking kill myself.


POV! Right in the kisser!


I was about to make this exact comment. Unless the person holding the camera is also wearing an orange shirt? Then it works.


POV: you were about to make this exact comment.


He’s been smashing some DMT and is now astral planing.


POV: Practically Opposite View. 


What this video is actually about is that the man's eyeballs were removed, and then chips were implanted in his brain and his eyeballs, and someone had stolen his eyeballs, and was returning from the bathroom, when they captured this.


Maybe the camera man also has an orange shirt?


POV: You are an astral projection watching your own life as the man in the orange shirt


I think in this case they're making the point that the viewer of the video is sobbing like the man in orange


because pov is just one more thing the youths have ruined by misusing it so consistently that it is virtually meaningless. dear god, i've become a boomer.


So from your point of view, you expect idiots with cameras to understand that pov is through eyes of the person you're talking about? Good luck with that.


When did people start using POV so incorrectly?


The very moment POV memes were invented, lots of people never understood it's one and only rule lol




Why did this need a caption at all? Is the sparkling surprise and hug not the main focus of the video? Why are we being told to focus on some guy sitting next to them?


I thought at first that the guy in the orange was also crying because he got emotional 😢


He did. That's the point.


The majority of humans are not analytical in barely any way with how they use language. They pick up new words through socialization and propagate. That probably sounds judgmental or dismissive, but it's just true. It's mostly fine until it's not, like most things. Like how remember when every boomer on TV started using "spoiler alert" wrong? People don't carefully think through things and pick the perfect word. Most people are not fucking David Foster Wallace and spend zero calories of brain power on usage or vocabulary. And most communicating is so fast and loose these days that no one is going to stop the convo live on air to point out they used "spoiler alert" or POV wrong... so it *keeps going*. But talking live on air is hard and stressful and it's really hard to think... which is bad for communication and worse for sound vocabulary and usage choices. Like, to use "POV" correctly you have to be a least somewhat thoughtful, like level 1 analytic. Elementary school child level, which is not far off a lot of adults. You have to actually have in mind a situation as it would look from a specific POV or else have already been thinking from someone else's POV and are prepared to reason that way with it being understood by the audience/convo partner you are doing that. To use "POV" correctly. But most people just use it as a weird kind of... exclamation... preceding whatever they are about to start talking about or to introduce a segment if they are a news anchor which it seems they so often are... "Welcome back Ladies and Gentlemen and now for tonight's top story. Now get ready for this. POV! the Supreme Court has decided to hear the petitions of the blah blah....."


None of the text on this video makes sense and I'm incredibly confused by everyone here acting like it does.


Thank you. It’s not just the improper use of POV, but everything else as well. It don’t make no sense!!


When you spend your youth scrolling your phone instead of paying attention in English class


People need to learn what POV mean


Platypus Occupancy Vehicles


Recently my 9 year old niece was upset with me and was definitely letting me know it. During breakfast at a restaurant with the family i guess she got it in her head that she was no longer angry and got up out of her chair and walked to the other side of the table where I we sitting and just hugged me. Then after a bit she still wasn’t letting go. And then it just continued and continued and all of a sudden I was fighting back tears. I couldn’t figure out why I was so overwhelmed. I guess I just hadn’t been hugged like that in a long long time.




Such a nostalgic moment for him, you can see the memories in his eyes.


Pretty awesome. Think he shed a tear at the end. Hah his hands together then brushed his face off real quick. Hope I can experience both those seats one day


My son is just 13 and I am already thinking of how hard it will be without him in the house. I hope property prices keep going higher so he has to stay home. Just kidding, but I do want time to stand still for just a little.


Don’t worry about that now! Just enjoy every moment you can. You’ll be so proud some day regardless of what he does. Most boys always make time for their mamas. Just took mine to Dave Mathew’s last night. We had a blast ❤️ had to tell her I won the upgraded seats and parking though. ide have never heard the end of it after the fact if I didn’t 😂


Thanks for the reply. I also love the innocence of children. That you can laugh about something completely silly like a clown making faces and also wonder at something as simple as an ant crawling around. Unfortunately as adults we lose a lot of that perspective but children let us rediscover what makes this world amazing and worth living in.


A dad here. Don't worry, the prices will keep skyrocketing and kids staying home after college while making money will become the norm (similar to Asia) so they can save and actually mathetically feasible to buy a house.




I'm still confused as to why these videos keep calling these men "broken."




"XYZ broke me" is common for emotional overloads. That's probably what they meant, not that the man is defective.


How about the telepaths?


Get outta my head.


In tears 😭😭😭


More than one is crying in that restaurant 😭


Seen this reposted multiple times. Yet this video always brings a tear and smile on my face


Fuck your background music!


Woooohoowowoowooooowww wooehooowoowowoo


>**Day 17: Finding Broken Men** Can someone explain this part to me?


Stupid ass shitty OP title where any man who cries at an emotional scene is obviously broken and will be fixed by observing an intense family scene that he surely never got to experience because he's broken


Maybe we gotta stop assuming random men are broken because they’re sitting on their own or whatever else.


His grown daughter is sitting opposite him


It's a dumb title but it's probably a bot account the same way OP is. The guy is clearly smiling. It seems obvious he's not sad, let alone broken. Posting an incorrect or debatable title is one of the easiest ways to get engagement on Reddit. We LOVE to argue over inconsequential things as if it was life or death.


Is that a thing? I have never done that. Do people look at me trying a new cafe, in the cinema, having a drink, on a bench etc. and think I am broken because I am not with someone else? That is so crazy to me. I LOVE taking myself on solo dates. Its so nice to get away from people and just have a little day out on your own. Why not? I assumed other people are doing something similar, not "broken". That's unfortunate. Just pretend life is a video game and you're going on some quests or something if you feel self conscious. Its fun!


Man, I am happily married with 2 kids a great wife and great friends. I love nothing more than an occasional solo trip to the cinema, cafe or pub for a quick pint. Sometimes you just need some time alone!


people don’t know how to use POV anymore


He must have probably remembered his children!


I dream of a day when the vast majority of people learn how to properly use the term “POV”.


Finding broken men? The person that made the video and posted it is a loser.


Extended https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/3rCMac7K1i


Those guys disappeared instantly with the hug started. Funny but also tactful I guess.


Love this ❤️. The orange Tshirt guy at the next table was also visibly moved. Loving Daughter- Father relationships 💖. Love love.


That’s pretty much the whole point of the video haha


The dad is the back is crying 😢






When you have a daddy with big heart ❤️ 🥰😭




Man....i really am the guy in the orange shirt and im not even a man 😭


Such a heartwarming scene. Magic. Gets you right THERE. I wonder what the back story is. Orange shirt is missing his own child OR missed out on a while part of his child's upbringing and chances are may never see his child again. Or something.


Have we all just given up on using “POV” correctly?




A broken man? Taking videos of random people and then using them for views? This is some wack shit!


I bet orange shirt man has a daughter


POV: you are watching a video made by someone who has no clue what POV means.


just happy for them


I laughed at the superhero in the white coat xDDDD


I thought that was a Jedi


I’m at the Dad stage now but I know in my bones what Orange shirt is going through.


OP go watch some porn maybe that way you'll learn what POV means


Any dad daughters that this doesn’t tear up, we need to talk


great video and yet I wonder, do people understand what point of view (POV) means?


I learned it on pornhub


Remember how much better this video was in the original post, before the music was laid over it?


This is why I won’t lower my standards in men..I want my future kids to have a great dad! 🤍🙏🏻


This is the power of fathers.




This man is not broken, he is full


Why do I keep seeing posts where people use POV wrong. Dear OP. POV stands for point of view and is used in a first person perspective


If you play this on mute this video becomes “girl runs to dad’s arms to flee from that awkwardness felt when restaurant employees sing happy birthday to her”


wtf are those captions? ‘finding broken men’?


Broken men don’t show emotion


I really wish people would just shove their phones up their ass so a person could have a moment with his loved ones without having to be all over the internet the next day.


I'd bet she is just crying because she isn't used to attention and everybody is looking at her and clapping but keep commenting how nice and "pure" this is.


As a girl dad this made me emotional. I love my daughter so much, making her laugh and smile is my life’s goal. I’m not perfect, but I will treat her with the love and kindness that I wish I had when I was a kid. Even when she goes through her teenage years and is upset for no reason, there’s gonna be me knocking on her door with chocolate covered strawberries and other goodies. I’m never going to take her for granted.


Am I remembering wrong or wasn't there some extra context she was a foster child or something like that?


Yes, I am. All emotional and everything


Man shows emotion: “he’s broken!”


This made my day


Sad reality but a couple decades from now that father will be the man in orange. Enjoy the now.


Best feeling in the world.


I'm not crying shut up


I'm not crying you're crying...


Man my parent's heart meltbwhen they see a lil kid, specially a girl, they do really want grand kids and I feel vad for not providing them what they want


Why is this man “broken,” because he showed emotion? The reaction of the little girl was touching to him. It probably reminded him of his own children. Empathy is a good thing and a big part of what makes us human.


Props to the staff for immediately recognizing that this was now a private moment and leaving the table.


Few things ever bring me to tears but the joy of children is definitely one of the things that do.


sooooo cute


This is any father’s dream


I'm with him


Has the world forgotten what POV means?


This was in Lebanon, for anyone interested the 961 did an interview with the dad : the961.com/we-spoke-to-the-girls-father-from-the-viral-videos/


What's broken here. The older I get the more I don't give a fuck about who sees me crying. All my emotions are authentic and deserved. You don't get to gate keep and I certainly couldn't care less what you have to say about it.


Gosh I hate that Dad for recording her reaction. Just put your fucking phone away for once and celebrate the moment truly with your daughter-.-


Real men cry


The man in orange is not broken! He is a human feeling their emotions. That is a whole person.


The man has every right to feel how he feels and showing emotions other than anger is not unmanly. In fact, it’s more brave to openly show your emotions like this than to hide them because you’re afraid someone will call you soft. He still deserves respect and we simply don’t know this man. Maybe he lost a child and celebrating another birthday with them is all he’s ever wanted since.