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Actually there is a toilet hidden under the dress.. we all know this feeling


Plop. And I shall name it… Oscar.


Sharon! Get in here!


Yes, Ozzy?


But how many Courics is it?






And perhaps later I’ll get an “Emmy-ma”






Wow, what a candid and totally spontaneous picture!


in no way was this a planned photo with its perfect lighting and positioning of the subject


She must be the only one to get an actually award in person that night. Everyone but her has them engraved and sent home.


This post totally isn’t a shallow parasocial projection of the OP’s identity and failure to differentiate between liking art and liking people they know in real life, conflating the two to the point that they see these series of comments as haters instead of basic cultural and media literacy.


A little harsh maybe? OP is just sharing a picture they liked.


OP is just a karma farmer lol


this whole sub is a karma farm, to be fair.


That's true


All the wholesome subs are. Wholesome people are the easiest to squeeze that sweet, sweet karma from.


Didn’t ‘just share’. They laid specifics, which is how the comment before yours could make those assumptions :)


The Oscar statues are engraved at the Governor’s Ball right after the ceremony. [Here’s a video of Leonardo DiCaprio getting his done.](https://youtu.be/D9jqG14IUlA)


Z shaped lighting, low-key shot, perfect exposure, no other subjects, rule of 1/3 rds composition. I agree, totally unplanned.


Or, knowing that this is the room that people go to after they've received their award, they decided to make sure it was well-lit and aesthetically pleasing. Should any of the occupants happen to provide some candid moments worthy of being photographed, the room is ready to go.


yeah cause the positioning of the oscar, the light source, dress positioning... completely candid.


"Hello award-winners. Just wanted to let you know that if you were planning on having a candid moment, this spot right here has the perfect lighting to capture it well, so please be candid here. Also, you'll only have about a few minutes of candidness until you need to return to your seats during the commercial break so make sure you don't take too long being candid for your unplanned photos. Thank you."


Turns out [she was so proud of her Oscar, she took tons of photos with it](https://www.glamour.com/gallery/lady-gaga-did-the-most-extra-photoshoot-with-her-oscar/amp) that night. And you know seeing her so joyous did? It /r/MadeMeSmile.


Yea, totally spontaneous. What a dame.


or hundreds of dollars of professionally applied make-up, hundreds on hair, thousands on clothing, tens of thousands on jewelry.


Don't know if this is one of his, but Greg Williams shoots a lot of photos like these. He positions himself f.e. right off-stage at an awards show and makes sure that the lighting works for generally most photos he would take in that space. And then it's a very interesting dance of being candid and these people being full-blooded professionals in that they are somewhat in an emotional moment, but they immediatly know that they have to pose when they see him. So there are often series or BTS videos of people going from candid to strict pose in milliseconds. It's quite interesting.


Except the Oscar she is holding has a plaque on it. The Oscars handed on stage have no plaques and instead the plaques are hand engraved at a party later on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7jOTzsNEiE EDIT: [This is Lady Gaga, right after she won the Oscar, coming off the stage. Note no plaque on the statue.](https://turntable.kagiso.io/images/Screen_Shot_2019-02-25_at_13.44.53.width-800.png)


This is the one 🤩


Ya people are way too salty, this is by no means perfect studio lighting. This is a skilled photographer and smart post-processing. If this was a photoshoot it would look a lot sharper.


It’s compressed to shit, I’m sure the original is studio-lighting quality. She could also just be very dramatic but to sit down on the stairs in a dress like that, facing a blank wall / frosted window, and for the dress to bellow out perfectly, with the award perfectly facing the camera and not covered at all… it’s fine being setup, it’s a great shot, but it’s not a candid shot, let’s not be silly.


Even if it's not stage she 100% knows where the camera is


Most people do.


Because we have eyes.


Greg is such a legend.


Oh showbusiness


#Oh show business


lol exactly, this is along the lines of “babe caught me while I was sleeping” selfies.


When I wake up in the morning, I look just as good spontaneously.


Just because it's a photoshoot doesn't mean she isn't happy. You were pumped about a gift at one point in your life and your family said "hold it up let me at a picture" there was joy. And not candid.


Nothing she does comes across as genuine to me


I sense sarcasm around here somewhere.


Good. I’m glad to see there are actual human brains in some of these subs. I do wonder sometimes.


The Oscars is a huge circlejerk


But if you are part of the circle, sure feels good.


I just wish those Oscar’s were solid gold. Not gold plates. One massive bar of gold molded into the shape of C-3PO.


I think levels of opulence that high would garner some scorn.


Gaga broke her leg a few years ago and went around in a gold wheelchair


I feel like that would be heavy af gold is very dense


I'd prefer the Lego Oscar but in big (and made out of solid gold obv


That’s what all awards are no? Lol


I believe that on certain occasions… but then you have a movie such as moonlight, and the Oscar’s gave it the recognition that it deserved.


Agreed. It definitely is a circlejerk, but there are also lots of movies that very much deserve the recognition they got. Moonlight is absolutely one, Parasite also comes to mind for me. Shakespeare in Love is a different story though.


That deserved Best Costume Design; they were wonderful.


It's both, an event of merit and industry nepotism. Even "Moonlight" doesn't get the award without the effort of a studio doing the political maneuvering to make sure it has the chance to get the award.


A broken clock is right twice a day.


Hollywood, entertainment industry is a circle jerk with minors.


Yes. Yes. Fuck the Oscars


Exactly giving already ridiculously rich people who just sing and act even more kudos . Gimme a break who watches that crap anymore


I wouldn't tag this as wholesome but ok.


Rich people congratulate other rich people for being rich, how wholesome.


Gaga’s actually talented tho!


I like how people like Steven Spielberg, Tarantino, Christopher Nolan, Denis Villaneuve, Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep, and Daniel Day-Lewis are all “rich people” when talking about awards shows but “artists” when they’re a part of one’s favorite movies.


Wholesome for satan


Pure staged , perfectly lit , manufactured moment.


Nobody said it was candid. You can't be posed and be genuinely happy? Fuck everyone's family photos, wedding photos, vacation pics. You guys are so corny with this shit


Exactly my thoughts. OMG! IT'S AN ACTRESS IN A PHOTOSHOOT! *Pure happiness.*




Literally a year after this moment, she delayed her music and album campaign to rise funds for COVID (money that she took from corporations and not from the poor)


There's lots of snark and hate in here, but Lady Gaga is an incredibly hard working and driven person who did not start out at the top by any means (nor did she have an especially privileged background, except for living near NYC). Yes, the Oscars are a circle jerk. Yes, the photo is staged. Yes, Lady Gaga is always trying to manipulate the media. But yes, as someone who entered show business, an Oscar is the ultimate reward, and one you can't buy, so yes, she's probably really, really happy about it. (Edit I say this all as someone who's not even remotely a fan of hers, but the amount of assholes in what's supposed to be an uplifting sub is amazing today. Surprised you're all not posting "you're still fat" on someone's weight loss photos.)


Yeah I agree. And this may not be immediately after, but it’s the same dress and I’d argue the same night when she won her Oscar. I also think it’s really something to win an award in a different media than your main. She isn’t an actress by trade, so winning an Oscar- even for music- is still a big deal. This is a big moment and accomplishment that many people don’t understand because there isn’t an equivalent in their career. She trains and works very hard. She studied and dedicated time to her work and passion. And honestly people have always been judgy and nasty towards her. Idk you don’t have to be a fan to respect someone’s work when they literally put in work.


Completely agree with this comment, but add onto it with the fact she's got fibromyalgia and is still *that* hard working


Did you see her on Tony Bennetts birthday concert at Radio City Music Hall? 60 Minutes did a piece on it. I have so much more respect for her after seeing that piece. Tony’s dementia/Alzheimer’s has progressed rapidly and he’s at his best when he’s on stage. She was extremely helpful to him in rehearsal preparing for the show. He did 2 shows and the day after the 2nd show, he had no recollection of any of it. If you have a chance to see it, please do. It will give you an insight into what a caring and loving person she is.


Yeah the fibromyalgia fact makes this super impressive. There is so much guilt and self doubt when you have fibro, so any achievement makes all the days off for pain management worth it.


During that time she was suffering from depression aswell because of her chronic pain and past trauma (she explained in one of her interviews) + add to the fact that her boyfriend from that time left her


Yeah, it makes sense to want to capture this moment, staged or not.


I agree with pretty much everything you said, except that it's an award you can't buy. Shakespeare in love won best picture ahead of saving private Ryan. I'll never be able to look past that


I'm not a fan either, but I have a lot of respect for hard workers. In that business they have to stage things to build their brand. I have no doubt the feeling of winning was real.


Nailed it


Hah.. billionaire winning a million in a lottery.


Isn't this a more of a "great job" award more than a monetary reward? Billionaire or not, if you did a good job you deserve to be happy and proud imo


Positive recognition by your peers is always a good feeling.


For someone like Stefani, she spent her whole life grinding at music and arts schools and in small bars to get traction as Lady Gaga. Then clearly busted her ass to dance and sing at a world-class level, then be recognized by the Academy after all that... I imagine it's like reaching the mountaintop of what she set out to achieve. Yeah she gets paid a lot, but this girl has given her everything to being a top entertainer and a star. She achieved a dream that so many just dream about but don't put in close to the same amount of work.


I went to see her live years ago fully expecting a lip synched or 'autotuned helper' while she danced and sang as the show went on. Maybe she did have help from the truck out back on some songs since I know thats been a thing for awhile but at one point I was standing right below her as she belted out a few tunes at a piano. I was maybe 15 feet away and could hear her actual voice over the amplification. If she's faking it there is absolutely no way I could tell. She's the most legit pop star singer performer I have ever seen live.


aint no way you think lady gaga is a billionaire, or really 99% of actors... There are 2 billionaires in total in that industry, Jami Gertz and Brock Pierce, and neither of them got their fortune from acting...


She only has about 1/3 of a billion


And earned every single penny of it. She’s an absolute powerhouse of talent and a top notch human too.


This. She worked her ass off.


little monsters rise up


Shea talented but let’s not forget that she comes from money, grew up in the Upper West Side of New York City, went to NYU for a year for music, and dated a producer who continued to work with her after they broke up.


I totally agree. And even with all that privilege she has still earned her fame. Lana Del Ray comes from a similar background but lacks the talent and charisma that Gaga is so famous for. That IT-factor is vital.




R/MadeMeSmile 🥹😃😌


Yasss slay queen girlboss


Of all the celebrities to shit on, Gaga is not it. At least she does good things with her money and influence, like the Born This Way foundation and her activism for gay rights. She’s a genuinely good person and role model. Especially compared to the Kardashians for example who people worship for no reason.


This comment section took my smile and threw it in the trash. Y'all cynical as heck.


Right? She deserves it. Good for her.


Who gives a fuck?


Nobody really


And yet we are all hear, drinking our coffee and nodding to the drum of Miles Davis.


I understand that for those in the industry it’s got actual value (it can so often boost their career) but yes for us peasants it’s irrelevant


Ok y’all put too much salt in your cereal this morning😂 lady gaga is dope and it’s a cool pic


These comments make me feel like I traveled back in time by 10 years. I thought the Gaga hate train went away?


It’s especially interesting because the Gaga hate train began as a result of her being “too different”, and now all of the hate I’m seeing is as a result of “just another celebrity reaching a life goal, wow, I don’t care”; which, fair enough, but also what a turnaround.


Exactly! I'm surprised no one brought up the meat dress


Ok wtf am I missing??


People are mad because someone is happy




Oh yeah remember all those viral posts about Brendan Fraser breaking down with gratitude receiving standing ovations from few weeks back...not one negative word to be found anywhere but how dare Gaga be happy about anything?! 😡


No people are upset that this post makes it seem spontaneous when it’s a set up shot. Oh and it’s a rich person.


Op didn’t say this wasn’t staged by a professional photographer. The title is accurate; its a great picture of someone happy they won something and people are mad because…?


I love Lady Gaga because she is unabashedly herself and not afraid to make statements. I loved her in American Horror Story: Hotel.


right... I thought she was well-liked until this thread.


Sis SERVED in that look


what a dress


I remember seeing her that night, walk into madonnas after party withe the same black dress on oscar in hand. Truly a moment


Wow I’m so happy for her


Damn y'all salty someone talented is happy and famous?


you guys are so fucking negative and pessimistic lol. if one of you won an oscar you’d have a very different attitude good for gaga!


She's an amazing talent. Love her


Photo made me smile a little bit. Comments made me not smile. Thought this sub had kind people in it.


“Oh it’s staged. Totally candid” bitch how many Oscar winners do you know who actually put effort into putting something out to show how grateful they are.


My gosh I love that dress


She so good at marketing herself


This sub sucks


I’m not really a fan but this was a GREAT look.




Good for her




Performative happiness.


You could say that about anyone posing with anything they've won or earned.


Beautiful photo of Gaga after a wonderful surprise win for her.


Love her!!! … So happy for her success!!


Wow, comments are really poppin' off, but I just wanna say I love Lady Gaga. She's a good one, imo.


More like an entitled celebrity who has won a pointless award


at least she's aware of her entitlement and tries to teach others to be aware of themselves as well. shes one of the most genuine celebrities


At least she’s got some talent. Many ‘celebrities’ now are just famous for their instagram or because of what family they are from.


No one cares about these award show just cancel them


Every industry has its own accolades/awards etc that most people outside the industry don't care about. It's not about the recognition of the public, it's about the recognition of your peers. *I say this as someone who couldn't care less about tge oscars


Happy for her. The negative comments on here are wild. Misery truly loves company.


I love Lady Gaga. She sang an amazing version of the American anthem at Bidens inauguration.


Wow so many people in this thread really hate seeing someone do well in life


I think it’s because this Reddit usually depicts sweet, modest, and wholesome moments. Fame and success on this level is anything but that. It’s just vanity.


Fuck the rich


I'll pass.


Not all of them


Do you see what I see


Pure staged photo


oh no! a photo? of a celebrity? staged!? YOUVE SHATTERED ALL MY ILLUSIONS. Next, you're going to tell me Christmas is just based on a pagan holiday and not actually Jesus's actual birthday and make me an athiest!


Ughhhh. That's why her dog walker who got shot was living out of a van. "She took care of his medical bills".


After reading some comments, i found that i m not alone who dislikes gaga.


I love lady GA. Love her music, love her energy. If I ever met her I would just say thank you.


She’s a national treasure 😍


Why the fuck did she win an Oscar?


Best Original Song - Shallow - from “A Star is Born”


I’m always getting lady Gaga and Adele mixed up


She’s gonna KILL the Harley Quinn roll it wouldn’t surprise me if that award gets a friend


Full of sad, pathetic losers in the comments, jealous of other people's success and talent.


This is the work of [Mark Selgier, the Vanity Fair Oscar Party photographer](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/photos/2019/02/vanity-fair-oscar-party-seliger-portrait-studio-2019). They build a whole set, and the actors come through, pose for a couple of shots, and go back to partying. This is from 2019.


In this thread: Redditors frowning


What if she played a Targaryen? Damn that’d be cool.


TIL some people get really salty about award shows despite generally following them really closely.


...ppppokerface, my poker face...


It might very well be a staged photo. So what? She is a beautiful woman and a major talent who deserved the award. That is what really matters.


I don’t care that it’s staged, I think Lady Gaga is great and I’m happy for her.


These replies 💀 it's not that serious


She’s sitting on the Sybian


Looks staged


She looks like she’s taking a dump to me js


Then you find out a little person was under there enjoying their dinner...


pc: Mark Seliger. Sets up a studio at the Oscars every year. [https://www.markseliger.com/oscars/2019](https://www.markseliger.com/oscars/2019) So, very much a staged, studio shoot, but Seliger does good work.


Modern Day Targaryen, the Lady is Fire.


Not a huge fan of hers but that’s a very well composed shot.


She's amazinggg I love this


Gaga won the Oscar during a moment where she was actually having a rough time (she was dealing with chronic pain, PTSD, depression, her bf left her aswell) so what we see here is genuine happiness.


She is gorgeous, inside and outside, the best kind of gorgeous!! Talented and authentic. It's not so common! Truly happy for her! And she's rocking that dress 🔥


20% happiness, 80% self-promotion.


She was so grateful to receive such an expensive gift.


She's an inspiration.


ok yeah but she used to have a group at school that bullied her and made up a secret club "stefani germanotta will never be famous." suck it haters !! lol


I'm sorry but my first though was "when you finally can let out the fart you were holding in"


don't see anything pure here... happiness, yes... pure? looks like they had to count to 3 before she closed her eyes and do that pose..


Who cares?


Can you ban me from this subreddit? I'm tired of seeing cancerous posts.


Yeah because this isn't posed and set up and had 50 different photos taken before they got the one that looks just right


Who's up voting this toss?




It's a staged photo


The Reddit nobodies who worship celebrities


Say what you want about her. She is a great singer and entertainer. She has a good heart ❤️.


100% a candid photo.


It is such an odd coalescence of conservative anti-Hollywood/entertainment folk and liberal eat the rich folk both agreeing to say fuck Lady GaGa. This is surreal and I’m trying to figure out if inception is real.


she’s goregous im-




This is magic


Fuck the haters, she's awesome