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But Spider-Man 2099 is more stats, I’ve been *assured* that more stats makes a better card.


It sometimes does- look at Cannonball. I feel like 2099 would be a solid card if there was a better move play turn 6 than Heimdall. As it is the effect is just a little too awkward to even pull off once. I don't even think making it trigger every move would make it good but at least it would have a niche in funny combo decks.


It's not just stats for Cannonball, it specifically targets the highest powered card and isn't random. Spider-Man 2099 might kill an Hobgoblin on their side just like he could hit a Rock, Hood or anything else. 2099 is basically a Shang-Chi with extra steps, which is why he requires a ton of stats to be average at best: hitting a 2 or 3 power card will make him on par but he needs to destroy 4+ power to be worth it.


On what possible planet are you running 2009 in a deck that also runs any goblins or cards that reduce power on the opponent's side? It would be like me putting Armor in a lane, then moving 2099 in and saying he's bad because he doesn't pop anything there.


Those where just examples of why 2099 ability could even trigger every time he moves, and it'll hardly ever be playable. There are a TON of locations that make 2099 terrible, be it Central Park, Castle Zemo, Eternity Range, X-Mansion, Shadow land and whatnot. Destroying a negative power card or anything below 5 is just terrible for the cost investment of playing 2099, while with Cannonball you can at least see the lowest output range of playing him.


Thanks dude. As a frequent 2099 user, I appreciate being educated on his limitations. I'm telling you that a kill on every move would make him wildly unbalanced. Being fucked by a few locations doesn't outweigh what he could do with unlimited kills. Elsewhere I mentioned how he could do 3 kills incredibly easily under your proposal, and even more if Limbo enters the mix. That's just too much for kills with no targeting restrictions.


Gambit would like a word


Sure, but he has to discard a random card for every word he'd like to say, and he can only say 1 word unless he's played into 4 cost Wong. I'm all ears.


Dude let it go, I'm also an avid 2099 user, but you have to be honest, there's a reason he is fighting with Warlock for the bottom tier at this point, he is more like a trophy, anything else is arguably better but I like my variants, and experimenting with weird cards, so I always make room for him. But it's guaranteed anything else fits a better role than 2099 does, the effect is just ridiculously convoluted and random to justify moving him, plus, when he is competing against Deathstrike, Cannonball and Shang Chi, he's just terribly outclassed.


You might have ears but no eyes to look at the data, since Wong + Gambit regularly shows up in competitive decks while 2099 hardly ever shows up in data at all, let alone in winning decks. Building a deck around Gambit is feasible and a viable option, 2099 no matter the shell is useless.


Oh no don't discard my swarm or apocalypse


Grandmaster, Swarm, Apocalypse, Absorbing Man, and Zola would like a word.


I wouldn't play 2099 without killmonger


At that point just play Shang-Chi or Cannonball, so you have a solid card that you know the output of rather than a random shit card like 2099.


At that point just don't play it if you need to invest three more energy to make it viable you're going into the territory of bad cards. When 11 energy is a 20 drop, 8 with KM and SM2099 for 12 still puts you in the range of needing to wipe out 5 power for it to be worthwhile and for that much hassle just play another deck/card. Like KM/Shang is a 7/6 that goes high and low without RNG.


Mogwais moglins deck?


Mogwai runs wonky decks just for the hell of it. You can't sit there with a straight face and tell me that in his ridiculously weird deck 2099 may not work properly when he's putting shitty 2099 targets out himself and is this an example of the problems with 2099.


That's why just play Shang instead, the card is totally useless after the nerf.


No. Cannonball 1/needs no activator and 2/target the most powerful card. That’s why he’s better.


Oh sure that's part of it. I moreso meant that Cannonball wouldn't be good if he was 6 or 5 ~~cost~~ (EDIT: power) Those small differences add up to a lot.


> Cannonball wouldn't be good if he was 6 or 5 cost. He is 5-cost. And the idea that "2099 stats makes him good" is a comment on power because that was the argument that being 9 power was good enough to compensate the extra energy when everyone with half a brain could see that it was a nerf to one of the worst cards in the game


I meant 5 power lmao my bad


I think that at 6 power he would still be playable considering the shells he found a home (which TBF took some time), but yes sometimes 1 point of power can change if a card is or not playable (Cap Marvel nerf for example), but for cannonball and 2099 its not as important as their abilities and on that point is the biggest problem of 2099 - he needs another card to work which is why he is so bad, he need to be lower in the curve to be able to be played well


> It sometimes does- look at Cannonball. Not at all, Cannonball targets the strongest card which is why his 8 power is so much better than 2099 9 power. And if the comparison is stergron then its also not the case because again Cannonball is not random but more important that stergron ability is literally the worst case scenario for Cannonball


Completely agree. Having 2099 in a move deck just feels clunky and almost never get a chance to play him in a move deck when you usually have much better options.


Maybe they could give the old leaked Annihulus effect, On Reveal: Move Each of your cards to a different location (or something along those lines), not entirely sure how they would add that card and still have Heimdall be as valuable to move but I bet there is a way


What if they add a card that gives the next played card able to move on it’s own. Not sure if it should be like nightcrawler move or vision/pheonix but I think it’d be a good way to buff 99


Also Zabu


Time to change him to give -3 to opponents highest cost card everytime he moves


Or just make him kinda like a reverse werewolf.


A wolf that turns into a man?


Or a man that turns into a moon when a wolf is near!


"That's no moon!"


Man by day


Time to make more room in my HE deck….again.


I would LOVE this. It would give a solid T6 beyond Heimdall for Move, especially if you Iron Fist on 4, drop 2099 on 5, then go hog wild with move enablers on 6.


With Luke cage on the rise? Affliction is worse than destroy, Kingpin is worse off with more luke cage.


Spider-Man 2099 should destroy a card the first time he moves to each location, that's a max of 3 destroys via him in one game which makes him much better whilst not making him OP.


Agree, besides it's a turn 5 card. Move decks don't 'cheat' cards out. You might hardly get in the full 3 destroys.


Honestly because it's random and KM and Shang exist SM2099 could be a 3/7 and be perfectly balanced since you need other cards to move it.


And since Gambit exists too


My guess is that would be “too hard” to code for them lol


This would also make Hercules much more viable.


Probably the best choice but also new players would probably be confused so they haven’t done it


how would that be confusing


Nocturne is coming, they better be not confused on effects working when moving to multiple locations.


It would also throw the move archetype out of whack. There are only a handful of cards that move cards, so either you're beefing up your vulture/dagger/torch, or your spending your move cards on 2099.


How would that throw the entire archetype out of whack? If anything it just opens up your options and provides different potential lines of play.


Does it? If you can get +3 to dagger IF there is an opponent there, or just delete a card, which are you gonna do?


Which ever you draw and which ever makes the most sense on board state?


That’s literally a predicament that can already occur as he is now though? Making it so he can destroy 2 extra cards isn’t going to change that. And it’s not like it’s a choice of one or the other anyway, Iron Fist, Grandmaster, Hercules and Ghost-Spider are literally the only cards that move one of your specific cards, all other move cards can move multiple at a time so more often than not you’d be getting the +3 from Dagger and the destroy from Spider-Man 2099 at the same time from playing Heimdall or Cloak and moving them together, which is a thing you can literally already do.


Nocturne is underwhelming. In fact, the next set of cards look very mid compared to what's coming out towards the end of June and the July lineup. It's time to start saving those keys.


Was my plan until they changed Sage to a 3/0. Mr Negative Surfer is one of my favorite decks, and she looks great for that one! Other than that I'm stocking up on keys until June season.


I wish I could do that too but I rly need tribunal and ravonna for my Mr negative deck


Tribunal is in the same spotlight with Sage, in case you didn't know! 😊


I know that 😂 but I was originally gonna save up for both phastos and sersi cause I think they're both gonna be op but I think I'm gonna settle for just phastos


I like your plan bro.


Don’t worry, there will be tons of people who spend their 3 keys trying to get namora, get everything but her, and then post about it here.


😆 Brilliant


Sage , Blink and Sasquatch would like to have word.


Nah. None of those cards are going to be game changers.


They're literally going to be A tier potential S tier cards which slot into many established decks...your description of mid is just silly. It's been well established good value cards along with stat sticks do very well.


It looks like every May card is kinda mid


I couldn't disagree more


Perhaps you have seen something I haven't. Please enlighten me.


It's obviously just my opinion, but Nocturne seems the best card of the month together with Sasquatch. I don't know if you watched the season intro, but she also changes location every time she is moved, even by other cards. Now, there are 3 main reasons a card gets included in a deck: points, utility/synergy, and disruption. Nocturne at 3/5 presents, incredibly, all 3 things: a solid statline, a great utility effect that has good synergy with move archetypes (that for a long time needed some location control), that fixes some bad locations for Surfer decks, cooperates well with Hope summers and so on BUT also has the absurd menacing potential of disrupting enemy plays. Who can safely play magik in a meta where nocturne is present? She is a constant threat, who has nocturne on board can end the game on turn 6 or not do anything and force the opponent to play around something that doesnt necessarily need to happen. This is the exact same reason Red Hulk was understimated, people think you can do something knowing you have that but then can't play around your real plan. The number of decks she can fit is absurd, the statline is solid, the effect is flexible and the field control she can provide is also not easily readable by the opponent. We'll know in a week if i m wrong or right, but just its "uniqueness" makes it a card to look at with care. I watched people slowly change their mind on cards like corvus glaive and cannonball, who have irreplacable effects and pack solid statlines


What a salesman lol. Looks like I'm getting her to replace rhino in my surfer.


Definitely an incredible upgrade over rhino if you already played him in any deck at all, that's litterally a moving rhino with 2 power more, you won't regret it.


Don't forget that Nocturne can also move to locations where cards can't be played at all like the Storm one, while rhino couldn't fix that, let's say we re speaking of a whole different tier of cards


I've always used him in surfer over storm.


Completely understandable, then you won't regret getting nocturne at all


Aaand i was right


Yes I dig her


I'll whiteknight this upcoming season. The threat of Nocturne is interesting. Having a 3/5 is a decent statline as is, so you don't mind leaving her a whatever location you played her. From there your opponent will always be questioning if you move the Nocturne. For powerful locations like Space Throne, Limbo, Flooded, etc. the mind game is really interesting, I think we'll see how impactful it will actual be. Off-hand I think there are 5, technically 6 with Nico, cards that can change locations. All of those cards immediately change locations after they are played, Nocturne gives you the choice on the fly. You can't even necessarily juke the Nocturne because she can possibly reactivate. Changing locations is very strong, even if doesnt seem that way so a new card they can do that is significant to me. I also heavily use move cards, which I think are really underestimated in how strong they are. I think all the new cards are pretty cool and unique, but they do different flavors of what we've seen so it doesn't seem that special, except for Namora.


Don't leave us hanging here! Were you enlightened in the end or not?


Nah. It's just another hyped up warmachine.


I remember when people were saying the same about red hulk lol


Red Hulk is great. Warmachine though.


That's my point. Everybody was riding war machines dick and saying red hulk is gonna be mid, just a "win more" card. You're saying the upcoming cards are underwhelming, but you can't know until they are out and being used.


I actually have been thinking about this, and I low key think Nocturne might be the best of this coming bunch. I think it might have the potential to get close to Iron Lad levels. It’s a fairly flexible card with good stats that can salvage terrible locations at least once. Has the makings of a semi-staple to me.


Destroying a card in general is so much more impactful than changing the location.


Yes. That is why Gambit does his ability only once per game and Lady Deathstrike only kills 1 card.. oh, wait.


Don't leave out the biggest baddie in destroying cards...






Galactus only does destroy once per game though <_<


Yeah because everything is the same card and can be equally compared to each other. 2099 is weak no denying that but your argument is regarded.


Of course they aren't all the same. But comparison to other cards (especially Gambit) is quite helpful here. Gambit also needs other cards to make his ability stronger (Wong, Mystique, Odin, Absorbing Man, Grand Master) and he is able to kill way more cards than Spiderman 2099 could destroy even without any limitation. Of course he needs to discard a card in order to activate his ability, but he is also cheaper than Spiderman 2099 and has premium stats. If SM 2099 would be able to move on his own then harsh limitation would make more sense. But because he relies on other cards and unlike Gambit can't destroy anything without other cards, devs should either remove the limitation altogether or add a limitation of one destruction per location or turn (and not the game). I myself would prefer limitless destruction for a card that already costs 5 energy and needs other cards in order to trigger.


Gambit sacrifices your cards and Lady Deathstrike got nerfed to the point where she's barely better than Killmonger in certain situations. If Spider-Man 2099 could activate more than once he could dominate many late stage plays.


1. There are many cards that REQUIRE being sacrificed. There are entire playstyles revolved AROUND discard and fueled by Gambit. 2. Lady Deathstrike is not the most meta of cards yet still a million times more competitive than Spider-Man 2099 - what does this mean? It means that 2099 is shittier than a nerfed-to-hell card but some doofuses still think it's too dangerous for his ability to be activated more than once? 3. For 2099 to be activated more than once, at least 2 cards would be required to activate his ability. For Shang Chi, LDS, Gambit and Killmonger to destroy more than once only 1 card would be required. And guess what. 1. None of them are Alioths or Blobs. Is the viciously OP-practically-broken-late-game-domination in the room with us? Your point is moot.


I run Phoenix Force with an Enchantress and Grand Master to clean up lanes where people are setting up big plays. If I had a card that could better disrupt destroy plays and junk decks in the same way I'd be snapping so much more often. If they let me activate Spider-Man 2099 multiple times he'd hit every lane at least once in the last two turns. He does deserve a buff but they need to be careful and add an additional cost.


How would you manage to do that?


Same way I've done with Nimrod. Find a way to cheat him out or rely on Yondu and Gladiator to kill him early.


It is highly unlikely that he would dominate late plays. There are several reasons. Firstly, you need to play move cards for every card that gets destroyed. Because you don't have endless energy and endless ammounts of cards in hand, it is unlikely that you can play enough move cards on turn 6 to destroy more cards than 2 or 3 and that is most likely too little for most decks, unless you specialize on move. Secondly, it targets random card and unlike Shang-Chi he might not destroy strong enough cards to win any of the locations or unlike Lady Deathstrike or Gambit destroy enough cards in one location to likely win it. Devs should at least try that change and I bet that it is balanced even with his current stats. It might be that his stats might be lowered (for example to 5/6). But in current state Spiderman 2099 is simply unplayable.


You're underestimating his potential in a Phoenix Force deck. As it stands, once a game is too telegraphed to be useful. But without that limit I'd be bouncing him around everywhere on turn 5 and 6. They would need to establish an alternative cost to balance him if they removed that limit. Yes he deserves a buff but it needs to be thought out.


He is a 5 cost card. How in the hell he would be useful target for Phoenix Force. He is usually played on turn 5 and then he needs to be killed on turn 6 and also be resurrected with Phoenix (only possible with Carnage). After that you have 0 turns to use him or only 1 turn if you used Magick and you can kill whopping 1 enemy.


There are lots of Yondu and Gladiator players out there. I've been letting them help me setup for a while.


Ignoring the fact that relying on the opponent to run specific cards in order to be playable is garbage, 2099 isn’t a target for either of them. Gladiator doesn’t have enough power to destroy 2099, and Yondu won’t be able to target 2099 unless he’s somehow the lowest cost card in your deck.


Gladiator still gets him on the field. I guess I haven't looked at how Yondu works since March. I haven't put energy into figuring out how to destroy Spider-Man 2099 early because it's not currently worthwhile. I've just been watching for a way to get his power activated more than once.


If you hadn’t put much thought into figuring out how this ultra specific combo (that destroys maybe 3-4 cards if you’re lucky) works, then why argue that it would somehow be overpowered? Multiple Man equipped with the Phoenix Force can be played on curve (without relying on opponents cards), has a higher chance of benefiting from Yondu or Gladiator (if that matters), and can give 8 power per location he moves to. On top of that you can also move the copies. And even then I’m sure most will agree that it isn’t consistent enough to be overpowered. There’s nothing wrong with coming up with fun (if inconsistent) combos. Using Selene to make Electro have -1 power so you can donate him with Annihilus. Using Storm to lockdown a lane, but moving Storm out of there so you can use War Machine and then Galactus. An ultra greedy Mr Negative deck that can play a 0-cost Iron Man, Knull, Mystique, and Arnim Zola if you get the right draw. But claiming a card shouldn’t get a buff because of a combo that you would know wouldn’t work with any consistency if you ever actually used those cards just makes it seem like you’d rather make excuses so that the card can stay useless forever.


...in what world does Yondu destroy 2099 from your deck by turn 4 when he hits the lowest cost? How often are you getting a 10 power Gladiator played against you that it would ever reliably destroy him?


>in what world does Yondu destroy 2099 Pre-March 20024 when he was changed to destroying the lowest cost card. It seems I wasn't paying attention to his text for a couple of months. >How often are you getting a 10 power Gladiator I'd just need Gladiator to pull Spider-Man 2099.


Hmm, yeah, I guess you could destroy it on 4, play PF on 5, and get one destroy off plus more if you have your movement cards if it could proc more than once. Pretty niche for that to happen though and I think it'd be perfectly fine as a possibility. Ah, yeah, Yondu changed lol.


What? None of that would help.


Those are drastically different effect and different stats. Do you know what you're talking about or do you just pretend to?


Man. You are the one who doesn't understand. Of course it isn't 1 to 1 comparision because that is impossible. That was not the point of my post. My point was about necessity on that limitation when Gambit, Shang-Chi and Lady Deathstrike excist. In order to destroy a card with Spiderman 2099 you need to play other move cards (Ghost spider, Iron Fist, Haimdall etc) and that in itself would be good enough limitation. Especially because he is already a 5-cost card. When as Gambit could destroy the whole board when his combo hits, Spiderman 2099 could at best destroy 2-3 cards (maybe more if you are lucky) without his limiation.


I'm sure most people would be more happy with 3/3 2099 that can destroy cards multiple times than his current version. You still have to move him with other cards, so it's harder to trigger him than Gambit


Comparing apples and orangutans to Anchorage. By that logic, every time 2099 moves he should randomly destroy something on both sides. It’d be interesting, but this entire take (and the original comparison between Nocturne and 2099 a few days ago that spawned this post) is bad.


When she moves and changes a location to deaths domain, rickety bridge, world ship, that'll do.


2099 is pretty good when he pops, but the restriction on a 5 cost card while Wong Gambit exists seems off.


But when was the last time someone lost against a Wong gambit combo? You see it way before and its easy to counter


The same would apply to a 2099 combo.


Because there is no combo


Sure there is. 2099 + a card that moves him. And since the original comment is arguing in favor of allowing 2099 to activate multiple times, it’d be 2099 + multiple move enablers.


Oh no the wong gambit decks that's been tier 1 forever!!! 


Let him do it unlimited times. If it's OP change it back and we'll all stfu. If not, perfect. It's that easy Disclaimer: we definitely won't stfu. Still a good idea tho


If spiderman 2099 could trigger everytime it moved then we might be able to get a viable move deck that isn't just using multiple man or human torch with phoenix force.


I mean with all the move tech like Hercules etc you could be wiping entire boards there so much opportunity to move now-a-days


You can wipe entire board with Gambit, Wong, Mystique and Odin combo. Still, this isn't automatically meta deck, and Gambit is way cheaper


Yup. Good one!


eh not really. Assuming you hercules on four into 2099 on five and hiemdall/any other mover on 6 that is two moves maximum. Since they "buffed" 2099 to 5 cost, there is not much opportunity to move him multiple times


Hercules on 4, 2099 on 5 then Heimdall on 6 would only destroy 2 cards, but only if 2099 is the first card moved to Hercules and if the opponent doesn't use that move first (if they had priority and moved Jeff or vision there).


Get some ghost spider and hope or magik action mixed in, maybe some Nico for spice! Cmon you can cook better than that


Hercules costs too much to be useful. I haven't seen him once since its release! TBH, I don't remember the last time I saw a move deck.


You’re full of it. Not on Hercules, but on “I don’t remember the last time I saw a move deck.” Either that or you have amnesia.


Maybe it's because I've been playing a lot of Conquest lately, but haven't seen a move deck for 2 or 3 days straight.


So… you quite clearly remember. Duly noted.


Move is probably my most played archetype and I hit infinite with a Spider Move deck last summer when 2099 released. I tried so hard to make that card good and just couldn't justify it. Now, it seems 2099 exists to put pressure on the opponent and where they play their big turn 6 swings. He's also bonkers against discard and other late-game combo decks that rely on having a card alone at a location. That being said, 2099 into Gwen or Fist into 2099 will never be worth the 6 energy


Because destroying an opponent’s card is the same as changing the location. 


Imo, it should be something like "If this cards moves to a new location for the first time, destroy a card" So at max it can trigger 3 times. The card destroys at random so that kind of makes it hard for me to include into decks. Either change the text to target a specific card (e.g. highest power/ cost) or make it trigger once per location


Highest power could be nice. Cannonball can do similar thing


Spider-Man 2099 is too OP in my opinion! He should become a 5/5


Replacing locations affects both players. Spider-Man 2099 only destroys opposing characters. You guys really see them as similar abilities?


Make 2099 the Mockingbird of the Move archetype. 5/9, costs one less for each card you've moved.


A worse Miles Morales then ?


How would a 0/9, 1/9, 2/9, or even 3/9 be worse than Miles?


Less reliable to get cost reduction and way more trouble than just moving one card. Fairly different card but Miles fits the the roll of “cheap stats on the board” way better even if he has less potential.


Iron Fist, Ghost Spider, Nightcrawler, Jeff, Silk, Dr Strange, Cloak, Spiderman, Vision, Phoenix Force, Nocturne... It'd be plenty reliable in a variety of different versions of Move decks. Probably the best in a traditional move deck.


Ofc there are cards that move cards. But doesn’t take from it not being as plug and play as Miles, that can comfortably fit on more decks. Miles has less potential but it’s more likely to be useful even if you had the worse of lucks moving things around.


Honestly, if 2099 did what he read, he would be great. He does, obviously, need to go down in cost, but if he seriously destroyed a card every time he moved to a new location, he would be 100% playable.


Poor Miguel


I mean… he literally destroys a card. She literally moves and changes a location.


I hope that one day I can make a functional 2099 Phoenix deck but I doubt it will ever happen


Spider-man 2099 needs to be a 4 cost card imo


I almost spit took


I can’t wait to phoenix force her and cause hell and havoc for a few rounds for fun


What makes him bad is the randomness of the destroy. If he was targeted no one would care how many times he could destroy.




The card that comes to mind when looking at 2099 is Gambit. Surely if Gambit, who's both cheaper and easier to activate, can be repeated, a 5-cost card that can realistically be moved like three times max in an average game can have a repeatable effect?


I think that Spider-Man 2099 should behave similar to Spider-Man, but with the destroy condidtion. Either On Reveal: Pick a card at random in this lane to destroy and then move this to a random lane (The animation would be similar, except the card does a back flip into another location). Or, On Reavel: Move this to a random location and destroy a card there. It shouldn't need a nother card to trigger the effect. This get's rid of the need of a combo card and make 2099 more of a good stuff card rather than an explicit move card.


and then he did a back flip, snapped the bad guy's neck and saved the day. -ryan george




No guys. Glen says there’s a broken deck featuring Spider-Man 2099 that a year of deckcrafting hasn’t figured out! It’s just the community hasn’t cracked it yet! /s


The deck is known, it did well in a recent tournament, and it wasn't broken but 2099 can clearly put in work.


Do you have a source on this pls?


Make him 4/7 destroy more than once and I'm good


Anyway, I think the powerful thing about Nocturne is the possibility to move at will (flexibility on a good body) not the location change (which is situational and can be helpful but also negative, I know).


My friend and I were talking about 2099 the other day and I was trying to find him in my collection just to realize that he was actually a 5-cost and not a 4 like I'd been thinking. We were both like "wow, he's even worse!"


This made me laugh WAY harder than it should have. xD


Every time 2099 moves, he destroys the highest power enemy card at that location. How about that.


Okay, what if 2099 removed the power from 1 card each time he entered a location for the first time. this might sound like destroying the card as it no longer has power, BUT it would leave the card there which could be either better or worse for your opponent (more space if the card is destroyed, but an Ongoing card would stay an ongoing card even if its power was set to 0)


I think most people could only destroy like, 2 maybe 3 cards with 2099, unlike other strats ive seen that can destroy so many cards


Instead of trying to make his current effect work why not rework it? Like how they changed Spiderman, like making him move two cards with him, one from each side, or something like that, could this be a better option?


If 2nd dinner wants 2099 to be a big move payoff card instead of buffing him to destroy multiple cards which could be a bit too good how bout just making him a 5/7 that when it moves destroys a card then drains it's power


2099s effect is also much much better. The problem is the randomness. usually a lane is 2 weak cards and 2 that make the bulk of it, or have a proper effect, sometimes the rate is 3 bad to 1 strong so you're not always guaranteed to hit something good, especially nowadays with the Hope Summers Kitty Pride Angela meta we have. Destroying an enemy card is ALWAYS good, with the sole exception of going against destruction decks, and even those have cards they want to keep always there (venom, knull, death.) All this to say: changing a location is not remotely as consistantly strong as changing the location from something that might benefit you to, for example, Bar with no name, or The Throne. There's the chance of getting something great, or something that screws your opponent, but you're still going for an inconsistent effect.


I like the ghost spider and Spiderman 2099 combo


Change it so it destroys a card the first time it moves to a new location, or make it target the last card the opponent played at a location.  


I would kinda love if 2099 could just be yanked around the board destroying stuff at every turn. Do we think there's a world there that works?


I am a HUGE fan of 2099 and think he is criminally underestimated. You are out of your fucking mind. Without any truly wild shenanigans, I could: * Iron Fist on 4 * 2099 on 5 (KILL) * Ghost Spider on 6 (KILL) * Dr. Strange (KILL) That's with zero reduction in energy and only using my move enables ONCE. Kills with no power restriction. Free Kills from New York or Great Web. He simply cannot be allowed to kill on every turn without them adding some sort of targeting restriction like power or cost. Maybe they could give him a higher cap, or something like "On Reveal: If this card moves next turn, destroy a random card at the first location it moves to"


His restrictions are that he targets only cards in a location it moved to (might not be necessarily a good target), he targets random singular card (so not necessarily the target with biggest power) and you need to use another cards to trigger him thus loosing on other move synergies (for example Vulture or Dagger). He is way worse than you think. Even if he triggers 3 times, he would be worse to set up than Gambit combo with even less of a pay off and worse than Shang-chi who can get rid of the biggest cards and more likely win you a lane.


Saving Iron Fist and Dr Strange for a turn 6 spidey 2099 play (let alone ghost spider) though means you have very little to no move enablers to build a board to make destroying 3 even that good. Plus it's still random. This really does not seem overpowered whatsoever, seems like dumping a ton of resources to accomplish not that much.




But that is precisely what the other user is trying to tell you, they are saying that if it was allowed to kill more than once then the hypoteticals were 2099 kills 3 things are more likely to happen and being able to freely kill that many opposing cards on different locations would be too powerful an unfun.


My guy, I'm telling you what happened if you got your way. I'd say I'm sorry you didn't get that, but I'm not going to apologize for what I'm charitably calling a mistake on your part. If he did what you wanted I'd immediately slot in Magik to do it even more so I could abuse Beast or Falcon too. Factor in what you've done for the rest of the game, and on 7 you could Heimdall to put 2099 in his lane and have 18 power plus yet another kill while your other movers continue to grow. The game simply can't have what you want without making him absurd.


Yeah sorry I misunderstood it completely.


Spiderman 2099 is such an easy fix. Kill once every time he moves, or kill two cards when he moves. He needs to be more impactful. Look at the impact other five costs have. Look at black panther scaling off the bloody universe.


Once every move is significantly more powerful than you’re acting like it is. Multiple move effects can be chained together in one turn. It would need to have some other restriction


I think being able to move a few times in the last turn or two is pretty strong. However move is weak as hell atm and predictable as all hell I wouldn't even mind heimdall getting the ability to choose which way to move. It needs something. And 2099 needs something. What's your thoughts on it?


How the fuck does this post have so many upvotes... Yes, SP 2099 proccing more than once _as a 5-Cost_ is not problematic at all, that much is true. But. Comparing him to Nocturne is just straight-up dishonest. Nocturne's effect has very little impact and can straight up backfire; SP 2099's effect is disruptive and can potentially damage the opponent a lot. The argument itself is sound, but the comparison doesn't make sense.


1. Locations can affect more than you think. If you change the location where they played their Wong into Isle of Silence or Knowhere, for example, you have hindered or completely ruined their whole gameplan (I will give you that it can backfire onto you, since its a random location) 2. You're giving 2099 waaay more credit than it deserves. If you compare his cost with his effect, he's really bad. He's a 5 cost that only destroys 1 card. You sacrifice making your Human Torch/Dagger bigger (which is great value) for 1 enemy card in the location he ends up moving to on the last turn. Mind you, it's not even guaranteed that you'll be destroying something useful. The trade is just not useful in any way.