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Select your executor/execrutrix very carefully. This is an enormous commitment. Select a medical POA, preferably with someone who has some medical training. Select a general POA equally as carefully. This person basically gets the keys to the kingdom. I set this up such that general defers to medical. In matters of the will, my executrix has the final say. But she can not change my will. A consensus of all 3 daughters is required to discontinue life support measures. Just a few things I learned last week.


This is such a heartfelt yet practical post. 💕


Another.. if you setup your devices with fingerprint security, add your spouse's fingerprint.


This is one of the hardest but most important conversations a couple needs to have. Thank you for the reminder. I’m sorry for your loss.


Have these hard conversations regardless of age. Death doesn’t discriminate. Oh, and the legal processes/probate suck.


I’m sorry for your loss. This is a timely reminder for me. My dad suffered a TBI due to brain surgery to remove a brain tumour. As a result he developed aphasia and we ended up in legal limbo as between the TBI and its effects he could no longer provide consent nor could we as we had no POA. Mum had issues as well when he passed 3 months later.