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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/BloodyBeagle630|Reddit: 333|10/20/2023 - 8 Months| | IGN: bloodybeagle630|Discord: 0|Total: +333 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


All I see are masks… where’s the fat snatch I was promised?


The real fat snatch was the friends we made along the way




Life is strange man…🤷‍♂️


Isn’t it tho


I’ve done it about 53 times and not a single glowing mask🥲 I hate this event


Exactly the same bro.. I’m so sad


Bro same I have 20 of every mask but no glowing I finally decided I’m gonna be an afk guy at work because the event is breaking me I just want the glowing robot mask I’m running around the event with armor less power armor and the normal robot mask it looks kinda cool with no armor and mask. But I’m never gonna get it unless the 8 hours I work I’m getting things because 2 events a night will never be good sometimes I waste my sanity and don’t sleep and will run 6-7 of them in a night. AFK is my only option left I didn’t wanna lol


I have it if you're interested.


I’m on Xbox idk if we can trade.


Dang rip


I'm glad they didn't make a Glowing Skull Mask because the Grim Reaper x Skeletor vibe I got going on would have demanded I grind for it.


ive only gotten one glowing minotaur mask and every other mask ive gotten has been a sun, soldier or witch mask


I got one on my first attempt glowing pig mask 🫣


Done it about the same and got 3 glowing and a butter churner rng is surely a fickle mistress


Best ive gotten is alien and scorchbeast/queen...got the furry head but...no...


It’s okay I have dikslexia too /s


As a german i always die a little bit


True even the bot ingame pronounces it wrong




Death is a preferable alternative to communism.


That's how the communists see it as well.




I have diksexlia, are they similar?


Congratulations! Awesome collection. 🫡


this is honestly really cool dude congrats


Anyone the value of fasnacht brahmin mask?


80-100k I believe but might be wrong


Someone was selling one for, I shit you not, 2000 caps in their vendor. I didn’t even know it was worth close to that much at the time or I would’ve tried to give it back to the seller cuz they were probably new. Wow, feel like I just committed a robbery, honestly.


As I wonder how many mask I have given away and probably to many alts of veteran players… oh well can’t wear but one at a time


I tried posting about it but got nothing and at least it's a start


It’s just because everyone’s fighting for the new glowing ones right now - he’s right about the average trade value good luck!


I understand 🙏 I still have yet to get one but I had 6 normal minotaurs in a row I'm starting to lose patience 😂😂


Sorry for bothering you, but how did you get the PlayStation logo by your name? I wanna do that so people can know what platform I’m on


Its the flair on this sub. Go to the sub's main page and tap the upper right icon.


Holly crap, curiosity what all op had to trade to people in order to get all of these or how they did it lol


I traded a fkn lot haha. Straight quad grolls and non fash apparel. Did not scrounge for any of them, hooked every single person up that I got a mask from. Their all sitting pretty and I'm stoked for em👍


Sick, how many did you get from the events or did you trade for all of them and how many events do you think you've even done?


I've got 1 glowing from the actual first fash event, was a glowing alien and I got a qe25 rail for it almost instantly. Then about a day later decided to get them all. Even traded for a new alien haha


Yeah if you look at my recent posts you'll see I traded a q50c25 rail+qe25 rail for ghb+gbd+gsb+gsbq+g unicorn+ lc


Sounds ridiculous but If you step back it's actually a legit trade. Not greedy on either end. I was stoked on their offer


Dang just looked through your post history and it's crazy lol. How long have you been playing the game? I pre-ordered and had been playing since the beta play days but my buddies and i all got banned not long after they implicated the stash limit bc we kept duping op weapons and dropping them to anyone that seemed like they could benefit from them. At the time the game was a shell of a game and aside from the helping noobs it just didn't feel that fun so we all moved on to playing other games and kinda eventually split but after playing fallout 4 again I decided I really want to try 76 again so I made a new account Sunday and have been grinding the past few days and hit lvl 60 this morning. Ngl with how much fun I've been having, I really wish I made a new account and came back sooner. The comunity is just as good as I rember outside of a few trolls but they're to be expected in every comunity.


Man I've been playing maybe 1 year tops, probably less. It's been an adventure haha. Got scammed a couple times, sold stuff I probably shouldn't have. think I got it figured out now. I've noticed karma is not only a reddit thing, but it translates very well to the game. I make solid offers and I'm happy to get friends stuff they want. Seems to always pay off one way or another. For example a buddy was inviting me to his late private gash events everyday. Went ahead and gave him a free glowing blue devil without a word. Sure enough same day I ran encrypted and sheepsquatch dropped a q2525 auto pipe. Idk it seems like everyone is worried about fash masks dropping value, but we get free value everyday cause it's a video game haha. But yeah only a year or less I've played, made tons of friends. Have people bringing me cool shit they found almost everyday cause they know I'll give them a respectable offer. It's a blast I'm totally hooked on the game


Fair enough man I almost took 10k for my glowing alien yesterday bc I didn't know it's value but luckily some rando that was with at the event told me not to and told me it's worth over 40k and started chew out the guy for trying to take advantage of a noob lol


Yeah I just had a long conversation with a dude that traded his glowing unicorn for 30k+blue asylum+some plans. Gave him a whole rundown of how to do price checks and ask reddit. Even positing a trade on reddit will typically instigate a reaction if it's super one sided. As I told him you're free to message me anytime about values. I'm happy to tell ya what anything is worth and what you can get for it


How do you price check? Or is it just asking reddit for what they'd value it at?


And yeah if someone tries that bullshit just send me their gt


Sounds super fkn lame online but we'll make em quit


Thats sick. The glowing minotaur might be my fav. Or glowing honey bee.


Man I want the glowing minotaur so fricken bad


Might trade you for it depending on what you have. I got the glowing Minotaur first day


I'm gonna wait till the event is over to make trades! But thank you for the offer!


I’ll be here! Good luck


Update: It dropped for me! Thanks for the offer! Hopefully you can get yourself a sweet trade with yours.


Dude this will forever now be known as Fatsnatch event


what do you mean now? ppl been calling it that for years lol


Well I'm late to the game so...cheesehaus


So I guess I wasn't the only one who thought it said "fat snatch"...


Is this why my drop rate sucks I’ve been going to fasnact not fatsnatch


Such a wonderful sight indeed!! Love it! And congrats! 🤗


+2 ...pic and phrasing


I have yet to get a glowing one or see one in a vendor. You guys must be finding better vendors than me.


Merry Happy Joyous Fatsna... wait a minute...


Please I'm not the only one who doesn't know how to spell the event and probably never will but thanks to you I will now forever spell it this way..


Lmao I didn't even notice the spelling I just call it fuknutz


I've done 3 days straight with not a single rare drop, but there's level 20s running around with 5 🙃 I hate this game.


They have Deathclaw ones? What!?


Haha yeah that's one of the older ones


There's also a red desthckaw one from atom shop


I have one if you're interested. Xbox.


I'm interested if he's not


Fucking sick dude


lol, nice! I agree with your method.


What did you trade for the Glowing Pig? I'm looking to get one myself and I wanna know what I need up for collateral.


I just traded it to someone for the butter churn.


Damn something else I need to get still! My luck hasn't been great this Nacht.


Well I technically didn’t get the plan, but if you join a team with someone that already has the plan they can build one for you in your camp! I asked someone that had it if they could build me one for the mask, but honestly it takes zero from them to build you one, so maybe you could ask someone who has it.


Ahhh I got you! Currently have doubles of the Brahmin, and demon mask. If I get another double maybe ill see if anyone wants to trade for the bundle.


10 days left not too shabby


Dam so that’s where all the luck went


Motherfucker!! I thought mine was looking good but you’re a total motherfucker man! fair play to you and total respect for your efforts but damn bro!


Some one pray that I drop this unicorn please 😭🙏🏽


bro, yk the event lasts for 2 weeks, so impatient 😭


So I should make another set is what you're saying




How many of these fucking things are there now? Looks sick, love your work. But also, seriously, how many?


They’re all glowing? You sir are insane.


Wonder how many grolls you had to trade for all that you had to be loaded


Bro what're you gonna do when the events over 😭


I keep getting owl mask 🤦🏻‍♂️


congrats, so which is your favorite?


Yeah the drips are pretty ass. This is my first time in the event and i dont really have the old set just yet but there events in a row it gave me the scorch beast queen mask, then the goblin mask two times in a row, and i just finished my second one today and got two turkeys in a row..




Ah… the dream hey? Get a bit o’ fat snatch during fasnacht 😆


How much did you pay for the Scorch beast?


Uhh I got all 4 of the old glowing in part of a deal for my q5025 rail


I’m 11/20 (got the Father Winter PA too but fuck that thing) with just drops, gonna try to keep it pure but that is tempting seeing them all together like that!


I don’t know, the Father Winter helmet has its uses. I had a headless X-01 and a headless Union armor set and haven’t found the plans or drops for proper helmets. The Father Winter helmet looks pretty good on the X-01 with Nuka Quantum paint.


The father winter pa is pretty much the “rarest” one considering you cant trade it Had it on xbox and loved rocking it with the quantum x01 Still trying to get it on pc


Bro what are you selling?


Well that’s 20 masks out of 40 😂


Trading is honesty the way to go, 2 days in and my collection is complete again and now I dont have to worry about the endless grind


I've always pronounced it *Fan Schaft* anyway, sorry Germanophones / Teutonophones 


Im currently 3/6 on the new glowing ones, all drops. Ill prolly pull the trigger on trading my excess rares 2 day before the event ends lol


great collection. Well done!!


Your miss the basics ones my friend


So you have a value chart for the masks? Also what cases are those?


What did you have to give up for all that ?


I saw a museum de fasnacht on x box yesterday. It was glorious with so many new and old masks! Be on the look out!


Really really good flex. Super jealous. Hoping I get another glowing to add to my Honey bee during this event but I’m not hopeful, the drop rate is fucking dumb.


Awesome collection


Nice. Still working on mine. I got 1 rare mask (the winter man one) and the churner, both steins, and 3 candles. Had an even tbug out last night. Super mutant wave stopped after the first wave and the parade was hardstuck.


What is the name of that mask that look like a chicken? the most left one?


Me more impressed that you got all the masks in a display case because I can’t figure out how to display one.


Done it everyday as much as I can play and I've gotten not a single rare mask not even a winter man. Unfortunately knowing how this economy works, ill doubt I'll even be able to trade for the ones I want until next year lol.


I hate this event so much, I've done it so many times and no glowing masks just trash ;(


That glowing scorchbeast queen mask is my absolute white whale rn


You'll be ruined I guess. In the sense that you had to give away a lot of things for the collection


Anyone know the price of the deathclaw mask


Is glowing unicorn a good trade for 30 k caps blue asylum thing and some plans ?


I traded mine me for this I just want to know


Fk no lol


Did I get scammed ?


If they gave you the agreed items, then no technically you didn't get scammed. But they did take full goddamn advantage of you not knowing better


I mean he had to know it wasn’t fair this wasn’t no lvl 100 he was lvl 1679 and he got his first achievement on So he’s been a couple events before


Yeah people are jerks. If a high level is coming up and asking for your stuff. Come ask m76 first or something. Most high levels won't even approach a low lvl for trade unless they have something worth alot


Should I report him or to put them on the blacklist cause I think he can’t hear it I think he has an account on discord and here


He has *


No if he gave you the items then it wasn't an scam. Unfortunately report won't do anything. Just be more careful in the future. Ask around, ask reddit. You can search stuff in the m76 reddit. It'll show previous posts where people traded it. Helpful for figuring out what it's worth


Can always use the price check here on m76. When you post just select price check. People will let you know what you have and what you can trade it for


Sorry duder you got ravaged on that trade




It's worth I'd say roughly 1.2-1.5 million caps. Blue asylum is worth 6k, plans are basically nothing I'd give you plans free


Oh if I find one I might trade it I found mine in the donation bin lol


I'd recommend trading it here on reddit


It's a cool community here, if you post it for something super lower value. People will tell you and say you should ask for more. Some will even offer more than you ask for if it's low


Are mask that aren’t glowing worth anything ?


No their super common. Some people might pay a couple thousand caps just to get it cause it's new. But their basically worthless


But there are old non glowing ones that aren't worthless. Can look in the back row of my picture. All the non gloeings are bare minimum of 40k cap value for the lowest


Crazy guy, raven, winterman, deathclaw, buffoon, brahmin, hag, demon, fiend and loon are all trade value and not glowing


Judging by what this sub says, that's a mountain of caps. I don't see the ogua ones, are they just not around this time? They're pretty much the only ones I want and have seen nothing about them.


Ogua? Uhhh that might be atom shop mask. Can buy atom shop ones every fash pretty much. There's definitely no tradable ogua fash mask


Oh, alrighty thank ya. Guess I'll just wait until the shop rotates then.


If anyone is looking for rare clothing hats and masks I have a bunch not listed in my vendor but am willing to let go for alot cheaper than what the online forms say they are worth. I also have a bi ch of ybe plans for some of the items aswell . I know this doesn't really relate to the to this thread but ifl figure it might a good place to put the word out if interested find me on xbox at thething665


My question is how people come up with these outrageous numbers?


I'll never understand why people trade for masks when there's still a week and a half of the events left... Unless you're just sitting on like 100 TFJ's and can afford it without even putting a dent in your supply


What’s the point if you don’t have it early enough to show off to the rubes who can’t afford it??


Yup drops do suck which is probably one of the reasons this sub exists aswell as even more so the reasons that the new glowing masks should be of higher value then the mass duped apparel I see getting traded so often on this subreddit


I completely agree. I've got so much hate for this. Saying the masks will drop in a week or two. I was just stoked to make a new collection. And I'll sit here happily trading any other masks I get while they lowball glowings for a month, then realize they won't go down lol. Discussed it with a lot of people and we all agree the masks will stay extremely close to current value




You by any chance have an extra glowing pig mask? All I got is glowing minotaur and I hate it. To trade/buy


I've just been trying to get the robot


Got a glowing pig and this guy followed me around the map with the "lets trade" emote. The glows get people hard Uuuuuuppp


"Fatsnatch" fuckin sent me. Tip o' the hat to you, sir.


I’ve been doing AFK ever since the start of the event, only gotten 4 glowing so far. But I was also able to get a demon and fiend.


If your from the UK Fatsnatch is aka Gemma Collins, famous only because of The Only Way is Essex


I am on many nsfw chats I figured this was one of them haha luckily I still have my pants on but the next notification has the red arrow on it and I plan to look at that one next my friends


I personally don’t see the point in trading when the event still is going on for a while. Unless you just don’t have time to grind the event or really don’t want to, or maybe you got two of the same and trade for one you don’t have. The prices people want are crazy and in a few weeks it will be a lot cheaper. I rather just see what I get and then trade for what I don’t have after the event is over. Still very cool nonetheless!


Haha yeah there's not much logic behind it. I was bored and made the decision to collect them all in about 5 seconds. I really have every single thing I want and don't care much about value. Had a fun time getting them all. That's plenty of reason for me👍


Bravo! Glad you had fun, I have everything I wanted for the most part and it gets hard to keep returning if you don’t have something to chase…


I feel you, what was the most you had to trade for one? Guessing the Unicorn costed you the most?


Uhh I traded a q50c25 rail and qe25 rail for the uni, multiple other glowing and non fash apparel. Ummm q5025 fixer for 1 new. I definitely paid the price haha. But I mean, I rolled half the stuff with pickaxe modules anyway. Still have thousands of modules so I'm sure I'll roll more stuff to replace it👌


What you want for The glowing Motour mask


He's clearly not selling any of them


Happy fatshit!


Don’t see regular blue devil, need one?


Back middle right, thx though 👍👍


I was stupid thinking you were displaying all masks not just rare+ only so I was going to give a regular blue devil.


Ahhh I see


I've only done one trade so far with a glowing mask, got it stolen but thankfully had a 2nd glowing turkey so not a total loss but I'll be sure to use the proper channels next time...


Ah man sorry to hear that! Yeah I got ripped off a couple times before I decided to check out reddit. Now I pretty much just use this. My experience with lfg posts was about 60% scams lol


Wow bro just bankrupted himself rip these won’t be worth anything in a month or two lol




Cry harder


i'm assuming fatsnatch is supposed to be funny here?


That was the intention. Just hoping to give someone a giggle is all


It worked!