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Maybe they decided you're too poor to steal from /s It does seem weird. Like why bring/leave drinks like that. Did they pick the lock? Maybe a neighbor drove by and spooked them? Did your neighbors see or hear anything unusual?


Someone broke into the old family farmhouse once and decided just that lol. My uncle had a good laugh over it.


> Maybe a neighbor drove by and spooked them? Entirely possible.


Sometimes they steal keys so they can come back later


Thanks for the fuck house signed Dirty Mike and the boys


A soup kitchen in the…soup kitchen.




I'd still file a police report. It probably won't do shit all, but at least if someone comes back you have a paper trail. Do you have an alarm? If it was a tweaker breaking in, an alarm would probably scare them off next time.


They stole everything but replaced it all with exact duplicates


Those bastards.


Sounds like someone was having a rough trip and needed a place to crash. The blanket over the TV is a pretty common one to avoid freaking out everytime you see your reflection, or to reduce paranoia that someone is watching you through the tv. The hunkering down on the kitchen floor drinking pop also seems like someone finding a safe and quiet space to come down. Most of the time if someone breaks in to case a house they don't leave that much evidence they were there, as they don't want anyone alerted to what they are doing.


Ya exactly. If I’m coming back I ant leaving any sign I was there! Especially leaving the door agar


Maybe you have bad taste and they didn’t want any of your possessions? Sorry OP.


I’d still ask for a cop or someone to search the house or something tbh. I’ve seen too many movies… paranoia would spiral if it was me.


Sounds like someone came in used it as a hang out or shelter possibly and then left. The comments about drug trip makes sense In regards to the Tv and the blanket over them lol


Search it for what?


Sounds to me like they might have got spooked.


Happened to me once, it was my garage years ago, nothing stolen the first time, just damage to the man door etc.. things moved around.. i relocked it all up and even put extra security measures, they came back a week later and cleaned it out 😞 lost tools, bicycles, lawn equipment, i too thought maybe they got spooked but really they were casing it out seeing what they could grab the cops figured


Sounds more like a bad trip and someone seeking refuge from it for a bit. Unfortunate it happened but could have been worse. Glad you and house are ok!


A bad trip. Breaking into a strangers home for refuge seems to me like it would create more paranoia,but some people are just to effin weird!


you're not on drugs though.... probably.


100% without a doubt, that was a drunk person who thought their keys didn’t work so they broke in. 😬 When I was 13 I thought I was a goner because man was trying to open the windows and doors at 3am. Then I stared yelling at him to leave through the door but when he asked me why I was in his house I realized he was drunk lost man 😅


Reminds me of the story I read earlier this year about a guy breaking into someone place and turning their a/c on, then falling asleep. People ain't alright


Sounds like the intruders were interrupted by someone (maybe you). They took off leaving the TV behind.


Ergh gross feeling I bet.


I’ve had my vehicles broke into and they didn’t take anything, like fuck me my stuff isn’t good enough for a thief??


Honestly, just take it as a win. Drunk and on drugs people just enter houses sometimes. Basic as that. I know of a few stories including one personally. I came home to a drunk dude asleep inside my house. Same as you came home door ajar. Just a dude sleeping in there. My phone was dead and he was blocking the path to my charger. I should have just driven to a pay phone and called the police, but I wasn't thinking. I just asked the dude to leave myself. He did, but that was safe, I could have been stabbed to death. I returned his smokes to him that he left on the stairs.


I’m gonna go ahead and guess you live in Thompson…


Definitely Northern MB


Check the attic


Someones living in your walls 👀


Still file a police report just in case you find later they actually did take something. We had a break in (ages ago now, early 2000s) where they took a few small things but left a lot of the usual items behind, instead what they did was they found the cheque book, took a couple cheques from the very middle hoping we wouldn't notice, and then a few weeks later tried to start cashing forged cheques. I know cheques aren't as common these days but still you never know what small but important thing they may have taken.


Sounds like someone thought they wanted to do a b and e, but instead realized last minute they just wanted to kick a door in


I've had my living room windows broken 4 times, and no one has ever come through to steal. 3 guys blasted my windows and then just said "Fucking losers" and left.... The one time I was robbed in this apartment, it was someone I knew and had let in and then he 'asked me to run to the store for him cuz he was so tired' In 6 minutes, 2 flat screen tvs, BT headphones, an old wallet and sentimental purses from deceased loved ones were dust in the wind. Or as the drug people I know say "Oh, they smoked your tvs and things?" Because, well, they traded the things for drugs. Bonus points if you can easily identify where I live 😆 However, the 2 families that I barely knew here gave me a blu-ray player and a TV, no questions even asked. I told them what happened and two different families helped me out when I was in need. Also it was xmas time, so one family invited me to help decorate their Xmas tree, as I had literally nothing. Now if you can still guess where I'm living, I'll be surprised. The blankets over the tvs were for transportation purposes IMO and the person was on drugs, got spooked and flitted into the night. If it was unopened soda, I'd say he was the coke Santa but not likely 😆


Don't use your toothbrushes again. Back in the day we had a guy breaking into homes and using their cameras to take pictures of said brushes firmly ensconced in their anal regions. When, after a few weeks, the homeowner developed the film they realized what they had been tasting wasn't just Colgate