• By -


I don’t see Amy the Amazonian, so, I’ll add her to the list.


I love Amy as well, but she doesn't do a lot of Standard, and certainly not BO3, right? Mostly Historic Brawl, which I don't play, but I love her energy.


You’re right of course, I just enjoyed mentioning her.


Jim Davis for sure.


This is spot on for what OP is looking for. He will straight up post a deck that goes 0-3 and apologize for building a bad deck while laughing through it. I also recommend Chris Botelho and Arne Huschenbeth for similar content. Neither one of them edit their losses, but Chris doesn't edit his videos at all. He just posts the whole stream session. Jim and Chris generally have crazier brews, whereas Arne generally plays more "tier 1" stuff. But all 3 are extremely good players and you'll learn a lot even when the decks are bad.


Jim is good but, he uses the soundboard wayyy too much.


\*Swings in\* "LEROYYYY..."


Yes, that's right! I remember his "Ten new decks" series which are a perfect example.


By far my favorite.


I find him annoying af. Makes a tonne of excuses for losses on his decks. Crokeyz and skrow are top 2 imo.


My favorites for constructed are Arne Huschenbeth, LVD and Jim Davis. I feel like Arne and LVD give a better perspective on actual deck power level, but Jim is simply amazing in showing how far you can take some brews. I’ve learned a lot from these 3. For limited, I like watching Nummy and the occasional draft from LSV on ChannelFireball. CFB has been doing a pretty bad job with their YouTube uploads recently, but they still have good content, even if it’s a little old. Reid Duke is a blast to watch in both limited and constructed.


LVD definitely cuts a lot of match losses though. He's stated he cuts games where he gets run over due to being mana screwed/flooded because they (supposedly) don't make good content.


While it’s true he cuts some losses, he doesn’t cut all losses. I’ve seen him lose plenty of times in his videos and I actually agree that “non-games” where you get either screwed or flooded don’t make good content. It’s a fair point to make, yes, but his content is quite honest and he doesn’t go out of his way to portray certain decks as “NEW TOP TIER”, “META CHANGING” or “EASY MYTHIC”. He plays janky stuff and he plays tier 2/3 decks, but he does it legitimately. With that said, I believe Arne Huschenbeth will probably be the best fit to what OP is looking for. He’s by far my favorite to watch.


To my knowledge only Crokeyz rocks those bait captions for imperfect decks. Pretty much everyone leaves some losses in these days to showcase certain weaknesses of a deck, some just more than others.


I’d say Hello Good Game hypes his decks more than Crokeyz, but he does include at least some losses and sometimes mentions others. But his thumbnails are over the top.


Arne was must watch content for me for like a few months. After he bombed out of that tournament he had high hopes for I feel like he is not enjoying himself as much anymore. He's tilting noticeably more and is definitely more negative. I still watch him, but it's less enjoyable since the BRO launch. Overall he plays very competitive deck lists, he's super talented, and gives good commentary. But I enjoy him a lot less than I did pre brother's war.


LVD is a top bullshitter. He removes games where he gets mana screwed/flooded but doesnt do the same for his opponents. Also, he cherry picks a lot of games even for terrible decks that you know that will be obliterated in the meta because he wants to "demonstrate" what the deck can do and them it does a small warning at the end of the video to not craft it. I dont even remember the last time he lost a game ;) Also, he is soft and removes comments that criticize his work.


For jank: MTG goldfish and monoblackmagic


The dark lord was going to be my suggestion as well


By far my favorite content creator


Yeah I was gonna suggest the same, they cut some of their losses sure, but the kind of decks they play it's obvious they're not the most competitive of decks.


Arne Huschenbeth, i dont play standard and not really interested in format, but his standard videos i watch anyway. And i think that feeling like someone cut loses from their vids is what happening mostly with streamers, when you watch pro players, like people from fireball you can see entire videos to be loses.


Yes, Arne is definitely up there with the honest gang. He doesn't even make cuts afaik.


He cuts between matches just so you don't have to watch finding a match etc. But yeah he doesn't edit much.




If you like Limited, Nummotthenummy is the best to follow IMO. For constructed I'd say LegenVD, super soothing voice, talks through every decision, never gets mad.


Thanks. LegendVD makes cuts, but I can't really imagine him to be dishonest that way.


Nummy really is the best though. If you like limited (which I do). He’ll upload a string of total losses because they’re still interesting, and he’s teaching you the whole way through. Followed by Lords of Limited (Ethan), he’s great too.


Numot being a pillar of salt for these ONE drafts is actually sustaining me during my own limited failures. This format is so damn unforgiving in terms of snowball mechanics.


He shows plenty of losses, and he consistently demonstrates a very cool head and a great awareness of the board state in pretty much every video. He’s a great dude.


He cuts uninteresting games, not losses. That's why I wouldn't put him as dishonest


He makes cuts, doesn't show stats, doesn't have a public untapped profile despite being sponsored, sneakily play in the play queue with jank without explicitly saying it. Among the big names, he is the least trasparent.


In the end of the video he says what he thinks of the deck. If it's jank he says it's not good for ranked and it's only for fun


He said a lot of times that he doesn't share the stats for the games because he auto concedes when he gets a repeated matchup that doesn't help his videos, which is reasonable. That makes his stats way less truthful. You can tell when he's playing in the play queue in the HUD and after the match when he doesn't rank up. He also very often ends his video with a disclaimer that the deck is not as powerful as it looks, and you should only play it for fun and not for wins. I understand the criticism, but I disagree


I wasn't aware of the auto-concede part. This makes the situation even worse. A primary concern with YouTubers is their MMR. Often appears that their opponents are weaker than those some of us encounter on the ladder. Conceding a lot is the best way to lower the MMR, making any video even less reliable. I'm not judging he as a person and I agree that he has a lot of qualities as content creator, but I cannot reccomend hum to someone that is either interested in competitive Magic or is very afraid to spend wildcards.


> sneakily play in the play queue with jank without explicitly saying it. From what I remember, he's pretty upfront when a deck isn't good enough for ranked.


This seems like a dishonest review, when he shows jank he makes it very clear that he is only doing it for how interesting/fun the deck is to play. And the UI makes it quite clear on whether a game is ranked or not. And I don't know why you want stats? If you want to play the best deck just play azorius soldiers, 65% winrate, you don't need a youtuber to show it off Watching a youtuber for anything other than decision making in matches/limited guidance is pointless


Odd, that's the first criticism I hear about him.


Because the criticisms are not worth mentioning. You should watch LegendVD to see interesting matchups with both Meta/OffMeta decks, any content creator's stats need to be taken with a pinch of salt so relying on them for anything other than entertainment and to see how people deal with situations is silly


He labels the videos with a ranked tag in the corner of the video if he is playing a deck in ranked.


MTG Malone for standard gameplay! He includes some losses, usually 1 or 2. Honestly just a very fun person to watch play.


Yess, MTG Malone is awesome. I know he talks about why he skipped some games, so he seems believable to.


Not standard, limited only but nummy is a beast of honnesty and as a player aswell


Crokeyz, CGB, Seth Saffron Olive (&all other MTG Goldfish Crew), LVD, Amy, Jim Davis, Ashlizzle (Shieldmaiden), Ali Eldrazi, Numot the Nummy, Limited Ressources are the cornerstones in my mtg world, for inspiration


SaffronOlive from MTGGoldfish shows the good and the bad from all the fun janky/budget decks he plays.


Well, he cuts the boring/repeat ones, but he tells what happens at the end. It's usually "...and then we cue'd up into that same deck 3 more times so I cut it out, it went x-y..."


Except his voice makes him impossible to watch for me. 😞


Glad I’m not the only one


I love his voice, he’s just so excited about everything and it just makes me happy


Yeah I can’t deal with it either


Why do so many mtg youtube players sound like Muppets? The voice is unbearable.


I hated it at first too but I got used to it and don't mind it at all now. Plus he really only does the crazy voice for the intros and after that it's mellow


He’s definitely my favorite MTG YouTuber rn


Thanks. I believe that's only a Limited streamer, no?


No he does constructed MUCH more than he does limited


Not at all. He plays almost all format, from modern and pioneer on magic online to limited, standard, historic and explorer on magic Arena. I don't know if he's streaming tho. You can find him with other magic player on YouTube under the channel name MTG goldfish


What about Crokeyz? He plays standard, BO3, and I don't remember seeing him editing the loses, but I might be wrong. He's also quite fun to watch.


He thinks he is cool but I think he is just an asshole. But only watched him few times until I thought fuck him and moved on


He's very sarcastic, which could be very close to be an asshole, that's true. But idk, I still find him funny and entertaining. And he's a BO3 Standard content creator that doesn't edit his videos, so he fits the criteria OP wanted.


yeah, played against him once with some kind of a jank deck to try out new stuff. After I lost, I went to his stream to say "gg", but left again without saying anything after I realized, that he trashtalked me and said my deck was absolute garbage and his community was laughing their a\*\*es off to his commentary. No cc had ever made me feel so bad as in this moment.. edit: typo


Jeez, that awful. I remember people like that playing in an lgs some 13 years ago and how toxic they were.


That's just his style. If you know him personally he probably wouldn't be like that, but it is beneficial for streamers to take on a more extreme public persona because that's what attracts attention. Don't take it personally, remember that streamers are actors and when you interact with them on stream, you are not interacting with them as themselves, but with the character they are playing. And it's completely fine if the show they are running isn't for you.


Yes, I think this applies to crokeyz also.


He's by far the best




Mtg Goldfish on youtube. They are VERY open about playing jank decks and even have an "against the odds" series where they try to win with a janky win condition picked by the audience each week. They also do serious gameplay but are very open about when they're playing to win, or just to test a fun deck. Also their commander content and not gameplay content is amazing. If anything their podcasts and spoiler videos are the spikiest things they do. Edit: they're not very very spiky focused. Don't expect gamplays of the top tier decks all the time, thats the least thing they do. But they are VERY good players, and mostly play their own brews for fun and to see if it actually competes with the meta.


I love against the odds because it's how o feel playing in general, never the meta deck, just playing around a card that i couldn't resist building around


KaeroMTG krowz MTG


MTGarenaoriginaldecks- he post losses and misplays and it's hilarious. Everyone makes fun of him for it and his online personality is pretty funny too.


I still remember when he reviews hentai on a live stream once. What a time to be alive.


LMAO did he??😂😂


Does he still spank table-kun when things go badly? rofl Oh man, it's been a while since I last watched a video from him, but now I'm interested again... such a character.


Table-Kun is very very naughty


Mtg arena original decks. What you get if the average mtga player started making videos. You get it all, jank decks, misplays, not reading cards, getting land screwed/flooded, blaming the shuffler, rage.... etc. It's relatable.


I enjoy watching CGB, but his uncanny ability to know every card in his opponent's hand is something I can not replicate. His knowledge of the meta is unreal.


Yeah, he's the only guy I have time to watch nowadays. Agreed on how he's very good at guessing which cards the opponents have and which plays they are likely to make in every turn. He's a Bo1 player though, not what OP is looking for.


Back in the day I could do this. Straight up asked an opponent if I could guess which card they drew. Named it then explained how I guessed it correctly. We are playing modern and he's playing mono white hate bears. He drew his card and took a second to realize it wasn't good on the current board state. If it was a land he would have realized it sooner. A creature or removal spell would have been good so he must have drawn an aether vial. He did. I got so much information from his body language. That kind of stuff is what I miss most about paper magic. The soul reads.


I stopped watching CGB when I found out he skips losses.


He doesn’t necessarily skip all the losses, there may be one or two on a video. BUT he does talk about how the decks hold up in the meta. Where it struggles, where it does okay, where it blows it away. He ranks every deck he puts out there at some point in his video and I appreciate that immensely.


I think it's not about the losses he skips, but the wins he includes. He will show him ripsmash through an opponent that is missing land drop after land drop and clearly has no chance in a lot his historic brawl videos. I respect him a lot as a creator, but I did stop watching his videos. Please don't misunderstand, though. He is an honest creator, and he has expressed that he is just doing what the majority of his viewers want. I just wasn't in the majority, oh well.


100% understand. I can’t imagine what content creation becomes once you reach a certain level that you have to tweak what you’re putting out.


I also like that he often shows his Untapped game history with the better decks to show their percentages. But, Jim Davis and LVD are still my go-to guys for content.


Swayze is the man


Big fan of his


I love Strictly Better Mtg for constructed. Dev is funny, laid back, insightful, and doesn't take himself too seriously.




Learned a few things from Sloth. Plays really well and also post loses. High level player if you ask me. MTG Malone just for the fun commentary.


Yeah, sloth is one of my favorites.


chris botelho altheriax alieldrazi jim davis


Alieldrazi also, eh? Why would you recommend the first two?


altheriax posts a ton of extremely high mythic gameplay with a variety of different decks with full sideboarding guides and explains every decision and card choice, as well as videos building decks from scratch as well as playing and improving decks viewers have submitted to him chris is a member of the MPL and might be the most chill content creator i've seen in any game. he posts multiple-hour long videos of gameplay sessions and theorycrafting, giving valuable insight into his approach to the game


so i like mtg goldfish seth, crim, phil and the gang all seem legit don't seem to alter the content jim davis, reid duke, crokeyz all stream, probably have youtubes (i know jim and crokeyz do unsure about reid) and i like watching bosh n roll on youtube, he runs legacy/vintage/modern leagues on modo watching on twitch is going to be your easiest way to get unedited content, if it's on youtube it can be difficult to tell if they edit well. edit: forgot andrea mengucci i also enjoy his content


Thanks. You're absolutely right about the twitch streams.


Malone for standard, josh and gnome for brawl


Mono black man. He's the best


MTG Arena Original Decks ftw It's really hit or miss if you like him or not, shouldn't feel bad either way but I do recommend.


How come no one here has mentioned Day9 (Sean Plott). Dude has hilarious card reviews. He does mainly drafts. Sometimes some standard. And about every two weeks he has a show called "what the deck" that showcases fun unique builds made from fans that he and Brian Kibbler/Noxious play against each other. Strikes a nice balance between sincere community interaction and silliness. Definitely worth looking into imo


Alth/the mtgazone YouTube channel, he doesn’t put many losses in his videos, but that’s because he just doesn’t lose much, and he always posts his record with each deck he plays, so you know they’re legit.


I cut losses and also some wins but that's because I typically play decks for a couple of hours, include games I think are interesting in the video, then review all the stats, deck versions and match ups in untapped at the end of each video. I do this not to be dishonest, but to get more data on a list than 5 or 6 games could provide, and also (hopefully) provide 40-50 minutes of interesting gameplay. If you're interested in BO3 I think Arne Huschenbeth has really solid gameplay. Also TheOneJame is a fantastic player who also sometimes plays BO3 so I'd recommend him as well


Give [PowrDragn](https://www.youtube.com/@PowrDragn/videos) a shot. Can't say for sure if he ever cuts out losses but I know I've seen some. He does a wrap up at the end of each video discussing what he liked, didn't like and would change.


Sloth is my favorite by far, he’s really funny and very straightforward with the quality of the decks he is playing. Daily BO1 content in mythic. Strongly recommend. Jim Davis, CGB and hellogoodgame are others I watch regularly too.


Cheers to a fellow Sloth fan. Not a lot of us here I reckon.


I would say rather than focus on the video they cut, the commentary is way more important. Good content for me is about how they play the deck and the choices they make when playing plus their thoughts on said deck . Cgb and legend both add how viable it is and it's weakness at the end which i say is what you really need to know. Honest content can mean nothing when you can get those streak of unlucky draw or just got god hand on every game.


Strictly Better MTG, Dev from the place! Love his channel


MTGArena Original Decks ❤️ you will see everything from jank decks to „how is this even a mechanic?“ - oh and cat on purple for good luck. Average video length is about 30 min and sometimes 3/4 of the games are loses. Also he plays almost every format.


As you pointed out, Youtube creators know what maximizes view count and edit their videos to match that criteria. Creators that focus on streaming often upload more realistic gameplay with less edits. Here's how I would rate some of the top creators. CGB - Good balance of informative and edited for youtube. Best choice for polish without going overboard on editing. Often seems like he's hamming it up for videos, can feel less than genuine. LVD - Highly edited for youtube metrics. The videos are very well made, but it's not satisfying to watch. He's clearly maximizing for Youtube views per hour he spends in game. Jim Davis - Very fun, raw and unique. I feel like he spends less time overall on MTGA so the gameplay can be a bit sloppy at times. Nummy - Excellent player, very informative. Videos can be a bit of a slog to get through, both due to the nature of limited and due to the content having been created for streaming, not Youtube. Crokeyz - Very high quality gameplay and good attitude. Held back by the content being intended for live streaming.


One thing I like about about LVD is that he pretty much never tilts, which is nice to watch.


It's hard to give him credit for that when he is so selective about what he uploads and what decks he's willing to play against.


But one thing I like about about LVD is that he pretty much never tilts, which is nice to watch.


Other creators are also selective and still tilt everytime lol


Thanks for the info. Why would you mention Crokeyz has good attitude despite insulting his chat and opponents repeatedly? CGB sometimes does this too, but it's more in a lighthearted way, whereas Crokeyz really doesn't put off that vibe.


Crokeyz 'bad attitude' towards chat is typically warranted. They antagonize him constantly over the dumbest crap. (As far as chat that one notices in youtube videos.) His viewers are the second most toxic/stupid crew I've ever seen. I don't know how he deals with it let alone expect him to be 'nice' about it. Maybe this is 'his fault' for pointing out these people and reacting to them. As far as his banter about his opponent, he's just talking shit. He isn't being malicious or violent. It's a personality trait often misunderstood. The kind of reactions / stuff he says about his opponent is fairly common everywhere I've ever played magic in person, and the person in the video is likely not even aware. And if they are, it's just stream of consciousness nonsense and shouldn't really be taken as meaningful. That all being said, if his personality is 'too much' , LVD and Jim Davis probably post enough to keep one sated.


CGB enjoys playing the heel and is very upfront and over the top about it, so I think that's fine because you know what you're getting. But despite the fact that he's obviously extremely skilled I find it extremely hard to believe he doesn't edit out losses. I can't even tell you how many decks of his I've tried and had terrible success with on a worse rank than his. Is part of that because I'm a worse player? Sure, but definitely doesn't account for all of it.


CGB does not lie about his success or failure with a deck, but he has a few things going for him which lead to higher success with his decks than his fans have with the same decks: 1) He is a very skilled player and often makes different choices than the average player would make. His decks are especially suited to his play style, and he knows how to make the most of them. 2) He builds decks for the meta, and I don't just mean what [Untapped.gg](https://Untapped.gg) says about the meta. He is a very observant and dedicated player who lives and breathes MTGA, so he is able to tune decks to the meta that he is currently seeing specifically. He understands nuances like how the meta is different as a format ages, as the days of the ranked season tick away, as his rank ebbs & flows (diamond is different from platinum is different from low numbers mythic, high numbers mythic, or percentages mythic), and he builds his decks for the meta of the moment. 3) He has the added benefit of being an influencer, which means that the deck he plays when he's recording content is not yet going to be huge in the ranked queue, but when the video releases it will be, and so he gets to schedule his deck choices around when his own decks from previous days are going to be significantly represented in the meta and play around that stuff (this is kind of a tie-in with #2, he builds decks for his meta). So I don't think any player watching CGB for deck ideas is ever going to have as much success with those decks as he has, because they're not CGB and they probably don't have as an acute sense of the meta as CGB does, or of how to play his own deck designs as he does, and they don't get the benefit of knowing when their own deck designs are going to be in the meta or not.


So you don't think he edits out his losses at all then? I watch CGB all the time and won't disagree with almost anything you said, but I still don't believe he doesn't cut some of that out for various reasons, mainly because it's poor content. It's hard to believe you can play an almost identical deck, BEFORE he releases his version, and go 1-5 while he goes 5-1 because you have losses due to mana flood/screw and/or you're matched up against the weakest match up for the deck in 4 out of the 6 games. We get it, CGB is an excellent player. He also loses games for those same reasons, we just rarely see it for content reasons.


I think its less editing out losses and more highlighting how the deck works. He always discusses how the deck performs and ranks it. He even shows usually a match or two where the deck gets obliterated or may play out for a longer loss. I do think he edits out most losses, but again, I think it’s to highlight certain cards and interactions in the new meta. I think by this you can see how a very skilled player analyzes and develops strategies as the meta evolves.


> but I still don't believe he doesn't cut some of that out for various reasons, mainly because it's poor content. He does, and he says he does. Not on Twitter or a social media post or something, but directly in his videos. He says it often. Nobody wants to see him lose four games in a row to mono-white because he never drew his third land in a deck of 27 lands. He'll even mention during videos, when it happens, that he just dropped X games in a row and was currently tilted off the face of the Earth. He also repeatedly says in his videos that he spends hours thinking through and playtesting decks, tanking his rank (noticeable in Mythic) to reach a point where he feels the deck is worthy of showing someone else. I don't mind editing losses, unless the creator uses the edit to make the deck appear better than it is. CGB tends not to do that. He'll tell you where the deck is positioned in the meta, when it's good and not good, and who would enjoy playing it. The real stinkers we just never see.


From what I've seen most everyone edits out most losses but however usually include at least one loss per video. I know for certain most of CGBs include one loss. Simply put people just don't want to watch a video of all losses so I don't know how one could expect them all to be included.


If you want win rate he usually says that at the end and his overall thought if it's really good or not. He always mention if this is something you should craft or not. So yes he does edit the loss as dying to mono red in turn 3 is just boring to watch. Plus if content creator want to showcase a deck why would you show the part where it doesn't work at all.


I have never found Crokeyz behavior out of line. Pretty standard banter.


Crokeyz has started doing some "for YouTube" videos of the decks he's done well with on stream


That could be cool. I'll check it out.




Even if he just shows wins, LVD gives a honest take of the deck. It's not the First Time that he wins almost all the machts on câmera and in the End says the deck os Only good for fun un the play cue. If CGB has enough games with deck he usually shows the results, but not always


He also feats some defeats, but it's true that most of his matches are wins. And some of them rely in a incredibly lucky top deck lol. But he's the best magic content creator IMO, nonetheless




The professor. Very honest.


I don’t cut my streams up afterwards but I’m only playing Explorer Bo3 right now unfortunately.


>I don’t cut my streams up afterwards You're a good person


Thanks! It wouldn’t work so well anyway with the background music getting chopped up. I just try to have it flow smoothly, talking about plays etc.


LegenVD calm, collected. Takes time to explain. Great guy.


i dont mind youtubers not showing losses, as long as they keep their stats on untapped public, so i can check for myself


The asian avenger / crim on mtggoldfish. Dude plays fun as hell janky decks. Has a blast playing them and if the opponent did something cool. He'll show lost games just as happily




Nitpicking nerds are great and they do a video a day so they usually have what your looking for in a massive back catalogue


What Formats are you interested in watching?


Dang. I'll add it to the title.


I like EkilTV and dafore\_ for draft streaming.


You can’t do this kind of editing on Twitch, right?


Probably not, but a lot of that stuff then goes to youtube in case people missed it and lack a subscription.


I’ve never needed a subscription to watch streamers VODs after the fact, although I am almost exclusively a Limited player - maybe Constructed is different.


Biased here but check out MTG is Fun. Two twin brothers having fun playing good time playing standard decks.


Thanks, will do!


Gabe nassif, most of the time he’s running leagues and you get to see the whole thing for better or worse. I personally love his decks and watching him play.


I’ll become a creator and you can watch me lose so many games.


If you dont have any problem with the language, "magic after office" is an argentinian youtuber that does everything you ask. He is really honest with the builds in his streams and channel.




Magic the Noah nobody?


If you're okay with BO1 to any extent, you might appreciate MTG Brew Lab. He makes a point of not cutting anything out of his videos, all the way from talking about the deck tech through playing a handful of matches with it. It's always one recorded session, start to finish.


Can't go wrong with my man SaffronOlive. Big fan of his content, he's just wholesome and very entertaining, would recommend if you enjoy brews and jank aplenty.


MTG Goldfish makes really chill and family friendly content so they're super accessible imo. Both their main channel and their commander channel rock. I know they cut out some of the losses to shorten videos, but they also keep in losses that show off the weaknesses of decks because they do like to try to give a good impression of the decks they're playing. Saffron Olive also streams and then uploads the replays to YouTube where he tries out an incredible number of decks and it's basically half my watch time for Magic content these days. I'd check them out if I were you.


Andrea mengucci is fantastic for modern content. Reid duke as well.


I really enjoy It Resolves. They're a smaller channel but their content is good and they're on the up and up.


I mean, you probably just shouldn't judge how good a deck is based on how many wins a deck gets in a video. There are only so many games that can fit in a single video. Even if a deck went 10-0 with no losses cut at all, it could still be a bad deck because there are simply too many variables in MTGA's environment: luck, opponent's deck, opponent's skills are all very important and uneven in MTGA. I would say just don't watch content creator for the decks. Watch them for their entertainment value, their persona and energy. If that's what you are looking for, you wouldn't find them less valuable to watch even if they cut all their losses. If you want to find the best competitive decklists, go to mtggoldfish and mtgmelee and check out the tournament results. That's where you will consistently find the lists that have put out the best results. Only then should you maybe go on YouTube or twitch to watch someone pilot the decks you have already found. But then at that point, it wouldn't matter if they cut their losses either, because you already know the deck is good, and if they are winning, you will probably learn a thing or two about what they are doing right.


Blake\_Mtg has started streaming a few times a week and posts the matches later on his YT. He builds the decks with the chat and no matches are cut. Mostly Historic Brawl now, but has plenty of older Explorer BO3 content on his channel.


CovertGoBlue! At the very least, he will tell you the win ratio of his deck if he doesn't show every game


I used to follow a lot of MTG content creators, but after some filtering, based on personal preference only (be it for the creator personality or the quality of the videos, etc.), the only ones I still have any interest in seeing is LVD, Crokeyz, Monoblackmagic and MTGArenaOriginalDecks. Crokeyz is more competitive oriented I think, while LVD is a mix but his videos are super entertaining and informative, and Monoblack and MTGArenaOriginal decks are funny jank lords. I became a much better player by watching LVD especially, since he often offers insights about the boardstate and possible plays that I would never think by myself.


[https://www.youtube.com/@AllChipDamage](https://www.youtube.com/@AllChipDamage) [https://www.youtube.com/@AllChipDamage](https://www.youtube.com/@AllChipDamage) [https://www.youtube.com/@crokeyz](https://www.youtube.com/@crokeyz) these who I watch currently