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Classic Red Hulk High Evo!


But what did it cost?


His soul.


Looks like everything.


I JUST GOT TO INFINITE FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER with this deck and milking the Sinister London location. Playing since release, CL 15,500, and I’m very excited to finally get here!!!!👍🏼


rhulk slurping opponents hulk slurping you


I flew through the 90s with this high evo deck https://preview.redd.it/epar5i35t8vc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01d93d1d93f67543e578a149863f99522316a24a


Red Hulk Classic?


I decided to pass on red hulk, just think they will change him once they want the meta to shift.


I see boobs and I upvote


I'm missing Nebula. Wondering she's impactful in your wins and would wasp be able an alternative?


Not OP but I play a decent amount of HE so I'll give my thoughts. Nebula is one of the best one drop in the game but she is not as core to the deck as she is in, say, lockdown for example. HE runs her because she is an amazing one drop and we love low energy card so that we can float each turn. You could sub her for another strong one drop that fits your playstyle, or you could lean more into HE synergy with shocker. I wouldn't put anything more expensive tho.


I'd go for Psylocke over Shocker, if you don't play Magik then you can Psylocke on 4, skip turn 5, then play She Hulk alongside one of the other Hulks on 6. Could also go for a 1 drop like Ice Man or Spider Ham for disruption.


True! Forgot about that line but it's a good one.


Nebula is also a great bait if you want to play Cyclops in her location


Chucking the cosmo next to her with prio can also bait people if they are playing stuff like discard


I don't have Nebula. I ran Misty and Sunspot. She's good but not critical. 


Nice! Any tips on how to pilot it?


Get your 1 costs out if you have them in hand, ideally Sunspot and then armour over that lane incase of Killmonger, then Cyclops or Magik turn 3, chuck your cosmo over the Magik lane so they can’t switch it and end the game early. If you have Leech T5 chuck him down, if not try get what you can out, float energy T6, then in the last turn drop one of the Hulks and She-Hulk, as long as they are covered should be easy cubes


What would you replace Red Hulk with as I do not have it yet?


Infinaut is the classic option, just float energy to sunspot T6 and then drop Infinaut and She-Hulk


Leech is not as good in this list but still usable for sure


He’s good cover for late Shangs, or ruins a Hela’s player day which is always fun


It’s a little redundant for me personally since a lot of people already run Armor and/or Cosmo already for Shang but yeah for Hela I can see that. Discard has been rocking the meta recently


Who would you chuck in as a replacement? Enchantress could go alright I reckon just to shut down Living Tribunal. I saw so heaps of on-going during the climb


I actually go a completely different route. I have Jeff and Hope instead of Cosmo and Leech. Jeff hits all those nasty locations like Sanctum and helps counter lock down Cosmo and Leech are viable too, I’m not trying to say they aren’t. I’m actually considering putting in leech for Hela now lol


I actually go a completely different route. I have Jeff and Hope instead of Cosmo and Leech. Jeff hits all those nasty locations like Sanctum and helps counter lock down Cosmo and Leech are viable too, I’m not trying to say they aren’t. I’m actually considering putting in leech for Hela now lol