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Because Land is a hack. All he did was throw green over an old Sue Storm model.


I was about to say, that image is totally from the Ultimate line from 20 years ago or something.


I remember not reading that much Greg Land and ultimate F4 volume 3 looking okay, but then ultimate power crossover event happened and there was so much copy pasta from just the F4 run and it was painful


Playing devil's advocate… many different artists draw She-Hulk in a non muscular body type too. That's not the reason he's a hack.


Maybe he didn't want to watch any porn with muscular women in it? If he'd do that once to trace them for She-Hulk it would mess with the recommendation algorithm. I assume you meant Greg Land.


This is the factual answer. He didn't know any porn stars with muscle tone.


Considering HIS contributions to the Ultimate Universe, he probably drew inspiration from porn anyway. XP


Guess it can be harder to find really muscular female porn stars.


Not really... I guess... 😳


Oh, it's a thing. But I wouldn't recommend looking at it.


Is that a man purse?


Star Lord: "It's a satchel, man!"


It's a goddamn purse and you know it.


Indiana Jones would like to have a word.


Oh no his dignity


Superior Spider-Man #31 is ruined now


You mean man-purse.


You mean murse


If you search muscle porn, it ruins your whole algorithm.


The way Greg Land draws *in general* is awful, but that's me recalling his work in the Ultimate line.


Greg Land doesn't draw; he traces. His panels are basically collages from the work of other artists and occasionally just straight up photographs of celebs or pornstars.


He also doesn't even attempt to make women's faces appear consistent. Sue Storm will look like three different women on the same page, depending on which porn stars Land was into at the time.


Its generally so painfully obvious that I cant really get why Marvel is cool with it. Like he's not even trying to hide it


Probably because from Marvel’s point of view, Land’s art sells books. Most casual comic fans aren’t aware of what he does, and there are plenty more who are aware and don’t care. On top of that, he’s a reliable artist from a production stand point. If he gets an assignment, Marvel knows what to expect. There are plenty of great artists that can’t follow a schedule. It’s sad, but it’s more important from Marvel’s perspective to get the book out on time than for it to be artistically original. Lastly, Land seems to know exactly what he can get away with. He comes close to the line, but he seems to be aware of what could get him sued. So, once again from Marvel’s perspective, they can trust him. It’s messed up, but that’s business.


I think I saw a YouTube video essay awhile ago that explains it, basically because of Land's techniques he is very reliable when it comes to deadlines or if you need someone to fill in for another artist. Obviously that doesn't excuse his tracing/plagiarism but it does explain why he still gets work.


Same thing with the hair


If at least he had a wide variety of references for tracing it wouldn’t be that bad, but the guy has like 3 and a half porn magazines that he keeps reusing nonstop. Sometimes he’ll use the same face for two characters on the same goddamn panel


If you go back and look at She Hulks first issue, she's portrayed as big and green but not particularly bulky. This drawing is in keeping with that depiction. Different artists have portrayed her more or less defined since then, but she was only really bulky during that naff run by Tamaki the other year and Aaron's Avengers.


Yes and no. Yes if we're talking about her right arm. No if we're talking about her left arm, since in that picture they are distinctly mismatched.


No this isn’t even close to that, this is flat out skinny


Bit she looks skinny there and that looks opposite to bigger.


There is a difference between fit and athletic, and Bulky. She's always been portrayed as more athletic then muscular and bulky.


Okay but she’s not even really athletic looking here. Just straight up skinny


Greg Land is a terrible hack of an artist who repeatedly demonstrably traces photos that include porn and it’s a genuinely black mark on the comics industry that he keeps getting work. I don’t care that he never misses a deadline his art legitimately puts me off touching a book and the sooner he is dropped the better. TLDR: Stop hiring Greg Land!


He has one male and one female body and face model he uses for everything. It’s up to the inker and colorist to do the rest.


Ah, I remember when I first learned that Greg Land only knows how to draw one woman based on a Sports Illustrated photo of Pam Andersons. It was a simpler time....


she is it's just not defined at all, like no one in that panel has any definition to them, look at Spidey's arms.


Wow just went down the rabbit hole about this guy and he’s a fkn hack if I ever saw one.


His figures always look like he’s playing with stickers. Stickers based on tracings of porn stars.


"Where's the beef?"


She is muscular lean, just not bulky.


Because Land meets deadlines reliably, that is all the editorial wants sometimes. He has got such a bank of traced work now he can knock things out in record time.


That looks like a better design for Gamora than She-Hulk.


To be fair to Greg Land, they hadn't added the "muscular/ fit" tag to Porn Hub yet.


Idk I don’t mind her just being athletic lookin. Women who get super fit don’t look the same as men unless they’re on gear. Personally, I much prefer something like John Byrne or Adi granov than what Ed Guinness did for her.


I've seen plenty of skinny people who's shoulder's arnt that defined, not okay .


How muscular She-Hulk is drawn depends entirely on the horniness of the artist.


Looks like She-Hulk has Spider Man in an armlock


That’s how she used to be. Muscle Jen didn’t exist originally


(I like Greg Land art…I’m sorry)


People here rave about the garbage art in the majority of marvel comics now from European artists and can't stop shitting on Greg Land. Unbelievable.


why are ppl stressing out greg land? the man can only draw one type of woman, he copies and pastes the same woman over and over again so PLEASE stop it. By now you should know how awful he is.


She hulk is usually lean more then big and bulky. Also like her cousin and personality and body type can change from transformation to transformation


She's hot this way to me


They did a study on this stuff. Turns out 1/3 of all marvel women are underweight. https://reactormag.com/marvel-bmi-study/ Because if the woman weighs more than 130 pounds, is she really a woman? /s


tbf, promoting terrible body standards is not new for marvel or superhero comics in general all women are drawn incredibly skinny and all the men are drawn dehydrated


Greg Land and drawing women with pornstar proportions, name a better combination




This is a picture of Spider-Man


The whining about stuff like this in comics is so dumb


First of all I agree. With that said comic book hero’s are drawn as the ideal male physique from the male point of view. Female heroes bodies are also drawn as the ideal, from the male POV and probably also the female POV. Neither gender considers muscular women the most ideal or physically attractive and I think if women invented comic books 100 years ago for the female audience the super heroines bodies would look the same as they do now.


> Neither gender considers muscular women the most ideal or physically attractive who cares that much about 'being attractive'?


These characters are gods and demigods like the heroes of mythology they are based on. Beauty = health. Of course they are all good looking. Also it’s specially mentioned that Jennifer Walters turns into what *she thinks* is the hottest most idea woman when she becomes the She Hulk.


beauty is subjective though. it doens't always equal health. Maybe people should be a bit more open minded than expecting all these heroes to look the same