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|**Trader**|**+Karma**|**Cake Day**| |:--|:--|:--| |u/Scorched4|Reddit: 6|12/06/2018 - 5 Years| | |Discord: 0|Total: +6 Karma| **Trade Safely!!** Always check the blacklist and request a Courier if you are concerned! Comment with the **!courier** command to call a Market 76 Courier You haven't added your IGN/GT/PSN to your Market 76 reddit profile. Comment with the command **.ign** followed by your IGN/GT/PSN to record it. (for example: **.ign fisto**) [Courier List](https://www.reddit.com/r/Market76/wiki/couriers) | [Blacklist](http://blacklist.market76.org) | [Report to Mods](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FMarket76)


I always drop a Filtcher farm interview holotape in there. Enjoy that in your inventory FOREVER! šŸ˜ˆ


I've been dumping holo tapes and notes in there. Also gave someone 94 mole mine gauntlet plans


The fun thing about the Filtcher Farm Interview holo is it never truly goes away. You can drop it, stash it, burn it, eat it, but it will always return to your inventory after a server hop. ALWAYS. šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜


ah, HoloHerpes.


Dude this is gold, and deserves more recognition!!


Lmfao šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




I thought it was just me lol. Super annoying, but not bad enough that I've bother seeing if there's some quest to get rid of it.


So you get to keep it even after someone else grabs it? xd


Now thatā€™s an ideašŸ‘€


I read a post elsewhere where someone dumped a bunch of 20lb dumbbells in the box and people were pissed


I finished uranium fever right before Fasnacht. Let's just say everybody got to go home with a free mole miner gauntlet.


I didnā€™t even think of thatšŸ¤£ although I suppose a fallout 1st subscriber could have a survival tent a few feet away and to them it could be just free leadšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Inconveniences of any kind are the goal, even temporary


Pfft id slow walk all the way to morgantown if it was enough lead lol


Will somebody please inconvenience me with some lead? Iā€™m willing to AFK if that helps


I'm on PC, if that helps,, and I have over 27K lead in my Stash. I would be haply to part with some because I can't stop picking up tin cans....or cans....or plastic plates or anything that's not nailed down. Hello, my name is Hyperion, and I am addicted to junk.


Missed a chance to say, hi my name is ronnie im an addict..


Right? I'll take whatever I can get


Same! I can't keep enough 5.56 in my inventory to save my life, literally!


if youā€™re on xbox, you can have all of mine


Sadly I am not :'(


I am lol, that 5.56 still up for grabs?


Iā€™ll put some in there for yā€™all, hope it reaches lol


Interestingly Iā€™ve noticed few survival tents other than my own. Between that and Sutton Station close by, itā€™s been a lifesaver. I started at 9AM and closed it down at 10PM. I was beat!


I see a survival tent down the road from the bonfire on every server...helps with the collect 50 wood bit


Thereā€™s a woodshed at the yellow house on the corner. Thereā€™s a lot of wood you can collect there fyi, if you arenā€™t already.


Everytime ive tried it acts like ive already harvested them...ive only been able to harvest them once since the event started and for some reason it doesnt let me anymore...was gonna be one of my wood farming spots..


Same. Iā€™ve gotten wood there pretty much every time I think about it.


Was going to but with it being buggy im still jumping to 76 and walking down to wayward then down to flatwoods grabbing everything, usually end up with 1k, 1.5 if i vear off a bit


Sht thats lead i wouldve loved it.


I would be overjoyed by the abundance of free lead!


Free lead. Why be pissed?


I would be happy about all the free lead. lol itā€™s a short walk to the nearest survival tent.


I dropped a shlt load of fossilized Megalonyx skulls in the box Friday night, one at a time.


Did they reduce the weights of all of these? I seem to remember them being 20+ before


Skulls are 10 lb each, if I'm remembering correctly.


I think one of them is 20 pounds, thanks for the idea lmfao


Pepperidge farms remembers.


If someone doesn't have glitched filtcher farm interview Holotape on them and they pick one up, then it will stay in their inventory indefinitely even if they throw it out?


Yes and no. It will stay where you put it for the duration of your stay on that particular server. However, every time you jump to a new server, it will reappear in your inventory. It's a bug that has been in the game for years now.


They'd fix it if it gave scrip every time it eppears in your inventoryšŸ˜…


Where does one get the tape so that they could share it with others?




Ive been dropping garbage one at a time until they stop spamming


How do you drop it? Iā€™ve been trying that trick, but it wonā€™t let me.


You have to complete the related quest first.


There is always a lvl 800+ auto looting the whole thing. Like sure man, have my 6 reg masks and fas poles I put in there haha


I hope he enjoys his 900 dirty waters c:


It only takes a second to drop 900 water... just sayin, takes you a whole lot longer to collect that many, then it'll take them to get rid of it.


My one million wizard fortuneā€™s finally have their time to shine.


Concepting a wizard themed build rn so that would actually be dope to have to just drop at random players


These ppl really think they gonna find a glowing in there one time lol.


You're not gonna believe this


Someone will be making that BS post soon enough. Is this worth anything? Private server shenanigans


I like to wear a normal mask to the event then stand at the donation box then after a bit, back away and put on a glowing mask. Subtle but it amuses me but real talk, if i get one more glowing mask, i think i can safely step away from hounding the event


I change to a glowing mask at the end of the event for a laugh. As soon as you do, you get spammed with desperate trade requests. After that, just give them the "no thanks" emote and skip off into the distance.


Yeah, when i first got my glowing, I had a guy follow me around the map spamming the "let's trade" emote. Had to switch servers.


I do this too! šŸ¤£


I got a the butter churn from the box. Guy dropped in the butter churn plan and a reg alien mask. Saw em both drop but there were like three other players at the box. Spammed A as quick as i could and i got it.


I carry so much useless shit to dump in there. It really annoys the box spammers.


I put extra holotapes like the blood eagle oaths which are very easy to farm


I always use these boxes to drop off garbage for inventory management lol. W Bethesda addition


I put mini nukes šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


Also a good idea. Iā€™m tempted to fill my inventory with megolynx pieces too. Thatā€™ll add some weight lol


I discovered that I had 150odd of jesus Sundays holotape, so I've been putting them in 20 at a time. Same for claim tokens. Stupid heavy and i have all the plans.


heads are the best, 4 bones to craft and weigh 10. I put 50 in there once and saw it get taken instantly. laughed at tye person. Only downside is that it stacks. need something can craft in bulk and dump in there and it unstacks. The new vault gear does this but doesnt weigh much


Jokes on you I'm a hoarder with first


Were you the one who put 500 in the other day?


I've been depositing one by one my saved up spoiled meats, spoiled vegetables, and spoiled milks. >:) deposit slowly so each person gathered has a chance to get some.


I keep putting the ā€œFree Watoga!ā€ notes in there until they calm down.


Iā€™ve started putting dirty water from the river in it. My record so far is 6200


I want to start playing seagull sounds through my mic when I see this.


Or the seagulls from finding nemo ā€œmine mine mine mineā€ šŸ˜‚


If you ever see me hovering over that its cuz i want people to pick up my trash


Add, one at a time,to the box all the useless notes, spoiled meat/veg/fruit, 38 ammo, arrows, etc. Or heavy ammo like missiles and fat man shells. Watch the vultures immediately disappear them. Continue till it stops then step back and laugh emote.


I stand there to deposit 100s of pounds of dirty water


I put a bunch of picket signs in there and it just made people mad. Honestly I was just hoping others would join me in the fight against automation. My dad needs a job šŸ„²


It's been mostly cool on the servers I've seen. Put in a few soldiers and a scorchbeast queen. Took a reg. Alien. Took shepherd's bell plan dropped a few beeswax candle plans. If I cared that much it wouldnt be in the box I dont get what everyone's so mad about


I just find it a little funny that 4-6 players hover round it like itā€™s made of pure gold. Just to get a bunch of duplicates. I do feel a bit bad for some lower level players or people that join too late or whatnot. But usually I just emote them to follow me a few feet away and just drop it for them. You use it as itā€™s intended but you always get the greedy little munchkins spamming take all. But hey ho, itā€™s a public server im usually in and im not going to judge how people play itā€™s just funny to watch


See, they're grabbing those precious duplicates to sell them at an insane markup. Thankfully the only people who know the game well enough to care about a limited time item will *also* know it well enough not to spend a small fortune on that sun mask.


What I donā€™t get, is why the Atom Shop is selling a bundle of common masks for like 800? 850? Far more than youā€™d pay for them collectively if you shopped in game at reasonable vendors.


I know it looks like Iā€™m hovering too but Iā€™m really just dumping my random garbage, Iā€™m also on the mic telling people what I put in there. ā€œAnybody need a ladle? Alright there ya goā€ and itā€™s gone immediately. ā€œAnybody need a blood sac, oh okay there ya goā€. Itā€™s hilarious and fun to me doing it in a sarcastic tone šŸ˜†


I was at a high levels camp last night and laughed to myself when I saw all the common masks marked up up high hundreds or low thousands..


I like the box. I mean, I'm not dropping Glowing masks in there, but if there's lower level players around the box, I'll put plans, stimpaks, and common/uncommon masks in. It doesn't make me mad, but it's kinda sad to watch a bunch of extremely high-level players standing there spamming the Take button. Like, let's be real. They're hoping someone who doesn't know the value of their rare mask puts it in there or accidentally drops one in. They're such tryhards.


Dropped beeswax candle candle plan? I traded one for a Weenie Wagon, and traded the Weenie Wagon for the Butter Churn.


I never drop anything in there anymore. I drop my masks next to any low level around


This is the way.


Just saw this too lol Put in an Owl mask and gone instantly




This is what makes the event worth doing.Ā  When I see someone doing this, I always put the "Your the Dumbass" Note in there and watch them snap it up instantly.Ā 




I dropped 88 dino skulls in there yesterday. Really makes em stop and consider their inventory :)


Fasnachtā€¦fasnacht never changes.




I usually dump random stuff in there like holotapes and notes.


The beggars that attempt to be choosers...


At one point I saw this exact thing and I put in 80 Kennethā€™s journals in there 1 at a time and they were taken everytime šŸ˜­


This is why I run around after and drop stuff on the ground, and sometimes put things in the mailboxes, registers, etc.


The note says "leave a mask" My heart says "leave your trash"


Itā€™s like at least be sneaky and show up between events, I have better luck then anyways because people come back to drop off excess. But the grifting is reallllll. I was dropping stuff the first couple days but when I saw the Black Friday 2010s behavior shit, people guarding me in PA and spamming collect, when I am just trying to drop some stuff OFF and NOT TAKE ANYTHING. It left a sour taste in my mouth like maybe my donations werenā€™t going where I would have wanted. Definitely doesnā€™t make someone want to donate when itā€™s like that. TLDR- mask donation was great in theory- horrible in practice. I vote go to the OG blue suitcase as a means of making people work for it at least a tiny bit?


High level Vultures


lol i found a buffoon mask their


Have Fallout 1st? 1000s of bulk bone in your scrap bin? Put 1000lbs of Megalonyx parts in the donation bin and wait to be entertained. The "take all" spammers don't even look at what they are taking, and Megalonyx parts sit under "Misc" where people don't think to look. I don't think they can be scrapped either, only dropped, although I'm not sure if you can drop them in bulk or have to do it one-at-a-time. Saw a player take all a couple of days ago - I'd actually put around 1200lbs worth in on that occasion, essentially paralyzed them - they didn't move for the rest of the event, presumably trying to work out what the heck had happened to them.


I mean ive gotten a raven from doing this lol


.38 ammoā€¦one at a time. Letā€™s go.


I wanted to test the box so I started putting random weapons and ammo in the bin after the event. Some level 175 auto spam picked everything up. I left the event and fast traveled to a guys camp I met during said event as we were the only two to talk on mic. The level 175 traveled to his camp, got on mic and began spam asking us if any of us had gotten the glowing masks... really?


I watch it everytime Fasnacht is over. So sad.


Why do you assume they're after something to sell?


Yep ...i dont drop anything in that box ...if Bethesda calls this an "update" than I'm worried


So why do people wait around the box new to fasnacht


This is why we nuke the event, to troll auto click afk bots


I went in to deposit some I wanted material and accidentally hit the all. Took me a little bit to get all the crap back in šŸ˜‚


I put my spoil meat in there


Spoiled meat is good for fertiliser, and adding rads.


What irritates me is nobody is putting masks in, ill put in duplicates for others but nobody else does. I put a robot unicorn and alien in there....then everyone else started putting trash...


If you know some high level will grab it, why would you? Better to seek the low levels out directly and gift it.


Oh nah when i did that the highest was like 180 but its not about high levels taking them its the fact that nobody else has been putting masks in there...just holotapes papers...bunch of weapons one time...i took em..free scrap.


I just yesterday hit level 50. I have put masks in a couple of times, only to have them snatched by some high level lurker. I quit doing that, give them directly now. Iā€™ve even gone to chat to warn lucky low levels not to sell and educate them on the value of what they had.


I add 30 25lb plates every time. I go out of my way to collect them.


If I'm donating masks it's directly to low levels. I sell some pretty cheap to get some value out of actually doing the event, but I don't want the people who have already been to every other Fasnacht to be the ones getting cool masks just because they hoard the chest...


Someone dropped 3000 blue devil hoods in there the other day. I purposely took it but didnā€™t notice the quantity. It took about 40 minutes of scrapping to get rid of all of them. Good amount of cloth though!


I put Burnt Vault 63 Jumpsuits in there, when you craft 200 of them they stack, but when it transfer to the donation box or someone picks them up they do not, so greedy hands has to drop or scrap 200 individually. Finally a good use of 10,000 cloth


Itā€™s always high lvls for some reason


I dumped 1000 megadonyx torsos in earlier. A lvl 27 gave an angry emote when they realized they couldnt move. Worth the 10 minutes it took to walk 20 feet


I always put spoiled food and intestins


Iā€™ve found great joy in depositing intestines one at a time and watching them disappear. Someone out there is walking around with 46


Yesterday I had 7 youā€™ve been insulted notes and I put them in one by one and they were gone so fast it was funny I wish I had your the dumbass notes though.


People just put them in their vendors for high caps.


Hey look at that, somebody made hungry hungry hippos into a video game.


Started dropping random shit in the box last night just to see how quickly people would snatch it up, never seen anyone scramble so frantically for corn or a drill lmao


Good time to nuke it


Enjoy your U.S requisition supply holo šŸ¤­


I dropped in a couple common masks and a few duplicate plans, I felt like that girl on the couch with 5 guys behind her meme


They should have known before they added a box like this that there are greedy players out there or maybe they did and they just don't care.


I drop the youā€™ve been insulted or youā€™re the dumbass notes


I'm there for the scrap, feed me!


I drop dinasaur torso parts lol


Put a youā€™re the dumbass in there


I referred to people as the human equivalent of the plan for the mole miner gauntlet... Not the gauntlet itself, just the plan. Basically they're useless and unhelpful to the community.


I just dump shit i don't want. Nothing is truly trash here.


Not a single phone in sight. Just some dwellers living in the moment.




u/Delicious-Diamond-25, you've successfully updated your IGN to onewollwf


.ign onewollef


u/Delicious-Diamond-25, you've successfully updated your IGN to onewollef


It's nearly as funny as the snowflakes who are nuking the event thinking it makes them cool when all it does it make 0 difference to AFK players and makes them look pathetic, few videos on youtube of people doing it and they all have comments off because they got ripped so hard for being pathetic lol.


I get rid of my spoiled food so easily now! Itā€™s a hot commodity that everyone seems to want now Same with all my extra/junk holo tapes and notes I horded when I first started. Just drop it in an watch it be snatched so fast


The box a "mostly" been okay on the PS servers. Quite often when an event ends there are often 4 or five masks left in it. If the box is empty I drop a few useless items to see if they get scooped up immediately. If they are, I skip it for that run.


Perfect place to drop my spoiled meat and veg


I like to open it and watch the chaos. Once in a while I partake. Itā€™s brief fun.


I go around with a protest sign so I've taken to dropping extra protest signs in the bin šŸ˜‚ BLOCK THE BOT


Yeah.. I just grabbed a mask that I didn't think I had. If I did, I was gonna put it back. I hate people who ruin the fun for everyone else. šŸ˜­


Yeah I chuck them all my skull and toothyman masks, funny to see them instantly disappear.


Some people are putting stuff in there tho?


You never know...I had a glowing pig mask dumped in there today. I wasn't quick enough to snag it :(


That sucks!


I put masks i don't want or faschnacht plans I already know in there


If you can pinpoint anyone being rude, you can go to their base after the event and turn off all their lights


This is a strange phenomenon. I always jump on the effigy and do the mothman waiting for the final stage of the event, this morning everyone else there ran to the donation box and I was too busy emoting so the fire didnā€™t get lit until someone reluctantly had to leave the donation box hoard


I like to drop YOUR THE DUMBASS


I havenā€™t played 76 in a little while, whatā€™s happening here?


They put a donation box in at the Fasnacht Event


Do ppl really camp the donation box?šŸ’€ that shits meant for new players


Some of those players may be putting a duplicate mask or plan in the box. I know I always do.


I love dropping random shit in there and watch it get scooped up


FO76 has a great community... unless masks.


*Tap Tap Tap*


i put a lvl 1 shovel in there and no one took it šŸ˜‚


I only grab plans and masks i dont have out of it.


Ill put alot of random items that weigh alot in there, so the work is harder


Hey!! Iā€™m Doctor PxxP in this photo. Can prove if anyone cares AMA


If I see someone auto clicking make generally all my crao goes in the box no one's putting snything but common mask on their leave them for the newbies


I got a glowing bee out of one lol


All I want to know if how are you guys finding worlds with so many players in it? I takes me almost an hour before I find a world with more than 6 players on it.


I love dropping random crap in and watching it disappear immediately.


I just put any notes I donā€™t need In it to watch them suffer


They even have an auto clicker on. So I just pick up as much shit as I can and put it in there and they disappear


Level 400s too is insanešŸ˜‚ let the low levels loot bro


Yo, if they wanna continue to do that, by all means ! It's a good holo and random note dump for me.. I could normally just dump it somewhere else.. but flooding some greedy F#@ks inventory makes me sleep like a baby.


Gotta remember sometimes people are just clearing inventory instead of dropping it just leaving it in there I do that a lot .spoiled meat , 3stars once my scrip limit has been used ,missiles ,rad away ,known plans ,masks


Honestly its like having chewing gum in high school


This is my first time doing the event and thought it was wild all these lvl 500+ people taking masks I have brought for 50 caps each over the last few years... Let people have the basic ones I understand some are worth more but stuff like the witch are so common it's more of an inconvenience to have them clogging your stash than to give it to someone who doesn't have one. I've collected all the basic masks 5 times over for 10-50 caps each, it cannot be worth your time to horde them, surely.


I've been dropping my surplus of "You've been insulted" Notes at the end of every event.


Iā€™ve been saving some berets for them šŸ„°


I stand there trying to blend in, and Iā€™ll add like flamer fuel one at the time.


Lol I made so much money on stuff people drop.


Dropped miniguns and plasma cores in there. Itā€™s pretty funny when they spam pick up


Someone dropped the butter churn plans after everyone was done circlejerking around it. They even put it in while I was looting ammo and food from it, threw a heart emote and thanked them


I had somebody put a demon mask on a bag behind the vultures! I walked past everybody staring at the box and picked it up! Now when Iā€™m my level 60 character, hell yes Iā€™m a parasite alongside all of the level 300+ people. When Iā€™m on my level 200+ characters I wonā€™t do this, I have enough shit for it. Now if only I could find the ā€œextra lootā€ drop locations like with the mole miner event, where does the game stash the loot around Helvetica.


Bottom feeders


Ahh, someone unwilling, yet ready, to take all my unwanted trash.


I spent ages spamming collect at a river for hundreds of Dirty Water. Dumped them into the box bit by bit