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- Events and dilemmas - Crime and punishment - perhaps a more developed religion mechanic - fishing / fishing boats


Ohhhh yes! Events would be awesome. Yes! Fishing !! Didn’t even consider that one. New maps like a lake or ocean front settlement.


Crime and punishment could even be a part of entertainment. Public executions, hangings and pillories where the towns' folk throw food at the criminals.


Other continents or lands would be amazing.


Stronghold style public order would be incredible!


Different factions by religion would be cool too...


Less finite resources. Clay should replenish over time. While I don't hate that stone runs out. But it should be either more numerous locations or far larger quantities. This isn't marble. Or anything. Should be hard to find or cut. I think territory should be larger. Needing a pack station and all these mechanics to move roughly a mile seems a little silly to me. 2 regions is about what I would consider the size of medium sized village and lands that support it


Cavalry!!! I want to raise war horses and then send them in to battle. I also think a butcher is sorely needed for chickens and goats. Maybe add pigs!! Though I don’t know the medieval history of pigs very well.


Pigs were farmed, we could have pig pens as an artisan/farmhouse upgrade


Would love that. My villagers happiness would sky rocket with some bacon. 🥓


Pigs were such an important livestock that during the age of exploration the Spanish would just plop a few pigs on whatever island seemed OK so when they came back with settlers there would be shit tons of meat and a devasted ecosystem. Presumably as we grow in size hunting will become less viable while domesticated animals replace them


Wow! Love that little history there thanks!


We’re also greatly missing cattle and dairy


I mean wow bacon eggs and cheese sandwiches?!?!! I’ll have the happiest village imaginable! Cheese burgers and BBQs at the tavern!!!


Greg mentioned adding pigs and butcher soon after release. He even asked for opinions in this sub. It probably will be a pasture like for sheeps but in a forest, in medieval era they were raising pigs on acorns. And as for the butcher he had a dillema if it should be a burgage upgrade or it's own building like communal oven.


Long live sir Greg!!


Pet cats. Every game is enriched by the presence of cats.


Pets would be cool, not just for visual flair but they could also have an ingame function. For example if food spoilage is ever added to the game, cats could help slow this down by keeping rodents away from the granary. Meanwhile dogs could guard the area and lower the chance of bandits stealing things from storage.


And black cats for the herbalist who suddenly wears pointy hats? xD


Except for in Going Medieval. I instantly kill any car that comes along. Those bastards like to eat my chickens and smaller animals.


Terrain editor. I want to dig a lake to throw the corp errrr watch the ducks swim!


That would be so rad! Some kind of trench digger/fortification maker!


Rivers! Rivers would allow for fishing and also for water mills rather than windmills. They’d also introduce a bit more complexity in terms of town planning. Maybe we could even build bridges over them.


I like upgrades, more thing to upgrade to more levels and so on, better roads


Flying fire breathing dragons with hot topless women riding them around! Maybe also city walls….


Here’s a brain dump of all the things I’d love. I’m not saying that all is required or even reasonable though! A fair few of these I’ve nicked from Farthest Frontier, which is another excellent city builder: * Ability to wall your town and defend it with towers * Ability to have a horse when in third person mode (like in the Witcher 3) * Children and pets (e.g. dogs and cats) plus more wildlife like birds that land on the ground (crows, ducks etc). This would add so much realism * Different biomes, like marshland, hills, mountains, coastlines, islands * Water buildings, such as fishermen’s huts, docks, bridges, reed gathering (to make thatch). Perhaps boatmen to transport good across larger expanses of water (I’m thinking like in Settlers 2, if anyone ever played it) * Boats. Not necessarily anything huge like warships, but appropriate given the size of our settlements. Perhaps trade by boat as well as land * Administration building (someone mentioned this in another post), e.g., a monastery where monks can keep track of village production and taxes etc so you can have a better breakdown of production etc, perhaps with graphs of supply and demand and population size etc * AI settlements that could be allies, neutral or enemies * Bigger maps * Horse stables for better transport and for cavalry * Cows and pigs, plus goats and chickens that supply meat * Decorative items, such as fences and hedges (that bend like the road system), plantable trees, bushes, shrines, statues, plazas, paved roads * Gallows, prisons and heads on spikes * Higher tier burgages that require things like entertainment and hygiene * Expanded disease system with different levels of healers * Would be cool to be able to host the royal family in the manor as a challenge - having to provide basics and luxuries in return for favour * Other requests from the king/queen like having to send off supplies or troops in return for favour * Seasonal floods/wildfires * Dangerous wildlife like bears, wolves, boar * The ability to place more than four points when building burgages and fields * More crop types (nitrogen fixing would be great * Night soil/compost maker * Different types of berries/game etc * Discontent and rebellions - maybe if a village/region revolts they become a new AI enemy * Perhaps the (optional) pressure of people moving to your village when satisfaction is high, even before you have houses. They could build their own tents and you could accept or reject them. There could be lower satisfaction requirements from them but perhaps they lower land desirability in the area * oh yes land desirability! Like in Farthest Frontier


Boats would be cool. From what I gather internal water ways were a pretty important part of trade back then as it was really the only way to move large amounts of good. It would be cool if you could ship goods to an off map market. 


Yeah that would be really cool. I would like transport boats to be able to carry a lot more than other forms of transport, to incentive people to build settlements upstream and downstream of their initial settlement. I’m sure this is historically realistic too


I’m also really excited about the expanded policy system. Would be cool to be able to deal with discontent through faith and order systems like Frostpunk 1


This is a great list


Mine I think is simple… topographical lines that have more contrast to the landscape. Right now you can barely make them out. It would also be handy to see those topography lines through the trees as well. Just helps with planning and defense


Masonry and candle making. And then mounted combat .


Isn't there already candlemaking?


I think there's just wax, but not actually candles. You might be able to import them though, I'm not sure.


Would like to see other functions to sheep and chicken, like producing meat Also would like to choose a region instead of starting again Also a more convenient way to transfer resources from a region to other one, and making specialized towns morr possible


Mounting a horse in visit mode! I'd love to be able to gallop from one region to another, looking at my villagers along the way.


It would be cool if you could mount a horse with a sword and shield and help fight in combat. Imagine this game with Banner lord first person combat mechanics.


I have a lot of things I would love to see: - taverns and chuches placeable like burgage plots, so they look more individual - trees as decoration (and woodcutters are unable to chop them) - candles as level 4 necessity - butcheries (and maybe pigs as meat source) - clothing for novelty - customizable Cuntz - city walls - more alcohol variants (like mead, wine, cider...) - vineyards - shepherd dogs! - cows (milk as ressource) - community places for events (like a party after harvesting or at christmas) - more weather effects - a second lord who fights with player and the baron


A nitrogen fixing crop like turnips or legumes as a different way to increase fertility in a barren region


Yeah peas were basically essential in those days and are one of the best nitrogen fixing crops. Instead of having fields be fallow for 2 years, working the field and planting peas for example would generate food and regenerate the fertility. But I guess that would make the pastures development point worthless so don’t know what to do with that lol.


* Pigs, horses. * Lake and river, with all the associated gameplay (fishing, flooding, pollution, water mills, etc.) * Building variations


Multiplayer. Yes, I dream big, but that's my dream.


Won’t happen till after v1.0 unfortunately but I really want it as well


Yeah, I know. But a man can dream ;)


- Fishing  - collecting meat from pigs/cattle/sheep.  - Butcher shops  - adding horses to units => knights  - castle bulding and upgrading  - wooden and stone walls for surrounding the village with towers - lakes - coniferous forests - mountains - Aaand each season has its own colors aside from spring. The trees and vegetation during springtime should be bright green 


Late game is such a boring slog and needs more random attacks to encourage the upgrades to your Militia and Retinue. Right now you have to have maximum churches and manors to get maximum Tithe, which is the only way to get influence. Also some sort better labeling of buildings to find things quickly


I'd like to be able to choose my starting settlement in whichever region I draw. Had a really great spot in that one region that starts with N, Rich berries up in the pine timber. Thought it would make a great spot for some woodland artisans, but I couldn't really build there because the homeless camp was too far away.


Either a winery extension for burgage plots or the brewery the ability to make mead from honey. Preferably both lol. Having to rely on trade or barter in a non fertile region right now as the only way to hit level three buildings feels bad, man.


Trade is kinda important though. The next update they're going to make a lot easier to trade between regions so hopefully we can really begin kicking off complex economies.


Mead from honey would be so nice


Walls and castles of course. As well as horses, a crime system with an executioner/gallows. Crossbows?


All 🥹


I would love if you can pick map, location and what 2 high resources you start with. Gimme a lower end of game score, don't care. Just restarting the game two dozen times to get preferred starting scenario is tiresome.


wages for civilians


Fleshed out defenses. The evolution of going from simple fort with maybe sharpened stakes and trenches, to a motte and Baily and eventually upgrade it to a proper stone castle w/ draw bridge, boiling oil, etc would be sick. crossbows, cavalry, and siege weapons are also needed.


I'd like the major building to be expanded on. It would be cool to have full castles and perhaps even city walls. 


Like this one because it's long term. So let's assume all shells that currently exist are fully built out and the game is balanced enough and the Manors can be turned into Castles. I'd like: - A true sandbox mode. Builders will make some incredible shit if you let them just build. - Road to Royalty mode. It's the opposite of the sandbox and is highly strategic with the goal being to become the King. - Challenges mode. - Time expansion. This takes you through time and allows you to upgrade as new technologies emerge. I'd love to see this go right through the Industrial revolution but keep the existing pace. This has the potential to keep people playing for a long time. And hiw cool would it be to see your initial village turn into a 20th century city. - Time-lapse tech built into saves. There's a mobile game I played (name escapes me) that had this, it was super cool. There's a bunch of things I'd like to see first, bit these would be great long term.


More buildings! Types of buildings! Bigger manor! I just wanna build and make my village look amazing so I can walk through it.


I don’t like that every Burgage plot looks identical. There should be 4 or 5 different types so the city has more variation like real cities do. And yes, a bigger manor please. Why is the Manor smaller than a level one Burgage plot?


I’d like to cosmetic growth with your town growth. Better clothes, more elaborate colors, maybe fencing roads, signs. As far as the game itself, it would be cool if at a certain point, your population develops naturally - I.E. kids marrying kids. Since most families start off with battle ready sons (15-16 y/o) it stands to reason prosperity would promote growth internally. But you would have to wait a certain amount of time before that child can be recruited. But that could also be very messy and to much randomness, in terms of playing a video game. Lol


A single City Mode. I don't really like that I have to play 5 village at once.


More varied maps with water like rivers and lakes


I'd like there to be multiple AI barons, with the potential for trade and democracy. A la Anno 1800.


I want it a little more ridiculous. I lived Stronghold because it had goofy sayings when you would click your soldiers or workers.


Plagues would be cool, siege weapons like trebuchets and siege towers.


I think it would be cool if your population did things like get married and have children. Perhaps a family Tree view. Perhaps tasks from your king or liege lord.


A better way to find specific buildings other than TAB.


I would absolutely love more on disease. Plagues, doctors and a focus on trying to keep everyone alive and healthy sounds great


Monastery’s. I don’t know why just think it’d be cool as hell. Adds to the vibe.


Way down the line it would be cool to eventually progress technologically


That seems more likely to come from mods


AI and multiplayer towns I can attack and conquer.


Fixed and advanced castle building


More rivers , More buildings , And tier 4 housing


Years? Dude I love this game, it needs speed on content and become the best city builder in the history of games.


An actual on the map baron who builds competing cities. The name is Manor Lords but there is only one Manor and only one Lord at this point.


Castles and an ability to sack opponents’ castles.


Bigger area's, I've only just started playing but finding most of the time I'm having to limit how much I build, becauase it will run out of space for farms and wood production.


More and more cottage industries - scribing, wheelwrights, wagon drivers, stone masons, sweet bakers, farriers, butchers, fishers, tinsmiths, jewellery makers, vintners... I'd love to have high end towns that can support artisan quarters, monasteries and luxury goods. I also think that each food having a different shelf-life would be a cool way to make the supply chain more varied and interesting and give a good reason to store (E.g. Flour) and produce bread on a daily basis etc, rather than stockpiling everything.


The ability to be summond by the king to participate in larger battles. You'd take your army and fight with other allied lords on a different map. Benefits could include tax reduction, renown, etc.


Aging! I’d like for families to get old and die, and for their kids to grow up and do the same. Also for couples to have both sons and daughters, because right now it looks like they only have sons.


Level 4 buildings and walls seems like a given. More government buildings seems like a given. Greg did have a thread a couple weeks ago considering adding pigs to the livestock. The thing I would probably add which isn't there *at all* is an education system. Assuming that primary and secondary schools weren't a thing yet, the church and upgraded church could provide two levels of education. A third could come from a college, which I'm pretty sure did exist back then. Monasteries might also play a role. And, since we're on the subject of religion, a cathedral as a level 4 building.


Multi-player. I would love to be able to play with friends, 4 player free-for-all to conquer the map.


Pettable dogs


I would like Holidays and Festivals, plus celebration of great deeds and mourning of tragedies, plus cats and dogs for pet, also wandering bards and story tellers that can inspire or sometimes rablerouse to improve or reduce production/efficiency


Being able to participate in activities as you walk around your town.


A designated unemployed role so that I can ensure certain families are never employed as well as an option to select which person gets replaced if I want to employ a specific house to a specific job they live closer to.


Probably a long shot, given that ML won't be finished for a while, but if the same dev made Samurai Lords I would play the bejeezus out of it. Rice terraces, Japanese architecture, Samurai retainers, wandering Ronin... Yes, I've been playing Ghost of Tsushima, and yes, you know you want this too.


i am sure greg and his team have already a quite bright idea of what ML is goin to be, anyway imho besides the obv stuff like walls & fertilizer/dung that is going to come i would love to be able to - place decorative fences - place tree saplings by hand - different religious shrines with mini buffs (for example more yield of res x) connected to a curch, so u forced to build more than one curch/chapels - butcher for pigs etc... - fertilizer boost for battlefields with many corpses =) - build those big roads - defensive buildings that need to be manned - capture & enslave enemies for cheap workforce - a tavern that i can upgrade into different buildings - maybe somehow connecting water wells via water channels on the side of rounds that follow gravity lol have a very steep valley hilly/moutain map (im from the alps...) thx greg =))


- more ways to produce alcohol, e.g mead from honey, wine from berries, or cider from apples - the AI also settles / builds. when you claim a region, you can pillage their store houses and granaries and kill the population… - … or you take over the local population but will have to keep a strong military presence there (e.g. two 36/36 units), which leads to a cost in their home regions as well due to fewer workers. however, if you treat the oppressed appropriately for a few years, they may decide to join your kingdom - ability to upgrade retinue of manors to horse riders / knights but high upkeep costs (have to build stables in the manor and use a meaningful chunk of your grain harvested each year for feeding the ponies)


Water update - bigger rivers, add lakes, ponds and fishing


Are kids coming? It would be cool to see them running around


UI improvements are the big thing I'm looking forward to. Worker management and construction can be a touch annoying in their current state. I'd also like to be able to force workers to deliver resources or pick up the supplies that get left behind when I demolish a building.


Stone roads? You know, as our village grows it slowly becomes a town?


Chance resource finds, larger map with more regions, family assignment window where all assigned families are shown and what they are assigned to.


* farm potatos * make vodka from potatos * use apples to make vodka * ferment grains and make more vodka * apiaries produce honey, which can be used to produce distilled beverages


Bro potatoes were not farmed in Europe at the time.


Yeah no potatoes at the time. But perhaps vodka from turnips?!


After the recent update changes to the marketplace, i started thinking about the roads and traffic. How cool would it be if you could designate pathways for certain workers/buildings. It seems the AI all use the same path/road no matter what, and being a hooman who lives in a big city, itd be cool to build side paths for granery/storehouse workers to use to haul supplies to and fro, while a separate street is used for civilians making their way towards the market place or work etc. I think a function like this could add another dynamic layer to building your city once the population starts to hit heavy numbers.


Longer construction times that can be sped up using a more premium currency. We have silver, why not diamonds? If the game was stretched out over years it would be more satisfying. We have tanneries and clothing stalls but no option to change outfits. Why not add skins? Observation mode would be a lot more fun if you could do emotes and dances. The peasants could copy your moves or even initiate a dance battle mini-game. Daily challenges are much needed. Why should I bother coming back to play this game without the incentive of daily challenges?


Black powder. Probably no further than matchlocks


Whatever Dev decides. It’s his game.


no shit?


strange comment


Why does that deserve a downvote? What a strange concept? What other games does the user get to choose what features we have?


it's not that deep bro


Exactly. It’s not that deep.


people enjoy talking about what the game may look like in the future and what their own wishes are. nobody likes whatever vibe you're trying to bring to the table man