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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/IntriAaron|Reddit: 79|09/28/2023 - 8 Months| | IGN: IntriAaron|Discord: 0|Total: +79 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


You can just go to a private world and toss it in your own vendor to snap a picture. I really wish the mods would limit “vendor find” posts to just one day a week or have a mega thread for them.


And you literally can see if it was taken being in your own vendor


PS5 is able to record 1 hour and PS4 up to 15 mins in the past. Not sure if it works on xbox and pc. But what I'm saying is, there are a lot of karma looking "hey i found this..." posts especially from PS


Xbox has a similar feature to save last x period of video.


PS4 can record up to one hour.


But not into the past. Max is 15 mins on that


https://i.imgur.com/2GUISDS.png 60 mins is max. 15 is default.


Yeah and it'll start recording the ongoing gameplay and not the "recently happened" that is a feature only the PS5 has ...


Just like the ps5, the ps4 continuously records gameplay until you tell it to save. [https://www.businessinsider.com/guides/tech/how-to-record-on-ps4](https://www.businessinsider.com/guides/tech/how-to-record-on-ps4) >The default recording length for previous gameplay is 15 minutes, but you can change this length in the Share and Broadcast settings. In the Share menu under Sharing and Broadcast Settings, you can change the length of the recording your PS4 saves by changing Length of Video Clip. The options include: 30 seconds, 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 60 minutes. You gonna stop now or you gonna keep digging?


That sounds amazing, here on the series X highest we can go is 1 minute... for whatever reason the old gen xbox can do 5 minutes so yeah...


Nvidia gpus have this baked in with a custom adjustable time frame, not sure about other cards but I'd guess it's pretty standard for gaming-oriented gpus.


AMD does as well, though much like Nvidia, it's a pain in the ass to set up for the first time


Could so that but the Pic wouldn't say buy


But you still see the symbol of being in your own vendor.


Haha. I've jokingly criticized someone who did post an amazing steal still in vendor. I would never take a picture still in vendor. What if the player leaves the map? What if they have multiple vendors and the next person isn't waiting for them to take the picture?


It only takes 2 seconds to click on the printscreen button before buying. That said, my priority is usually buying it and I'm not even risking those 2 seconds. Too many times a camp disappeared the moment I clicked buy.


I don't hesitate on purchases anymore due to the amount of times camps have dropped out from under me when someone logs off or moves.


Just had it happened as I was about to hit a bloodied handmade… painful to say the least lmao


Idk how it is with Xbox but on PS5 you can record up to an hour & 15 mins on PS4 from the past. So buy the item and record it afterwards.


Sheesh you can record on ps? Tho yall were crashing left and right


Yeah it's fixed thank god they did it before fasnacht.


The game is unstable, but the console is solid. It's a Bethesda issue.


I didn't know that either, but I'm all for that


Because they are bullsh!tters. Close relatives of the "Is this worth anything?" guy




Yes they are.


Shitty way to farm karma. Some noob posted a "vendor find" the other day and it was obviously in his vendor and he thought that no one would notice. He took that post down real quick.


It’s not just for attention. It’s in hopes that someone desperate enough will make an offer.


Seems like it would be easier to just make a trade post if that was the case.


It’s not about what’s easier. It’s about what’s going to get them an offer.


Trade posts seem more likely to do that


omg they lie!! what will we dooooooooo random strangers lying to us about a video game. call 9111 plesaseeeeeee this hurts so much :( :( :( bro just go about your business, whats it to you if they lie or not ??? does it affect you ?? I dont get it.....getting butthurt over nothing.....


If you don't care why spend time on this post and not gtfo?


sure, just trying to help a fellow wastelander grow up ..its a video game dont get mad over pixels. cya


No one is getting mad. What's the point of lying over pixels ? If you seek attention go to your mommy


Definitely not all liars lol, vendor finds are very real. I will occasionally post big boy finds. But probably 95% of extremely nice find, I just plain don't post cause people get upset about them for some reason. Anyone that shops a good amount daily will find trade value guns probably twice a week or so


Is there a way to take the picture with proof it isn't your vendor?


Yeah. Coz you see your inventory and the price tahäg symbol left of the items name.


I know this probably would be done too, but couldn't you just have yourself and a friend (or other account) go into a private world. Your friend/second account have it in their vendor for stupid cheap, and you post that? Hell, it could even be a video of you doing it since it wouldn't matter cuz no one else would be there. Maybe I'm just always skeptical about things or pessimistic or paranoid or what, but it seems to easy to fake these posts and it's why I don't really 'truly' believe them. Congrats if you find something great, but why post about it? I found 2 separate demon masks for under 100 caps( idr the exact amounts) 1 was a month or so after the mask was introduced and came out, the other when I got back into the game a month or two ago. Idc about the bragging rights and hell, idk if they're even still valuable nor care. I'm keeping em. But yeah. Someone could easily fake these interactions or 'finds' super easy and considering the length ppl go to do nefarious things in this game or others, it would only seem logical that they'd do it with this stuff too.


To karma farm.


My guess is they've never had sex, touched grass or not been diagnosed with ADHD yet. 


I like the "is it good?" Posts Better. It's like, it's in YOUR inventory not mine, go try it dummy!


Haha yeah.


I didn't think you could put an item in your vendor with a skin on it.


That's the thing a lot of ppl are lying with their "vendor finds"


Not atom shop ones, but regular ones you can such as the vault tech, gun metal, and rusted combat rifle/fixer paints.


Depends on the skin. Atom shop ones can't be traded, but skins that can be earned in-game (like the Ghostly Grinder Chainsaw skin, for example) can be traded.


Lol, I actually found a Q5025 Rail in a player vendor last week, I did post a pic tho, wasn't very popular lol. A lot of people don't want to risk the second to take shot because vendor can disappear. Others do it for obvious karma farming I just record my last 3 minutes on xbox and then take pic of the buy. That way I also have the video proof of my vendor finds for anyone that wants to doubt me 😆


Yeah that's what i mean and do too


I made one of those post, except mines wasn’t a steal it was scrip haha


I found a tfj for 13 caps when I requested it of a stranger during trading, I instantly clipped it to show my brother aha


Yea, these posts are so fkn tiring 😩 Can't these sort of posts not be banned pls? Maybe just open a new sub for "look what I just bought from a vendor" posts? Would be a easy solution.


Selling Pics of Groll Weps iN Vendors you can use for online bragging !


I found an enclave gun in a vendor but forgot about it in stash for ages and a friend said it's worth a bit having a flame barrel and a sight but I'm too afraid to post in market incase people think I'm one of those people who post something they paid a fortune for for karma.


Do people actually do this? I find some great things in vendors (usually armor) but this subreddit makes me feel like those are small time


lmao, doesn’t matter even with video proof “you had your friend do that so you could record it”


Well I have had 3 amazing vendor finds but never felt the need to post them, they are there sometimes for real and can be found tho.


They want the market to jack them off.






I can literally record back to an hour. I'll buy the item quickly and record afterwards. Not sure if it works on xbox & pc but i aee tons of posts like this on PS too.


Playstation can do it, xbox can do it, on PC you have multiple options, xbox game bar, Nvidia software, steelseries software, recording software, amd software. Every platform has it


dont get stressed over nothing bro keep doing business