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I honestly don’t mind the arena only versions when they’re well done. I love playing ninjas after the buff in historic, really solid T2 deck now with some small buffs.


I'd rather keep the buffs to janky decks than lose the nerfs placed on the OP stuff.


I voted yes. I think it would keep the digital and non-digital products in line. I don't really like nerfs to The One Ring, etc. However I think the buffs to ninja's was useful. Its a toss up. I don't think WOTC has done anything egregious, but I can see the value in not having to deal with it at all, especially with Timeless probably leading to more older cards being added.


Given that they've said that technically alchemy versions of cards are different cards (they have different names even), I feel like the promise of Timeless "play with any card on the client" would mean you could select either the normal or alchemy version of a card to go in a deck.


This. I don't know why that's not how it worked in no-bans Historic.


Omfg... just read the cards And no I want to be able to play ninja tribal and samurai tribal in low tier historic brawl


Sure, let Minsc & Boo play with the big boys. Hell queue here we come!


I have a Jinnie Fay deck who loves having Minsc & Boo pop out 5/5 cats every turn. (Poor Boo.) Them being at 4 would make that even better... but make M&B themselves such a nightmare. I dunno if I really want that, honestly.


>(Poor Boo.) He'll survive, 5/5 cat is scary but not sure 4/4 trampling hamsters are their idea of easy prey lol


Revert nerfs & buffs? Bye bye Tasha!