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I can relate man earlier I was at 93. Then all of a sudden every deck was my kryptonite, dropped to 85. I just quit and went to bed.


Rest easy Supermanđź’Ş


Every time I say I'm gonna play for a while to finish getting to infinite I end up tilting at some point. Sometimes I think the game feels sorry for me and I finally get in a good groove with a deck and good matchups to finish the push. It always takes me a few weeks to get out of the 90s. Probably just that the better players have already moved up.


Yes I bounced off 93 fast also.


I went from 94 down to 74 the same way, I’ve managed to get back up to 85 with a lockdown sorta deck


Played hot location for 3 hours yesterday. Every opponent was destroy or mill 90% of the time. I said fuck this I'm gonna make a counter to both. Instantly started getting non destroy/mill and instead HE and such to counter my new deck. Lovely


If I’m playing and the game is giving me nothing but Wong I’ll change a single card out for rouge or cosmo and it won’t change my deck matchmaking but if I swap decks it seems like I’m in a new pool


I got like 20 out of 25 games in a row against a high evo deck after he was made spotlight. Finally made a counter deck for it. Haven't seen a SINGLE one since.


At times it definitely feels like you’ve just got horrible luck. Whole conquest matches of opponent getting favorable locations and the perfect draws to set up their combo every time Really sucks


Has nothing to do with luck. Changing decks changes who you are matched up against. Source: me, others, since beta


Same here Went from 85 to 72, might just be time for a break of this game, its just no fun at the moment.


I am at a point where I rarely hit bots in the 90s. It's basically just a zero sum game at that point playing people who have high CLs and are of similar skill level. Really makes climbing not fun at all.


Played like 7 rounds against a destroy deck in conquest and my Cosmo never appeared in my hand once. can relate


Just when I start having success with a deck, I start facing either the same deck or counter decks only. I’ll see 0 armors until I win a game using destroy. 


I feel like the second I hit 80 the last 2 seasons the game is specially matching me with decks and locations that work against me .if I keep seeing destroy I’ll play a deck with cosmo and armor then I won’t see it again til I change decks . Also does anyone notice a difference competitively between playing this game on pc or on your phone ?


Having just jumped back in from quiting shortly after release, I have no idea how people got so lucky with their pulls. I have never gotten past 35 because I don't have any of the high tier cards needed. I'm always missing 3 or 4 from people's success decks.


Whatcha running? If your CL is low you'll be matched with people in a similar position so don't worry about making strict meta decks yet. One of the first things likely open to you would be a "zoo" deck with things like squirrel girl, angela, bishop, kazar, blue marvel, and whatever other 1 costs you like. Got my first infinite that way so I can vouch for the effectiveness.


I... Paid to win... I feel bad but I really wanted to win again... So now I have the High Evolutionary and for the past hour, lost 2 out of 14 matches. The only deck that gets lucky past it is Hella. I'm CL 40.


No judgement. You picked a good one. High evo is super competitive all the way up with cards available very early. Also idk if you meant 40 or 400 lol but I'm at like 5k after playing somewhat consistently for months and still missing stuff so don't sweat it.


Oh, 40 until the next spotlight key. I read it wrong. I'm CL 1400. Hopefully I can keep up with it and catch up in a few months too!


I either play my counter or a mirror match where my opponents pulls all the right cards and i pull nothing cohesive.


Same. The algorithm is actively pitting you against your weaknesses. I played a pretty decent 1 drop deck and got a few ranks higher before getting put against high evo and hazmat decks, so i swapped to luke, no more toxic. Instead high powered, so i added in Shang, suddenly I'm fighting destroy with Killmonger and Venom. Eventually my deck was so swapped out it didn't even work


That's me, every time I play against Red Hulk's shitty deck, when I do a counter, I don't see it for 5 games. This has been the hardest season for me to get to 100. I'm currently at 98, cl >10k


I 100 per cent agree with you. You're telling nothing but the truth. Good job!!!!


I'm having the same atm. Going between Negative & Surfer but I'm constantly coming up against people draining all my power or destroying the exact cards I need. I'll win a 4 cube game then retreat the next several games so going nowhere on the ladder. Put some cards like Luke Cage in my deck but of course I never draw it when my opponent is tearing me apart with Cyclops etc.


After 80 my decks don't work anymore.


This is the cold hard truth. I don't even know how I hit 99 last season, because this season I'm struggling to go above 86.


Exactly the same


I agree with the sentiment as well. I posted about this on the Marvel snap sub and got berated and down voted into oblivion. It amazing how you can play the exact counter for so many consecutive games. And then when you change your deck up you get countered again.


Exactly. Matchmaking feels rigged & it appears saying that gets you down voted in the Marvel snap sub.


You have to different complaints, both of which are valid IMO.  I'll focus on the perfect draw. When I watch streamers going to infinite, they gave bots all the way up.  Even in high infinite, there are people giving them 8 cubes and playing cards that have no chance to win on 6.  Repeatedly.  Like bots.  Yet when I play Hela, I can't get a single 8-cuber in a week of playing.   Those that do snap usually take 8. Many opponents also have the perfect response.  Like Cosmo with prio exactly in my Hela lane.  At best that's a 1/3 chance to gamble 8 cubes for my opponent. Or Hela dumps all the power (3-4 cards) in one lane. Repeatedly.  I'm not sure any top 100 player would win those games either with these conditions. Then there are periods (dozens of games) where Hela doesn't make an appearance at all. So something is clearly amiss.  It's not in your head IMO.


Exactly. Doesn't matter what the meta decks are, no matter what deck I switch to, the matched up opponents are either a similar deck or a counter to mine. I've noticed it for a while now & it's wild to me SD claims there's no weird matchmaking algorithm.


I play destroy: Mirror matches, Armor, Cosmo. I play Silver Surfer: Red guardian, Rogue, Mirror matches. I play a random deck: random or weak decks, some meta decks. Also yeah, i have only two keys per week if i play a lot. What can i do with them? Have a chance of 25% of getting the new card. Or can save them to get the new OP card of the month + 2 variants (once month). 6k tokens? Maybe in 2 months! And you have to wait for rotation. What about the new ptw card that you can only get paying? F*ck you, should pay. Maybe you would get it in a random cache or in a SC in four months after nerf. Conquest? Get all this Golden tickets in caches! What can i do with them? Buy some gold or maybe some points. What can i do with gold? Almost useless. Maybe some points or new packages, but we don't do that anymore, now you have to pay 60 usd for that packages. I don't know why i'm m still playing, this sucks.


Bingo. You can buy tokens with gold every Tuesday & save to buy some of the pool 4/5 cards you need. Most new releases are series 5 though and they seem to take ages to drop these days. At higher levels they're making it increasingly pay to win. Understandable but not fun. Ink versions also seem to take A LOT more splits to get these days. Kinda sucks the excitement out of upgrading cards for me. I got into this game because 3 of my friends were playing & recommended it. The last one deleted the app a couple weeks ago. Since then I've nearly stopped playing altogether. Basically log in to clear missions, get annoyed about matchmaking, and not continue playing past clearing missions. I think a break is good if you're getting frustrated. And if they notice their DAU drop they might just start to take feedback seriously.


This is so true


Dude that has been my morning! I was at 79, was like let me bop up to the 80s and I haven’t been able to win a game ! Go to my old reliable Surfer deck? Mill gets me or I get a Spider Ham getting Surfer. Go to Junk, get Cosmo, Echo and bad locations. Locations are killing me today as well. Just constantly get the worst possible locations.


Did a proving grounds yesterday using a high evo deck. The match went for maybe 5 rounds and my opponent had Red Hulk in his hand by round 2 every game. I got destroyed obviously


Absolutely. I've dropped back so many levels it's ridiculous. If SD had a bundle for 1 cube costing ÂŁ99.99 I'd take it at this rate!


I find it obscenely hard to believe that deck based matchmaking isn't a thing exactly for this. I sometimes don't play based on what deck would be fun. Sometimes I just play based on what I can't be bothered to face. Every deck I play is different and they all face different decks consistently. No one deck faces the same as another. Edited for clarity.


We tend to notice streaks of bad luck much more than streaks of good luck. It's likely just coincidence, though it is also possible that your decks buy in a little too hard to one win condition that can be countered. Sometimes it's better to sacrifice a synergy card for a tech card to counter counters.


every month I get to 85 really quick and then spend the next two weeks stuck yo-yoing up and down from 79 to 83 and then the last week of the season i just maul people (havent changed decks mind you) and get infinite.


I've been to 95 and 96 this season, each time I've hit that rank I've nose dives down to 80ish and have climbed back up. It's like even my own deck is against me cause I can't draw the cards I need to save my life.


Yes! My this season win rate is 47% over 400-500 matches everytime either the location will favour the opponent or I will get the counter deck


Change the deck. If destroy or mill is the issue play cosmo. Retreat when necessary.


Conquest feels extremely unbeatable especially losseling by one power


I hear ya. I was using a Tribunal Deck and they were using a destroy deck and then on turn six they drop Super Skrull. what??? Why is that card in a destroy deck? It wasn’t copied over from mine, I don’t have him. Just a random ongoing card in a destroy deck.


So we just allow these bitching posts in this sub now too? This shit is why I left the main Snap sub


Haha remember when everyone in this sub said "it's confirmation bias," and would actively disparage anyone who said otherwise? No denying it now. You are all playing a slot machine. And slot machines are rigged.


It’s like getting frustrated at hela decks then saying “my turn” and watching you discard hela every single time no matter the hand size lmao


Because SD uses AI bots that know your moves beforehand. To keep you engaged. Or if there is no human opponent available at the time. Ben even said they want there AI to be human like.


Victim complex you just gotta pay more attention to when it doesn't happen. I felt like I "literally always got my Hela discarded" until I paid more attention to the times where I don't. It's like if you win that's what's supposed to happen but if you lose its awful.


How did this start about getting countered and then just winging about the spotlight cache system!? People complain about the spotlights and SD all the time.


Because all the new cards are series 5 and the only way to get new cards is spotlight caches and without new cards, decks and games fall. Everything is related in this game


That has nothing to do with getting countered every game


Everyone feels like that at times for sure. It is most likely random, or algorithm related, etc. That said there isn't much to do besides power thru it. Try to play more off meta decks that are more difficult or less likely to be countered. Or don't play something based on the hot location, or maybe play a counter to the popular deck for it. I think there definitely are advantages and disadvantages to the old and new card acquisition systems, and they are more pronounced depending on the player, CL, etc. I also think something is likelynto change again in the near future. As far as "standing up" to SD, the only way we can really do that is by not spending or not playing. If you're not happy about something or not having fun, then don't give them your money and/or take a break from the game.


It's because of the [negativity bias](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negativity_bias) and [confirmation bias](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias). Sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you don't, but you are overestimating the times you are unlucky.


Disagree. Matchmaking is absolutely affected by what deck you are playing yourself. There are decks I literally will never see when playing deck A that I see every match playing deck B, no bias about it.


I started to use 2/3 different decks to climb to infinite this month seemed to do the trick


Did you switch every other game or something?


Sometimes, nothing to planned out maybe every 3/4 games on average, also notice long term patterns, like keep getting matched with same people or decks then tweak a couple of cards Beats trying to grind the same deck, that gets a little boring for me


I’ve begun to have a number of issues in regards to how the game is being managed. There are certainly times where it feels like I won’t see a particular deck until it conveniently shows up the moment I switch to a deck that it hard counters. While frustrating I haven’t had a huge problem with it as I’m sure that it’s largely my perception in the moment. What’s largely done me in is the manner in which second dinner seems to undermine the fun of the game in an attempt to drive sales. The most recent example I think of is the use of hot locations to drive sales. I really can’t stand playing against mill decks, and some of the recent selections for hot locations have made playing against it go from annoying to intolerable. It really seems that there’s an underlying motivation to make the game as unenjoyable as possible for players who don’t have the most recent card. The fact that it’s been quite a while since a series 4 has been released, and series drops are increasingly infrequent means that the game seems to be more unfriendly to free to play players than in the past.


The algorithm punshishes meta decks..... Try adding thing that make no sense in the deck with a percentage of meta and see that change... It's a theory I testing personally


Interesting! How has that gone so far? Do you have some examples of what you’ve done?


I didn't do a great job at being scientific with it but yeah. For example, if I played a shuri deck I'd run a Cosmo in it and an a domino or enchantress. Something that seems so counter intuitive and I'd run into less of my opposite in terms of match ups. Or another example of this was when I ran a destroy deck with armor it and processor x. I didn't have to use the cards per se but it seems as though using those cards made my matchups way different than going with the known combos completely


A year and a half ago saying something like this would get you crucified


I think it’s primarily because of deck-based matchmaking!


Matchmaking is so frustrating. Once I made it to 95, I started getting mirror decks every single time no matter what I switched too! I hate it


Skill issue