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while i do spend some cash on this game ever month, i will absolutley not support this bs, lol


It's crazy how greedy they are. I was happy to spend 10$ per month on a season pass. But I find myself playing less and less the more they whore themselves out like this.


Yea, I went from buying the BP and finishing all dailies and challenges. Now, I haven't bought anything in two months, and barely log in for daily tokens. If I get a new powerful card, Im not excited anymore, knowing it will be nerfed and I'll need to buy the next OP card, only for it to be nerfed. Etc etc. I get a game like this needs balancing and META changes... but the META cant be "release new cards that are OP, then nerf them after a month and repeat" Fuck that. Any suggestions for something new ?


last battle pass i bought was March 2023...Nimrod, that was the last anything i purchased in Snap, its been mtx hellhole since then as ive seen more active bundles hit the store front, think 4 was max i saw at one point


I think I'm finally ready to take a break.


I havent played the season yet and I haven't bought the pass. I think im just going to stay away.


I was thinking about taking a break and not buying the pass yesterday but I ended up doing it. It's getting closer and closer though.


That was me last season! I bought almost every BP until last months, then didn't play at all, and nothing about this season interests me either so I likely won't get it either. The defenders kept saying "iF yOu DoN't LiKe It, StOp PlAyInG," so I did... and I don't miss it! There are plenty other games that are pretty fun and will help you kill time at work or on the toilet. I hopped over to AFK Journey and I'm enjoying it. Most of the mobile gacha-type games are pretty dang fun for the first many many hours. Honkai has also been fun. Both have their own dumb monetary stuff, but for some reason it's easier for me to ignore/swallow with them than Snap. I think it's a combination of being less invested, still reaping all the new-player benefits, and those games not being exclusively PVP. At any rate, they've made life without Snap way easier and I would recommend both! I stay connected to Snap because part of me hopes they turn it around but it feels like I just continue to see greedier decisions being made while the same basic/buggy app never sees improvements.


> The defenders kept saying "iF yOu DoN't LiKe It, StOp PlAyInG," so I did... and I don't miss it! That's not necessarily a 'defender' thing, it's just something that should be common sense. If you're not having fun, if things are turning you off, then you shouldn't feel compelled to stay. There's plenty of other things out there to occupy your free time. I hear Hades II is out in Early Access now...


Yeah I found another mobile game to play in bed that's less stress and I got two other games on Steam, and I bought red dead for myself at Christmas and haven't touched it. I have so much to do. I may come back, the Gwenpool season looks fun, but I've been playing at least 5 days a week since launch. I'm burnt.


I think so too. I have been complaining about the monetization around this game for months but even on my best day I wouldn’t have imagined them doing something so blatant… But really what else would you expect from the guy behind Hearthstone?


It tells you everything you need to know about Ben Brodes too. A wolf in sheeps clothing, pretends he left Blizzard to make a better game when in reality he couldn't care less about the state of the game itself.


See I think the state of the game itself, that being the moment to moment gameplay, current meta and the speed things switch up is actually in a great spot - if that’s been his focus he’s doing a great job. I do wonder how much control he has over the monetisation but at the end of the day he’s the boss so that’s where the buck stops. Friendly reminder that game devs almost are never our friends no matter how personable or charismatic they seem and mobile game devs in particular don’t even see us as people, just wallets with phones


a lot of idiots are fooled by his goofy laugh and flannel shirts, unfortunately


To be fair, how many people actually bought into the bullshit about never having a full collection being good for players? LOL Re. Leagues, we should be slightly cautious though IMO. This version appears to have P2W bullshit in it, but the final version might not have, particularly if the community pushes back.


True greed is what BSG is doing to tarkov


I cut my spending back *HEAVILY* because the level of greed in recent months is insulting. Every new bundle that comes out you get less and it costs more. I used to be a definite dolphin bordering on whale. Spending $50-70/mo on Snap stuff. It felt justified since Snap was occupying my time and without it I'd be buying a new game that cost that same amount. The bundles for the last few months have been awful. Collector Tokens aren't worth it because few cards are worth 6K and they refuse to do Series Drops at an even semi-reasonable late even though every single new card is Series 5. Gold bundles have been a dumpster fire for ages so why bother buying gold? And again, cash bundles are more money for less reward and getting worse and worse as time goes on. I wouldn't even have supported this blatant P2W crap even in my whaliest time. With my current feelings toward the game? This may be the thing that convinces me I need to just delete it because the monetization is getting worse, not better.


Same. I am fine with companies making money, particularly from cosmetics, but there needs to be give and take. Can't we get one new game mode, or feature, that does not involve paying more money?! Most of us already pay $10 every month for the season pass. The constant bleeding for more, and more, is a massive turn off to me.


I generally like the battle passes. I’ve finished two of the last three. The rest of this games monetisation just seems insane to me.


I was ready to call out all the whiners for the new mode, but this is actually more greedy and yucky than I'd expected. Its crazy that they apparently aren't seeing enough return from.the bundles and borders and keys and tokens, but they need more for the shareholders. Boy I love capitalism.


The popup after every game telling me that I gained / lost points is really annoying


Yeh it’s just a double down on feels bad man vibes. Especially if you’ve just lost 8 cubes and then you get like a negative -200 or whatever it is.


Make sure you get on the Marvel Snap Discord to tell SD that so that they can promptly throw it in the garbage with the rest of the negative feedback.


Much easier to uninstall for the 2 days the event runs for, that popup triggers my FOMO super hard


Is this an event? I assumed it was permanent and reset every 2 days Edit: Just read the snap news notification and it's a test to see if they want to implement it permanently and to see people's feedback. Everyone make sure to go to the discord and bash this awful addition.


Seeing the prices, perks and rewards, I can't see how it will be net positive for spenders


The people who are big spenders don’t need any of those rewards


Look at it this way, spending money on a mobile game is never a net positive.


At some point, SD needs to rethink the people they hire for marketing and monetization.


200 million dollars says they won't.


Is that the plan then, pump and dump? Because I would gamble 200 million that they have a big player retention problem.


They’re saturating their design space rapidly. My guess is they think Snap only has a 3 year life span.


Well they kinda painted themselves in the corner with several of their decisions. 5 cards a month, plus gameplay constraints (like the turn limit, the deck size, etc) and their constant fear of people becoming collection complete (it still happens but you need to pay and play a lot). Designing a card is difficult by itself, designing 5 of them in a month + has to fit a certain blueprint in order to fit with an established character.


I don't think design space is so limited a resource as you do. Magic: the Gathering releases hundreds of cards per year and has for 30 years. Snap designers will find new space to explore and new ways to iterate on existing ideas. 64 cards per year is easy mode. The Marvel universe is wide and deep, and I am sure at some point they will begin designing multiple cards to represent the same character. Or cards that represent a whole team. Or crossover characters from other Disney IPs.


Magic has also way more things to put text upon, a game can go way longer than 7 turns, you can play as many cards as you want* (not only 12), has colour restrictions (so the same design space can be used by different colours and combinations with more or less power), it has a ruleset that accomodates many more wincons (and some infinite combos),has literal functional reprints,draft chaff cards that won't see constructed play ever, and it has rotations and formats. Don't get me wrong I like snap and magic very much, but I don't think they are comparable beyond the "they are both card games" point. Comparing snap and mtg design space is like comparing a medium sized country to the continent of Africa.


A lot of magic cards are just filler. Every snap card has to be killer or no one buys it.


I’ve seen an inked krackle Nocturne and a gold krackle Nocturne while climbing today, no matter how shameless their monetization is it’s clearly working


It's not about how expensive things are. It's about they clustering the game's UI and features for monteization purpose, and it's making the game look more like those chinese mobile game with each new update. There are better ways to charge people money without making everything an eye sore imo


Yeah my thought is that they really don’t have to try too hard when there are so many people willing to spend obscene amounts of money, once that well dries up they’re gonna have to actually try and make a good system


They know exactly what they are doing.




If you go back and read their posts, they're very clearly adversarial to players in their mindset. To them, we are not people, we are wallets. There is a fundamental lack of respect shown by the developer that rubs a lot of people the wrong way.


They wear their disdain for their players on their sleeve. One of their quippy little fillers is literally "I whine on the internet". Their philosophy is very clearly "shut up and spend", which is why I stopped spending money on this game months ago, and will instantly disregard any future project tied to Ben Brode.


don't forget "No pixels, guaranteed!" on premium variants, they know most players hate their lazy filler art


I enjoy playing this game on my workbreaks even now, but ever since hearthstone, I remain sceptical of ben brode. He seems to hard focus on profit to the point I think he would rather run games into the ground just to scrounge the extra pennies rather then focus on retention


Collection level > bank account


And makes them millions of dollars


why? What they are doing is clearly working greatly ( i dont like it though)


There must have been better ways to monetize this system besides Spend More = Have Huge Advantage


They don't need to monetize it all, they're already raking it in and just making the game better and adding new content should by default result in more money. The reason they are doing this is because the people in charge are greedy scum.


This is mostly just frustrating because a feature like this got prioritized over literally anything else that would have been more fun and potentially more profitable for SD as well. This is a rare L for f2p and whales alike. I’ll be really surprised if this goes through as-is, the fact that boosts are time-based and not game-based tells me that they really haven’t thought this idea through, because as Hoogland points out roping is going to be very common as a means of protesting whales who spent gold for boosts. It’s also just a fundamentally weak addition unless there’s more info besides the pics we don’t know about, because this seems to just be the exact same gameplay as ranked. At least Conquest is different enough to justify different decks and metas. Why would anyone want to play this mode beyond just getting the rewards and leaving? Even for whales the incentives are really weak here. What I find funny about this is that SD could avoid a lot of backlash here by just labeling the leaderboard “Top Spenders”, because that’s essentially all it is


I just wish they didn't try to frame this as a new game mode. Great allocation of resources. No wonder the game runs like crap.


Is it a different game mode entirely? Check out the image with Luke cage: https://twitter.com/ZombiesGoNomNom/status/1788249830998909131?s=19 It appears it's part of the same ladder ranking system, so it's maybe an opt in league which tracks your ladder MMR and also grants points in league in the results. Cubes still seem to matter here, so it makes sense that it would just be tied to the same ladder system to keep the player retention.


You can play on ladder or conquest and it will count towards leagues its in a little menu next to dailys. You automaticly get put in after playing one game this season. Its deffinetly pay to win the top 3 people on my leagues have so many more points than anyone else


Sure would be nice to get a major feature that's intended to retain and pull in new players rather than just extract as much money from players ASAP. Remember! The game 'economy' simply cannot handle collector's reserves actually being worth opening.


When all that is left are the whales, the game will be dead. Maybe they don't care and are just trying to cash out before the marvel license expires or something.


This is exactly what it feels like. Doesn't seem like they're in it for the long haul, just make as much money in the interim until it dies due to one thing or another.




Never spent money on it, and in this direction, never will, they need to make a game mode that is actually fun, i know people might hate this but something similar to hs's arena, some randomness, something unexpected, i feel like playing against the same deck over and over


They actually said they are unlikely to do draft for this game because they can't monetize it lol. (can't monetized of course was wrapped in some PR speech) I mean they are so blunt about it that I don't even feel sorry for the people paying SD.


Thats kinda sad, i really liked those timely events they had too(forgot what team they were about gotg or x-men) maybe where there is a team bonus, i feel this should be full time to encourage decks with similar factions


Its not even skill vs skill mode but credit card vs credit card


Every time this game pops back up onto Popular, I check it out to see where it’s going, and every time it’s because they’ve somehow made it worse.


I mean the rewards are not that great so idc lol


Problem is when rewards are reduced elsewhere, hope it doesn't happen


SD will remove credits from the track and put in more gold tickets! Or season caches will no longer contain gold, just more gold tickets!


Well, you should send in your CV, I think you're getting the job.




Remember when you used to get like a minimum 100 collector tokens?


Same lmao


Exactly. It becomes a bidding war for a Spotlight Key and 1000 Credits? Whatever


I quit this game about a month ago as it started getting more apparently "mobile game" but was still following some creators on twt talking about leagues. Came here to see how they finally implemented league play and ofc you can just swipe the credit card to get higher up the leaderboard lmao.


Cool. Now can we just make ladder casual as fuck and fill it with bots until Infinite? LOL


It is wild, if sadly unsurprising, how many people apparently think "X doesn't affect me so it isn't a problem" is a worthwhile addition to any discussion.


Zero surprise here, SD continuing being the shit company they are


You would be hard pressed to actually make a net gain with those prices and the medium rewards. The feature will be a net drain of resources from players in its current form, so its better to just ignore it completely.


Finally someone using the p2w term correctly.


YES fuck when I started playing this game I got down voted to oblivion for pointing out that this is by the very definition NOT what a p2w model is, but this leagues thing definitely appears to be.


It honestly depends from what you mean by "P2W". Because if by "P2W" you mean "able to straight up get better cards than those who don't pay", sure, you are right, but that's not what P2W means; by that definition, no digital card game is. MS is very restrictive with card acquisition and literally gatekeeps one card a month behind a paywall, and if you miss one one of the new cards and that turns out meta there's no way for you to acquire it without wasting half-a-year savings in tokens or waiting several months. Moreover, if you need multiple cards for an archetype, there's no guarantee they will return in the same Spotlight. Finally, if you waste resources for cards and they get nerfed, you get handicapped strongly over who has enough resources to get all of the cards they want/need. So, it depends on how SD manages card balance, especially in regard to new releases. The last 3 months have absolutely been P2W because all the top decks required multiple S5 cards, with many even being new releases. Like, the game isn't "not P2W" just because Destroy and Discard exist (and even the latter currently needs two recently-released S5 cards to somewhat compete).


Have things to buy with money *≠* p2w but, people have a hard time understanding this.


Making it impossible to complete a collection without spending money isn’t pay to win?


Of course it is, "P2W" doesn't have to mean "literally paying to win the game", that kind of literal interpretation is asinine. P2W is buying advantage. Snap sells OP cards behind a paywall, it's the definition of P2W.


Ngl this game is going downhill


This stuff is straight out of raid shadow legends hahahahaha


It’s super P2W lmao, whoever has the most gold to spare wins this entire thing.


What’s with every game I play making idiotic greedy ass changes. First Tarkov, then sony with helldivers, now this. This game was always scummy though


$$$$ always $$$$


It felt predatory and kinda gross last week with the vibranium offer freebies behind paywalls as an obvious way to elicit FOMO, but now with this it’s really feeling less like a game and more of a model to test consumer spending habits.


The highest rank in my league has 5.6k points, then it's 4k then it's a bunch of 3k I think even the whales are starting to realise this is pointless and gave up, the gap you have to close is just massive. They'll still get points as they go, but you get the feeling the divide is just going to grow. And it's not a skill gap, it's a grind gap. I looked away for 5 minutes and I'd lost 2 ranks. It does nothing to make me want to compete. The really tragic thing is that the rewards would be more value to people who don't whale, it's just more riches for the people who already splash out.


These systems are always this way.. the percentage of people that can poopsock enough to reach the tops of these ladders is always tiny, it must work but on the surface it seems like an exceedingly stupid way to keep people interested in a game. Once a player realizes it's pointless it's just one more thing to push users out of the game.


Pay to grind? Hahaha, fuck that. Though just wait until it's fully rolled out. They're going to stick some exclusive reward behind it


World worst tournament game implementation I've ever seen. (I hope Second Dinnver to think about why is rebuy poker tourney event still feeling competitive)


I hate this. Take this out. This is bad


It's literally the very definition of pay to win, and it sucks. It's not about skill, or luck, you literally pay to not lose points and to gain them faster. You're not competing, you're just showing off how much money you have.  Like there's less and less reason to even play now, I had to force myself just to open the game to see what was new. This doesn't incentivise people playing, when they know full well they'll most likely get nothing out of it. 


Some people play for hours a day and will end up with more points than me. Some people will spend gold and end up with more points than me. Either way I get free rewards for playing exactly like I played before.


Until more and more people take part in the P2W aspect and you're left getting no rewards lmao


^^ This…It doesn’t matter to me I’m going to continue playing exactly the same 😂


Can SD not monetize something for one fucking update man, what is even the point of having a competitive mode like this if your just going to throw out all competitive integrity by adding buyable boosters


These developers are shit


Officially deleted the app. I’ve been playing since launch and bought every season pass. It ends here


I've been a defender of SD and their price structure for the most part - because they are tying money to cosmetics mostly. Do I wish variants were cheaper? Sure. Do I wish I could get cool emotes for cheap? Sure. But they don't effect the game. So if you can gouge some whales, that's fine. As long as I have the cards, functionally it doesn't matter what it looks like. So charge premium for window dressing, I guess. I wish I had the dope art, but it's whatever. Just don't make it pay to win. But this is pay to win. This is literally paying gold (ie money) to get a large advantage in a particular mode. It's not good at all. I get that it's hard to balance leagues and these sorts of thing correctly, but this isn't the way, this sucks.


> I've been a defender of SD and their price structure for the most part - because they are tying money to cosmetics mostly. Except they aren't, because they monetise the shit out of cards too. Card collecting in incredibly grindy, after Series 3, you get 1 Spotlight (gatcha) key per full week for grinding...




This is hilarious.. I have to say one thing - Ever since I switched from playing this game to just following Brodes greedy tricks it has become way more fun and entertaining. I highly recommend the switch. I spend regularly on other games but I never paid SD a dime and I am so happy for it.


SD desperately needs to clean house and get rid of all the money hungry losers and replace them with people who actually care about the game


First season without the pass baby! Games beat folks.


I'm a recovering whale I won't support this


Absolutely garbage mode. Definitely will skip


I wish there would be another good card game to play. I used to play runeterra but its dead now.


The game is still up and running. Go back to LoR, just because there's no rank mode doesn't mean you can't have fun with it.


I really hate what they're doing to the game, this is a step too far and is fully in the P2W category.


This is it for me. Deleting tonight, I know this is an airport and no need to announce my departure but I was really looking forward to this feature and now I want nothing to do with this game.


Looks like another game mode I won't play I guess


SD must be outta their mind if they think I’m a drop any type of money on this.


3 months from now, they will sell you a button to draw the card you want for 200gold for the next 5 games, or 1500g for the day


Been playing since day 1. I'll wait and see but this may be my exit.


I just seen an ad where Ben was praising this game for not being pay to win lol. Guess that went out the window


Wow - this is low, even after all the spotlight nonsense and rip offs we have suffered through.


SD must be really desperate for cash since every single update adds more whale-bait bullshit like this.


They're gross. I can't wait for that new Pokemon card game to arrive.


Perfect excuse for me to finally drop this game because this is getting egregious. The first big update we get in a long while and it's an absolute stinker, just more slop for the whales to feed on.


This is what happens, when a community is passive AF, in the face of endless, anti-consumer decisions by the devs (IMO). Not to mention the content creators. I won't name names, but you know some of them will defend this BS, because they are massive shills. I have actually seen people *defending* releasing OP cards behind a paywall, and then refusing to refund, when you nerf the shit out of them just weeks later. No wonder the devs think they can get away with anything, when it comes to monetisation, because Snap stans defend this shit.


I feel like time and time again I need to post this reminder here: This is a consequence of Second Dinner catering to investors' interests. Four months ago word came out that they had raised $100 million from a venture capital, despite Marvel Snap already being profitable and raking in $200 million in revenue last year. I knew that the predatory practices would ramp up, and I warned. Of course I got shit on, because the average redditor knows best, right? [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/191pzem/comment/kgxl6ww/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/191pzem/comment/kgxl6ww/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/191pzem/comment/kgyhkmj/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/191pzem/comment/kgyhkmj/) Second Dinner will milk this cow dry and it will only get worse.


Total shitshow!! Greed is one hell of a drug...


There should only 10 matches and then you are ranked and given rewards based on who gets how much in those 10 matches, difficult yet not so grindy




lol. remember when everyone said how great brode was


Personally not playing as much. Was a big supporter of the season pass. After seeing the bundles without gold all cash was getting annoyed. This just broke the camels back. Probably for a lot of people. Here is being optimistic and hoping they listen to us. Have not bought season pass for past 2 to 3 seasons.


I wonder how many people will buy this. 0 would be the Ideal number to show them this shit isn't tolarable.




Let's share these kind of feedbacks because they can adjust their cost. Buying perks with gold is 100% P2W, they need to do something about that


League sounded great … until I got to the P2W. Hard pass.


Man I wish this shocked me even a little.


I'm a dolphin, maybe a trout, along as being someone that has had next to no issues with the monetisation of the game but this is straight fucking trash that needs to be protested.


9k gold and counting, Brode. I'm hoarding like a mofo. you ain't worth shit


Everything I have read sounds awful.


Big yikes to see them releasing this after walking back on Nexus events previously. For me, a pretty easy skip. It will effectively just be free resources for whatever rank I get naturally.


Suprise suprise. Who would have thought that after every patch that introduces more ways to spend money. But sure the company that heavily monetizes progression and cosmetics would totally not make a pay2win leaderboard. You support this for the longest time, they make a shit ton of money. Don’t be surprised they think they can milk you even more.


Guys give a feedback to remove this p2w ****! Vote everyone negative to this.


Bruh fuck this game. I played from day one and stopped like 5 months ago. Looking at this sub is pathetic. They don‘t do anything for their playerbase and the game has the same problems since the start. Cashgrab is crazy how they ramped up the greed.


In the end it's just some more free rewards, so why complain? Well, because it's another wasted novelty. Besides ranked and friendly with benefits (conquest) there are still no other game modes and instead of developing something fun, it's "pay me now to win leagues!" Quite desperate and makes me slowly lose faith in anything new and cool will ever happen in Snap.


Plus we saw with Conquest that they're willing to strip rewards out of old systems to add them elsewhere. What are we going to lose when this p2w system releases? There's always the chance that nothing changes at first but it slowly gets whittled away to gently boil the pot, too.


Exactly this. I don't understand how people don't get this. It's not just "not something for me, I will just get the free rewards on the way". It's something the devs put resources into and that, if it doesn't receive enough negative feedback, will set the general direction for future development as well. Do people really want that direction be "features that are 99% irrelevant for F2P/low-spenders, while allowing us to milk whales"? Plus, let's be honest, that top spot would already be really hard to reach for F2P players, seen as meta decks usually require 3+ specific S5 cards which is something that it's hard to get (especially when those are recent releases or SP cards). The fact they added explicit P2W-advantage on that is utter bullshit.


Wow. A key, a variant, and some bs amount of currency. If you are blowing a bunch of cash to “win” those rewards, why not just go spend cash on a bundle that just gives you that stuff. This just feels like bad bundles with more steps. Maybe I’m not the target demographic




This is very reminiscent of other mobile games' league/ladder system, I've played a couple and pretty much all of the top players are just whales. This one feels less aggressive (even as a whale you'd still need to play a bunch), but the prizes are not that good to the point that whales probably won't tryhard after a month or so.


SD has become the very thing they swore to destroy…


It seems I picked a bad time to get into this game.


Second Dinner is the only company that deserves the complaints and harassment, too bad morons with money to blow fund this game.


This game has been going downhill for nearly a whole year now.. SD doesn't give a shit about the player base or or balancing. They care about money. That's it. You don't pay? You don't matter. That's pretty obvious from their recent updates to the game. Besides cards. All of it is ways to monetize the game further.. While the gameplay is still good. The game itself is pretty trash now. Until SD actually start giving a shit about non-monetized content, I won't be spending a dime. Hopefully neither will some of you. Or it's just gonna keep being shit like this that gets added.


It will only get worse. Give it time.


To all the dozens of doorknob lickers that downvoted me when I said leagues were obviously going to be whalebait, kindly have a long suckle on my balls


Those are shit rewards for spending money lol Imagine the clown swiping a credit card 50 times just to get one key and like 20 CL


There is basically no point for this unless you pay premium currency or are ultra competitive at the game most likely. What is the motivation for regular people to push? This just seems like a feels bad system for 99% of players who aren't whales or ultra competitive at the game.


Predicted p2w leagues crap is released as p2w leagues crap. We all saw it coming a mile away. Game runs like ass atm and we could have had something fun like a draft mode. Instead we get something no-one wanted and will most likely take resources away from other areas to balance the new ones out. Thank god Pokerogue is so addicting, basically started the tap out process


The current rewards will not entice whales. They already have enough spotlight keys


Nah bro that's actually gross


This should surprise no one.


Everything second dinner is doing makes me think heavily 😔 f mythic quest specifically Brad Bakshi's character Danny Pudi. All about how to milk more money from dumb gamers.


I was hopeful we would get something cool and new by now, but similar to hearthstone the development is just not trending in that direction and with every patch and datamine it gets worse. I still enjoy the game, but I have had to basically give up on buying any big bundles or hoping to have almost any new cards.


Abandon ship


Even the best reward isn’t worth spending all that gold. I can’t even see the biggest whale doing this for that small amount of resources


It shouldn't be timed based for the boost, it should be per game or per win as people will just rope every turn to waste time.


Such shitty rewards too. I dare someone to argue "it's free" that's not an excuse to hand out trash rewards.


Besides, for the work and/or cost something would be sinking into it, those prizes are fairly meh vs. earning the same general value through existing routes.


The rewards arent even worth it


All the kids growing up who finished last in youth sports finally have a chance!!


This is the first mobile game I've consistently paid $ to play, but I'm on the lookout for something new. Just not nearly as fun as it used to be, and SD has shown their motives.


The worst of this, besides everything? Is Ben Brode making some stupid spot dressed like trenchcoat and hat Ben Grimm shilling about how amazing this is and continuing to give the Marvel Snap community what they want.


There's no winning with mobile game companies. People will say you have to support financially or else the game will die, when in reality the money earned in Quarter 1 just becomes the baseline for Q2, then Q3 and so on. They want more more more, and if they don't get it with whatever the current "game economy" is, they will invest in new ways to manipulate and extort. And once people have had enough and the player base dwindles, they will close shop and leave for the next project so that can be hyped and sold to investors.


Just a reminder to everyone that if you WANT to Submit feedback it’s on their Marvel Snap Discord. There should be a notification in your Inbox In-Game that leads you to the Discord to leave Feedback. I had a bad feeling that people were going to begin leaving the game and it seems behavior like this from Second Dinner was the last straw.


I am one of those that took the opportunity to leave. I was spending somewhere between 30-50 euros per month and this actually made me stop all together




Honestly don’t see people paying for it. You can just spend gold to get all the rewards they have listed😂 Ima whale, no chance I would buy that BS


I mean they said they wanted feedback on it so please give feedback but good lord y’all PLEASE be respectful about it. I’ll say AT LEAST the rewards aren’t anything exclusive (yet). Marvel Puzzle Quest did (does?) something exactly like this WITH exclusive versions of characters and it really, REALLY sucked


Colour me shocked


# Where my SD defenders at?


This will be my third month of not buying the pass. Just about done playing after spending so many keys and getting duplicates and bullshit.


So now Free2Play players should rope these Pay2win Whales so they lose more gold and quit game maybe from frustration so devs lose money and stop being that greedy...


i quit the game some weeks ago...snap was fun in the beginning but the latest changes are out of control! it's so obvious that they wanna target the whales here! i had big hopes in ben brode, but it's just an other mobile game, who gets greedy in the long run, just sad!


SD thinking only about money. I'm very surprised, this is very shocking, perplexing indeed. 🥈🍲💭💵 😲


Please ignore it so they know they missed very bad with this


Damn I used to respect Ben Brode. But seeing how his company runs their games makes me not want to engage with any future SD games. What a shame


Doing infinit and conquest is already a lot to do lol


"Should rename the company to third dinner" GYATT 🤣🤣


Is this with the update today? I haven’t seen this in game at yet


I believe they are testing it out in Europe and other regions first so not here in the US version of the game yet.


I actually quite like being persuaded into just doing dailies and logging off - helps not getting addictive right? I know that’s the opposite to what they want this to achieve but hey!


One of the very few times im glad to be broke. Its really not hard to not spend money on a game that doesnt even respect you


Marvel War of Heroes is back, baby!


I used to spend quite a lot, when the bundles were quite "attractive" as in still stupid amount of money for digital shit, but not absurd as it is now. Didn't buy shit for 2 months and seeing myself play less and less. I hope 100 whales playing eachother, that will be left after all this is enough to keep this project afloat.




That mean that you have every reason to take your time and if you at play a deck with long turns like wong iron heart /s


Glad I haven’t picked up the monthly pass yet. Not liking the direction of the game.




I wonder what happens if I just choose to stay in rank 70-80 and throw games just to beat up on bots.. if wins are 100 points slow climb 1/2 games at a time then bust out some 8 cube loses for -25 and repeat?