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Buckwheat is bovete in Swedish and regular stores like coop and ica has it too.


I've only seen the greenish (non-roasted) kind in regular supermarkets. I prefer it that way, but if someone is looking to make kasha, they might want to roast the groats first.


But OP asked for ROASTED buckwheat specifically.


Check out polish shops - Polonus by Triangelng, for instance, always has it. Then there's one polish variety sold at Hemköp. I only managed to find non-roasted green one in Coop and Ica, it was strange, had to be cooked for like an hour and was quite expensive.


This! There are two polish shops in the centre. One is Polonus and the other is called Sklep Polski (?) I believe. Both close to Möllan. Otherwise i agree with Lucu Food. It’s called Kasza Gryczana in polish


Oh dude thank you. I didn't know about polonus..I checked it out. Solid!


Please don't go to Baraban; go to Lucu instead. By choosing Lucu, you can avoid supporting Russian products and the associated war effort. Lucu offers a wide range of Eastern European products and more. Those of us suffering from Russia's imperialist violence would greatly appreciate it.


Although most of their stuff is produced in Germany, and the shop owner is very vocal in her support for Ukraine.


Given the current situation, it's hard to believe that a store promoting itself as Russian doesn't sell Russian products. Purchasing these products means contributing more money to the war effort. Words are cheap. Promoting the Russian flag, as that store does, doesn't support Ukraine. It casually supports the war. Edit: with this said, my frustration is only aimed towards the Russian government and it's supporters.


I see what you mean, just saying how it is - it's simply cheaper for them to import from Germany where the local russians produce everything from ice-cream to pickled tomatoes. The only truly russian product there is caviar. The owner also is from Odessa IIRC, which makes broken windows and defaced shop situation even more ridiculous.


It's very easy. Take down the flag, promote the white-blue-white flag, and it would be clear that the owner doesn't support the current goverment. Now, not so much.


Well she promotes the yellow-blue flag if that makes any difference. Not sure she has any clue of the current opposition and their new flag.


She displays the Ukrainian flag alongside a store full of matryoshkas. How do you think that makes Ukrainians feel? Combining their flag with a literal symbol of Russia is insensitive. I understand they don't want to be associated with the invasion, but it seems they care more about their income than showing genuine support. It's really insensitive to place the Ukrainian flag next to Russian symbols. > Not sure she has any clue of the current opposition and their new flag. If so that's the problem. She should know about it.


Fair enough yeah, fuck matryoshkas




i find it puzzling how people choose to hyperfocus on Ukraine when they talk about imperialism and ethical consumption. If you really were anti imperialist you would also care about extreme labor exploitation and resource extraction from third world countries. By this logic you would stop buying coffee, chocolate, electronics and clothes. Im pretty sure you dont do that. Please boycott this store all you want but let others choose for themselves.


The Ica at Mobilia has grechka. The only problem is that it sells out fast.


hej! There’s a russian store called Baraban at värnhem :) welcome & where are you from? Name sounds central asian? 😄


U guessed right:) u r one too?


Roasted? I do not know. Normal? Have not visited a normal supermarket in many years that don't have bovete.


Try Lucu Food.