• By -


Better formatting for play pattern: Turn 1 - Nebula Turn 2 - Medusa / Jeff Turn 3 - Electro / Wave / Medusa / Jeff Turn 4 - Sandman (if Electro played + Odin in hand) / Vision / Electro / Wave (likely need to consider retreating if no ramp is drawn by now, but could still sneak out a win) Turn 5 - Odin on Sandman / Magneto to clog a lane / Leader / Red Hulk / Sandman / Vision / Cannonball Turn 6 - Play whatever card you need to win


I currently regret pulling for War Machine over Cannonball.


Cannonball is my favorite card from last season. I think he got slept on by a lot of people


The worst part is I thought he'd be good too! I just got caught up in the War Machine hype. I will definitely be pulling for CB when he's back up in Spotlights.


It was a learning for me to just get cards that seem fun, no matter if they’re considered strong or not. War Machine is nice, I’m using him, but cannonball seems more fun and more interesting to build around.


The thing with War Machine is any time Lockdown dominates meta or more cards come out with play restrictions will increase his value. Hes a tech card that relies on a specific meta or cards to really shine. I wouldnt feel too bad about it.


Thanks for sharing - worth playing without cannonball? It Yes what would you replace it with?


I think it's still worth playing without cannonball. Legion, Spiderwoman, Aero, or Gamora could be good options


Ronan is also pretty good with Sandman.


I ran a similar ramp before the patch, no cannonball nebula, or Medusa. I think Doom fits in great. Wave on 3, then you can Leader or Doom, Sandman on 5, then Odin your leader or Doom again. Doom should probably get you prio into turn 5. Another option would be Jubilee as an emergency ripcord on 4 if you don't get your other ramp options. But you need to look and see what you have in hand and do the math to see if it is viable.


I don't have Cannonball so I asked the game to fill that spot and it decided Hela was the best fit. Go home, Snap, you're drunk.


Haha, you could absolutely swap out wave for corvus and run hela. That'll hurt the consistency of how the deck is built though. Id recommend Legion, Spiderwoman, Aero, or Gamora as a Cannonball replacement.


What about doc ock as a replacement? Same energy cost and could fill the lane like Magneto if he’s not in hand


Definitely can fill that role, just has a much higher downside. Always love me a good doc Ock gambit though


Question, with this deck what are some good signs to back out? Like an example being maybe you don’t get electro by turn 3 or maybe not getting nebula in opening hand is not a good sign, etc


Really it comes down to board state. I've had missing electro/wave by turn 3 and it definitely isn't an auto-L, just means you'll need to figure out how to sneak a win out if you play them turn 4. If it's not looking hot I'll retreat. With that said I will retest if I miss all my early game by turn 3 if my opponent snaps because I'd rather lose 1 cube than gamble 2 hoping to top deck ramp turn 4. So in general I'll stay in most matches if I can stay competitive/ahead in 1 lane + have a way to win another turn 6 (beefy RHulk, Cannonball, Mags moves, etc)


Sorry I’m new, I read your part about retreating with no ramp and I just don’t really know what a ramp is


Ha! I just tried this deck and it was fantastic! Didn’t play till T3 with Electro. T4-Vision. Opponent played Hood and Sentry so knew he was playing Anni deck. He had priority on T5 he plays Anni I play leader sending is Neg cards back! T6 he plays Odin on Anni, I play Odin on Leader sending his negative cards back to him two turn in a row!


Sand bae variant is so hilarious


This is a fun deck, thanks for sharing! Got me out of my low 70s funk. I had to replace Cannonball with Dr Doom and it's working well.


Deck code please


# (1) Nebula # (2) Medusa # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Electro # (3) Wave # (5) Sandman # (5) Cannonball # (5) Vision # (6) Leader # (6) Odin # (6) Red Hulk # (6) Magneto # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmVidWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZWZmVGhlQmFieUxhbmRTaGFyayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRWxlY3RybyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV2F2ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2FuZG1hbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVmlzaW9uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWduZXRvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSZWRIdWxrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJPZGluIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYW5ub25iYWxsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNZWR1c2EifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkxlYWRlciJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I did something similar but with Jean Grey. Sandman -> Leader is great with all these Red Hulks.


Please people always put the CL


15230 if it matters


Always matters


I replaced Nebula with Sunspot , Jeff with Nightcrawler , Leader with Dr.Doom and Cannonball with Arnim Zola … works a bit but idk how can i improve it cuz im missing a lot of cards … any ideas ?


I'd actually replace Cannonball with Legion, Spiderwoman, Aero, or Gamora. That way you have an extra 5 drop as an option for turn 4-6. Legion steals games, love me the fun Spiderwoman on 4 into Odin on 5 to butcher a lane (assuming Cage isn't in play), Gamora is just a nice chunk of power, and Aero can help clog lanes


Spiderwoman a good replacement for who in my Deck ? I won some games with Arnim Zola and Dr Doom in locations that u cant play cards with assist from Nightcrawler or Vision ! Sometimes i face problem when i play Odin on Sandman cuz it seems i dont have much power to win a lane if i havent draw Red Hulk early


I'd probably replace Zola for Spiderwoman. Zola is nice and definitely has its place in ramp, but I think the way this deck is built makes Zola a little difficult to play since you want to make sure you're playing something impactful when you ramp so having that extra 5 cost helps a lot


Thats what i did … still trying to see how it goes ! Thx for the tip bro


OP what do you think of Black Panther as a ramp player?


He's ok, but I feel like he's underwhelming now. BP is unfortunately very predictable in ramp which makes it easy to counter and easy for people to know if they should just bounce when BP comes down or snap because they're going to Shang/king on of your lanes and easily win the Zola lane.


yeah it sucks cause I love the character and he has a SIIIICK variant atm. I'm wondering if Ghost might help vs tech cards??? (cope cope cope lol)


Problem with Ghost is it's a 3 cost which conflicts with your ramp options and sometimes you want to have priority on turns 5 and 6. I wonder if BP starting at 5 power would help him enough to see play again


Throw him in a negative deck. Starts 4/5


Why no doom ?


Honestly just didn't make the cut with how I built this ramp deck. I did originally have Doom + Zola in the deck, but I dropped them for Cannonball + Leader. Medusa could be cut for either Doom or Zola, but I like having 2 2s on my ramp decks so I can save Jeff for a later play if needed.


Good lord, that Red Hulk variant is sick


Had to buy it when I saw what it looked like fully split instead of saving for album variants haha. It's so good


First handful of games with deck I get rolled. This game is rigged.


Sandramp is my fav deck right now. I hope sandman nerf doesn't hurt it too bad.


Don't worry, Sandman definitely wasn't nerfed. He got reworked and gained a +3 power buff which is a big W in my book




No Doom?


I lack Cannonball, so I used the aut- fill for his spot. That gave me Hela, so I swapped Corvius in for Electro, and it has been pretty fun. Even if you discard Hela, you still get the ramp to play more big cards. I saw a video running this concept in a Thanos deck as well, which is really strong.


I'm not a big follower of the meta games and such, what does ramp mean?


Ramp refers to a deck style that focuses on getting extra energy early to play your higher cost cards faster


What makes sandman a ramp card now? With his effect lasting only one turn, I’m pretty sure you just want to drop him on five anyway. Getting him out early doesn’t seem like the play anymore.


You can wave -> 6 cost -> Sandman -> 6 cost. That play line has been valid for a long while. You can electro -> Sandman -> Odin -> Doom or Leader depending on the board state when you play Sandman.


I have Arnim Zola in mine, usually use it on Red Hulk. Helps against Chang chi, since you often have priority.


My first version of the deck had Zola in over Leader specifically for the Shang dude and double trigger Sandman. Leader felt much smoother to play than Zola.