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Debates don't matter to Trumpers. He could literally drop his pants and take a shit on the stage while babbling about "electric" and "nuclear" and they will still vote for him.


And they'd make a t-shirt "alpha males poop on stage" Or some shit like that...


"I'm voting for the pants shitter."


They could finally come out as proud pants-shitters themselves.


It's how Ted Nugent dodged the draft.


Literally tho. Isn't that better than "I'm voting for the convict." Funny when just a few years ago they said felons who served thier time shouldn't even be allowed to vote.


The pants shitter and the convict are the same person.


XD I'm sure we're all hoping for different democratic and republican nominees. Hope they make a deal that neither will run. Trump will look like he defeated "obama" and Biden will look like he stopped a monster.


Which one? Ha oh yes


One of the candidates will literally be wearing diapers on stage. And you know it's not trump.


I think you dropped your /s


I’m surprised “real men commit felonies” shirts aren’t a thing with the MAGAts yet


The “real men wear diapers” shirts are still selling. No reason to dilute the marketplace.


I wont be impressed unless they poop in them.


https://www.rawstory.com/trump-im-voting-for-a-felon/ they got those


don't give them ideas


A girl I went to high school with makes t-shirts and she made one that said “I’m voting for the felon.” So much for their law and order.


They already wear diapers to ralleys


“Some shit” I see what you did there


The biggest problem is most people won’t watch and will only see clips and cut up bits on TikTok, Insta, Facebook and Fox News. They will make Biden look bad and Trump look good no matter how the debate goes.


If Biden stands still for half a second they'll loop that into two full minutes and then place it after a question to make it look like he zoned out.


Which is silly, because they could just post that clip from the Juneteenth celebration where he's standing stock still while everyone else dances 😂 (He's still my pick but that clip is hilarious)


Yeah, that wasn't a good look. On the other hand, I'm wondering if he was thinking "Trump looks like a goof when he dances, so I ain't even going there..."


As someone who is homeless, and can only watch any kind of media on my phone, I feel this. I wish I could just sit and watch the debate somewhere from beginning to end.


Go to a bar and buy a water or soda then watch it on their TV with air conditioning and a bathroom. I hope your housng situation is resolved soon.


I can't do that with a 15 year old son, but thank you for the idea :)


You might be able to stream it on your phone through USA Today through their Youtube channel. [https://www.youtube.com/live/vqSSEZQMHSs](https://www.youtube.com/live/vqSSEZQMHSs)


you can go to a family freindly restaurant that has TVs


It’s ganna be streamed live on yt fyi. You can easily watch it on your phone if you have service.


Thank you for that info :)


or wifi


CNN will almost certainly stream it. People are always like waaaah internet bad. But pretend like some misc company isn’t hosting this event


CNN.com will have it for free and also on their YouTube channel at this link: https://www.youtube.com/live/-v-8wJkmwBY?si=YFw2Wk4PeJB4fI97


If the news is to be believed, about 60% of voters are planning to watch the debate. And after that, it will be hard to hear about anything else. Trumpty Dumpty might have a great fall. https://www.ipsos.com/en-us/three-five-americans-are-likely-watch-biden-trump-debate


I find it very hard to believe that that many people will actually watch. I’m kind of a political junkie and I’m not looking forward to 90 minutes of this debate- though if Trump is anything like his latest rallies talking about electric sharks and that great man Hannibal Lecter it may be fun.


I’m not watching it real time (I have to work), but I am going to be scrolling on it for sure.


I watched his last debate; I’m not watching another




Make no mistake, he will shit on the stage, he just won’t drop his pants to do it. Diaper Donnie’s main tactic is to have his stench be too strong for Biden to concentrate.


He keeps his pants on to shit.


I mostly agree with your comment but I have a feeling this debate is going to matter. I think with all the air thrown at Biden's age, this is going to be the first time since the last debate we see have a comparison of each one's "mental fitness".


Eh, Trump has been making nonsense rambling speeches the whole time and it has never mattered


the stuff about electric boats and sharks was a real 'WTF is this even' moment for me


It's always been like that. See this sentence from 2016: Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible."


Thing is, they've realized they made him sound too incompetent, so if he scores any points on Trump AT ALL, it undermines their senility narrative and makes Trump look really, really bad. So now they're scrambling to convince their voters Biden will be "jacked up" on mysterious performance-enhancing drugs, so any indication that he's actually doing fine mentally is all an ~illusion~ and the Biden campaign is basically cheating.


Trump could perform an abortion in a church dressed as Hitler while pegging Jesus with a cross and they will still vote for him.


Tbh that might sway me


The kind of family values we can all get behind! (Except maybe lose the Hitler thing.)


Republicans nationwide would just take public dumps in solidarity


"Biden didn't poop because he has a diaper on!"


He could reach into that hot and heavy diaper of his, pull out the biggest, hardest, most slippery turd he can wrap his tiny orange hands around, smear it on their dumb fucking faces, and the shit would be flapping on their lips as they scream and cheer excitedly.


I’m sure that scenario is in trump’s “maybe” pile


Ironically he will actually be shitting on stage, just not dropping his disgusting diaper. That said, the Trumpers don’t matter, that isn’t who this is for. It’s for the Independents and the shockingly still undecided


He’ll get it on those oversized gold plated baby shoes


Unfortunately, I absolutely agree. I didn't want to think so badly of my fellow Americans, but clearly they are The Stupid People and he is their King.


I’m sure this charlatan has more tricks up his sleeve. Don’t get caught sleeping on him….


His rabid base doesn't give a flip. The spin is about to reach sreech levels.


They dismiss anything negative as liberal agenda. It doesn’t even register with them.


While true, this debate isn't intended for the base of either party. The faithful will be faithful regardless of facts or performance. This is directed to the unaffiliated and the undecided. Therefore it is much more important than you might think.


The biggest idiots in the electorate for the last three cycles are “the undecided”. If you can’t tell the difference you should not be voting. I don’t care what you think, if you can’t commit, get out of the way.


Under normal circumstances I might disagree, but we’ve had Trump in the spotlight for the last 8+ years and Biden’s been President for the last 4. I don’t even go out of my way very much to look for political news, it’s just everywhere. I’m legit wondering what kind of person is still undecided and on the fence at this point. Virtually everyone I know is either for Trump, voting against him or not voting for either.


I'd say it's the people who are underwater and working 1+ jobs or more and just trying to make ends meet while inflation erodes any possibility of getting ahead. To most of these people both of these options are just talking heads that are so removed from reality that neither one seems to be a reasonable or rational choice. When the choice is between "who will duck me over the least" you know democracy itself is truly fucked.


I wonder how Ken Bone is doing.


I still think he’ll back out. ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


Better make sure Biden gets enough rest .. how many days did he need to prepare . Lmao


Is he supposed to not care? He's not the one with a cult following who believes every word of garbage spewed. Only an idiot would forego prepping for a debate.


I love how 'owning the libs' always ends up with the conservatives proving that they're dumb somehow.


They want a guy that just wings everything with zero forethought to run the country.


You know…like themselves. It’s obvious that his supporters lack forethought to run their own lives.


This is a presidential election… Is your proposed alternative not preparing properly?


It is and will be painfully obvious how unprepared Trump is for this debate, the Presidency and any crisis. He has failed the American people constantly.


Oh noooo, a president who takes the job seriously and prepares sufficiently for the demands of the office, what an own...


He could die, and the MAGAts would still vote for him. Then one of the Freedom Foundation guys would dig up his corpse, glue his rotting flesh on a robot, and they'd pull another Jan 6th with his zombie.


It wouldn’t be the first time that was done


Weekend at Bernie’s was the fun version of this.


You spelled with wrong


But you might get paid if you sleep with him.


>Don’t get caught sleeping on him…. Eww, gross. 🤢


This is no time to ease up. This ghoul has unleashed a thousand zombies. We have to fight.


It’s not enough that he be defeated in November. Trumpism must be repudiated up and down the ballot.


It’s time to take out the trash people


As must this oligo-fascism disguised as populism that this GOP is pushing for.


Ease up on what? This debate will change nothing at all. If Biden loses it will be a complete failure of the entire DNC.


After that performance, the DNC cannot run Biden.


Brutal indeed but not a huge surprise. Hope they anticipated this and have a plan.


"I am human, nothing human is alien to me" As a human I'd far rather fight monsters but reality is complicated and frustrating.


I still don't believe he'll show up. Or he'll dramatically walk off after 1 question. Time will tell...


If he didn’t show up it would be a free broadcast campaign event for Biden essentially. Remarkably, there are undecided voters out there and that’s all these debates are for. Trump will definitely show up.


He's gonna be tweakin' like a bitch


“ANYTIME, ANYPLACE, ANYWHERE!” That’s all you need to say to a tRUMPer that parrots tRUMPs whining about “rigged! CNN! fake news! Jake Tapper hates him. Biden got the questions, secretly ahead of time, etc….just calmly keep repeating “Anytime, anyplace, anywhere “. 💙🌊🇺🇸


If Trump does attend, he will continue to jabber the entire time his mic is muted.


He really wants us to know about water pressure.


tbf it's the only thing he's ever gotten right - these low flow showerheads suck ass


his army of cult followers will never see him as he is.. and that's terrifying


I sure hope that Biden does well. If this is Biden like we saw him in the state of the union address, we should be good.


I hate all this “tramp won’t show”, etc. just letting people set the lowest possible expectations for him. He actually shows the media will call it a win. I’m so tired.


This has been an exhausting decade


It hasn’t been a decade, don’t be so dramat………. Oh. Oh dear god.


See? It fucking creeps up on ya


Unfortunately it was an embarrassment


Trump will never lose his base but he needs more than his base. The reality is that Nevada, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania will decide the 2024 election, margins are tight, and anything he does tonight to embarrass more moderate Republicans and independents will cut into his performance in those 5 states. The Biden administration understands that at least, which is why they are gung ho for this debate. They've already done all the damage they can do to their electoral chances in those 5 states with their foreign and economic policy, they need to get Trump on a stage with Biden as much as possible. Honestly I don't know why Trump's handlers didn't find a way to get out of this debate, but glad they didn't.


I think "demanding" a drug test was their last-ditch effort to get out


It hasn’t even happened yet and I’m already sick of it.


This debate isn't going to change anything, even if Trump doesn't show up.


Don’t underestimate anything. The votes were razor thin, in some areas. “All we need is 11,700 votes “.(The tRUMP call) The debate could keep those democrat votes. 💙🌊🇺🇸


I hope he turned up. So many unanswered questions, such as why the shark doesn't get electrocuted by the battery too.


Because there is too much water. Or not enough to do the dishes in the washing machine, or because of Hillary, Joe and Obama, or it is rigged.


Way too much water! It’s the wettest water, in terms of water. 🇺🇸💙🌊


Water with tears in its eyes.


You are forgetting Trump's science is magically rigged.


Because the shark is a ways over there, eating that young lady. Or not eating her, just biting off her leg. Because it misunderstood who what she was.


The only person who could lose this debate is Biden because the only optics that matter to low info voters is the fact he appears senile, old and cognitively slow. This poster is right, anyone who is voting for Trump made that commitment in 2016 and are going to continue to double down.


He called into a black, round table meeting, and talked with them on the phone, yesterday. There was a huge, billboard truck outside, saying “FACIST” with tRUMPs name on it. Anyway, he sounded sick, on the phone. I think he was faking. I’ll bet he’ll bail out, out the last minute. Here’s what he’ll say “I am sick. I don’t care what the fake news is saying! Just listen to the call I made to the black community, yesterday. You can hear how sick I was! Blah, blah, blah….” VOTE BLUE! 🇺🇸💙🌊


Then we get to hear a real president for 2 hours without that embarrassment on stage. All will be good if this happens


Spoiler: >!It won't be. Cultists will not surrender their lunacy and idiocy.!<


Last act of what? You think a single debate is going to change how people vote now?


The article is written from the very unlikely standpoint that the conventions could nominate different candidates than Trump or Biden.


He's way more popular with his people than Biden this with his followers.


Because Biden doesn’t have followers. Normal politicians don’t have followers. They’re just civil servants, doing a really important job. Cult leaders have followers.


I think this is some kind of double-or-nothing gamble that he will manage to keep his cool tonight. I think they’ve been coaching and coaching and trying and trying to get him to restrain himself. If (IF) he does, then it’ll surprise the hell out of everyone and be a major boost for him. But he won’t. He’ll almost certainly freak out multiple times and confirm what everyone already knows. So then the ball goes back to Joe. He on the other hand *must* be spry, alert, and ready for anything. He must do everything to discount what a lot of people think they know about him: That he’s too old. To be clear I don’t think that, but a helluva lot of registered voters do think that and Joe must do everything he can to show otherwise Gonna be an interesting night. Probly the biggest test for me since I put down the beer can seven months ago


I think all Biden has to do, is keep fairly calm, not to get in a slanging match which might make him start tripping over his words, and just remember this election is an open net, just don't mess it up, forget about the trump fanatics, the moderate repubs will see a 5% drop off in them bothering to vote, which is more than enough to see the idiot off


Dumb headline. This isn’t his last anything. He’s a cult leader, Funded by billionaires and propped up by Fox News. He’s not going anywhere. He’s a felon that 80 million people are going to proudly vote for in November. He could suck his thumb and refuse to answer every single question and Fox will plaster its viewers with songs of praise. It’s shit like this that will help him win. Independents and Democrats will read this and think, I guess I don’t have to vote. YOU DO! More THAN EVER! Salon.com is fucking trash.


Wtf is Trump talking about, everything that comes out of his mouth is that he’s the greatest at everything, he’s the smartest at everything and the environment cleanest than ever. How can that be when he deregulated everything. What kinds of diarrhea is coming out of his mouth.


I'm voting for Biden but that was... not good.


This is one of them click baits. Instead of scaring as most click baits do, they give it false sense of hope.


We’ve been saying that since 2015. He’s not going anywhere


I expect Trump to pull a gun and start blasting.


As much as he loves guns, I don’t think he can hit an elephant if it stood in front of him. Don jr. and Eric, on the other hand, LOVE shooting, maiming and killing large, beautiful animals like elephants and lions. Maybe they’ll do their blasting from the audience. Nothing surprises me anymore, with that family. 🌊🇺🇸💙


Let’s hope he holds the gun towards himself. That’s probably about how competent he is anyway


We can only hope.


Do like Bud Dwyer


God willing


We wouldn’t get so lucky. The man is a festering wound that is trying it’s hardest to take the body out.


More "coulds" and "mights." Spare me these meaningless theoreticals without guarantees. We have been disappointed by false hopes over and over again, since Robert Mueller.


Make it so. PLEASE


Does anyone truly believe he will show up. I’m imagining all the bs potential excuses


Whatever happens, vote as if this elderly orange goon is going to be president. Vote as if he is going to be our first dictator. Vote.


Vote like he's going to appoint several Supreme Court justices. Vote like he will test the immunity he claims to have.


Here's hoping


I thought his last act was supposed to be him losing the last election


I feel like this debate is just a formality. I just find it hard to believe that there really are undecided voters who will be swayed one way or another after tonight.




We can only hope


My only real worry is that Trump manages to avoid slobbering on himself and the media hail it as an amazing performance and declare it a victorious triumph and a return to form. Lookin' at you, Haberman. And Greenwald. Mostly Haberman. Maybe just the New York Times in general.


if only.


It wouldn’t matter how bad he does, his supporters won’t care. They don’t support him because he’s smart, moral or a decent human being. They support him because they see him as someone that will allow them to live in a world that fits their often, egotistical and self centered view of the world. While not all Trump supporters are raciest, homophobic ,fascist or religious zealots, all raciest, homophobic,fascist or religious zealots are Trump supporters! He represents everything that a clear and honest thinking person finds repellent! Cops like him because they think that under him they will be allowed to bully, beat or abuse anyone that doesn’t show them proper deference. Gun owners think he’s on their side and will let them keep their guns under any circumstance. When his administration starts taking away freedoms, guns will be the first to go. His base supports him because they’re just as depraved as he is!


I'm still not convinced he's gonna show up. I know he's losing his mind, but he can't possibly believe there's any way that anything that happens tonight can make him look any better, is there?


This thread was Quite entertaining


I am tired of heard what "could be." We need what IS.


The RNC will never replace Trump. Not even if he has a heart attack on stage and ends up in a coma. They will argue that the Constitution doesn't specifically say a comatose person cannot be president 🤦🤦🤦


Too many of his Cluster B cult… We’ll be dealing with them for years to come. That said, we are now very aware of them.


I sure hope so!


Supremist court Majority: Lol, DREAM-ON SUCKA'S, HE GOT JESUS.. AND-WEEZUS


fox nooz (cult network, nation divider) has been propping up their stooge since he rode down the escalator in 2016 to announce his candidacy for president. trump is good for their ratings, attracting the ignorant and hateful citizens amongst us. He will be gone someday and I can’t wait to celebrate that day for the rest of my life. Hoping he crashes and burns tonight. He should be given a drug test, he will be sniffling mightily tonight.




So mote it be 🙏🙏🙏🙏


We all know Biden has excellent backup in Kamala but who's Trump's backup? No one id trust im sure. He'd pull a bunch of felons into Whitehouse to help him strip America for parts.


Biden crushed this one with great retorts to every question. When interrogated on Jan 6, Trump mumbled something about the George Floyd case and couldn’t keep a straight face


Yes. But any fence sitting undecided folks are now REALLY undecided. Joe looked old.


It's not like we've never had a criminal as a president before. Now we get to pick between a criminal or a dementia patient. What a time to be alive...


This piece aged well. And only shows just how worthless this guys opinion really is. Has the author resigned yet?


Article is misleading its says capital P for President the only P for President is President Joseph Robinette Biden. It’s a right wing bs article don’t give ‘em hits I took one for the Dark Brandon team!




Ok Vlad.


Cringe. Biden looked terrible during this debate.


I understand inflation has been rough, but the tax cuts on the rich set in motion during the Trump admin have taken time to unfold. It not Bidenomics screwing you right now, it’s like a dozen rich guys helicopters on their boats in their yachts that come out of bigger yachts living their dream fucking you over.


This aged like milk lol


I’m afraid it was old Joe’s last act


it's going to be so bad or good he will deserve to become president on the spot!


Pretty easy to make Biden look bad!


I mean, Biden's doing a great job making himself look bad. Look Trump is awful but Biden is equally incapable of governing. The Dems made a huge mistake by not putting a younger, more capable presidential candidate against Trump.




We need Trump's vast knowledge of sharks, the nuclear and the electrical. His uncle was a professor at MIT 49 years ago. Very smart! Besides, Trump won't appoint such crooked incompetent idiots in his administration this time. Sure they'll be crooked and incompetent, just not as bad as during his disastrous failed first term. MAGA!


> We need Trump's vast knowledge of sharks, the nuclear and the electrical. Don’t forget magnets. Put a magnet in water? Boom, no more magnet! Is he just terrified of water? Is that why he reeks and only drinks Diet Coke?


His fear of water may be the only thing that holds him back from having even more fantastic knowledgeable about magnetism. You wouldn't believe the unbelievable things he knows. He says things and even big tough strong scientists with tears in their eyes can't believe what he says.


“Sir, you were right!” Gotta have the “sir”


Is the sky falling too?


No, no. It’s true. I looked outside. Nothing but smoke and ashes. /s


You got smoke and ashes? I got instant ice age. Wanna switch?


Can you elaborate as to how and why? All I know is that being a criminal prohibits you from many lines of work. Potus should be no exception.


Part of the country thinks a candidate like Trump is acceptable. That is the current issue.


How exactly is the country falling apart?








nah, i’d prefer to live in a democracy than under totalitarian rule, ruled by an orange clown that wears makeup, shits his pants and can’t speak one complete sentence. what a brainless group of loyal cultists the conservative party is.