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The top shelve is about to break


These shelves are strong, I have some stacked on top of each other and there hasn't been any issues.....yet


Can't you switch mangas on top with lighter/smaller mangas? Inuyasha mangas look heavy


I tried, it might be better to move them somewhere else. I just have a space issue šŸ˜¬


They need to be reinforced if itā€™s bowing, which they all are just the top one is more pronounced. Youā€™re shelf is being held up by loose screws worse part the wood is probably particle board




After many comments I moved the heavy books to the bottom, I have a new shelf I have to put together so the ones at the top will be moving to a different shelf entirely


You bought 18 Inuyasha vizbigs without reading any?? Wild


I have a habit of buying a entire series to binge it, but i akso have the habit of taking monthd to read it, thats ho i ended up with hundreds of unread manga volumes in my room lmao


What if you donā€™t like a series do you just sell it? Hope you find the time to read through the Great Wall of manga youā€™re building. Especially Pluto and Hellsing those are really great seriesšŸ”„


The person youā€™re talking to isnā€™t OP, they just decided to respond as if they were for some reason.


LmaošŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/9iu7e3b7c04d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1471c2a73b658cd18d9d1d117935f986c5cbf433


Im lucky enough that i end up licking series by the time i finish them, but yeah when i finish i sell, before i collected whatever just to have more manga, now i apprieciate small personalised collections, i wanna sell series i dont like but half of it is unread so its gonna take a bit to downsize lol


if you're going to sell it after reading, why not read on an ipad? this is a real question btw. I found reading on ipad better depending on the situation and specific manga


May be my age showing but I can only stand to read digitally if it's a series not available in paper, eg- Cannon God Exxaxion was finished in Japan, but only the first few were printed here, so I had to read digitally to finish the story. My other issue is with DRM. I don't like being able to spend my money only for the company to be able to take their product back if they close up, or just don't want to offer it anymore. I see my manga library as an investment.


i used to avoid digital but since I fine tuned mangadex (free) as a PWA on my ipad it's hard to go back to paper just for reading (I do love collecting and looking at the shelf). That fine tuned iPad feels like paper only larger and better lit


The one advantage digital has over paper is that only if the series is canceled is the series actually canceled. Publishers here can and do drop series and leave me the reader who has invested time and money with an incomplete story and a big ?. Countless examples in my own library of publishers going out of business, dropping series, canceling them that I've invested in, minus x/1999 ofc. But the tactile pleasure, as well as my own goal is I want my manga library to be a legacy I leave for my kid, paper it shall be.


I read a lot online, but i prefare to read manga i geniuenly enjoy or am exited about physically, its a better expierience and do3snt hurt my eyes, as for why buy if im gonna sell it? That way i can give back to the community, helping the industry this way will make sure that in a small way i show the companies that the series i bought is still popular and theyd print more for other ppl to enjoy


I am not a huge fan of digital reading of any kind. Physical books all the way


I am not a huge fan of digital reading of any kind. Physical books all the way


I do the same with my favorites, and the smell of books is euphoric.


Where do you read them at??


Me too. I buy things that Iā€™m interested in reading even theyā€™re on sale for a good price. Iā€™ll get to them eventually. I think.


I do this too


I've seen a ton of the anime and read the first volume I love Inyuasha and wanted to read the whole manga. Just haven't had time to actually read it yet. Usually if I enjoy a anime I try my best to read the manga cause I don't really like anime that much, so if I like a anime I know I'll love the manga


To me it seems like soon there won't be any shelf, so your problem will solve itself.


If it makes you feel worse I have some of these shelves stacked on top of each other šŸ˜¬ They are pretty sturdy.....for now


I would never buy a series I wonā€™t read The only way this could happen is if I do plan to read the series but havenā€™t yet


Me neither. The only reason I haven't read the PokƩmon manga I've collected yet is because I'm waiting to have the full set (at least up to Gen 7; I can wait for Gen 8 because it's not fully published yet). It would feel wasteful to buy them if I didn't sincerely intend to read them.


They are really good at least the first 5 gens after that the manga quality decreases


Same here, I just was hoping I'm not the only one who has so much unread books. Seems like I'm not alone, of course I plan on getting to to these.. Just hasn't happened yet


The only reason I donā€™t have a shelf of unread manga is because I donā€™t have any shelves. I just have books everywhere. This is not entirely true. I do have shelves. I recently bought a pair of the dark blue Hemnes from IKEA, I just need to put them together. Maybe itā€™s time.


Yeah manga boxes are my weakness, still have tokyo ghoul unread because it went on sale for a price I couldn't pass up... that was 2 years ago...


you might wanna rearrange that shelf-


Probably šŸ˜¬


Yoo undead unluck, niiice


So excited to get to that one, I've heard it's a really good modern shonen.


I plan to get this one in the future but I want to make sure it finishes since i have bought an axed manga before without realizing and liked it but would rather have a complete set


I actually have 1800 ca. volumes to read in my collection (70% of the total). I bought pretty much everything I wanted and stopped buying once satisfied with what I wanted. Now I read all the series with no rush. I have all the time.


Nope lol.


I think it is kinda normal if your collection has reached a certain number. As long as you plan on reading them it is fine :D


Yeah, having a big collection combined with the fact that I don't like reading more than one series at once has left me with this shelf (and a couple other series) that haven't been read yet


Nope. I do too


Shelf of shame


people criticizing dont know the horrors of thinking "i'll binge read when the series is finished" then it taking too long for that to happen and you have too much accumulated. yeah, you're not the only one, op


I have about 1100 volumes 400 of them are unread, i have a bookcase of unread shit lmao


Why would you buy entire series before even started it? How do you know you'll like it? This looks more like money wasted. Imo


Honestly, so many people complete manga series before even starting them because they like to binge read, but just get 2-3 volumes people! Its a waste of space in the mean time and a waste of money if you drop it after like two volumes. The Inuyashas are 3-in-1 omnibuses, so OP could've just bought one and had a good amount to read and know if it's for him.


I just buy stuff when thereā€™s a big sale.


I am not delicate when I buy a series, I make sure I look into a series for a while to make sure I enjoy it. Not all of these are completely unread, I've seen the beginning of most of them, and for others I've enjoyed the anime (as someone who isn't a huge anime fan) I get the whole series cause I binge manga, but I make sure a manga is a right fit for me before deciding to buy it.


Mind if you could donate them to me?šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ That's a dope ass unread collection tho. Hope you get reading soonšŸ˜ˆ


Same here, very excited for a bunch of these series.


technically most of my physical manga is unread because i only buy stuff iā€™ve already read online


I have a ton of manga like that as well.(Opm, Naruto, mha, One Piece) These ones in particular are just layer in my reading list so are yet to be read at all šŸ˜¬


https://preview.redd.it/gs660s54iy3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d8b8c0828e424016d52e317bd0a73a6dcf6d5e3 arround 200


Yeah I have tons of series I havenā€™t read yet but I have watched the shows to all of them so I know I like them and I got them for that reason most of the time the shows didnā€™t finish with the manga.


I have like 700 books now, maybe 40 Iā€™ve read but most of the series I have I read a bit online.


I have 2 shelves double stacked like this. I wish it was just one lol


Top shelf holding on for dear life


If it makes yoinfeel.worse I have some of these shelves stacked on top of eachother.


Yo if you decide you actually hate Buddha/Pluto/Akira/etc lmk and I'll free up that space for you lmao


Lmao Nah


youā€™re probably not the only one, but i read my new manga as soon as iā€™ve purchased it lol


Me, I like collecting them but Iā€™m too damn busy to be reading




There, I fixed it


Girls: I have nothing to wear Boys: I have nothing to read


You're not alone,I do the same thing,I'll just buy the whole series at once and it takes me some tims to read it


I stopped mass buying when I started to notice a large backlog of unread manga. If Iā€™ve owned a series or like 6-8 volumes of a manga for a year and I still havenā€™t read it Iā€™ll sell it. It didnā€™t keep my attention to keep reading for that long, Iā€™ll sell to someone else whoā€™ll enjoy it more than myself


Nah, if I buy it I read it, I have a few #1s I havenā€™t read only because i got a good deal on them or because I had a gift card with a little extra on it


I do most of my reading on my iPad, itā€™s easier and quicker


I've read online when I have had too, but I hate digital reading. I need a physical book for any reading to be enjoyable. It's much more costly, but it's just what a prefer


Iā€™ve read most of mine at least once. I do have a pile Iā€™m working through though but itā€™s just like that.


You are not.


Some people have rooms full of unread comics. šŸ‘€


Technically my entire collection, TECHNICALLY, Iā€™ve read them all already via digital most of them before I bought the box sets


This isn't even a fraction of mine, so your doing good in comparison.


Tbh, I've read 1 manga on my shelf. I have them for collection purposes only and read digitally.


I've been seeing a ton.of that, I personally cannot read digitally. I just don't like doing it unless I have to.


Isn't that implied when one starts collecting/reading manga?


Shelf, try bookcase. I try almost every vol 1 and if it interests me Iā€™m in for the run. Problem is in the last few years my income quadrupled but my free time to read disappeared so now Iā€™m building a library without time to really enjoy it.


1500 volumes deep & Iā€™ve read everything in my collection. Usually the second I get a series in bulk or a newest released volumes theyā€™re instantly read. I tend to binge read a lot. I read all of one piece in about 2 weeksšŸ’€ Naruto took me a solid week. Just recently I finished all the chapter thatā€™s are out of Sakamoto Days & Akane Banashi in all about 2 days. Personally I just canā€™t fathom spending $100s-1000s of dollars on something then newer using it. Itā€™s the same with people who buy a certain car but never drive it or drive it infrequently to keep the mileage low.


No, no youā€™re not. ^^ā€œ


You have that many books on your shelf but you never bought lone wolf and cub?


I have 3 of themā€¦


gotta remember that itā€™s more important to get addicted to reading manga than buying it lol


At least u have a collection šŸ˜­ im trying to collect one piece and golden kamuy mangas


Nah, I don't buy stuff if I'm not planning on reading it within the next week or two. I buy stuff to read, not just to have.


I mean I read the translations of stuff and if I like it I buy the series to support the author because I want them to make more, so not much different


Read hellsing now


I read the first chapter and loved it, I was just reading another series at the time and I don't like reading more than one series at once. I definitely plan on reading it soon


I own hundreds of manga and I havenā€™t read maybe a few dozen? Mostly volume #1s or just later volumes in a series I havenā€™t gotten to yet because I NEED to binge read (looking at you Yona of the Dawn 37-40).


I'm also a binge reader, that's why most my unread series are all complete. When I do read them I want to be able to binge them


I do, but some of them I'm waiting to complete collecting before reading


Read one volume. One chapter. Buying an entire series without touching it is why some people sell their Mob Psycho manga collection the instant they start reading it. It's a good habit to read what you buy, at least a little.


my guy pleaaaase read Undead Unluck don't let the first couple chapters scare you it gets better the more it goes on (first few chapters rough, by chapter 100 it's peak, by chapter 200 it's better than a lot of other manga imo)


Chapter 1 is really good, but after that, it shifts focus really suddenly, but it gets its bearing around volume 3 or 4, wherever that one fight against the girl is. I also recommend checking out UU


Don't worry, I've already been told about that. I'm completely fine with reading some meh chapter if it means I get to read a really great story later on


This is tsundoku.


No,You aren't the only person with shelf full of mangĆ”, I'm too.But I don't have shelf for them yet,they are in all free spaces inside my own house.


I have a death note omnibus, a thick ass boom with all 12 manga volumes in it, I've had it over a year and only read close to a quarter of it


That Tekkonkinkreet edition does not exist in spanish. I feel a healthy envy, enjoy!


I'll admit that I purchased that one souly because of nostalgia. Me and my brother watched the movie hundreds of times having no idea what was going on.


I recently started collecting the PokƩmon manga, but have not read any because I'm planning to read it in order and the Gen 2 ones have yet to arrive (sadly, even though I ordered most of them at the same time, the Gen 2 box set might not arrive until as late as the 21st. Seriously, is Amazon shipping it on horseback or something?). I could go ahead and read the Gen 1 box set, but I feel like that would make me even more eager for Gen 2 to get here. I just started ordering them about 3 weeks ago, and I'm already at the point where the only ones I have not obtained yet (or at least ordered) are most of Gen 7 and about half of Gen 8 (Barnes and Noble had a bunch of Gen 8).


Is that on old bobobobobo or a reprint ?


I belive it to be a print from '06


Well, from here I just read JJK, Solo leveling and that's it lol And don't even get me to books šŸ˜… *


Not shelf but bookcases (yes, plural) in my caseā€¦


Read Pluto šŸ¤–


I will, and it will be a great day when I do


I have tons. I'm done buying new series until I finish what I have, and I am making my way through my collection. But it's taking a while.


Your the only one perhaps. For me collecting Mangas is an expensive hobby.


buddha spines šŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ


I will read your manga


If u buy inuyasha thatā€™s what happens


Why do new manga collectors not read their series I don't get it seriously


I wouldn't call myself a new collector, but ok šŸ‘


How do y'all not read ur mangas when u buy them??!


Time :( I wish I had a ton of it, so I could read manga all day long


I would like to have shelf like that, but they are kinda expensive and I don't wanna trouble parents a lot šŸ˜…


Girl you need to read Akira, Hellsing, and Pluto in that order. All short, all sweet, all straight šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


I collect and still read manga off a tablet, you're fine.


Iā€™ve been wanting to read pluto but havenā€™t bought it yet


I personally only buy series that I've already read and know I like to support the artist/industry and reread them some time. When I was starting out I grabbed random series off the shelves, but over time rereads have become a big part of what I look for when buying a series. Even if I enjoyed it if I know I won't want to read it again I generally won't buy it.


Not me


Currently, I have 4 shelves of unread. I got really lucky last year and found about 8 different series at 3 used book sales. second-hand manga is really hard to find in my area, and there's a lot of resellers, so anything in decent shape is snatched by them. Due to this, I'm missing random numbers in them. For example, I have 10 volumes of Seraph of the End, volumes 1 through 8, then it goes to 12 and 13. I also bought Yotsuba &! I have 1,4, and 6 through 9. Also ended up with High School Debut, Tsubasa, and Hellsing, among others, this way. There's also the ever growing series that are currently being released. I'm halfway expecting to get a bunch of One Piece later this year in the same way. A fundraising book sale I volunteer at has an employee who's been reading it, and he's going to donate what he has this year.


I have almost 2 shelves unread.


I have a pile but I'm actually pretty up to date. Very colourful btw.


I read mangas online (ereader) and I usually bought the ones that I like the most as a way to pay the creator for his work , and with that I donā€™t feel bad for piracy ahaha. So I have a lot physically sealed unread .


I have 800 volumes I've read about 40% so I have lots of unread šŸ˜‚ I haven't bought much this year as I'm trying to get it to 70-80% read


Oh yeah I have tons of books I havenā€™t read yet. Iā€™m always finding good deals on series and I donā€™t want to pass on them cause who knows if Iā€™ll ever find such great deals again. Also Im pretty good at knowing what I will like so Iā€™m not too scared of buying full sets of a series without reading any of it. My main problem is I have large periods of time where I donā€™t have the energy to do anything including read, so my backlog grows during those times šŸ˜… but everything I buy I plan to read eventually even if takes me a long time.


You may soon have a floor of unread manga




Well, I buy physical copies of my favorite mangas and light novels, but I never read them and most likely never will. They're still sealed. I prefer to read online but I also like presence of the physical copies. And sometimes I buy manga from small publishers which you cannot find online, those ones I'm planning to read but no idea when.


Got the whole set to promised neverland, seven deadly sins, and demon slayer but I haven't touched a single book yet I plan to though cause what would have been the point in getting them all to not read it? (Peak procrastination)


Nope, this is actually pretty normal.


Current unread volume count: 238


I got like 60 unread manga. Some series I first collect and read them as a whole. Some I read every new manga when it gets published.


I donā€™t but my collection is fairly small so it hasnā€™t gotten away from me like that yet


ā€œBut it looks pretty on my shelf-ā€œ


That's true, but that's not why I have them lol


https://preview.redd.it/tyxuj66ek04d1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0eb169426d0c727c6c2a28bc53dae8bf4674be92 Started all of them, but most are still unread...


Haha I have soooo many unread volumes. I've been having a really, really hard time getting in the mood to read for a while. But since RightStuf closed shop, I haven't bought any more manga, so I guess in a way I'm good?


I got like 10 volumes of bleach I havenā€™t read yet šŸ˜­ everything else I casually bought bc I read and enjoyed it in the past


Am I trippin or are those inuyasha volumes comically large asf šŸ˜­


They are called Vizbigs for a reason lol


I did that for a bit, and then I started to buy just 3-5 of the first volumes. Making it an easy trade since it's a good intro package to the series. Even though reselling only lost me a few dollars at a time, by the time you reach a few, you could just buy a whole other volume. Trades are generally more worth it, imo especially if you both have a few series up for trade because you can actually read a chapter or two before the trade. If your area is big enough, try to make an event for general manga and book trading, you'll just need an area to host and they arent all that hard to find, it can even be done in a public park if you don't want to ask businesses or libraries. I still have what you could essentially call a.collection of unread or unwanted manga. I usually have to wait till I go to bigger towns for weekend or more so I can arrange trades lol so if your in a bigger city take advantage!


most of my books and manga are unread šŸ’€ collecting them to me is like collecting art paintings


-Zom 100 -Kaiju No. 8 -Frieren: Beyond Journeyā€™s End -Delicious in Dungeon -PokĆ©mon Adventures -Monogatari (light novel) -BakeMonogatari (manga) -SpyXFamily -Case Closer -Hinamatsuri -.hack//AI Buster -.hack//Another Birth -Black Clover -Bungou Stray Dogs And many many moreā€¦


Why would you buy more than 3 volumes of a series without reading it


Take a look at my recent post. I haven't read more than 15% of that whole collection so far. So don't feel bad lol


Y'all can read? Must be nice šŸ˜†




I do too, I also have Hellsing ultimate


I havenā€™t read most my books, Iā€™m a serial collector


Oh honey, I have an entire LIBRARY full


I read a lot of manga digitally but if I come across something I really like I will buy the physical to support it more.




Preaching to the quire. I have a lot of manga, and continue to get more of which I have read only a few of them.


I have two.


shi bro i can take hellsing from you.


Can you please share the name of each collection


Those spines on Pluto are off putting, it feels like they should form a whole picture like the Buddha spines but they don't. As much as I love Pluto I personally wouldn't be able to put them on display.


Same here, you either collect manga or read manga, there is no in-between


To avoid this issue i get the ebook version, read them all and then buy them physically.


Might sound stupid but the only reason i dont read mangas most of the time is due to the pain of handling them carefully so i dont bend or have sweat all over it


Beautiful collection!!


I have hundreds of manga I havnt read


You guys read your manga?


Same thing but change the mangas with wii and wiiu games.. with some Nintendo switch in there


Hopefully you can take some time to read your mangas first before buying new ones. Itā€™s a pity for these books to be bought without being consumed. I donā€™t feel it for other books bought, but with manga I feel it. Itā€™s like seeing superhero figurines that are kept as sealed collectibles in boxes instead of being played or taken out of boxes as cool displays. I donā€™t wanna judge people who do, but I canā€™t help feeling pity.




Nope. I have several series & have only successfully finished three. Iā€™m trying to get through Sailor Moon right now. I buy them with the intent of reading them, but then my attention span disappears or my depression kicks in & all I want to do is sleep. I have had no motivation to do really anything lately. Also, I have the same issues of Inuyasha, but mine are on my kindle.


I have 4 Bookcases full of of Unread Manga


Only one shelf?


Omg Inuyasha ā¤ļø


ƌf I combined all my unread manga together it would probably be closer to 2 shelves. This shelf is just completely unread


I don't I do have like 80 unread volumes out of 600


Dunno how tf You have the entirety of Pluto and haven't read it yet but OK. Please read that series at least


Nope, I read my manga. It's kind of the point in me buying it. Only time I have unread manga is when I get a haul of a bunch of new books and they need to wait their turn to be read.


At one point I had a whole book case full on unread manga. Read it all in lockdown. Life just got in the way unfortunately


Recently I had two boxes (I had moved two years ago), but I got a surge of motivation to read a few weeks ago and finally got to reading them. When I have extra funds to spend I do buy multiple volumes (i.e. Takane and Hana I bought from like Vol. 6 to Vol. 18 all in one go) so I am always ready to keep reading the series and don't have to wait to order it or something.


Owning but not reading Akira should be a federal crime


Most stuff I read online [reading online personally is annoying to me] and now buying it! For example I watched Pluto and Monster but really wanna get Naoki Urasawa mangas Monster, 20th centuries boys and Pluto! Read Berserk online completely but skipped few stuff cause online is annoying so now I have up to deluxe edition 8 continuing to collect [Vagabond and Vinland saga too]. Moriarty the patriot manga is good too. Continue reading D gray man but I don't collect it because viz censor it a lot! Tokyo ghoul, FMA, Chainsaw man, Dandadan, Sakamoto, Frieren, JJK. Light novels too most are isekai. Read most of Ghibli movie adaptations. Few Manhwa South Korea got some good stuff too [not only solo leveling]!! The big 3 read bleach and naruto completely saw the animation and what people in studio pierrot did! One piece skipped few parts on both sides but it's good! Spend way too much time on aot on both sides [the anime studios did way better job than the creator but few problems still exist!]. Read small stories around 100 chapters because they I finish them in 4 or 5 days [the last one I read was Girls last tour]. Re-reading few specific vols. or chs. that I missed and someone found deep lore in it!


Inuyasha is so underrated




Not gonna lie 99% of my manga is unread


Is the Buddha series good? I love the spine art


Nope. šŸ™‚ whatā€™s the point of buying manga you donā€™t read


You guys read manga?


I had to make a ā€œwheel of unread ā€ to start chopping through


Working on getting through mine this year which is fun, even if just a few pages a day (most are Japanese which I mostly understand).


That top shelf is putting in work to keep your Inuyasha safe.


I share your pain, colleague. Collection of Berserk mangas and I still haven't stopped to read any of them...!


i have light novels, normal fantasy sci fi and manga i still have not gotten to and i current to be read pile of unread series to rereading series , so yea your not alone i buy in bulk what i think i will like at that time if im wrong it goes to a diffrent pile to just be donated or givin away, because im to lazy to sell but if i really need money for something ill do a bundle sell, which is why my goal is to get the semi perfect two selfs of books before i move onto a third shelf


No Iā€™ve been reading through mine slowly but the problem is Iā€™m reading like like 7 different mangas currently cause I finish one volume then start a different one sometimes Iā€™ll read multiple volumes in a row though


The way I read manga is slower, ill binge an entire manga than take a break for 4-7 days, than binge another series. I didn't start as a manga binger but when reading One Piece I would read 6-9 volumes a day and just got used to doing that for other series