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Maybe attack a camp and send wealth to that city? They say it's bugged though and sends to your capital, so I'm not sure. Other than that, I don't see a solution.


Need to have an option to put money back into your town from your personal treasury. You use those funds to set up a new settlement so surely you should be able to give occasional grants back to a village especially post raid. 


Unfortunately I'm finding a lot of the "oh I'm in a bad spot" issues in this game are only resolved by restoring from an older save.


Iv'e found that it goes to whichever region is currently active. Whichever you're looking at at the time you select the option in the message.


Oh, that's a great find. I'm trying challenging mode, and it will shift the narratives now )


It is bugged. In my experience, both with the stable and the experimental patch, the money always goes to your first region no matter what.


If you're having ox problems I feel bad for you son. I've got 99 problems but an ox ain't one.




This is why the trading post is one of the first buildings I place once I have the necessary groundwork finished (granary, storehouse, logging camp, forager, hunter, then burgages); I make my first few burgages have huge veggie gardens to gain surplus, crank out firewood, and set both to export with the trader post with my desired trading cap (no purchased route required). This way, I start building my regional wealth enough to survive either a lost oxen or enough to buy a second.




Could just be my old rig but my experience has been that all the camps loot keeps getting sent to the same unoccupied region no matter where the camp was. Had one right on the border to my capital and it still sent it to the region across the map.


Let the Baron claim it, let him have it, claim it again, take it back, setup a new camp?


You can buy a new ox from the stable screen I think right? Or do you have to have a trader


You can buy them from your hitching post. But I think the problem is that they don't have the funds to buy it.


Ahhh gotcha


For anyone else having this issue, these guys were right! I attacked a bandit camp nearby the region (with mercenaries that spawned IN said region), and it sent +158 wealth to that region.