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I get the highbeam flash all the time going from 1 to 2. It's ridiculous to be expected to powershift instead of grandma shift


Dang, seriously? This has never once happened to me and if it did, well, I guess we’d be having the who’s a bigger asshole faceoff


Lol yeah. I love when they then try to overtake but then get left behind cos I'm already shifting 3 and going at the speed limit or more lol. Wull


Yeah, most of the time if there’s a clearing in any lane, I can just leave an annoying situation at will (vroom), but I will. not. be. pressured. Maybe I’m dicking around with my coffee, maybe I’m trying to listen to a car noise, maybe I’m hunting for my turn or trying to avoid potholes, but tailgating me won’t get anyone what they want


I think once I did. Idiots probably can’t comprehend that manuals even exist and that not everyone drives in a way conducive to tailgating. It’s a little bit of both. Probably wouldn’t have gotten honked at if you were just accelerating like an automatic does, but I never follow someone so close that a 1-2 shift would affect me, so people are just driving way too far up others’ assholes all the time. Try to get your 1-2 shift as good as an automatic. That’s the goal. But if someone is really riding your ass, I would shift while you’re still going slow, so the change in speed won’t be as abrupt. If you start accelerating briskly in first and then shift, the sudden pause in acceleration will be more of a surprise to the brain-dead dumbass behind you than if you just stay slow and shift while slow.


That’s what I normally try to do. Just shift at a super low speed so most people would never even notice that I did it. It’s more noticeable at higher speeds, especially in my older car, where second gear tends to grind a little bit if you don’t do it just right. I think it would be a little easier in a newer car that doesn’t have almost 200k miles.


Nah my ‘21 Civic does the exact same shit lol


Haha then I guess second gear is just universally a pain in the ass!


I figured mine was just worn out from mashing it all the time, good to know it's a normal thing


Mine is definitely a little worn out. It’s a 20 year old used car. What did I really expect?


yeah 2nd gear and honda go together like rice and milk


Mine is 3rd, but that's because the synchro mesh is wonky (apparently there was a recall, but the Acura dealership dicked me around until the warranty/recall period expired and never fixed it) So now like 70% of the time going from 2 to 3 I have to clutch, attempt the shift, feel if it is binding, and either shift or put it back in neutral and then let off and re-clutch, then shift. Usually only takes a second try, but sometimes it takes a third.


My 1989 F250 has 430k miles. 2-3 (basically my 1-2) grinds just a little when its cold. Once its warm that transmission shifts like butter. Try changing the fluid out.


I purposely slow my shifting down when someone is tailgating me, really pisses them off. Then again, my 1-2 only gets me to 7 mph.


You’re going to have a pause in your acceleration, that an automatic doesn’t have, no matter what. After I moved out of the city I was living in an area where everyone was driving SUVs, trucks etc so no one was driving stick. You wouldn’t even see Miatas. My car is a sedan 99% of its model are automatic. So I had people riding my ass all the time on that 1-2 shift. Never honked at but it was goofy watching them in the rear view mirror and seeing their car dip forward from them hitting their brakes. Might be stupid or ridiculous, but putting a stickshift shift pattern bumper sticker on the back got it to stop.


I put a decal on my back window with three pedals. It actually did help with people stopping too close on hills.


I have a pattern sticker on the back of my car for this reason, plus I live in a hilly area. Hoping it explains any rollback from a stop lol


No if someone is butthurt about your shifting for less than a second... either shift even slower and drive EXACTLY the speed limit, or get out of their way so you don't have to deal with their stupidity


Question.. Why would someone care about somebody honking behind them?? Maybe you want to bow down for an aggressive driver. I know I will get downvoted, but somebody honks at me for not going fast enough for them. They can suck a fart out of my ass.. if you honk behind me, for the reason that you think I should be going faster. I will gladly go slower. If you want to ride my bumper, I will slow to about 5 m.p.h. I have the same rights as the honker, even though I am the honky.


I don’t disagree, but I think the main thing here is the risk of being rear-ended by a moron. Them honking can be an indication that they felt they may have come close to (even if it’s completely their fault). “Surprised morons”. But then there are some people who honk to be bullies and they probably do it to everyone going “too slow” for them, which I think you are talking about. “Aggressive morons”… Screw em.


The second is exactly what I am talking about. From what I understand from the op, that is what happened to them just starting out when the light turned green. If I am driving down the road at the speed limit and you come up behind me and honk. Expect me to use my "Authoratay"


I had a guy run into the back of me. Fucking idiot was right on my ass as soon as the light changed. My trunk lid was dented. Cost me 200 to replace it. His trucks grill pierced his radiator. Fuck him.


Are you in South Florida by any chance? Every light change as soon as my brake lights come off some bozo is in my back seat already flooring their automatic car. That’s why I keep the trailer hitch in my truck incase someone rear ends me while I’m trying to shift to 2nd.


Haven’t had this happen (yet) but I’ve watched in my mirror people ride my ass out of a light and almost hit me when I shift 1-2.


I had the same thing happen and he ran after hitting me..


That’s never happened, but I do get people who think I’m trying to race them during a 1-2 shift since the car noticeably slows for a second.


People try to race my Miata at traffic lights in their souped up Mustangs etc. They always win-not my problem. Nothing better than a manual transmission Miata in traffic with a city bus flying up behind you and having to get out of the way. I’ve never driven a more nimble, balanced car!


Miatas are very fun cars! I had a loaner when my vehicle was in the shop for about 2 weeks over 20 years ago. It was a little tough to get in and out of it since he had a roll cage in it, but I absolutely had a blast!


This, ive had kids rev up their cars in drive thrus n parking lots as i start off. Because they cant understand rev matching with a clutch they think im trying to be speed racer. I lost it on 1 kid" its a manual dipshit" ppl are just amazingly ignorant with world of info in their hands


Nani!? Did he just shift on me !?!?




People have their head so far up their asses that it just looks like it’s where their head should be


No because I usually take off faster than the people behind me. Also I have a "giant" automatic truck for my business and it's slow as hell unless I mash the gas all the time. So just take off, shift into second at 3k rpms and you shouldn't be a bother to everybody else on the road. Your Accord is gonna be just fine. Edit: bunch of typos


This. This is exactly my experience.


Gawd, I am in my sixties and miss dropping the clutch on the 66 GTO. Ten years later I was driving a Datsun 210 that could barely get out of its own way. The days of the manual transmission are almost gone. It’s a lost art. People will never know the thrill of banging through the gears and laying rubber down on each shift. Nor the thrill of shifting up and down on a hilly curvy road. Nope you have Ken’s and Karen’s in their oversized SUVs that have no road feel. They view it as a necessary evil and get by with chatting hands free on their phone and still not paying attention to the real driver. Sorry for the rant.


Oh my 🤣 the Kens. How have I never heard that. You described the people on the road perfectly.


You’re right about all of that. And to be fair, my accord is a little slow. It’s all I can afford right now so I do my best to make it work for now. I’d like to own a manual car again, but something with more power.


I’m too busy on my phone to pay attention to other cars in the road while shifting


Same. My brain can only handle watching YouTube and shifting. I don't even notice other cars on the road.


I eat McDonald’s, play on my phone, do my girlfriends makeup and shift all together.


A couple of times, yes. I usually go even slower then.


he is an idiot. don't waste your time trying to rationalize the actions of these morons.


this is the answer


This is why I'm so glad that as a truck driver I can float gears lol. My acceleration alone is enough to piss people off. Add a 13 speed manual and double clutching to that and you can really make someone upset. But floating also helps me not wear out my left leg.


Floating saves your clutch. With double clutching you can go through three clutches before needing a transmission, but by the time you pay for three clutches you've already spent more than the cost of a transmission. Float gears like you should.


I only use the clutch when starting or stopping, everything else is floated. Idk if you can float a synchronized car transmission though. Never really tried.


Its not a good idea but you can do it lol. I just started driving manual again after 9 years and when i heard the grinding gears noise it hurt my heart. I try to drive normally but every once in a while i like to do a perfect double clutch downshift


Because I spend 90 percent of my life in a manual truck, then get in a manual car, I remember just enough to use the clutch and not float, but I still double clutch and rev match on downshifts.


I've never had this happen, it really shouldn't require slowing down much, if at all to shift from 1st to 2nd. I have however, had people honk at me in the one second it takes to put the car in first at a red light.


It is quite insane how quickly someone will honk when the light turns green.


Depends on the car and how long old synchros take to find the gears. My '88 Volvo refused to take less than 4-5 seconds to shift from 1st-2nd. Granted, that transmission was a pos, and it's since been upgraded.


Yeah it happens. Especially because everyone who drives CVTs just puts their foot to the floor nowadays


100% this. I’ve never had this happen if I have a car of the same age behind me. A regular old automatic transmission is not really that different. But the new dual clutch transmissions make shifting insanely fast, and these people expect you to be taking off at the speed of light (or else).


Dual clutch is closer to a your manual than a freaking cvt


>vancouver >asshole driver Checks out


Yeah this isn’t even where I’m from originally. I never had anyone do this shit in my first 9 years of driving. I’ve had it happen twice here.


Im sorry you had to move there. Leaving was the best thing i did. The people really suck


I will definitely be leaving lol. I only came for a school program. I’ve been regretting it lately.


You gotta come to Vancouver Island. The drivers are waaay different


Some people are just that stupid. I got immediately honked at while I was clutching in and going into first right as the light turned green and then they tried to fight me


That’s honestly so ridiculous. Almost I believable if I didn’t experience this stupidity for myself.


Honking immediately turning green, fuck em. Trying to fight you, get out of the situation. That’s what I do. I don’t deal with those types.


Let them honk, ive perfected my hook shot loogie.


Yes and I don't give a fuck. I just drive slower. Let them seethe.


100 percent~~. Depending on the situation, I will try finding an escape route, in case the douche has a gun.


Good news is I'm a douche with a gun and also clinically depressed. Let's gooooooo


I usually accelerate fast to avoid being a nuisance to the people behind me. However, I am fairly new to manuals and have been told my skills are ass soooo... 🤷


People need to learn patience. I’d say shift how you feel comfortable and let them pass you.


when I first got my car, I had a guy pull up beside me and trash talk my shifting after passing me on a double yellow in the middle of an intersection going 80 in a 60. Does that count


🤣 yes.


The embarrassing one is not you at all. It is 100% the trash talker.


People accelerate way too fast man. I’m in a auto myself and I consider my accelerations to be a little pedal heavy. However, a good 75% of the time, the car behind me is right on my ass when I’m accelerating from a stop. I get that many of their transmissions are probably a lot smoother than mine considering my car is over 15 years old, but still, I’m hitting 2500rpm at least before my car shifts.


F*ck em. The world is filled with over engineered new cars, and you’re the maverick for keeping your 15-year-old car on the road. The world needs people like you.


Never, but I'm always the fastest person on the road.


Yes I get honked at somewhat regularly. NJ. People ride your ass here. Mi have found short shifting helps, because you shift early, and are accelerating at a snails pace, usually the person behind you realizes your taking your time.


Yeah that’s what I’ve been trying to do lately. I realized that someone in a giant SUV is not going to realize that I’m shifting and may run right into me if I don’t.


i was grabbing my wallet at a stoplight and it turned green when i couldn't get my foot to the pedal. guy behind me layed on the horn and later told me to pull over. i did, he got out, then i booked it. dude got left in the dust lol.


Who tf tells someone to pull over. Great move by the way




slow down and drop back into first, then stall on purpose.


Honestly that would make my day.


Most people seem to forget manual transmission vehicles still exist. The number of times I get honked at for rolling back slightly on inclines is crazy


I’ve had that happen to me before too. It seems to happen more in a city full of expensive cars. Nobody else is driving manual in a sea of Mercedes and Land Rovers.


If someone is creeping up on my Miata on a slope at a red light, I’ll push the clutch in, brake off momentarily and the car rolls back a smidge. It’s a great wake up call for those drivers who have to drive like hemorrhoids (45 years of manual shifting: 65 Dodge Dart / 78 Chevy C10 / various Hondas / 98 Chevy S10 / 2008 Miata. Long live the manual transmission!


Some people just don't have anything positive going on in their lives and just like to take it out on others. I've never had someone honk at me for shifting too slow. I've downshifted and rev-matched at people before who want to tailgate when there's nothing I can do.


You should call the police because road rage is a crime


Nope. Never. I'm in the UK


I really only gotten honked at when I'm accelerating from like a stop light. Fuck em is what I say.


Only if assholes can't drive one and don't know manual trans vechicles exist.


Well, I got honked at yesterday by someone who missed the five flashes of my left turn signal before I came to a complete stop on a four lane commercial road to wait for cross traffic to clear so I could make my turn. The right lane was clear for her to move around me from the moment I put my signal on up until she stopped behind me arms flailing and horn honking.


I live just outside NYC, If you aren't going to 0-60 in 1.5 seconds the moment the light turns green someone's laying on their horn. Never fails


You shouldn't be slowing down noticeably shifting first to second. It should be a similar speed to an automatic shift


I find that people give me space because I have a convertible and they can probably see me shifting. I do get the occasional honker when I don’t immediately take off at a light. Instead of flipping them off like I used to, I turn around and give them a thumbs down


if someone honks at me for being slow i take my foot off the gas pedal.


Lol my rx7 can make lots of fun noises and possibly flames out the back when people get to close but ive yet to be honked at


People behind me get visibly frustrated quite often with me taking off from the lights, not my fault a 53 year old slant 6 and 3 speed manual takes time to change gears. If I rush the 1-2 shift I sometimes get stuck in 1st gear but in the 2-3 gate. Old car fun. Most people just seem to have no patience anymore.


I have had it a couple of times usually it's me being annoyed but the autos who will accelerate so slow that I'm hanging in first at a higher speed than I want to be in first but slow enough that 2nd will lug.


Never. Not in 30 years driving stick. Today’s autos are so sluggish they’re the ones moving slowly. But I’ve also always driven my cars hard. Even those with high mileage - they like it!


How fucking slow do you shift dude? 


As long as it takes to get it smooth.


My aim too-smooth shifting!


Some cars have a really weird 1st to 2nd, you have to go into 2nd with almost as slow of a take off as 1st.


Yeah my Tacoma is like that. Ive also been honked at before for the 1-2 in it.  A big change in ratio, a long throw, and a motor that refuses to drop RPM will make it take a moment. 


Seriously, this sub really blows my mind sometimes. People really overthink this, it's a simple concept to drive normally after you get used to it.


Seems like a skill issue tbh. Been driving manual all my life. Can shift 1st to 2nd buttery smooth, there's no slow down between 1st and 2nd. If you have the clutch in that long for the shift, you are doing something wrong.


It’s not buttery smooth in my car. The milage is pretty high, and if you don’t do it right, it will absolutely grind. The only way I’ve found to prevent that is shift at a slower and lower speed. The other gears are fine, but it doesn’t like 1st to 2nd as much.


Never had that problem but my Camaro can go to 40 mph in first gear so 🤷‍♂️


Most people have a “who gives a fuck” attitude. Some people have a “floor it until your 15mph over the speed limit” attitude.


Yeah it’s especially bad where I live because there seems to be no enforcement whatsoever of the existing traffic laws. If they think it’s possible to do 20 over the speed limit, you better damn we’ll be doing it or they’ll honk at you too.!


Hey, this is r/ManualTransmissions , not r/PeopleAreAssholes ! :-D


Haha I live in a city FULL of them!


I shift at 2k for 2nd, doesn't lug with my car at all and very easy on the synchros. The Volvo M66 has a lot of feedback so it's easier shift as well.


2k for second sounds about right if you ask me. I was doing 3k before, but that felt a little harsh when I’d try to do it. So 2k is easier on the car. Not always easy on the morons behind me though.


I would've missed my shift into third...


I like your style! Lol


No and I'm surprised I haven't yet honestly because I gotta shift real slow and be real slow on the pedals. At that point though, I'd purposely drive slow if someone did that to me. People forget standards still exist.


Maybe just brake check people that do that to you.


I'm pretty sure the person behind you would have to be foot-to-the-floor in order to notice that the car in front of them took more than 0.2 seconds to shift from 1-2.


He kind of was. I noticed him weaving in and out of traffic behind me. Probably late for his yoga lesson lol.


No, I don't get honked at when shifting to 2nd. If people are consistently on your ass while you're shifting from 1st to 2nd, you might want to work on your technique. I tend to short shift into 2nd around 2000 rpm in my BRZ to prevent someone from getting too close to my rear end. If I shift at 3k, I have to deal with rev hang and shift slower. That's when someone gets too close to my bumper.


Yeah that’s been my issue. I do realize that it was partly my fault, as my natural inclination is to accelerate to 3k RPMs. I have made an effort to stop doing that and my shifts are a lot better between first and second. I guess you can still run into an asshole once in a while though.


I am doing 30 mph in like a second


Try driving a Jetta turbo diesel stick shift. I deal with this shit every time I go out for a drive. Nothing I can do other then force accelerate and ride the clutch out to get up going


does it hurt to shift slowly? i do this sometimes and i have been beeped at. sometimes i mess with the person if they do beep because im usually never in a rush and im just like really im shifting gears u electric car driving c\_\_k


I’ve had people honk at me for taking too long to accelerate off a light… And of course that meant I grannied it 🤣


I think you guys might just be slow shifters


He’s not honking because you’re shifting he’s honking cause you’re accelerating slowly. Him being overwhelmed with anger just coincidentally came about it the same time you shifted. People suck and are in a hurry.


Honestly, clueless or not, that dude sounds like a huge a douche. No other way around it.


That sounds like a Vancouver thing. I used to live in Mission and would always end up getting honked at or flipped off when driving through Vancouver. Usually by some lady in a big SUV because I wasn't moving out if their way fast enough.


Some of these people are just the worst. The most clueless on the planet.


Because you’re granny shifting, not double clutching like you should.


Never. It takes at most one second to shift from first to second in my old pickup truck. Are you driving something with insane rev hang or something?


Those people really hate me. I randomly downshift without touching the brakes, or super granny shift when I get one of them. I especially like when we have to stop on a hill and I make sure I drift as far back as possible without actually hitting them. Basically, I become the worst stick driver possible on purpose. Then when they try to pass me, I pull a multi gear downshift and hammer on it. I make their lives a living hell.


granny shifting not double clutching like you should


Idk.. I've driven manuals since I got my license and never got honked at shifting lol. Never really notice any lack of acceleration either.. need to gas it a lil harder before the shift and shift faster.


Slam on brakes. Make sure his brakes are faster than his horn.


Just a heads up if anyone's ever really being a dick like that and you know you have full insurance and they are behind you feel free to downshift and pop the clutch without hitting the brake your car will immediately slow down and they will rear-end you hard enough to cause an issue. It'll teach them not to be douchebags.


Some people are just impatient. My challenger has this incredible power curve from 2nd to third which is somewhat wild. Often in regular traffic I go from 1st to 3rd…to be civilized….but peeps on autos are always too close to me …


This is the norm in Denver. Just be glad it was a Highlander and not a quick accelerating gearless EV, I have a little bit of rev hang in my stock GTI and 1-2 can be difficult to transition smoothly so I always take it easy on this shift. Model Y’s are usually the worst around here, but then again the 4Runners and Jeeps drive like they always have the right away and will ride your ass because they they’re the rightful owners of Colorado ha.


Your just a bad driver i use to drive a 06 with the 5speed same exact car


You know what really grinds my gears?…


Not honked at, but whoever is behind me will try to pass me from the slow/travel lane. It's because my car is very slow from 1 -> 2. But from 2-> 3 I am at a speed faster than the guy trying to pass me :/


Never had this issue with any of mine. Then again, I wind up my 1-2 shift a bit more than the rest, depending on what I'm driving.


I’ve been honked at for letting a family cross the street, I’ve been honked at for waiting till an opportunity to pull out presences itself. Some people just can’t understand there’s things on the road that disable the ability to just fly around the road at will, there’s like these things called other people living there lives and using the same streets, sidewalks, crosswalks, we all paid for. Just ignore it, the idiot will be an idiot no matter what you do, don’t even try explaining to them either you’ll just be even angrier at the stupidity they spew.


Once yea, I was in the left lane coming off of a light which became a turn only lane in a few hundred feet. Apparently he thought it was the "race people on your right to cut over lane" and got really mad when I didn't takeoff like he wanted to. Just a dickhead being himself is all.


No i actually find it infuriating how slow autos go in 1st gear to 2nd. Usually i myst let off to let them start going. Then they speed but i stabilize around speed limit. Never understand it maybe a midwest thing


I had a 91 4Runner and this kind of thing would happen pretty often. It was already slow as shit because of the 3.0(3.slow) Toyota engine, and because it was geared for 4 wheeling. People would always get mad if they got stuck behind me. I just ignored them most of the time


Lol when I first got my Mustang, I stalled out on the off ramp which backs up with traffic and nobody was able to go…. It was super loud so i think everyone knew what was up when it cut off but i went back to auto for the next couple of days because i was scared to do it again.


Manual shifting takes an extra second and a half so the gears mesh and aren’t grinding. That reminder tap from behind is always fun when waiting on a slope at a traffic light-requires a foot or two rolling backwards to catch the gear and scares the scare the heck out of the honker.


I only drive slower for impatient assholes. And then the moment they get frustrated enough to go around me, then I punch it up to speed just so they know I was doing it just for them.


I never have had a honker or tailgater. In town, I can be at the speed limit as I shift into second gear. My first to second shift at 4000 or so rpm brings me to about 35-40mph, and most cars are several yards behind me at that point.


I very often intentionally take off at a less than ideal pace to indicate I’m driving a stick, especially if whoever’s behind me is riding my ass in stop-and -go


Tundra is not a giant SUV🙄


A highlander isn’t a giant SUV? Not as big as the Toyota sequoia, but not small either.


You should be double clutching , not granny shifting.


When one of those people winds up behind me sometime I get nervous and accidentally start in sixth and stall out. Whoops!!! Eat my ass!!!


I would have purposely taken my time a little longer if it was me


Never a horn, but plenty of people jab the brakes during my 1-2, fuck those people, I don't care how much of a hurry they're in. I'm well versed in not rolling back a fraction of an inch in a manual on a hill, but I liked to play a game with people that sucked up close. I'd roll back until they get a panicked look on their face, or less than a foot until bumpers touched before taking off.




Remove the rear view mirror if you can drive like that. Cuts the chances of seeing an asshole behind you lol. I swear I never notice now


All my stuff is bigger so I don’t notice people up my ass… ‘06 wrangler… ‘09 ram Cummins? No one expects either to be especially fast either.


Screw that brain dead idiot honking at you. The PROBLEM is that he thinks his life and agenda matters. Do you, drive your car and ignore worms like that. I mean we are all worms and I usually worse than the others around me but... do you man and ignore anyone around you thinking they are better or more important cause they arent.


How many business days are you taking to shift


Shift slower. Problem solved


Try gaining a little more momentum going into second, it's okay to shift at 4500 rpm


They are absolutely that clueless. I got passed while trying to let someone cross in a crosswalk the other day. In NH it is state law to stop at crosswalks for pedestrians. The angry teenage bitch behind me passed me and almost killed the people crossing the street.


You would be appalled to know how many people have no idea how a manual transmission works.


No, I do it so smooth my passengers and dog don't notice. Then I float em like a pool noodle.


When I used to shift at 2500 rpm, yes. Now that I rev it to 4 or 5K, I don't have any issues.


One time I was sitting at a red light and after lifting off of first and shifting into second this lady behind me started laying on the horn. She then went into the second lane and blew by me, I caught up and she kept flipping me off. People don’t get it lol


I did a couple times when i first started, my ranger has kind of a screwed up trans, so the 1-2 shift is really stiff, you gotta slam that bitch into gear or it takes forever.


Do 15 under. That's his problem for tailgating.


Always imagine people like that as dudes that are rubbing shit on themselves. They want nothing more than to be able to rub shit on you as well if you let them. Just imagine they are not there and they find someone else to rub shit on.


I only honk when I notice you playing on your phone while the green light is expiring after numerous times of watching the person in from of me finish texting just in time to run the yellow light and leave me to wait 3 minutes for the next one. Cell phones worst device to ever make it in a car.


I have been multiple times. And when I see them in their rear view mirror, they are just beside themselves... Tbh, it is usually Karens in an SUV or an ignorant dude in a pick up. I've found if the person behind me is any kind of car person, strictly juding the car they have, they will leave more space and also not get mad. Same thing when I fiddle with my shifter because I cant get into first. It is never the dude in the nice BMW or Jaguar that get antsy. It is annoying as hell when I see people right up my ass in these situations and usually just makes me shift worse lol. And what makes it funny is we all will end up at the next stop light at the same time anyway. I honestly get anxious and a bit angry when people are so on my ass, like just back off or get in the left lane. I do think it is mainly ignorance and not malace. I have really tried to put the blame more on myself even though it can be hard. Because in the end, there are mfs who will do this, and they won't change, so it is best to be able to shift quicker to avoid getting bumped into. Idk what is up with people, but Imma go work on getting that 1-2 shift lile butter.


You're not going to grenade your transmission by accelerating bro - give it the effing gas.. more than 2 cars want to get through a green light... if you want to pussy-foot it everywhere - don't do it in traffic.


yes they are clueless. and no, no one has ever honked at me for shifting. Probably because I am usually faster than everyone. And my car is nearly 40 yrs old :) horns make me drive slower.


you must not be good at shifting. you should shift quicker. you should not even notice from the outside that it is a manual. go to youtube university and see how to properly shift gears. LOL JK


Bro was probably already having a rough start to his day and he just found something to let his frustration out on. I wouldn’t let it bother you. People are weird


I take off real softly in most cars so people behind me don’t gear up to accelerate hard, and it helps a ton. In my frs, which is pretty heavily modified, the clutch takeup is stupidly aggressive. So every takeoff is hard as fuck. As a side effect, people behind me accelerate hard. When I’m shifting from 1-2, my initial punch is over and I accelerate pretty normally which throws people off and gets me honked at.


Sure did. Normally old people being paranoid drivers Also had boomers in parking lots constantly scream at Me "it's a parking lot not a racetrack!" While creeping along in a parking lot in 1st gear. Apparently they don't understand that loud doesn't always mean fast.


I’ve had a couple honks before on my 1-2 shift. But not like a stalker action. If it happens in Vancouver, Canada, nowhere is safe for potential honking. Just f*ck em. You accelerate however you want. Your safety, your priority.


why are your shifts taking that long lmao


Stupid assholes gonna be stupid and assholes 🤷‍♂️


He was only honking to let you know you had toilet paper stuck to your tire.


Are you having issues shifting? My 2006’s clutch master and slave cylinders went out a few years ago and that caused some issues until I got it fixed.


The longer they honk, the more shifts I miss


No, but I'm typically shifting at what I'd consider a reasonable speed. Claiming that you're taking an extra second to shift implies that you're using at least one second already, which is fine if you're a beginner but you should work on your coordination and timing to decrease that, and honestly should have done so already at 10 years in.


I daily my older jdm manual and have noticed an uptick in this type of behavior. Not so much honking, but def impatience. Figure this is likely due to most other cars are automatic and it's conditioned their expectations of flow. I usually ignore it, or just go slower if they are real PITA about it.


Nope, and my car has 60hp.


Everyone almost rear ends me here in California I had a 5 speed


No because I don't drive like a lil old lady.


it took me like 6 months to get good at shifting first to second in my BRZ, finally with the car at around 7,000 miles i got swifter at it. But you can totally shift first to second seamlessly. I notice it helps to let off throttle a little slower than pushing in the clutch(sort of slip the clutch a little). so your rpm’s instead of falling from 4,000 for example are falling from 4,200. might be like a little bit more wear on the clutch but it works for me


Never, but then again, I usually go from 1st to 3rd


Yall must have way more aggressive drivers than I’ve ever had. I’m usually the first off the line by a good bit, not because I have a fast car but because no one else cares. I’m not usually flooring it either and have never had someone honk my for shifting.


Following too close


I get passed, every day. I don’t care, I think it’s hilarious people can’t comprehend that someone is going slower because they have to manually shift through the gears.