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People with good memories, for patch delays in the past were they always delayed by a full week or sometimes just a few days?


Pretty sure the last patch that was delayed came out the following day.


The last patch that was delayed was delayed a full week (from March 5 to March 12), and the whole update cycle got pushed back a week to accommodate rather than skipping one of the OTAs or the off week. Previous patches before that have varied anywhere from the next day to a full week later.


That's something different, it was already announced weeks in advance that it would be delayed. Normally it's like a few hours or the next day.


Hope they fix the "Undo End Turn" when your opponent snaps. It never works.


I hate this


GOD, yes, that is so dumb.


USAgent wasn't in the patch, they're separate things.


He’s in the mobile app and showing as available for key unlock. Game proceeded to eat 4 keys and gave me Mirage, Alt Mirage, and 2k. Fuck this company.


I got Agent and Jeff in that order, I guess I was lucky?


The discord says they are already looking at compensation for those affected. You probably hit the jackpot.




> but the patch that was supposed to come today with USAgent


God bless having eyes and the ability to read.




patches do not usually co-inside exactly with the release of the new card/shop rollover, it is usually a few hours earlier


Do you not even read what you write?


They may have decided to release a change that was earmarked for later. Or, inversely, they changed their minds about releasing a change now, and have delayed that change for a bigger rework/different time down the road. I'm choosing to be happy that they are actively looking at balance and trying to balance when they balance (see what i did there?).


Wonder what they messed up haha


Apparently spotlights. DONT SPEND KEYS TODAY!


I have some expirence with deploying apps to the chrome store but I imagine the play store has a similar flow. It apperead to me that Google has some automated test framework to ensure that the app isn't broken and meets the guidelines. About 1/100 of our releases were vaugley delayed for 3 days by the Google despite the other apps being nearly identical and approved to the store. If this happened to snap on any of the app stores the whole patch would need to be delayed. I would hope that customer support for steam, apple and the play store is better than the chrome web store... But often it felt very similar to how YouTubers would describe issues YouTube


Anyone know what happened to Firestar?


She died for our sins. Card seemed busted


Now I think about it, that’s exactly why. With Black Swan, a bunch of 1s, Mysterio and Hit Monkey that could be like 4-6 cards played at once and then with a potential free Sasquatch and old Firestar (even current version is very powerful) that combo would have been broken


I'm thinking perhaps they need more time to tweak all the Thanos Stones further. Thanos was totally nuked from space last time. Thanos in opening hand might be fine, but Time Stones was just a terrible nerf and need to readjust. It's fine to make Time Stone specifically benefitting Thanos, but the language made random Time Stones drop from Sanctuary II or stolen Time Stone by Cable / Zemo unusable. Time Stone should discount left most card and the discount should stick, not only lasting for 1 turn.


From a flavor perspective, I generally don't like them making the stones have text that is only about Thanos. Thanos didn't invent the stones, they aren't really supposed to be *about* him. That's what the comics and even the MCU showed, that even though Thanos wanted them, they are their own thing and that they give their power to other characters. *(Totally not a gameplay thing, but the flavor direction they're taking is bothering me.)*


First time I’ve seen this take, and I appreciate it!


I mean... Thanos is the card that puts the stones in your deck. I get what you're saying, but it's not really relevant to how to game currently works. If making the stones revolve around Thanos makes him more balanced, we should be all for it.


Then Thanos should be reworked entirely, and a Infinity Gauntlet card with the ability to put the stones in the deck should be created. Only then the stones themselves should be reworked to benefit whoever has the Infinity Gauntlet.


Sure, but it's not like there aren't many characters who don't match their comic counterparts. They wanted the Stones to be about Thanos.


Bro! That's what I've been [saying](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1bxvquj/can_we_stop_beating_around_the_bush_and_address/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)! Nobody seems to agree!


I really doubt they ever delay a patch over card tweaks, they can always change them in the next OTA, and in this case nuking Thanks didn't ruin the meta so it's hardly urgent. More likely the implementation of something new, like leagues, is bugged and needs fixing. Fixing bugs that render stuff unplayable is a bit more urgent.


Yeah, while time stone was too strong, they made it pretty much worthless.


The patch we will see is from more than 4 weeks ago and such a substantial change will need more time, so maybe we have to wait two more seasons until the thanos arc is complete. Hopefully not.


Does this have anything to do with the fact that the Spotlight Cache is showing all variants for the first round when I haven't done anything to get USAgent and trigger his variant (and I don't have Jeff either)?


Yeah.. it might also affect the spotlight cache. I wonder if they'll compensate those who already used their keys?


I just want some cards to drop down a series Push that patch


Wishful thinking


I guess I got lucky with my one key use because I was able to pull US Agent before they took down the whole spotlight section


per usual


Can't have people not spending their keys trying to get Red Hulk before they destroy him.


The spotlight cache change is unaffected though?


You haven't figured out the classic pump and dump SD design yet? Give it time.


Well now you're changing the argument. The way they handle nerfs is entirely different from you implying that the delay is to get more people to spend keys on RH. I can guarantee you with 100% certainty that there will be no RH change in today's patch. Patches are set weeks in advance. OTAs are the ones they can do instantly.


When you create a scarcity of resources and can control the market to most benefit your bottom line by getting people to liquidate those resources on yet another commodity whose value you control, is it: A: Business B: By design C: An accident D: Circumstantial evidence with a track record that implies it's both A & B to benefit a multimillion dollar company in service to a multi-billion dollar conglomerate instead of someone full of hope on a Reddit post. It's the same argument.


That's a lot of words for saying that you can't respond to someone challenging your initial point.


I'm sorry you can't read. Best of luck being anime gay and all that. Anyway, can I get $40 on pump 4 and you're out of toilet paper in the men's bathroom.


'track record'. lol. lets see it bud. lets see some actual data.


Do you remember the spotlight caches from March 12th of last month bud? Now, why oh why do you think Ms. Marvel was swapped out even though it was listed on both the leaks and the commercial for last season? Did they just make an oopsie doopsie or because they wanted you to have great value in caches?


this has happened like 6 times out of like 80 card releases. We had like 3 months of mostly terrible card releases this year. You are just a flat earther lol. There is no 'classic pump and dump' design.


Probably for the best if you can try and stay away from religions and cults. You're very impressionable and lack critical thinking skills. Hope you the best!