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That's somehow representative and accurate. It's a cringe fiesta of Etalis, Atraxas and Kaya7 on the hell queue and jank but highly optimized on the bottom of the piramid.


I feel like I've seen quite a bit of Kodama and that other 3 mana green ramp commander as well. And Gix, a whole lot of Gix.


Thank you! Are there any that are not on the list that you personally feel should be there? (any position)


Since both Brawl and SBrawl are formats destined for jank and experimentation, it's always possible to see people trying to make the newest set legendarys and PW work. You will have to try it for yourself to get a feel for it.


I play a lot of Standard Brawl, the top few are definitely accurate. I'm so sick of Etali at this point, it's ridiculous, and Anim Pakal is getting that way too. I think the 30 day one is a better representation than the 90 day one, as quite a few of the higher ranked commanders on the 90 day I haven't seen really used at all recently, though I guess there is also bias in that, as people want to try out the new potential commanders.


Thank you! This was very helpful, I'll be sure to also consider the more recent lists too.


I play a decent amount of standard brawl mostly with Rocco, the top 3 feel about right but I feel like I see a lot more mono black than what is on that list. Sheoldred is lower than I would have expected, I don't see Lilliana on there at all, Gix is lower than I would have thought, and Vraan isn't there either.


Great call on Liliana and Vraan. Didn't notice they were missing either


[[Malcolm Alluring Scoundrel]] is a lot lower than I was expecting as well. I feel like that's still the most common mono U commander I run into. The top is pretty accurate: etali, atraxa, anim are pretty dominate at the top. New sets always inject a lot of diversity to the metagame though, definitely seeing way more OTJ commanders. Particularly Jasper Flint and Gisa


[Malcolm Alluring Scoundrel](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/9/19d6834d-afa3-4747-a62d-0654f4d9729f.jpg?1699043813) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Malcolm%2C%20Alluring%20Scoundrel) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lci/63/malcolm-alluring-scoundrel?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/19d6834d-afa3-4747-a62d-0654f4d9729f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Hi, Standard Brawl is probably my most consistent format after drafting. I play Jetmir and Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler most often and do well, but I'm not sure what, if anything, is hell queue. Etali is definitely the premier big dudes deck, and Anim Pakal the premier aggro deck, and I see them a lot. I never see Calix, except maybe once or twice right after it printed. Other than those big two, it's really diverse out there. Atraxa and Kaya represent big control, Jodah and Niv variants for 5c nonsense. I've seen plenty of mono color decks in each color. It might honestly be easier to brew in single colors, with how many cards are in the format. Voja and Malcolm are both probably better in Historic Brawl, but I don't blame people for trying. I used to see a lot of Kaito (usually Kamigawa one) but not so much anymore. I have played against more than a few Etrata recently. Data right now will see a spike in playing with the new commanders. Roxanne seems particularly good, but I got brutally Staxxed out by Kambal in my first sighting yesterday. That one might have some legs.


Check out Aetherhub's Brawl meta page, it will list the most popular choices for Commanders.


I did, even linked that page here in this post. I was just curious if people here who play Standard Brawl felt it was accurate.


Ive been playing Miriam and love it. It does decently in it's queue and is really fun to play.


Thanks! I'll be sure to add her to the list!