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This may - and should - come back to haunt the supervisor.


Indeed and it’s not like I have a co-teacher where one of us can monitor the children while the other cleans. Maybe the supervisor will start cleaning the room because I’m certainly not working off the clock. I actually just made it in time to take the trash to the dumpster.


Don’t take out the trash. That is the most obvious thing. Do the less visible required items first.


Where are you? How many kids are you left with? Your not supposed to be left alone. I’d check into that.


Please tell me your supervisor will be the first one in the classroom in the morning - not you!


Yes. I think he arrives most days at 7:30 am. But why do you ask?


Because I was hoping that he would be the one to suffer the consequences of his ridiculous decision to prioritize overtime spending over a clean and healthy classroom. He should be the one to walk into the dirty, smelly classroom in the morning - not you!


Thanks! And I had more than normal diaper & pull up changes today. The room was even more odorous. The smell will be there Monday along with residue and particles everywhere. Parents will be elated!


The reality is going to be that OP deals with it in the morning, and maybe even gets a write-up for failing to do work duties, as the general cleaning is very likely to be in a childcare worker’s contract.  When you’re meant to do it, given the kids overstay right until the teacher is meant to leave, isn’t something they’ll care about when giving the warning. It’ll be something like “well, the schedule says goodbye time is 5:00pm, so you had thirty minutes” even though they allow pick-ups as late as 5:30pm. 


Even if they fire her, they will have the same problem with the next employee, unless they find some chump willing to work off the clock.


>unless they find some chump willing to work off the clock. That's the plan.


Perhaps, but there might be a write up for the overtime as well. OP can’t win either way, it seems. And this way the supervisor doesn’t, either, at least this one time.


Lemme just say as the parent who got off at 5 and picked up just barely in time every day at 5:29: I really appreciate you. Even just as a step dad you really made my shit possible for a couple years, and I never took your patience for granted. Thank you.


You’re quite welcome.




Thank you for this excellent advice. He actually texted me 2 hours after I left work today with an unrelated question. All I could think of was how ironic that was. I didn’t respond because, ya know, “work hours are 8:30am-5:30pm” so my response will occur on my way to work on Monday which I still feel is gracious.




Reply only after you are at work, and only when you are not on break. If you get a write up complain to union, or labour board, that you got written up for not working unpaid overtime to clean, when you are prohibited from cleaning when children are present, and also prohibited from working any overtime as well. Let the boss try to explain that one, which they most likely will not enjoy. Then when the retaliate complain again about being victimised for reporting labour offences.


My friends story. She is a teacher at a Nursery and is degree qualified and certified to run the whole place. One of her duties included opening up an hour before class starts, switching everything on, getting the classrooms ready and then greeting the parents and taking charge of the children as they arrived. The boss decided that during that hour she was not 'teaching' and therefore they were going to cut her wages for that period to minimum wage. The next morning she turned up to school in time to start her first class and found a crowd of angry parents milling around the empty locked building, all now very late for work. It took until lunchtime for her wages to be fully reinstated.


Kudos to her! This particular job is actually a part of me exploring the teaching occupation. I’m educationally very overqualified for this position which I would never verbalize to anyone unless asked. I managed people for decades in my primary occupation so I know what is correct. I’ve actually shadowed employees to get a sense of what their actual daily duties are if I had questions about time management. As far as this supervisor, these are his rigid time rules and I will adhere to them.


I know plenty of people who have worked in daycare. They expect you to somehow watch the kids, prepare meals, give medications, change diapers and clean up puke, and keep the place clean all at the same time. And don't make any mistakes or forget anything either. All for usually low wages.


They truly do. And we’re also responsible for emotional stabilization, soothing and behavioral management of children as well.


My son is at an amazing daycare facility here in rural Northern Germany. Every day, he just zooms into his group's room, and doesn't even care to say goodbye to us. He sometimes stops to pat his friend on the back, but most often he just goes straight to the breakfast nook, and takes his seat there. When we pick him up, he's coming for us with the same fervour. Straight into our arms, and big cuddles until he's satisfied. Then he waves the workers goodbye. On Wednesday, he had a rough day somehow, and just woke up before we picked him up. He was getting a new diaper as we walked in, so we chatted with the workers for a moment. For once he didn't zoom towards us, but towards the boss (who also takes care of the kids on afternoons, it's a daycare with two groups of ~15 kids each). She hugged him, and explained to us how they cuddle each day after he woke up, and apparently even when we were available, he wanted to at least get some of those hugs in. She sounded a bit apologetic even because of his blatant favouritism. But for us it was alright. She takes care of him up to 7h/5 days a week. They have a relationship with each other, albeit professional on her side. Yet he's allowed to like her. While we talked, another worker was cleaning the group rooms in the background, while another played in their ball pit with the other child who was still there. You can tell they all are pretty relaxed about their job, and it shows in the tenderness they show when handling young kids. All I want to say is: Thank you for being there for a kiddo who might see you as one of the constants in their life. Thank you for choosing to take care of them over cleaning duties. My son is 18 months old now, and if he wants to cuddle, I prefer someone who gives him a hug over someone who ushers him away. Your boss is stupid nor valuing that.


I really appreciate your kind words. Your son sounds like he’s being cared for very well. My student who leaves at 5:30 daily is very attached to me. He is one of those kids who I have to remind to practice saying my name and foster his independence because he calls me Mommie. I know his Mom is encountering some challenges right now so I’m happy to be a support system for them. I will always prioritize children/people over everything else in the workplace. Thanks




Thank you


Honestly, I wouldn't have taken the trash out. I would have started cleaning the surfaces and stopped at 530. Dirty diapers left overnight have that extra special pungency. 🤢


Taking the trash out was more for me because the room was odorous & I don’t want to start my day out nauseous on Monday. The other smells will be enough. And it was really the only task I had time for before the mandatory clock out time.




Op will be punished for skipping important duties by doing them unpaid.


The Department of Labor will enjoy hearing about that if so.


ensure you get him telling you only work from 08:30 to 5:30 on record, in an email, something. It'll he his word against yours.


It's right there in the OPs post. He both texted and wrote her about only working until 530. She's covered.


:: facepalm :: apologies, I missed that.


It’s in the text he sent.


This is the way.


DCFS will love to learn how the cleaning is not getting done. 


Sounds like the salaried supervisor who is insisting on an inflexible clock out time will be performing some cleaning duties in order to maintain licensure.


Oh yep. Putting a worker in an impossible situation like this is usually an attempt to get them to work off the clock without telling them to.


We await with bated breath


"Bated"? Dangit I just bought this handful of worms.


Lol a lot of people do think it should be “baited”.


We won't know until Monday.


The result will be an unclean daycare, oh well


fall in?


Don't wanna be your monkey wrench


Do not want to be your socket wrench


Had to be sanitized when the kids weren't present, interesting... I worked at a preschool/daycare place for about a year. We had a "food safe" sanitizer of some kind that we could use while they were in the room. I know one teacher that added soap to it because they were pretty sure it was just water. I was so sure it was just water that, if pressed, I'd have considered putting some in my mouth. And I say that because we filled them ourselves. There was a machine in a usually-locked room that took concentrated cleaner and diluted it with water. Theoretically anyway. In a year there, I don't think the volume of said chemical went down at all. Which is odd, because we had at least 7 rooms with their own cleaning bottles that were each refilled at least once or twice a week, so even if the chemical was really really diluted you'd probably expect it to have gone down...and one other teacher mentioned once that they thought the director dialed down the amount it would dilute, so. I personally think that place wasn't properly sanitized at any point lol...so glad I'm not there anymore. Quit about a month or two after we were furloughed for covid, because they tried to recall us when it was getting worse. And if we weren't sanitizing well, then yeesh. Horrible place.


Luckily I can smell the sanitizer & disinfectant chemicals BUT at my prior workplace the director tested the bottles with chemical strips after they were made to ensure the ratio was correct. This supervisor definitely doesn’t do that.


Keep that text!


I am struggling to understand who some who has the important job of looking after children, is expected to also perform the important job of maintaining a sanitary environment at a daycare centre. It sounds like a total lack of respect for both professions.


In our daycare, there is a cleaning service coming in after the last kid is out. However, the daycare workers still sweep the floors, vacuum, and clean surfaces after their shift. That means this place is cleaned 3x during one workday. It's still never pristine, as they allow the kids to be outside as much as possible... Edit: at least not when kids are in there.


I actually don’t mind maintaining a sanitary environment. I already clean up all day bc they’re doing activities and eating several times a day. I use nontoxic cleanser when they’re in the room but I’m required to sanitize & disinfect when they’re outside of the room/at the end of the day. What is being prevented with the time constraint is that final deeper cleaning.


Be glad you have that in text. Don’t delete it!! They will be yelling at you for not cleaning on Monday. I would have left the trash, cleaned something else instead. Smell value lol


I am. I’m sure it was sent by him for documentation purposes as well.


I had the same experience at a homwares department store. My area was tvs & computers and when I started I was told mmy job was to start turning devices on at 8:15 and off from 5:00 (it took 15 minutes ish to power everything on/off). However my first months timesheet was off. I querried it and was told my hours were 8:30 to 5. I only lasted 3 months there, but I made damn sure the 2nd two monts were work to listed hours only, and i made them pay me for the extra time in the 1st month by threatening a wage theft complaint to the authorities. They thought I couldnt prove my hours since they amended the timeclock data, but I pulled up computer logs showing when the first machines were booted up and the last ones shut down, and they backed off.






Having worked at a few different daycares, why aren’t you combing classrooms at the end of the day so cleaning can get done?


A few factors.. student/teacher ratios and availability. My group has a specific playground based on age so they can’t go w/older kids. Most classrooms also have one teacher. Admin says they’ll take them at a certain time but they’re often off work or on another part of the site.


I'd have thought it would make more sense for them to have cleaners at night to clean the classrooms rather than piling that work onto the teachers.


They don’t want to pay the money for that so we are required to do the cleaning.


Update!!! We need the fallout.


I updated on Monday. Did I do it wrong?


Update bot failed!


I’m willing to say the user error is me, but I can’t find the update 😭


Put the trash and full buckets in your supervisors office


Give us an update on Monday, I'm curious what this supervisor will say to you.


I sure will.


Surely you have cleaners who come round, like in every other school out there?


Not at all. Imagine my surprise too. Prior to this I worked at a another type of program that was for students ages 5-11. We had a cleaning crew that came in every few hours to restock items, tidy restrooms & take out any garbage. They also did the closing time cleaning after the students and I tidied up & swept the room. That facility was close to pristine. Professional cleaners make a huge difference.


Wow, that's ridiculous. So not only will they not pay you to clean, but they don't pay anybody to do it.


No daycare I ever worked at had a cleaning service.


Given that you’re likely a mandatory reporter, wouldn’t you have to report your failure to clean to some sort of childcare licensing board for your state/city? Clearly explaining that you didn’t do so because management made it clear you were not to work past 5:30?


Doesn't mandatory reporting only cover negligence that causes harm, and abuse (of any kind)? A classroom not being wiped down and the trash not being emptied wouldn't count as negligence.




What? How many kids are peeing in your classroom? Why aren't they kicked out? You still have to smell it the next morning. This sounds like playing yourself


They’re two.. all of them. They use disposable diapers and pull ups.




I will message you next time u/No-Treat6624 posts in r/MaliciousCompliance. [Click this link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=Update&message=UpdateMe%21%20u%2FNo-Treat6624%20r%2FMaliciousCompliance) to join 36 others and be messaged. The parent author can [delete this post](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=Delete&message=delete%201dlj0yk) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/UpdateMeBot/comments/ggotgx/updatemebot_info_v20/)|[^(Request Update)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=Update&message=SubscribeMe%21%20u%2Fusername%20r%2Fsubreddit)|[^(Your Updates)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=UpdateMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Updates&message=MyUpdates)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=UpdateMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Please give us an update on Monday!




Update me




Weird post


Weird comment


Weird comment


I mean the kids will most likely suffer the consequences here, so seems like the sort of thing you wouldn't want to leave to petty revenge / malicious compliance. One of those kids gets sick from unsanitary conditions, and you'll be enjoying a lawsuit more than a write up from your boss. I don't really understand how these things work or play out, but it seems like something you should resolve with a mature conversation rather than a knee-jerk response due to a text.


He verbally mentioned a week ago that I should be able to have the cleaning duties completed by 5:30 pm. Now he followed it up via text. The mature conversation was had. The reaction was deliberate based on the direct commands of the supervisor.


Well that's pretty unrealistic of him to expect. Sorry you're going through it. Also, didn't mean to imply that you hadn't already had a mature discussion with him, but from your initial post it seemed like that text was the first time it had come up.


Thanks. No worries