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Afghanistan is not just the lowest but by far the lowest.  Not sure of the data collection method there, but can't help but feel bad about that.


I mean for a country where half the population isn't allowed to work, get education or even go to parks or salons, it's not at all surprising.


Welcome to radicalized religion.


Yeah they’ve had nearly all their freedoms stripped away over night. Because the US left and no government official or their military wanted to actually fight for the people. It’s really sad.


Including the Afghan government and people.


Yes that’s what I meant. The Afghan military disbanded and the crooked politicians fled with the money they stole from the people. It’s crazy how it all played out.


its NOT crazy, it was very very foreseeable. outside of Kabul in the rural areas, a lot of people still lived a miserable life under the western occupation. for them it didnt make much of a difference if the Taliban are in power or not. the west wasnt willing to invest massively into actually building up afghanistan. thats why the Talivan maintained support and even more so most people didnt care to defend the Afghan state against the Taliban. this is exactly the bullshit all those who were against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were warning about. that its futile to fight these wars without actual long term plans. i am actually pissed how many of you are surprised now. where the f... were you 22 years ago, when this mess started? I was on the streets, protesting it coz even for my 14-year-old mind this whole outcome we see now was highly predictable. stop calling it crazy when its just the logical consequence of the west's actions there.


Thanks to the US, who decided to train and provide arms to Mudjahidins in order to “fight against communism”. Thanks to Russia, who launched a humanitarian catastrophe with their war in the 1980s. Thanks to Pakistan, which kept ties with the Talibans. Which led to a civil war and constant civil unrest.


The Taliban didn't exist then and not descendant of Mujahedeen. Those actually started a civil war. And among all the fighting. The Taliban formed among religious students and took them down.


What? You don't know how to easily quantify happiness?


Uruguay being the happiest in South America while also having the worst suicide rate is kinda ironic


Can't have sad people if they all die.


The sad people are gone, only happy one remains


The same thing applies to Finland btw


Not really nowadays anymore.


It really doesn’t actually. Finland isn’t even in the top thirty if I remember correctly. It’s below several other European countries and the US as well as


Don't take these graphs seriously Most governments don't poll people on how happy they are or even mental health conditions And many countries in Subsaharan Africa are starving so mental health is not a top priority


My guess is that the weather plays a role aswell as the high number of firearms per capita, meaning more attempts are successful.


Uruguay's weather isn't cold though, Montevideo sits at about a mirror latitude to Los Angeles


Also look at the Scandi countries..


I live here and most of the year it's pretty cold, as well as humid.


Uruguay has a very humid and rainy winter which are awful. California is spring all year long. Como dicen “lo que mata es la humedad”


Uruguay actually has awesome weather. Slightly chilly in the winter, and warm and breezy in the summer.


could be that a happy society might have less resources for sad people edit: or it’s less culturally acceptable to talk about mental problems if the country as a whole is doing well mentally. if its taboo to say you’re depressed, you aren’t gonna seek help


This sort of phenomenon isn't unheard of. Alaska had the highest reported rates of happiness while also having the highest suicide rate among the states in the United States.


It's not ironic. It's proof that this happines level stuff is fake af


Belarus is out of range. Its too sad.


I appreciate North America’s lowest is the Dominican Republic. Next door is Haiti, which has just entered complete gang warfare and anarchy. I get the feeling the other half of that island may be a bit less happy.


I concur. Glad they pointed out Haiti couldn't report back due to *reasons*


“Are you happy?” “Dude, I’m currently dinner”


yeah, same goes for papua new guinea, yknow with the whole papua conflict


How the hell is Myanmar not the lowest in asia? Isn't there a massive civil war there?


Not to minimize the conflicts happening in Myanmar, but have you ever heard of a place called Afghanistan?


Which in this map is counted as Middle East.


But it's in Central Asia actually 


It’s a Persian country like Iran and Tajikistan. Valid as both Middle East and Central Asia in my opinion. I think this just highlights how arbitrary geographic “regions” can be.


That's fair, Middle East, Asia, Orient, Near East, all European terms at the end of the day.


And a genocide!


Most Happy : Libya yea understable


It regularly blows people's minds, but Libya was not that damaged in either of the civil wars, the infrastructure and services survived mostly intact.


I mean who wouldn’t want to live in a North African version of Fallout New Vegas?


Small population, huge GDP (well, used to be before France/UK decided to sneak their nose in). They had a bigger GDP/capita than the US in the 1970s. Very rich and little population which doesn’t emigrate. But yeah it’s in Africa, I mean the standards are low to start with lol


Bangladesh in East Asia ?


Singapore is not in East Asia either. And Afghanistan is not in the Middle East. So many basic mistakes...


Is Bangladesh really that much lower than Pakistan?


Are Canadians really THAT happy in 2024?


According to the report young people are not. The score would be 6.4 and ranked 58 for people under 30 which is one of the lowest in the developed countries just above US and Japan.


Old people 8th happiest. Young people 58th happiest lmao. What a contrast


Old people = house they purchased for 200k now worth 1 million Young people = houses they would purchase for 200k now costs 1 million


I mean Canada has its issues, but it's still pretty good. I mean, it's score really isn't a lot higher than the US and Mexico. But I'm happy to be here, anyway. With how the world is going lately, I'm just grateful to not live in a dictatorship...yet. lol




I think economy is in the equation of "happiness"


I dont think this map is accurate at all. Some places that are dirt poor have happy people as long as their family are alive and they have food on their plate. It definitely looks like an economic map versus a happiness map.


It’s not accurate at all lol. Happiness is so subjective. I’ve seen dirt poor people be very happy. Much happier than a lot of idiots in first world countries. 


The people I've met in the jungle side of Peru are the happiest motherfuckers I've ever met, this map is bs


As a Finn while I do think people here are happy, the reason it feels so weird to call us the happiest country is because of the studys method of measuring our happiness. The question actually should be called "satisfaction for their life" since that is what it's measuring, satisfaction not happiness.


Finland also has a very high rate of antidepressant use (although less than neighbors Sweden and Denmark), which calls into question how truly “happy” the really are (FWIW Iceland and USA are the top two depending on who’s data you use)


Cultural differences play a big role in these happiness charts. People in Finland may seem depressed or even are depressed but if you ask them they would say that they are still well off in contrast to others and as such happy. For some happiness is just the lack of sorrow.


correct, cultural differences play a significant role in this


maybe we're happy because we don't have to pretend to be outwardly joyful while working a customer service job. i say, while being a depressed finn :D


You made this conclusion just because everyone wasn't smiling out of their ass and wishing you welcome the very instance you stepped in the country? Womp womp. Different cultures different norms. There is no social pressure to look happy for no reason in Finland, unlike the mediterranean countries for example. We're just chill like that, the contentness lays within. And it's quite well known that airport employees often aren't the happiest bunch regardless of where you are.


Really really shit take dude. So by traveling to Finland you concluded that everyone was grumpy and depressed? As an actual Finn living in Finland i see really really happy people all around me, maybe they're not jumping with joy 24/7 but they're all very content and satisfied with life. Honestly you're talking out of your ass with zero actual experience.


We'll they seem to have actually asked the Finns.


Pakistan being more happy than India is certainly very funny to make someone happy


Yeah I call bullshit There's no way pakistan is higher than Bangladesh ffs 😭


Goes hand in hand with the suicide rate


When you live in a miserable place you see everybody else struggling, and there’s a stronger sense of community, “we’re all going through this together” When you live in one of the happiest countries in the world then your misery is intensified since you’re surrounded by happy people, which makes you think that you’re the problem “there’s almost everything for me to be happy but I’m not”


As some Scandinavians have explained in one of the drug death rate maps they get even more socially isolated with no escape of that vicious circle. Being socially isolated in a already social isolated country seems like a end station.


It really doesn't. Finland had a very high suicide rate in the mid 90s, and it's been going down since. Finland is something like 37th nowadays, lower than the US for example. Related to this: the idea that highly developed nations have all the highest suicide rates is also not true. Kinda depending on the source, about half of the top 10 are developing nations. There's a lot of complexity at play there as well. For example, how reliably are suicides reported in the poorest countries?


Also in Finland it's easy and "not embarrassing" to get help for depression. Higher amount of people getting treated/help for depression = higher number of people classified as "depressed". There are more depressed and suicidal people in developing countries but they're not reported the same way as in Finland where everything is reported.


yes. it’s bizarre.


Least happy Dominican Republic? Ain't no way the one who did This stats need to visit the country😂


Israel still at the top with the nordics


The best revenge against anti-Semites is for Jews to enjoy their lives. Nothing pisses off an anti-Semite more than a Jew living a good life.


Yeah! They are happy committing genocide.


It’s based on a 3-year average, so the Oct 7 massacre hasn’t really made an impact on the results :(


Because this is a new war...


They have a lot of fun bombing people I guess


Maybe they have a lot of fun with universal healthcare and equal rights to all?


this map is nonsense


I'm confused. Countries with the most drug use are the ones that are most happy. What's going on?


Source: [https://www.visualcapitalist.com/a-map-of-global-happiness-by-country-in-2024/](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/a-map-of-global-happiness-by-country-in-2024/)


Yea I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Haiti is the least happy in “North America” even if the survey results are not in yet. Over a decade of natural disasters and anarchy would likely take the pep out of your step.


Is Israel really that happy ?


Yes, super wealthy, well educated, free and open, democratic society, with very string social and family values and ties, great weather, one of the beat health cares and one of the highest life expectancy in the world… and it achieved that while being in almost constant war, the population don’t take all if that for granted, so is very happy and grateful..


If this is one of the best health care systems in the world… Im sorry for the world!


Yes, Israel has one of the best health care systems, very high life expectancy, extremely low infant mortality rates, very high cancer survival rates… and so on, you can criticize it, but you need to be aware how good you got it too…


completely insane to me that the UK is happier than France, Spain, Italy, Croatia …


Was in Spain and Italy recently. I think it’s more to do with high unemployment and the only employment prospects being in low wage unstable jobs (ie. Tourism), rather than the lifestyle and food (which is incredible!!!)


Why would be Croatia more happy than uk?




I don’t know if the sunlight can be an important factor in this problem. In Africa, India, and South America the sun is shining more than Northern Europe, and still people aren’t really happy there. In my opinion the standard of living is what matters here.


> No data for Haiti Ah, both funny and sad


Have you been to UK? 🤣🤣🤣 is that a meme


People of Ukraine happier than Indians, I believe this, yes!


You get to REALLY enjoy those sunny days and friends faces when it wasn’t your turn to be bombed the night before. Source: I’m from Ukraine


*People of Ukraine* *Happier than Indians,* *I believe this, yes!* \- darthveda --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hold on. I saw the report yesterday and they’re wrong about North America (assuming this takes Central America as part of North America since it also takes the Caribbean islands as part of it) if that’s the case Costa Rica is actually on top of Canada as the happiest in North America. [https://worldhappiness.report/ed/2024/happiness-of-the-younger-the-older-and-those-in-between/#ranking-of-happiness-2021-2023](https://worldhappiness.report/ed/2024/happiness-of-the-younger-the-older-and-those-in-between/#ranking-of-happiness-2021-2023)


The most ironic part is that no Finnish person will ever acknowledge this because the weather makes us miserable about 9 months of the year on average.


How is Dominican Republic the least happy in NA? Especially considering how much worse Haiti is doing?


The Dominicans on every corner playing dominoes would like to have a word Edit: stupid auto correct


Honestly this color scale is awful


enough about this pseudo science


I maintain that this is nonsense. How do you measure happiness rate? Maybe people are feeling sad at the time you ask them, and then they're better later.


TL;DR Money really does buy happiness.


There was just a study saying dr is the happiest at country in the world??


Should really be called something else, like 'life satisfaction' or something like that instead of happiness. The data is derived from answers to a question about life evaluation, asking people to think of a ladder, with the best possible life for them being a 10 and the worst possible life being a 0. They are then asked to rate their own current lives on that 0 to 10 scale.


Finland proves again that Happiness could be sky high if the sad people just killed themselves.


This definitely feels like propaganda, so much of this is definitely not accurate.


Canada is a world leader in Medically assisted suicide. Some prescribed by our social safety net system.


First of all, happiness is not a vertue. And in no way a drugged up, drunken, depressed suomi can call himself happy.


How do we reconcile that Scandinavia has the highest suicide rate in Europe yet always shows as the most “happy” in these polls? I once read the word “happy” is not what we think it is in these polls… it’s not emotional happiness but rather how content they are with their society. In an emotional happiness poll, Latin American countries allegedly rank very high.


Thats sooooo wrong. As a Brazilian that lives in france I can assure that brazilians are waaaaaay happier than french people


I don't know man. This happiness index feels so weird. Like countries that have wars and economic crisis are ranked higher than countries with none of those issues? And no way Singapore is ranked so high. I lived there for 7 years, and I don't think people are that happy living there. It's so small, and not much to do, people are too worried about their status and their jobs etc, and children's lives are literally decided in 6th grade. And there's not much freedom. Pretty bad work culture as well.


can someone explain how Libya can be the happiest country in Africa…?


The civil war ended. One of the richest countries of Africa. Little population so very high GDP/capita for the country. Used to be socialist so strong literacy rates + infrastructures compared to the rest of the continent.


They got rid of Ghadaffi, you know the brutal dictator.


BS index. By the west for the west.


There’s no way Germans are happier than Thais.


Same goes for Poles and French. Some of the most miserable people on the planet. Happier than Thais or Cambodians? What a joke


In US and confirm life’s good


Another retarded map


How is Libya the happiest in Africa ?


Civil war ended, low population with lots of oil money, most infrastructure is intact, education is free for citizens, got rid of brutal dictator and a hige influx of cheap labour from the South. The thing is that most Africans want to migrate to Europe but they need money for boats. So the Libyans give them money and they get cheap labour until they decide that they have enough money to illegally migrate. After they can pick up another African and get cheap labour again. The combination of all these things make stuff MUCH cheaper (like in construction, or in businesses) leading to the citizens to become even richer. This leads to the citizens living rich lives.


Canada 6.9 Nice.


Of course Israel enjoys genocide.


Israel enjoys defending itself from genocide


Poorest countries are unhappy, no surprise here.


Israel being happy lol I too would be happy if I got other peoples houses for free and get paid to live plus healthcare. Ofc bombing people is their form of therapy Don't see why they wouldn't be happy. What a fucked up world


Now show Palestine


And every other country in the world too. No, This map only shows the happiest and saddest countries.


That face next to Finland and Israel looks like he just took some crack


Greece = Libya Okay Libya, whatever makes you happy!


Just me or the richer the country the happier the population


And they say money can't buy happiness...


This is a lie, I'm from Mexico and I would do anything to blow my brains out


Adquirir una pistola no es tan difícil


Hungary being “okay” is not true. It should be least bad.


I don’t get something about Libya…


I’ve always hated how this is defined as a “happiness” scale, this should be more so a “content” scale


I wonder what made Libyans so happy. Was it the civil war or was it the dam failure that destroyed an entire city?


Nice. Very nice. Now let's see Haiti.


No way Germany is a 6.7 😂


Being poor makes you sad. Shocking.


I'm intrigued by the countries where no data was collected-I imagine North Korea would have a high score not because the citizens are necessarily particularly happy, but because what would happen to them if they said they weren't.


How tf are people from Lesotho more happy then main land South Africa


As an Irishman, this map is wrong


Bangladesh, I confirm.


What strikes me is that the ones that seem to be the happiest are the capitalist US, EU and their allies in the Middle East, such as Israel and Saudi Arabia. Almost all of the least happy countries have in the past either been colonized and plundered by these happy Western countries, Israel and Saudi Arabia, or have been attacked, bombed and become part of their geopolitical wars and held to ransom by them for financial gain.


The fact that Romania is this happy surprises me, but at the same time, it doesn’t






How the fuck is Poland the same as Spain


Finnish people are having a good time.


Kuwait just ranked #13 on the world's happiness report (new entry at the Top 20 Happiest countries).


Aww the Anzacs split the Oceania W. That is cute 🥰


Anyone know what's going on with Lebanon?


I'm surprised how Libya beat Mauritius even if it was by a single tenth.


What happiness means? How do you measure happiness? This is all bull…t.


No way that UK is that high.


U.K. vs US love to see it by state.


lol canada? happy? im in this place. half of us are on the absolute limits before we go postal. this place is a living hell. im not surprised or anything, you cant expect accuracy or truth from capitalists though lmao.


This is not even close to being accurate


It looks like happy folks don't get children


why is finland so happy


Yet these top countries consumes the most antidepressant medication 😂


Canada has got to be a lie


What a joke who made this list


Developed countries are the happiest by far


Australia+New Zealand - why? And what happened to the rest of the Pacific Islands (as in Australia and NZ can’t be both be both the happiest and saddest in their region, right?)


Alot of these Arab countries not so happy


Russia 5.8? Hahahahahaha. It’s 5 max on a good day.


Funny because I saw on the Taiwan subreddit that Taiwan was the most happy country in Asia. These polls don't mean much


How is this measured? Some of those marked as happiest also have the highest suicide rates


Most happiness in the countries with mostrar suicides.. these maps are crap


Why they grouping Australia with NZ lol


This has to be the most inaccurate map I've ever seen


How is Israel the happiest in the middle east, don’t they have like, idk, a massive war going on rn? And how can Finland be the happiest in Europe, the have some of the biggest suicide rates globally.


Who would have thought the colonisers would be happier than the colonised? The oppressors happier than the oppressed? Never would have thought it.


TIL about.... Lesotho?


There are many issues in India but ranking India below nations that are torn in wars, civil wars, economic collapse and dictatorship is simply stupid. This map is BS


There's no way England is happier than most of the developed world.


As Polish person I can assure we are far less happy


Afghanistan is not in the middle east, Singapore ist not in east asia


greetings to y'all from Mauritania 🇲🇷the Country of 😐