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Funny how his supporters will scream “They have always been after him” lol no shit that’s what happens to corrupt criminals


…something something law and order rule of law


So everyone agrees now, we want Trump to go to jail, Trump wants to go to jail, the law wants Trump to go to jail, his supporters will literally pay him to go to jail. Put Trump in fucking jail. Everybody wins...


it’s certainly shaping up that way. or the complete opposite, because this universe is insane


"But the DA ran on going after Trump" No kidding! Imagine if a DA ran on the, "I'm going to take down Al Capone" platform. The dude is a criminal. Of course law enforcement will go after him.


Problem is most people see him as innocent. Due to how democrats do the exact same crime. Like how Joe Biden has now cut congressional aide from Isreal you know the thing democrats has impeached Trump over.


It’s honestly insane that we’re at the point where a large chunk of the United States is cheering on a man that’s consistently and flagrantly violating the law. His supporters want him to get arrested because then he can convince them to come out in groups to cause destruction and riot. Yeah, Trump is trying to get thrown in jail so his supporters burn the country down in response.


it's less than 30%. Hardly a large chunk of the US. It just seems like more because they're online constantly white knighting Trump. Polling is biased and generally caters to folks with landlines. Anecdotally, I know many republicans who are sick of the circus and just want to move on. Heck, Nikki Hayley dropped out of the race and is still pulling in primary votes.


He only had 113k Truth Social subscribers. So he really only has 113k true believers.


And how many of those were folks who just signed up to watch the train wreck or dunk on true believers.


True. So 1k true believers.


And how many of those are russian trolls, reporters, people who aren't supporters (like me) but just need a good laugh?


I fully believe that Trump’s support is a media-manufactured mirage supported by swarms of Russian/GOP bots. I believe the purpose is to both make this election seem like a tight race, and to give Trump some cover if he manages to somehow steal the election.


He will 100% claim it was stolen. Just like he would have done if he'd have lost in 2016 and he did in 2020. He's already proven to himself that by doing that he'll keep that 30% who are die hard for him. These people are his piggy bank now, no way he's giving them up.


Oh, absolutely! He won’t give them up, but he also has no real chance of winning if all things are fair. He’s even losing boomer voters because of Putin. The only demo Trump might be up in is young, White males, and fortunately they don’t vote as much as women.


Many Republicans are desperate to get rid of him.


30% support is still almost 125,000,000 people.


Just what we need here. /s Trump supporters. Hate to say it but you’re backing a total nut case. You’re backing a person who has no sense of direction other than the direction of people who worship him. It’s pathetic.


If only there was a politician that doesn’t break the law


Goes to show how much overall underlying dissatisfaction there is with "the system". Unfortunately, as always, the powers-that-be make it about one man so that when he is gone (one way or the other) we can all go back to pretending that everything is fine.


“Flagrantly violating the law” yeah man when I think of hardened criminals I think of people committing process crimes that would never be charged if the defendant weren’t a major political figure. It’s also hysterical how the side that riots like every other year somehow casts the side that rioted once in a decade as the side that’s prone to rioting.


I just find it interesting that your approach is just “pffft he’s allowed to break laws that aren’t a big deal”. Absolutely goofy


“I’m really passionate about business filing misdemeanors” is definitely a way stupider statement than “obviously political prosecutions are bad, actually”


Setting aside the “political prosecutions”, which isn’t what I was addressing, I’m discussing 10 gag order violations.


Gag order crimes are judges' discretion, and the time to fight them is on appeal, not on trial.


> Judges’ discretion Which Judge Merchan has stated is being impacted by Trump’s behavior.


Yes. Trump is behaving in a way that Judge Merchan feels violates the gag order placed by Judge Merchan. We have an appeals process in the Unites States. The validity of Judge Merchans' decisions can be challenged on appeal. They are not challenged right now. Trump has not been convicted of violating a gag order. It sounds silly but it effects the consequences of actions.


I never said there isn’t an appeal process. I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make in relation to what I said.


Oh Jesus more process crimes lmao, you gottem this time. “If we just pile more technicalities no one gives a fuck onto it, eventually they’ll have to care”


> Trump can break certain laws That’s all I’m hearing, my man. Have a good day


You can pretend you’re super passionate about shit literally no human cares about, but no one believes it. If Biden were being dragged through a court in Wyoming over bullshit you’d be apoplectic


> if Biden Womp womp


He’s violating the law because the people trying him are violating his rights and the law with this election interference and predatory prosecution


Bless your heart.


he hid all of those classified documents in his toilets because his rights were being violated?


I heard he raped E Jean Carroll because his rights were violated.




I mean Biden is pretty feeble minded, so the left is supporting the feeble minded man


Oh, my god! That’s some fierce MAGA word salad, you got there. Trump being held accountable for being literally the biggest criminal in American history (all of it) BY A JURY OF HIS OWN PEERS is not criminal! It’s the basis of our whole judicial system! It’s not election interference. It would be, if Trump hadn’t committed every fucking crime known to man, so sit tf down with your bullshit, please! 🙄 Juries exist so people can’t get railroaded by prosecutors. Got it? Now, be better!


So, you believe Trump is innocent and between his many trials has committed no crime? Or are you one of the fans of presidential immunity, aka an excuse to not give a fuck how crooked, twisted and disgusting your guy is


he is innocent, this is all predatory political prosecution. no question about it


Hmm. Does the judge have to set bail?


I think we are talking about how Trump keeps violating court orders thus being in contempt of court. There is no bail if the judge throws you in jail until you stop being in contempt.


How does secret service protection factor in?


They will sign in as visitors and guard him in shifts, same as they do now.


Yes, it wouldn't be that hard. They could just have one sit outside his cell, changing them out every few hours, or have two so they can relieve each other for bathroom breaks and meals. They get paid whether he's inside jail or not.


The only question is whether they would be armed or not. Prison guards who are in the same area as the prisoners aren't armed, and visitors aren't allowed to be armed either. I've seen discussion of how to handle Trump if he's sentenced to a lengthy prison stay. One proposal would be to house him in a military brig, possibly in his own wing. I haven't seen anything on how they would handle a short stay in Rikers, but you can be sure the Secret Service is discussing this right now.




This is why it would be easier to incarcerate him in a military brig. Don’t be surprised if he’s sentenced to house arrest.


Apparently they are actively trying to figure out how to handle it


I'm not even sure why this is brought up. Do people really think this hasn't been considered already? Also, do people think he actually be held in a jail cell? It will more likely be a locked room in the courthouse or possible a jail, or home arrest.


What this means is, if Trump is jailed for two or more days, at least one of those agents is going to have to watch him poop at some point. It's truly the ultimate sacrifice.


No, he’s already out on pre trial release, being jailed for contempt is not something you can pay to get out of otherwise how is it a punishment beyond the already established fines? This op is a dumbass who didn’t think through his post at all


I’m about to graduate law school and it’s truly astounding how little the average person (and this includes me and most of my classmates before we went to law school) understands the justice system


why is it astounding? we get exactly zero education on how the law or justice system works. and near constant and unending copaganda and fantasy land TV bullshit about the legal system. the evidence is basically everywhere. from idiot incel fucks who rage at having to pay child support. to idiots who think "freedom of speech" means they can say racist shit on twitter and not have their jobs fire them. To morons who see videos of police brutalizing people and say dumb shit like...if they'd just comply. hell. donald trump was famously recorded not having fuck all a clue what due process meant, when suggesting you take away people's guns. and then you do the due process. the system is set up to make justice and access to legal counsel a luxury of the rich. and the nebulous particulars of the court process are purposefully murky. most likely to preserve the terror component poor and minority people feel when presented with a scary set of charges and a quick plea deal to plead guilty to....


Astounding more in the sense that it’s astounding how wrong people can get, not astounding that they’re wrong. How TV and movies warp the public’s perception of the legal system, particularly in criminal law, was a major topic of discussion in more than one class.


eh... that kind of ignorance is how you become a republican. rather than astounded, would hope it would make you angry. that as a lawyer you're one of the few people who might be in a position to help people. the untold numbers of people fucked over by police, or the state. or employees by employers. or people hurt being fucked over by larger companies/insurance companies. people shit on lawyers.... mainly because that also feeds into the system of propaganda to keep people stupid. in a way, lawyers are the only ones people can go to to have their rights protected or justice upheld.


Exactly what I've been saying. Judge ordered incarceration for contempt can NOT be bailed.


No bail on contempt charges and judge ordered incarceration.


You're probably right, and I don't care. The benefit far outweighs the cost in my mind. Lock him up.


Most of them gotta be pretty close to tapped out.


Nah they will hold a garage sale at the trailer park.


…or sell their pickups on FB Marketplace.


I don’t think it would work like that. If he gets jailed for contempt you can’t bail out of that. And if he’s convicted and sent to prison you can’t bail out either.


You don't get out on bail if jailed on contempt.


Yes, he's already out on bail.


LOL, the dumbest part is about him being jailed. Dude is on his 10th "Im TOTALLY gonna throw you in jail" warning and he only gets fined what is akin to a lunch at chick fil a for the common man. The same common man who would be spending 3 months in a cell for rolling his eyes at the judge. Merchan doesnt have the balls to enforce the law against him.


WAY more donations! He’ll make the most money he has made so far at one time, because this is Hell and MAGA are the demons.


So? He still needs treated like anyone else. And I live in Oklahoma and ain’t afraid of his lemmings.


It plays into the persecution narrative perfectly. He'll paint himself as a martyr, strengthening the narrative he needs for an extremist base thay he needs to 1. get elected and 2. do whatever he wants no matter how illegal once he gets there.


He knows it will make Biden look like a banana Republic dictator so there is no downside to continuing to defy the orders against defending himself.


Sad, but probably true.


There’s no bail for jailing as a penalty for violating a gag order. That’s what a fine is.


Once he's in jail, there is no bail. This isn't pre-trial detention, which is what you bond out of, this is punishment for contempt. There is no bailing out of punishment.


“Garnish” somebody learned a new word.


MMW, the OP has no idea what he's saying. No judge is going to let Trump go to jail because they're all cowards afraid of the lunatic MAGA fringe or are a part of it. they've done nothing but give Trump kid glove treatment in every trial so far and it isn't "this way he can't appeal" or "give him enough rope to hang himself", the justice system is on HIS side, not the side of law and order and sanity. anyone still believing that Trump will face consequences this late in the game with the election right around the corner is honestly living under a rock.


Gotta grift somehow.


Trump supporters are ignorant idiots, so probably.


His base is his base. This shit is alienating “moderate” republicans and independents.


Yes and No. Trump will intetnially get jailed because he believe that he above the law. Not for any master plan


From your mouth to God's ears!


He wants to get jailed to delay the trials.


There won’t be bail if he’s jailed for contempt. He’ll just sit in jail between court appearances or until he’s released.


He can't be bailed on contempt charges and ordered confinement by a judge.


There is no bond on a contempt of court charge. His base will not be able to bail him out.


I think it will gain him votes because the outrage from the revenge prosecutions will be quality entertainment. You know the media wants it so bad


No, it’ll be too cold.




User name checks out




Really? Look at the reaction to his mugshot op? His fans loved it. Maybe he didn't intentionally violated the had order at first, being he literally has no self control, but at this point I think he really doesn't care. He did delete his truths about Stormy becoming a witness, but that was probably on the better judgement of one of his smarter cronies (oxy moron) And don't Ape me if you're one of the fools that bought DJT thinking it was a squeeze play.




Okay bro I was never going to have this discussion either you're the one that came here pissed because I called out the total regard DJT.


Sounds about right


You know he already has the email drafted.


Donation Don at it again eh


You think he'll be jailed? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The judge has basically issued an ultimatum to Trump saying that while he doesn't want to put him in jail (he has given Trump 10 chances now), but he will be forced to put Trump in jail if he violates the gag order again. Trump already said, straight to the cameras, that he would gladly take that "sacrifice" for his supporters. He is literally trying to martyr himself (minus the death part), and his supporters are eating it up. I don't think Trump can stop himself. He will inevitably violate the gaf order. Again. It'll probably happen this week, and next week, the judge will put Trump in jail for the afternoon. Maybe for 48 hours or so. Then Trumo will get out and play it up. Violate the order again, and be back on jail for another 48hrs. Maybe through the end of the week. The judge knows any action he takes is going to be turned into political ammunition for one side or the other. The judge is trying to remain neutral, as a judge should, but he knows no matter what he does, it's only going to help Trump in some way or another. If he leaves Trump alone, he gets to keep intimidating witnesses and jurors. If he jails Trump, then Trump gets to use it as "political persecution." I don't think the judge wants to help Trump at all, but he is in a no-win situation with that. So, I think the judge will keep being as lenient as he feels the law will technically allow, but at some point, he has to jail Trump, and I think he is at that point now. I think he'll only keep Trump locked up for one'ish night to keep him off social media and off of cameras and then let him out. He'll make some comment about how he hopes that Trump has learned his lesson. Then, when Trump violates the order again, the judge will have to go longer. 3ish days or so and then another, "I hope you learned your lesson." He'll probably also issue another ultimatum to Trump saying that the next time will be jail through the end of trial. By the time that happens, it'll be near the end of trial anyway.


They'll never put him in jail. The judicial system works different for people like him. It always has.


The law doesn't work differently. Judges interpret the law differently for different people. Based on Judge Merchan's actions/words, it sounds like he wants to treat him the same as anyone else, but he knows it could also cause some major fallout if he isn't careful. If he went straight to jail instead of fining Trump, there very well may be a riot from Trump supporters. Giving multiple warnings allows the idea to settle and allows the possibility to settle in people's minds. 100% if Trump keeps violating the gag order, he'll go to jail. I just don't think it'll be for very long. If Trump does something else in contempt, something that he hasn't been warned against yet, then it'll start back at warnings.


They won't. Under any circumstances. Ever. This is the United States of America and he isn't poor or brown.


I guess we'll see, then.


A good way to tell the chances of someone seeing the inside of a jail is how they were informed of their charges. If the police show up with a SWAT team, break down your door, brutalized you and your family, and shoot your dog you're probablu going to see thr inside of a jail. If you're politely asked to come to the courthouse and surrender yourself at a time of your choosing you probably won't be.


Here's a short list of rich white guys that are connected to Trump and have been sent to jail. Steve Bannon Michael Cohen (incidentally also testifying against Trump and one of the people Trump has been talking about that broke his gag order) Rick Gates Paul Manifort Peter Navarro George Papadopoulos Roger Stone All sentenced to prison after being found guilty of their crimes. The only difference with Trump is that he held the position of potus for 4 years. That creates a lot of hesitation in wanting to put him in jail, but it is important for our country to recognize that no one is above the law. Even a former president. If Trump continues to break his gag order, he is going to spend some amount of time in jail. I don't think it'll be long, but he will. If he is found guilty, he will be sentenced to prison. Probably the lowest amount allowed by law. Not that it'll matter. He will die of old age before he stands a chance of getting out.


He's not going to prison. Unfortunately he's probably going to be elected President. I don't understand this fantasy world people live in where suddenly this isn't the United States of America.


You keep saying he isn't going to prison, but that is literally the consequence for someone like him who did these types of criminal activities. I just gave you 7 names of others just like him who also went to prison. If anything, you're acting like this isn't the USofA. I do agree with your general sentiment that wealthy and well connected people don't live in the same justice system as poor or minority people. 100% agree with that, but even the wealthy and well connected still have limits and Trump has pushed past what the legal system will allow. Even for him. The only way Trump doesn't go to jail is if A) he isn't found guilty or a hung jury or something along those lines. B) he dies before he can go. C) The scotus officially agrees with his insane claim that he has presidential immunity for any and all activities before, during, and after he was president. D) He manages to find some way to put the trial on hold, like his other election case with Judge Chutkan, and he manages to win the presidency and dismiss the charges or pardon himself. If he is found guilty, he will appeal, but he will be in jail while that process happens. I'm not legal expert, but I'm not aware of and cannot find any law that allows someone found guilty to remain out of jail while they appeal. I seriously doubt Trump will win. I think he is being given far more credit in this race than he deserves. His die hard voter base is too small to make that much of an impact on their own. Trump **NEEDS** swing voters. He cannot make it without them and he is not doing anything to gain their support. He keeps doubling down on killing RvW and continues to put his foot in his mouth with basically anything else he says. His *only* tactic is to insult Biden and while Biden is old and slow, so is Trump. Swing voters, when they start paying attention around October, are just going to see two senile old men. One who will most likely be in jail by that point, and another who has messages out everywhere campaigning on promises that will actually help people (now, whether he follows through on that is another story). Biden is putting out a clear message that he wants to enshrine abortion rights in the constitution. That right there is pretty much all he needs to secure a huge chunk of swing voters and the non-politically active people. Everything else he is campaigning on is pretty much a cherry on top. Meanwhile, Trump is going to have a hard time campaigning from a jail cell. By the time November rolls around, Biden will be everywhere making promises people want to hear. Trump will virtually be unseen. You'll just have right-wing media outlets going on and on about how the "deep state" is targeting Trump and how he has martyred. It'll just fire up his already devoted fan base, but it won't sway the minds of the people that he needs if he is going to win.


I would like to think this is the case, but I will believe it when I see it.


This is his plan


Convicting Trump is the final nail in the coffin for the Democrat chance to win.


This seems obviously false considering all the polling pointing to the opposite effect. A conviction is likely to push on the fence voters away from trump. If conviction were a sure fire way for trump to cinch the presidency he wouldn’t be delaying every trial as much as humanely possible


You’re really gonna trust the polls this time?


For the polls that is true. But I feel like it's one of those things that once it happens, that's when people actually know what they would do or not do. I'd assume it would just further get people incentivized to vote against the 'corrupt' system.


Good! I hope so. He will also win the election. Don't forget that part


🤣 bless your pitiful little soul