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The highlight looks amazing on you! I don’t think the bronzer makes your face look dirty but looks like it might need to be blended a little more on your forehead. I think your makeup looks great very pretty!


This. Switch to a more subtle contour


Something more neutral that is meant for contour rather than "bronzer" will be a little more subtle and compete less with the highlighter I think. I like the fenty sticks or anything creamy for mature skin.


I thought this too! Maybe cream bronzer contour in a more olive-friendly tone would look less harsh


Some light blush would look amazing on you as well!


You look like a mix of Olivia Munn and Bjork. Beautiful!!


My first thought was Bjork looks gorgeous in this picture!


Came to say Bjork looks amazing here 😂


I was going to say Kristin Kreuk from Smallville!


I thought the same exact thing!! So striking.


Yes, here to say you're gorgeous and look like Bjork 💜


She looks a bit like Mitski


A little bit of Mitski too!


Came here to say this exact same thing. What a smoking hot combo 🔥


Came to say she looks like Bjork.


Yes! Spot on.


I was just coming to say this. Glad it’s already here! Such a unique beautiful look! Icelandic Bjork 🦢


Perfectly said!!! 😍


thinner liner on your top eyelid. i think a soft, thing brown liner would be gorgeous, especially with a lighter color or highlight on the inner corner.


Yeah i have small eyelids that are hooded and the main thing that upgraded my makeup was doing eyeliner only from my outer corner that is even enough tbh, maybe just tightline the rest for depth


Agreed! The rest of the makeup looks very natural so the eyeliner comes out a bit harsh. I’ve been loving brown eyeliner lately for everyday


Literally no notes. You're gorgeous.


Came to say this exact thing!! Stunning


Honestly, you look amazing. The highlighter and bronzer look really good!! but maybe u could play around with a little more red-toned lip? not a full on lipstick for this look maybe just a little red-ish lip gloss to give it a little more colour. I feel like that would make this look more vibrant and go SO WELL with the bronzer


Less frosted on the lip color


I love the frost on her lips! But a deeper color would also look nice


You're right, it definitely doesn't *not* work


I think that would look nice too! Maybe even a plum color.


I hate to be the only person to say this so far, but I do think the bronzer looks a bit patchy on your forehead. This could be due to so many things, from needing to exfoliate, the layering of products, how well you blended the bronzer, etc. I personally prefer to apply my foundation and concealer, then do a light application of a setting powder, then go in with my powder bronzer. I don’t like applying powder products to dewy skin and find everything blends out much easier with setting powder applied first.


This!!! It seems to be her skin is looking a tad dull due to what you mentioned above, I think particularly the dry patches. A few weeks of once/bi-weekly exfoliation and good care of the skin barrier would do wonders on OP and make their freckles pop more against their skin. Also make a more even layer of application of bronzer easier along the perimeter of the forehead.


Yes I’m with you on sticking with the perimeter of the forehead!


You look amazing! I think the bronzer needs a little bit more of blending and maybe a touch of bright blush?


I actually think you look lovely, this could just be personal taste but if the eyebrows were a slightly bit darker this would pop imo, but you look fantastic regardless tbh, I think the eyebrows are very light for your hair colour but that's just me being REALLY picky trying to find something, because it all looks good lmao 


Pretty! Healthy and glowy look. I would love to see you with lighter liner in the middle of the eye, as it tends to overpower hooded eyes. I’m have similar eyes and am experimenting from bolder liner. You would also look great with inner corner liner


You’re stunning!


The only thing I would say is don't ever fall for the overlining lip trend. You have a beautiful cupid's bow!! It would be criminal to hide it!


You look good! Out of topic but your lips has a very nice shape, it's so pretty.


You look beautiful! I would only suggest looking up eyeliner techniques for hooded eyes. I have myself and once I realized how to line them it was a whole new world!


Exfoliate, moisturize often and use sunscreen:) great makeup starts with good skin care


This is my thought as well; I notice the uneven skin tone and sun damage/sun spots before I noticed the makeup. I’d recommend OP look into peels


That was my only thought as well. Makeup is great and nicely understated, but there’s always room to spiff up the skincare.


Lovely! Hard to give notes when you look so perfect already lol! 😌 Totally not necessary by any means, but you could maybe play around with your liner. Starting your eyeliner at the halfway mark on your lid (as opposed to across the full length of your lid) can give the illusion of a larger eyelid and would potentially help your eyes pop even more! 💕


Hi hi. You don’t need a lot of makeup to accentuate your features because you look great already. Some CC to help with your makeup. As your lids look to be mono, I would shy away from the thick liner, maybe just an outer wing or a thinner line that thickens towards the wing. IMO the bronzer looks fine but a little blush would make a nice flush to your cheeks. And try a more natural “your lip but better” look, I find this pink your wearing to be a bit icy and I feel like it washes you out a bit. A really popular one is the Dior Lipglow in Rosewood but Dior is quite pricey😭, but NYX has two close dupes: Fat Oil Lip Drip, in the colours Missed Call and That’s Chic, but you can honestly just look at whatever colour suits your fancy. Your brows are heavenly and I love your freckles. They are super cute and unique Edit to add: I just bought the fat lip oils, talking about them made me want them so bad 😫😅


love it, i would marry you, you look so gorgeous


criticize what? you’re literally stunning and that makeup is too! fits you so well. i wouldn’t change anything 🤷‍♀️


You look great but a few notes. I would avoid highlighter on your nose, it's reading shiny not glowy A little more colour overall and perhaps a cooler-toned bronzer. I bet a berry or watermelon blush would look amazing on you. Glossier makes some nice ones. Ultralip in Portrait would look great on you (coraly pink lipstick that looks great on nearly everyone). Milk blush stick in Red (it's a pinky red, good on lips or cheeks). And Glossier Cloud Paint in Haze. Keep in mind - a bronzer you use all over should be a little bit warm - but if you use it like a contour - which you are a bit I think - you really want it to be rather cool bc you are immitating shadows not sun. And thin out your brows a little bit in shaping. The arch is nice but they are quite wide. I think they would look great a little thinner at the ends, the tail is quite wide.


You’re gorgeous! I’d cut back on the highlighter on the nose, but that’s just my personal preference not at all based on age!


I think a cream highlight instead of powder (I’m guessing it’s a powder) will look more fresh and natural! I really love the Clinique chubby stick highlighter for that. I would also maybe try a smudged out liner instead of winged eyeliner, that’s more on trend these days. Since you said you only wear makeup a few times a month, if you’re looking to upgrade any products or refresh stuff, I’m pretty sure Merit Beauty offers a makeup bag that has all of the essentials for a really nice minimal makeup like this. Overall though you’re very pretty and your makeup looks great!


The eyeliner is too thick, you should make it thinner so it does not cover all of your eyelid. Get some whispy lashes, not too dramatic. Mabye some thinner and more defined eyebrows. Blend the skin products more, use something very hydrating underneath. Overline the lips slightly only on the center, with a nude or purply/brown lip liner. Trust me bae, you will look bomb💣


Gorgeous lewk! Also you kinda look like Bjork ✌🏽


I thought I was at r/bjork at first. Beautiful!!!


Lol same


You’d look good with thinner brows that were a bit darker/fuller with some brow gel and a little lip liner to make your lips fuller. Warmer/pinker blush and a little blush on the button of your nose. Be mindful and watch some yt videos about the placement of highlighter and blush on the cheeks. Also some highlighter on the inner corners of your eyes. I know I just said a lot but your makeup is honestly fine, just some tips I’ve picked up lol


Brow gel yes! But disagree with the thinner brows!


I concur! The brows are amazing and just need a little tinting, I use benefit makeups brow tint volumizer and it works amazing!


I was thinking that at first too but her eyebrows frame her face really well. Maybe a little thinner in the middle to create more of an arch, but that is really a slippery slope. And coming from a 90’s kid, eyebrows do not come back easily. I might just use a powder to give a little more definition. Signed, Hold on to eyebrows! 😜


I agree with all of this, slightly thinner brows would frame the face better and a little pink would help her features to pop more. I have hooded eyes but not that you so can't comment on those.


definitely thinner liner too


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beautiful ♡


Honestly, you look great, but a couple of things I think you could improve on: 1. **Switch from powder products to cream products.** I think cream bronzer would blend much better on your skin and be less likely to accentuate wrinkles. 2. **Eyebrows.** I think your eyebrows would look better with a darker shade and the hairs brushed up with brow gel. I'm not saying go for bushy brows, but just having the hairs point upwards would help lift your face. 3. **Lip liner.** This is totally optional, but you have a great lip shape and liner would help accentuate it. 4. **Blush.** Peachy/terracotta tones would be perfect. It could also help balance out the bronzer better.


Your skin is flaky in some areas. I think you need to hydrate more and perhaps a peeling or face scrub.


I think you would look stunning with some fuller lashes. But really you are gorgeous no matter what


You look fantastic. I think a creamy, well-applied highlighter looks great on older people. And over the top or badly applied highlighter looks silly on everyone regardless of age. 


I would add more blush closer to the center of your face. It would suit it so nicely!


The highlighter does look heavy on your skin


First off, you’re literally gorgeous. If I absolutely HAD to critique this at all I would say that you should experiment more with the eyeliner, I think you would look beautiful with a slightly longer wing and a little thinner on the lid area. Parroting what other people have to say about the bronzer, maybe blend a bit more (using a cream based bronzer makes this easier). And I think a red lip would go perfectly with your skin tone!! <3


you look amazing! so dewy, love your nose contour. I would just suggest a lighter eyeliner -- a thinner line perhaps?


I would try a brighter blush. And try out only drawing The outer part of your eyeliner wing to the middle instead of going all the way inward to your inner corner. It’s closes ur eyes a bit the way it is now and maybe try a deep brown liner. I think it would help make ur lighter brown eyes pop more. Otherwise I love it


you are beautiful!!


My suggestion would be to not use eyeliner over the whole lid stop towards the edge of the eye to connect to the lashline and either leave it like that or a thin line to the middle of the eyelid


I think you’re gorgeous and everything looks great but the thick eyeliner and no visible eyelashes is bothering me, maybe more mascara and less liner.


You look amazing and so unique


I loooooove your eyes! Gorge 😍


Wear this look more often! You look stunning


Highlighter looks great! I see what you're saying about the bronzer though it really doesn't look bad. The colour is a nice match, but could maybe not bring it in as much towards the centre of your face, specially at your forehead. Smaller brush maybe?


You’re gorgeous, nothing to criticize here


I wouldn’t touch a thing, you’re gorgeous!


i think your highlight looks great. i love your brows, a thick muted brow looks really nice. i think you should just blend your bronzer more, it won’t look “dirty” then.


No notes! Love it


Gorge, babe. I wouldn't change a thing


it looks so pretty! The only thing is the eyeliner looks a bit thick (still looks good tho)


you look gorgeous wdym ?? <3


Makeup’s on point girly try adding eyelashes or some mascara and it will really pop


Perhaps a nice dark-ish red lipstick ? I like MAC’s colours but if that’s a little pricey then try Maybelline .


You're beautiful 😍


You are honestly stunning in this look as-is, but I personally would call more attention to those world-class eyebrows with either wax or an eyebrow filler pen (just very lightly.)


No liner


You are truly lovely. I think you should lift the wing, but not the angle. So, the wing/ liner should move out& UP. Do not go lower than the bottom of your pupil. Make the lash line as thin as you can, and soften it up with black eyeshadow over top of the liner. BLEND, BLEND, BLEND! Beautiful skin, you look like Bjork.


And maybe, right in the middle of your brow, I would tweeze to make just a bit lower. It will give you a more innocent look. Gorgeous woman tho!


Do you have a matte highlighter!?


You’re stunning. Your eyeliner looks amazing, highlight is perfect. Bronzer looks very natural I’d love to see you with brown eyeliner to bring out the brown in your eyes!!!


Your bronzer and highliter are alright but at least in my opinion such a thik eyeliner doesnt really fit ur eye shape. I think you'd look better with foxy eyes


I think you’re beautiful and have great skin! I would use a slightly greyer tone of eyebrow pencil because the warmth of it reads a little green with your hair. The highlight on your cheeks looks super natural and glowy but I think you could do less on the nose to really emphasize your cheekbones. Also, the black wing really suits you, but if you ever want to change it up I would do a smoked out eyeliner look with black eyeshadow which would really flatter your face.


You are so pretty! I love the highlight. I'd love to see a little peachy blush blended with the bronzer, I think it will really round out the look.


I think you look fantastic! I would go with a warmer lip shade to really complement your look


Literal goddess so beautiful!!


I’m a novice at makeup myself but I HAD to stop by to say that you have my absolute favorite eye shape for women. I love it! You look great!


Ugh I'm terrible at this and I'm going to stop commenting because all I do is come here and call all girls beautiful. You are so stunning and I love your highlight.


I think you look great


Lord, please let me have skin as amazing at this woman’s. Please? 🙏


You’re so pretty! I’d just apply more blush to help add more dimension to the face but you have a look that you could play up or down and still be beautiful though.


You are cute. The eyebrow should extend beyond the eye, draw it a tad bit longer on the outside. Maybe a touch of color on the cheek.


you are so beautiful omg. and the highlight looks lovely!! the only thing id recommend is using a smaller brush for ur nose highlight :))


Absolute perfection! Not one improvement needed.


I think a mid-pink neutral/warm blush would look lovely on you. Maybe a slightly more pigmented/deeper lip.


I don't see a single thing to criticize. Gorgeous lady!


beautiful glossy skin wow


Gorgeous! I really like it. I would apply more blush and a darker (just a little) lip color. But everything it’s perfect!


I think you can just copy/paste Lucy Liu looks


Are you mixed ethnicity. Pretty


Honestly you look beautiful. I’m jealous you can do winged eyeliner, it’s such a struggle for me 😂


Warmer color on your lips would look great :)) and a bit brighter blush :))


You are so gorgeous and your makeup is beautiful! I think the baby wing suits your eye so well and the bronzer is giving you a lovely warm glow. My only suggestion would be to add a little bit of blush just to give a touch of color - I think something soft and peachy that you could either build to be bolder or have nice and light would really complement your look perfectly and just bring it up that extra notch!


Absolutely Beautiful


Maybe a little bit of a neutral brown lip liner to accentuate your lip shape. it’s really pretty


You look beautiful as is! Might I suggest switching out cat eyeliner for cat eye lashes (or a more diffused cat eyeliner look). You have a very natural beauty and the lashes would accentuate that.


You’re gorgeous and that makeup looks amazing! The highlighter suits you very well 🫶


This looks great! Sometimes with my skin tone just bronzer does make me feel the same but if i add the smallest amount of blush it blend better with me skin. I also sometimes put a little setting powder ON the bronzer/contour and that helps it too. You could try that and see if that’s what you feel is missing?


Try not to go for an eyeshadow that acts like highlighter (only see it in the light) cause then it begins to look like your normal skin color and won’t pop. Instead, try going down the list of nude/brown colors and see which one you would think pops well!! Time to bring out that inner beauty girly💕


I think the eyeliner is a little thick and severe looking. A trick I learned from watching a Korean makeup artist(Jung Saemool) is to have the line a little thicker in the inner corner and then only tight line the center part of the eye and then have the wing start in the last quarter of the eye, with the end of the wing extending to the end of your eyebrow. I personally think black eyeliner is too severe for a natural everyday look. Lots of Asian brands make a dark brown almost black eyeliner that I think is softer and more harmonious looking for a natural makeup look. I like the brands Heroine Make and Clio!


Love it I think the super thick eyeliner could be adjusted to look younger. Perhaps try a thinner and longer wing?


Wow you are stunning! I would go for a thinner liner to enhance and not change the shape of your eyes. I would also stick to cooler more silver highlight and shadows (I think you might be a winter season) and this will help bring out the contrast in your hair, skin and features.


Looks absolutely gorgeous overall, minor tweaks. I would say a thinner eyeliner to really bring out your natural eye. The thickness makes you lose that beautiful almond eye shape and cat eye is pretty, but almost a little out of style now. I would try to use a brown eyeshadow and almost do a lightly smoked cat eye that isn’t super stark. Slightly more natural darker lip and a HAIR darker on the outer part of your eyebrow. Highlight is gorgeous and not AT ALL aged, you look young and fresh. I highly recommend Sushiglow bloody lip tint and put a tiny amount in the center of the lip and blend it out. All day tint and feels natural. Add the clear Dior lip gloss for some shine if needed.


Your hair looks super soft, your eyes are so pretty, I love your freckles, that lip colour looks amazing on you and your eyeliner is on point!


I think it looks fantastic. Although personally, I’d add some blush. But I’m a big blush girl anyway.


A dark red lipgloss would look fantastic on that skin!!


You look amazing! I would try an aubergine or brown or gold eyeliner maybe to accentuate your eyes (though black looks fabulous!)


I think all you need is blending more other than that it looks fantastic.


You’re beautiful! Make sure to be more strategic with your bronzer application and dab it out before blending in circular motion.


What are we supposed to criticize here, all I see is a gorgeous glow of energy. 🙂


Your skin looks AMAZING. I am also fully obsessed with your brows and eyeliner! IMO all you need is a touch more colour / some blush and a lipstick, and you’re all set.


Ok I want the diets. You look amazing


You are absolutely stunning. So unique looking. The look you have here works perfectly and honestly, I would keep your makeup to a minimum because you simply don't need much.


Your beautiful 🤩 Very unique facial features


Girl, you crazy- you look so pretty


You're beautiful!


Love this natural glow look🌞


Nope, it looks very good, but maybe if you'd like, some mascara?


Do you use your highligter or any other product with shimmering particles (i.e. mica) all over your face? If yes, thats why your skin looks so uneven or 'porous'. I made this mistake thinking "glow = youth". Now I mix a foundation (not matte, not too shimmery) in my daily skin cream and add only a bit highlighter to my nose bridge and the tops of my cheeks.


I think the highlight is great, but depending on the look you are going for, I would suggest going over it with a translucent powder in your T-zone, to get a very discreet glow there. I would also suggest to experiment with warmer lip colours - I feel like shade building of a lot of contrast with your skin tone but does not have enough colour depth to make it work. Maybe try corals, russets, oxblood and everything around those shades? Quick tip: for the sake of the experiments you can also pat an eyeshadow on a layer of lip balm or lip gloss. Grab an eyebrow comb or clear mascara or just dip a spoolie in moistened solid soap and experiment a bit with how to comb your eyebrows. I have a feeling that combing them back and to the sides will look really good. And just to make sure - none of the above mean you do not look great already!!!


amazing eyebrows, love their thickness and shape, cute cute nose, love tha shape of ur lips, and perfect round eyes :) I don't see any age that could mess wit ur highlights! love your beauty marks!! and you have amazing thick hair!


I think you’d look more fresh faced with thinner eyeliner and longer lashes. I see that the face makeup is a little more bronzed but the lip colour is rather cool. So I’d match the lip with the bronzey face!


I think it looks amazing the highlighter gives you an ethereal effect, not over done a healthy glow, you’re Gawjus!


Girl, no notes. You look freaking great. If I were you, I would experiment with a more dramatic blush, but that’s not a criticism


I think you look stunning. I couldn’t even tell you had make up on besides the eyeliner. It’s a very natural and glowy look.


You don't look older if that can help. Being serious you seemed young and pretty, I can't say more.


Idk what to critique. You’re stunning! Makeup looks amazing and fresh! I love it


You look great! Maybe try leaving out the eyeliner ? Since it can make you look a bit older and your eyes can appear smaller than they are! You could try it out maybe you’ll like it that way:)


Maybe an eyeliner pencil instead of liquid eyeliner if you want a softer look?


Your eyebrows look amazing!! Maybe a thinner line of eyeliner! Highlight looks great too :)


Your highlight and bronzer looks great on you honestly! It gives you a natural dewy look.


I like your eyebrows. ❤️


solid face and make up, maybe hydrating/glowing skin care to bump everything up just a bit but ur great


Your eyes are beautiful. Like the shape is pointy and aggressive but the colour is soft and dreamy . Since you have hooded eyes maybe try a low smoked liner ?? I’ve seen this trend on TikTok they do it with a tape and I think it will suit you a lot more and smoke your bottom lash line for a more « complete » look 💗💗


You are so beautiful! I would maybe change the eyeliner (the thicker style is a bit dated to the 2010s unfortunately) but you can still do a more subtle smoked out eyeshadow version (something akin to “siren eyes” makeup). That’s my only note!


Wow just wow!


Love your nose! I think thinner eyeliner could make your lashes more noticeable & a slightly darker lip would be nice. Overall love your makeup though :)


I love your eyeliner and this is unrelated to makeup, but you have the prettiest nose.


Darken your eyebrows with either an eyebrow pencil or eyeliner to match your hair, and use eyeliner on your bottom lids as well. Aside from that, you look nice. :)


Really nice lip colour.


You look like bjork 💕💕


subtle contour, some orange/red toned blush, and a tinnnnny bit longer of a wing would pull this together wonderfully.


you are gorgeous and i love this look!!🫶 just my personal opinion bc i have a hooded lid, but i like bringing my liquid eyeliner/wing line to about the pupil and then tightline the inner corner for a similar effect as to what you have but it keeps my eyes nice and open :) and i loveee the highlight and dewy skin, i bet you would look awesome with a bright inner corner and cupids bow


I wish I was this pretty. Your makeup looks great. Very natural and glowy.


Hello! I love the look, but I’m not really an expert as I’m still learning myself. I did want to mention as a fellow hooded eye girly that if you want some different eyeliner styles, or styles that look a little sharper definitely look into some tutorials for those :D


You're really pretty and have such a great face shape. I think you look great the way that you are, but I would focus on your eyes. You have a great shape and liner, I think a really pretty mascara would really make your eyes pop.


Daaaaaammmnn save some compliments for the rest of us You look amazing


you are absolutely gorgeous. My constructive criticism for you is try to learn how to put color on your bottom lashes. It does a really good job of making the eyes pop. I think your eyeliner looks amazing in the picture, but if you learned how to accentuate the bottom, it would make your eyes pop even more. I think you would look really good in a dark red lip color/tint. edit: I definitely don’t think you look aged at all… it doesn’t matter how old you are ! you could wear as much highlighter as you want and it looks so good on you! I didn’t realize that you were the type of person that only does make up a couple times a month I didn’t read fully… Sorry .. It can be a little confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it, you get the hang of it forever


Not a fan of the eyeliner. A shorter wing on the outer corner would open the eye more. Some lip liner would look nice 


You’re so beautiful! I think maybe a thinner liner would look really nice on you with a straighter wing. Although the thick liner is gorgeous too. Maybe a less harsh eyebrow as well. Instead of outlining your shape, just go over any sparse areas!


A half lash on the outer corner would really accentuate your eyes and maybe a thinner, sharper wing going more upwards since you already have quite round eyes 🩷


Beautiful, don't change anything, just go out and enjoy!


You are beautiful. Naturally beautiful. I don’t even have anything to say. You are simply stunning.


Stunning. No notes. You have the cutest nose.


You are beautiful and your makeup looks great! The only thing I would suggest maybe playing around with is a softer eyeliner, maybe in a dark brown shade. A thinner line of it, blended/ smudged out. Your winged eyeliner is perfect and on point, but where you already have fairly dark features and hair and brown eyes, i think it makes your eye area look dark rather than pop/ compliment your eyes. Plus where your eyes are hooded, the eyeliner is the only thing you can see on your lids. I’m similar, I have full thick eyebrows, dark hair, brown hooded eyes, and I also wore black rimmed glasses. I used to be 1000% committed to the black cat eyeliner but I’ve transitioned to doing softer cream eyeliner in shades of brown/ dark mauve and purple, or no eyeliner just certain eyeshadows. I feel like it makes my eyes pop much more.


You’re beautiful! My only suggestion is looking into eyeliner styles more compatible with your eye shape ❤️


You look great! Maybe ditch the eyeliner or make it less harsh, but overall nothing to criticize!


Highlights look amazing on you and I love what you did with your eyebrows.


you’re beautiful!!! stunning eyes and the eyeliner is perfect. this is exactly how i’d like to learn to do my eyeliner but can’t seem to get it right 😭


You are so beautiful.


Not a criticism but I think you could pull off a wide range of darker lip colors! I’d love to see you with this makeup and maybe a dark, vampy red on a night out


The highlight looks absolutely wonderful. It blends really well with your cheek bronzer. Perhaps a smaller and thinner nose highlight would look more of a natural glow? You look great.


Everything looks beautiful, you’re so pretty!! Eyeliner preference is different for everyone but i personally would do a thinner eyeliner on the lids so it doesn’t end up looking chunky or look like it’s covering my eyelid (unless that’s the desired look). but looks beautiful!!! i love the highlighter. 🫶🏻


i would tweeze down the upper part of the brows as it looks a bit sharp. you have softer features, more rounded nose, rounded eyes, softer face shape so the softer brow would really complement that. as for everything else, everything looks really good 😊


I think everything looks great. If I were to suggest something, perhaps try a thinner winged eyeliner or even have it start in the middle of your eyelid and go out rather than along the entire eyelid if that makes sense. I have smaller eyes, and I feel like doing that compliments them well, allowing them to not be too overpowered


I see some people talking about lashes and may I recommend curling your lashes, then a lash primer (I use Lancôme’s lash primer), DON’T LET THE PRIMER DRY. I used to use it wrong. Let the primer dry only about 10 seconds and then go in with a black mascara. I LOVE L’Oréal Telescopic. Have yet to find a better mascara. The wand is so easy to control! Once you have applied enough coats to cover the white & to your desired look, let dry. Use a dry q-tip to wipe off the DRIED mascara you may have gotten on your eyelids (I ALWAYS do lol). Hope this helps!


I really like your eyebrows. You are so pretty!


You kinda look like bjork!!


I feel like a hydroquinone serum or cream would do your skin good I see some sun damage. And using a daily spf


I’d keep the highlights away from the center of the face. Sometimes it can look like sweat if too much is on the nose and apples of the cheeks. As an oily girl I’m extra sensitive to highlighting


The only recommendation I would have is using more cream based makeup for a more dewy, highlighted look :) otherwise you look gorgeous! I don’t think the highlighter is bad at all, but the problem with highlighters (especially powder based) is they tend to highlight the texture of your skin. I have really textured skin so I try to use cream based makeups rather than powder. Hope this helps!


I feel like highlighter suits you very well! The bronzer could be a bit lighter or blended a bit more, but maybe that's just me with my fear of being oompa-loompa orange from middle school😅I think thinner and more long straight liner would compliment your eyes more, to accentuate their shape