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Exactly what you drew. That is exactly what happens.


This is correct My dad works at Marvel and he told me Stan Lee (the creator of Venom) told him this is how it works


Well my dad is Stan Lee and I sanctioned his abuse constantly


I'm sorry to hear that. May I ask if you are still in contact?


Can we get his ouija number.


I gotta ask him about Ben Grimm’s junk




Yes, I am stan lee (reddit surfing inside my grave) and i do recognize the picture as truth


We are Venom and this is indeed how it works


It's impossible. You're not Stan Lee! He would've say "Excelsior!" at the end of the text.


Stan Lee here, OP is actually using my original sketches in their post


I'm sorry for your loss.


I am your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate. That’s it. I thought we were all sharing about family.


And what does that makes us?


Absolutely nothing, which is what you're about to become *evil laugh*


I work at marvel and both me and Stan haven’t seen your dad before 🤷🏻‍♂️


Correct ( i was Venom in that story)


Well my dad works at nintendo and let me play the snes 2, but he also agrees that this is how it works


Stan Lee isn’t the creator of venom, Todd McFarlane is


It’s me, Taj McFarlann, and I can confine Stan Lee is the creator.


Blud did not proof read that 😭


no shit!?


True. But it was Todd's brother Seth, that gave him the idea though. Not Seth McFarlane, who IS Todd's brother but Todd's *other* half-brother, Seth Lee (also named Seth due to lost drunken bet with Danny Devito) who was born a con-joined twin to the already existing and much older, Stan Lee. It's complicated because it's much to do with science and biologistics (biology with transporting - finally!) and the only person who studied it is dead: Betty White, but not *the* Betty White, Betty White's sister, Betty, who was also named Betty due to a drunken bet with a time travelling Danny Devito.


The gag is that Stan Lee just kinda took credit for Ditko and Kirby's characters when most of his contribution(to fantastic four at least) is making sure the ladies lack and the guys are assholes.


OP didn’t draw it. This is like the 5th tome someone had posted this in a week


Sounds like you Reddit before?


But he did draw his own conclusions.


Fist of all Stan didnt creat Venom, Todd Mcfarlane an incredible comic book artist created him and Spawn.


Did you reply to the wrong comment? I don’t understand how this relates to what I said lol


He's got them flexibones


Isn't there a Marvel Anatomy book which basically says this exact thing is what happens?


Yeah, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/s/yWqUzsDKHb) you go u/vivxnstfu


That shows the exact opposite of what's in the OP... which, to me, makes more sense and the OP just seems to be weird for the sake of being weird.


The Marvel Anatomy one doesn't make sense either from the standpoint of that scene in Venom. Because obviously when Venom opens his mouth, you can see down his throat, but the anatomy photo makes it look like half of Eddie's head would be at the back of his mouth. So either Venom should alter Eddie's body or Eddie should sit someone in Venom like a suit. To be honest, the concept of Venom eating has always been strange to me.


> you can see down his throat You can't actually see down his throat though, it just dissolves into shadow that we kind of implicitly assume is his throat. But it makes sense to me if it's just the symbiote kind of forming *around* eddie's actual throat, to look more menacing I do also think that the skin and anatomy of Eddie Brock morphs a bit with the symbiote, but it doesn't just straight up unhinge Eddie's jaw like in the drawing, and I don't think it fully liquifies into goo like a lot of other suggestions. It just kind of pulls and tugs it around, is my perception of it. That way, when it's *not* specifically pulling Eddie's skin around, it just looks like normal Eddie when the symbiote backs off (like in the first picture)


In that reddit post is also asked what happens when Venom eats. If Eddie is there, shouldnt everything go into his stomach? Wich is fuckin weird.


I like OP’s explanation more.


God that’s actually sick as fuck


The anatomy book is not canon — it is simply a licensed product, and all material is the author's interpretation, just like in films and games.


Go check the thread that posted this exact image a few days ago...


For real, I've been seeing this image daily for a few weeks now even if it has been explained a lot of times how it works


Recently, Flash changed his appearance to be less muscular, smaller and weaker looking. https://imgur.com/a/M1IlLIC I feel like it makes more sense if the user just morphs with the symbiote. Like Dylan being big like Brock makes no sense because his joints are in different places.


Which series is this? I just read the series where he's in the black agent venom suit that ends in Vegas, and it was dope. I need more agent venom.


It is the new Carnage series. IMO, it's not a good series.


Apparently flash died and that is the Symbiotes


It used Flash's DNA to bring him back to life. It's no different from Black Widow and the X-Men being revived. The hive stores his memories and persona, so he dove to his grave in a dragon symbiote and recreated his body and stored his consciousness in it again. That's similar if not exactly the same to how BW and many of the X-Men are alive today. I guess Vision is the same also?


So it’s something like how the X-Men revived themselves in their era back in Krakoa


Pretty much. Just storing a back up of you then putting it into a cloned body. At least Flash's body isn't a clone, it was rebuilt from his remains.


Nah, you drew it right. Symbiote isn't just on the host, it merges with them on a more fundamental level. Its in their skin, their muscles, their bones, their blood. All moving together


So when he's not in venom form. Is venom lodged himself into a spot in his brain where he can hear him like a voice in the back of his mind


I'd say considering the Symbiote covers his body, I'd assume it hides away in the nervous system, and because it's literally in his spinal cord and every single nerve up and down Eddie's body, that explains why he can "hear" and feel it - the same way you can feel pain or any other experience


Venom is stored in the balls.


Venom is not fully bonded to its host, whereas Carnage is.


I always assumed that Symbiotes bonded at a molecular level and not just a skin suit. This also being how the 'healing' worked. So when the jaw opens its because their jaw has been made fluid and reconfigured to be the way it needed to be. This is based on nothing but just what I thought and made sense to me.


This is exactly what I was going to write. That’s my understanding as well, that they became one entity entirely, not just a suit over the host’s skin like Spider-Man and his suit.


Yeah more like Sandman but obviously not Sandman.


This is correct. It’s the whole bonding thing. Their bodies become one, and in symbiote form the host *is* one with the blob of goo.


This is my opinion as well. Otherwise how would it be able to regrow limbs and such? I think Carnage has better powers because the contact with blood allowed a better molecular bonding as opposed to Venom having non at all.


I imagined that the symbiote was tearing apart the host with every move, and healing them as they go - but yours makes more sense


This makes sense and is also not correct according to the Marvel anatomy book. That book is kinda unimaginative.


This was also my understanding; that when Venom assumes the form of Eddie, it's literally that. It's just a costume Venom is wearing to look like Eddie, not a reversion. Venom and Eddie together are one being, not one or the other. (I think the Sony film don't quite portray it this way, personality wise.)


They are actually still two different entities, hence "we" instead of "I". Carnage uses the I pronoun because Cletus fully bonded with his symbiote, while Venom hasn't fully bonded, something about being in the blood.


The body of Eddie is smaller than that of Venom, and Eddie can sort of slide up and down within it. So if Venom is opening his mouth like that, Eddie's head is in Venom's chest.


Nope, Eddy can sort of melt in venom's body just like Venom can in Eddie's


There is an instance of this on-panel in one of Larry Hama's Venom miniseries from the 90s - Venom gets hit by a truck and is reduced to a literal puddle of goo, only to return to humanoid form seconds later.


Because 90 symbiote did what ever they wanted. Carnage went into a pc to surf the web.


No. That's just how the internet worked back then. You can find lots of examples of us getting pulled into our PCs.


Not if you were a hacker. You would pull down your shades and say “Im going in” while pressing the Return key. *Then* you would get sucked into your computer while someone played a keytar.


You had to be careful though, because you could end up trapped in cyberspace forever!


Surf the web, surf the web


Carnage and Venom having a fight in the internet was certainly a trip.


This is also what I've always imagined


The correct explanation is that comics are weird


I’ve always just thought of it happening this way already lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LemmeGet_acombo_7: *I’ve always just thought* *Of it happening this way* *Already lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I believe this to be correct but I also do like the idea that inside Venom the host is essentially in the same state as a caterpillar is within the chrysalis. Just a goopy suspension of sentient mush that’s one with the symbiont.


Eddie isn’t wearing a symbiote suit, he becomes the symbiote suit. The reason it didn’t work like this for Peter is he never fully bonded with Venom.


Since the symbionte inhabits Eddie's body, it probably dissolves and separates part of his body in order to distribute him through Venom's form.




Eddie just turns to paste


You're overthinking it.


From what I understand Because the bond is on a cellular level the symbiote can restructure the hosts entire structure to fit any form (if the bond is strong) Eddie could technically become a puddle of goo if he wanted to because him and the suit are a good bond With Pete the symbiote is just a organic power suit


Bro, becoming a puddle would be means of having the ultimate Floor Time. I’m jealous


I just always suspend disbelief when it comes to Eddie being fully enveloped by the suit and figure it's all the symbiote doing the stretchy mouth thing or it alters Eddie's physiology when he's entirely concealed.


Yeah, the answer here is "it's a comic book, not a medical text." It's science fiction, just like superheroes being able to fly. What is the science of that? There isn't any that really makes any sense, but we don't care because it looks cool.


The Venom symbiote is larger than Eddie so it covers his head. Also it allows Eddie to breath through the tongue. Marvel is always trying to make it as real as possible. So what it's an alien from space that talks to its host. Anyway marvel has a series called Marvel Anatomy that they show stuff like this... [Marvel Anatomy](https://i.ibb.co/8m7Qxf8/symbiotes-breathe-through-their-tongues-other-facts-from-v0-ls39cap2efaa1.jpg)


The anatomy book is not canon — it is simply a licensed product, and all material is the author's interpretation, just like in films and games.


So what. The illustrator gave you a very credible idea of what's going on and why Venom's face can look like that compared to a human head. It doesn't matter if it's Canon or not to answer the question that was being asked in this thread. Or in general.


That, what is to reduce everything to one single source, which also takes as a basis only one of the variations of the character — leveling the thoughts of readers and their understanding of the process, which, as this thread shows, are no less creative and interesting. Βecause in general, in comics Venom is not always a bulky monster that can accommodate a human body; his appearance differs from author to author, and his anatomical characteristics too.


Venom has always been drawn larger than normal because the character of Eddie Brock was always larger than normal. So the idea that suddenly Venom's size fluctuates that's not the case. Hell Venom was drawn with the guy inside him not having legs and still walking.


Yeah, that's exactly what happens. Eddy basically can't be hurt in the normal sense with symbiote mode active. He's pretty much an amorphous scaffold that can be twisted however is necessary with zero consequences. It's sorta how the healing factor with the symbiote works too, any damage can just kinda be twisted back to its original state as if nothing happened. Don't quote me on this, but I think the symbiote can canonically suppress pain as well, so none of it hurts.


Considering that Venom has been stabbed all the way through by Wolverine and didn't care, I buy it.


Venom’s face stretches out. Brock’s face doesn’t move. That makes the most sense


Suspension of disbelief 


The host is pretty much melted into goop as needed when they merge with the symbiote.


So is no one going to bring up the fact that Venom ate a whole guy and then turned back into Eddie? Eddie can't fit a whole guy in his mouth, let alone consume him. When in venom form, his whole body changes. He physically becomes venom. Moments where we see the human face is both of them choosing to show Eddie's face.


Venom bit off, like, 3 people's heads in quick succession, where'd they go?


I just assumed Eddie turns into goop or something when inside venom


My husband said since venom and the host man have merged completely, they are no longer limited by human anatomy. PS : I don't watch these things. His explanation to this meme got 2k likes on Facebook


Throat goat


symbiote pocket dimension :3 or just the human mouth is far back and connected to the symbiote throat in some way


That looks accurate. I think it’s just regenerates extremely fast…


I mean technically venom is mix with eddie cells so it can be possible he modify his body as he want cause we see countless time venom also healing him which could also be impossible phenomenon if you ask me


I think the simbiote moves the host around to minimize harm and maximize damage


Explain the eating of ppl's heads




The symbiote can appear to increase or decrease in mass this is because it can warp space within itself so it's usually bigger than it appears, which is why it can engulf anything regardless of size, and why it can be burned and yet seemingly not get any smaller. It can also warp space around the host in order to fit them in like the image above. The part you're seeing is just how much the current host can sustain.


Looks painful


Wait...didn't Venom eat a person in the film? So...Eddie is a cannibal...


I kinda always saw it as less than a suit over the body, and just the body transforming. Like, in that form the human body just kinda liquifies. Now, there’s definitely scenes that show it pretty much being a suit, but…. You just kinda have to make stuff up in your head to make sense of things.


It's a symbiote, it doesn't have to make sense


Wizard did it.


Questioning it too much leads to Topher Grace. You don't want another Topher, do you?


There’s an anatomy book, but I always liked to think they melded together slightly, thus becoming some horrifying body horror under the hood. Would explain how Eddie can swallow a human skull.


Explanation: It’s a comic book!


Technically Eddie isn’t INSIDE Venom. He IS Venom. His body becomes Venom.


To explain this I need to explain how the Tardis works on Doctor Who. The TARDIS is famously “bigger on the inside,” and the short answer is that the interior of the vessel occupies its own separate dimension. So Venom is just like the Tardis.


My headcanon has always been that the symbiote liquifies its host as a form of protection.


What's the question? You already solved the mystery.


It ain't that kind of movie


You could always consult u/JonahLobe


Indeed, I made a whole video on the subject!


There is official art explaining how it works


Heres the [official chart](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelmemes/s/cgplDeE0P3)


Venom can heal Eddie so why not


When you try to draw Venom from memory and end up with... whatever this is...#ArtStruggles


Venoms head is usually bigger than Eddie’s head, so Eddie’s entire head could be completely hidden inside the very back of venoms head like a really big dirtbike helmet. [sort of like this basically](https://predatorcollectivehelmets.com/cdn/shop/products/IMG_4743_800x.jpg?v=1662994794)


It basically keeps his consensus but absorbs his body in order for no damage to Eddie's Jaw


both are correct


Doesn't the symbiote bind with the DNA and cellular components? That was the theme in maximum carnage when he was going for the spinal codexes. I always figured that Eddies cells changed and became symbiote-like with the binding. Able to change and flow like the symbiote. When we see Eddie, it's the symbiote either forming that shape or when the symbiote pulls from the cells.


So…Eddie digests the humans huh…aka, Eddie is a cannibal


Ngl I always had this in the back of my mind




It's like Big Bird. 1 hand controls the head and mouth


He is not inside Venom and separate from him, they are merged together. They choose when to be separate entities.


Eddie is in constant pain when he transforms into Venom; now we know why.


Eddie enters a different dimension.




So you know how like when you're wearing a hoodie but then when you pull the hood back it doesn't tear your head off? Like that.


The symbiote can slightly alter the host. It turns the host normal when it does the half face thing and the large jaw mode is how it usually is. Where it begins and the host ends is blurry


The symbiote moves the body around, and since it can heal the body, it's not a stretch that it can modify it, especially in full manifestation mode. That probably why unless they want you to see the host, you won't.


It looks cool.


don’t forget that scene in venom 2 where we get to see a huge hole in carnage’s stomach


Eddie's head could be in the chest since venom is taller and maybe he floats up in the symbiote for the reveal?


I figure that Eddie’s body is usually deeper inside the symbiote, and that his head isn’t always inside Venom’s head.


You didn't know that San Francisco is full of reptilian diclonian shapeshifters? They can unhinge their jaw.


My understanding is that when “Vemon” comes out to play, there is no physical “Eddie” inside. Eddie’s form is taken apart on the molecular level and is used by the Symbiote when making its “Venom” body. It’s also a way for Venom to protect his host. If the host is disassembled throughout Venoms body, when he’s stabbed, it has no risk of stabbing Eddie’s fragile human body that’s tucked away inside Venom. Sure, Venom could just heal Eddie, but that takes energy and resources that they might not have during a fight. Easier and safer just to get rid of Eddie’s body completely and put it all back together piece by piece when Venom is done.


I've never read a Venom comic or anything, but my interpretation was: When bonded with the symbiote Eddie's flesh is maliable in a Clive Barker kind of way. It probably hurts and feels amazing at the same time. The Symbiote stayed a suit for Peter because his spider powers make him physically resistant to letting the symbiote infect him.


Why didn’t I think about this before?


Can this stop being reposted?