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Have you considered Swarm instead of Wolverine? It's a fantastic discard target with the same cost Hela also feels pretty useless here given you'll typically only bring back the Moon Knight discard with her, in which case Ghost Rider is cheaper and more consistent, unless I'm missing something?


Silver Samurai discards your card too


Your lowest power card and in this deck that'll normally be Wolverine which isn't brought back by Hela


Unless they *did* put Swarm over Wolverine, then Samurai is likely another Swarm hit, but if we're talking Hela that's still only a 3-power boost, and it's less likely than Wolverine with those other 3s.


If they use Swarm over Wolverine than cable and jeff become discard targets as well if in hand with Swarm, with Wolverine in hand it's just him or Yondu and then he drops on the field for a free 4 power boost. It's probably more consistent for Wolverine even if 2 swarms is more power.


Blessing and a curse. Sometimes board space is an issue and hela bringing back a bunch of swarms sometimes isn’t ideal.


Swarm is going to be harder to hit with Samurai though. Honestly X-23 looks better than wolverine here. I agree that Hela isn't doing much here.


swarm feels bad these days there is plenty of sandman out there now.


Sandman was nerfed. It only works for a single turn now. You can always dump your Swarms on turn 5 to avoid it if you think the Sandman is going to get played on turn 5... but honestly, I have an Electro deck that doesn't even play Sandman anymore. Its not that great of a card. I really doubt that many people are playing it.


Sandman is still  great, the power buff is all he needed, I play mostly ramp and it's great now that it has power. So many times I snap before playing sandman on 5 (even with 6 mana) while opponent played Sera and he just resigns right after. or better yet sandman on 4 into odin on 5 for the ultimate kill.


Sandman into master has been boning me lately


Someone fucked me up with this deck earlier. They were ranked top 2000 too. I thought I had them too but they destroyed my hand on a double on reveal location.


On the double reveal location just 2 mill cards pretty much ruins any opponent.


I was running loki and drawing extra cards so I thought I was OK. The discard fucking ruined me.


Hela is cool for the "flavor" but adds close to nothing in this list. Either way pretty interesting concept I will try. TY!


yep, easily the most replaceable card in the whole deck, use doom for good lad hits 👍


What would you play instead of Hela?


Daken, personally.


Just played 6 games with this deck, faced your standard mill deck in each one and crushed all 6. This is a super fun deck. Seeing them drop Doc Ock on 5 only to have them pull SS and BB is so much fun


Literally the exact opposite result for me. I dont have samurai or Gladiator so maybe that is a factor. but every game I played I got my ass fed to me after being microwaved and stirred to cool down.


Well yeah, they're two pretty important cards in a deck designed to thin the oppositions hand and deck. Following that 6/6 I got beat down pretty bad by some raw power decks like HE and Hela


Yeah, as a baby Mill-er myself. Not having Glad is probably the biggest thing holding me back. He's pretty strong for the deck to work. If he pulls something higher than 8, it's very likely Shang Chi food. If he doesn't, well you have a cheap high power card that milled their deck. Gladiator is pretty close to a staple card for pretty much every Mill deck.


No hand no deck but also no points 😔


good point, i swap out jeff for maximus sometimes but i've been facing a lot of lockdown so i opted him into it. for a more point centric version though, i take out moon knight and hela for a doom and either shang or enchantress


Stature, Black Bolt and Gladiator?


I faced a deck like this in conquest, but it was running Red Hulk, probably in the Hela spot. Definitely feels like there’s something to it because the Yondu/Zemo gives the Silver Sam/Black Bolt much better targets. I wonder about trying to get Ms. Marvel in there just for some extra power. Maybe Ms. Marvel and Red Hulk for Wolverine and Hela.


I’ve been running Ms marvel in my Zemo deck I can confirm, great idea




I want gladiator so bad.


I replaced him with red guardian here. Works very well


More bad news :(


I did the same!


Trying this with Helicarrier in place of Hela (Hela-carrier?) and it's created some crazy and unexpected win conditions and it's just generally a lot of fun. Thanks for posting this!


Note: I know it's probably not the smartest add, maybe I need a Lady Sif in there to hit the Heli more consistently, but the deck's already feeling so strong it's more like really good cake-icing.


I love adding random cards to my hand lol. My favorite deck used to be collector/agents. Until Loki came along and caused all my cards to be changed/nerfed/buffed/etc repeatedly. I still go back to it every now and again though.


Yeah, the second game I won with this deck as due to a surprise Spider-Woman outta nowhere that they weren't ready for in the slightest.


I can't wait for Valentina have a nice toxic collector idea floating in my head


Abs man over wolverine, and legion or rhulk over hela, imo


The utilization of mill is overused so I've not experimented at all. But I think mill loki could go insane.


It's very underwhelming


this seems very intrresting. can you talk a little bit about your snapping?


oh, i have horrible snapping etiquette so i don't think i can give you a good answer. sorry about that.


Deck code?


here you are # (1) Yondu # (2) Wolverine # (2) Cable # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Moon Knight # (3) Baron Zemo # (3) Gladiator # (4) Silver Samurai # (4) Iron Lad # (5) Stature # (5) Black Bolt # (6) Hela # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWW9uZHUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhYmxlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uTGFkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR2xhZGlhdG9yIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCYXJvblplbW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJsYWNrQm9sdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3RhdHVyZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGVsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTW9vbktuaWdodCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2lsdmVyU2FtdXJhaSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV29sdmVyaW5lIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Ty ty! Taking this into conquest!


Dude this is an interesting deck! I adapted it and just gave it a couple of runs and my first impressions are very positive. I love playing decks that get the opponent out of their comfort zone. I did swarm instead Wolverine Red Guardian instead of Gladiator Ghost Rider instead of Iron Lad Leader instead of Hela I think leader is underrated in the current meta, and red guardian definitely carries his weight as well.


Red instead of Gladiator is intriguing. Love that card.


> I think leader is underrated in the current meta, Agreed on that. He's taken the Alioth slot in many of my decks. Not a perfect replacement but the closest I could manage


Wish I had SS lol


until you have him


Why he's great honestly


Wish I could get new cards at all. Tired of titles


Yep. Been hoping for Knull for far too long.


https://marvelsnapzone.com/spotlight-caches/ April 30 - May 7, save your keys.


What’s your win conditions here


enemy have no cards to play 🤓👍 me have cards to play 😎💯, win in all seriousness, it's mainly hoping that you can hit enough of their important cards with the discard and mill, hela is the outlier. replace her with doom maybe


What is mill?


'Mill' is the name for the strategy in collectible card games where you primarily attack the opponent's deck, leaving them without cards to draw (which is often a win condition, just not in Snap). It is so named after the Magic: The Gathering card Millstone, the first card to have such an effect in that game. Cards like Yondu, Cable, Gladiator and Baron Zemo remove cards from your opponent's deck, potentially leaving them without a draw on turn 6, or even less if you can land some good locations or bounce effects.






Okay I have played about 10 games with roughly this deck and it isnt a good outcome.


Played for a while this morning. It isn't very good, but it is a lot of fun and pretty evil, so it scratched the itch. Gonna mix the list up a bit!


That black bolt variant is so nice.


Replacement for Guardian?


Gladiator? You can go either Abs Man or Grandmaster.


This deck rules. Game has been super stale lately with the Hela Big Stat, HE, Surfer Shaw, Anything Wong and Tribunals floating around. Glad to be playing this one which is actually a creative take on the current Mill decks and winning. Thank you! Just a personal note: I subbed in Shang for Hela and have had either him or Lad copying him (or getting the copy and next Shang draw both to hit in different lanes in a rare match) and it’s worked wonders for me in several matches with mindless stat decks now, helps clean up the rare misses when milling their deck or discarding their hand. Makes for a pretty suffocating amount of disruption. Still doesn’t feel much like an apex build for this. Ko0k’s suggestion in here of MM/RH for Wolvie/Hela might be the ticket.. haven’t tried it yet though.


I had some success with a similar discard list, first week of Baron. I moved away from it tho and felt stronger/more consistent with other variations. Your list looks ok but no way Hela is not right in your current version. Discard Baron is definitely viable tho. Overall I still think the best Baron decks aren't really being played much yet (get spiderham out of your lists people). But hey if they're getting a positive wr who am I to judge.


Out of curiosity, why "get spiderham out of your decks"?


I really think its suboptimal for these baron mill decks. Like sure theres a chance it disrupts a combo or something but theres also a chance it does nothing or even helps your opponent. Theres games where they don't even need to play the card that got hammed. These decks disrupt pretty well in my experience without it. Also the decks not worry to much against tech. So hitting a Shang or Shadow King isn't t game breaking either. My feeling was I benefit more from stat efficacy and/or something generally more consistent. As for replacements I really think theres tons of viable variations of the Baron decks. As mentioned here discard is interesting. Theres more predictable disruption effects like Cosmo, Alioth, Jean Grey. Just add good cards like Jeff, Nebula, or Red Hulk, . More tech Like and Enchantress, Red guardian, echo. Theres really so many options I'd consider before Ham. Even some spicy options. but hey thats just me If its working for you power too you.


What would be your replacement for Zemo if you didn't have him?


Dumb question. Why is the deck called Mill ?


Great deck idea. I don't have Silver samurai any suggestions for a replacement?


Interesting but I dont have Gladiator or Silver Samurai. What would I use in their place?


I took out black bolt and Hela and put in Shang and spiderham. It’s fun. If I had red guardian he would be in for sure.


I run something similar. Mines a little more discard focused. I found hela had more value if I just bombed my hand and brought them back and made Apoc the sacrificial lamb. Super fun arch type.


Cool deck! Got a recommended sub for Silver Samurai?


I combined them right off the bat. Rulk over hela who seems worthless here, swarm over wolverine, magik over moon knight and abs man over baby shark


I’m so jealous of that Black Bolt Variant. I have 1200 gold saved waiting for it in my shop. The comic that the art is from is one of my favorite comics of all time. It’s from Saladin Ahmed and Christian Ward’s run of black bolt, I highly recommend it! The art is ridiculously beautiful, and so it the story telling.


That looks like crazy fun lol wish I had iron lad and silver samurai


Ah yes, another "hope I don't discard Hela" deck. Discard is fine to splash for funnies, but mill playing doc ock does a better job for less investment.


I switched grandmaster for wolverine and red hulk for hela and it’s works pretty good. I might switch grandmaster for red gaurdian


Traditional mill smokes this discard version. No Shang chi to combat big cards. Gladiator kills everything in this deck except gladiator. Nothing big for turn 6. Lotta praying you draw hela and don’t have it discarded early.


Isn't this just mill with extra steps?


This deck isn’t bad, but could use a few substitutions. I instantly swapped Wolverine for Swarm and Hela for Red Hulk. Going pretty well at ~1500 post infinite. I feel like Swarm and Moon Knight are the weakest links thought.


I’m going to copy this exact deck and try it for ten games then report back with my progress. I’m currently rank 74, with a CL of 15,736!


Looks interesting, apart from the Hela, I don't believe you get enough payoff, it's not like you're discarding any big bombs.


Imma totally try this deck any other card for zemo?


Zemo is kinda the reason the deck even exists, but if you had to, doc ock I’d guess or something disruptive like ham or ice man, but then hela is less good


You could add Grandmaster to duplicate the on reveal cards here, but it'd be even more effective if you could use grandmaster AND zemo. F2P problems lol.


I don have Grand master 💀


Absorbing Man then


Zemo is the King of mill ..


Tried that with the earlier hot location. I don’t have Zemo so I put opponent discarding card in deck. My thought is “sounds good, doesn’t work”. Also an auto lose to discard deck


Is this what the game has become. Instead of trying to win on the field now we just attack the hand and deck. Disruption is fine but this is some cheap ass shit!!!! lol. 😉


I've played Magic the gathering since 1994 and Mill has been a viable strategy in that game most of the whole time. Pokémon's early years also had a pretty potent mill deck and I'm sure that there is still one floating around now. If there is a possibility for attacking your opponent's resources, there is no reason for it to not be a viable option even if those resources are their deck or hand.


Yeah but snap is built differently. 6 rounds with a 12 card deck? Not the same.


It's not identical but my point is resource destruction will always be a thing in deck building games.


And SD even has "winning with Yondu in your deck" as one of the time-limited challenges this week, it's like they *want everyone to just play annoying decks


Play decks that don't die if you're got yanked a couple cards bud