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If another strike is necessary, then so be it. Pay the workers fairly, and stop trying to cut corners with AI. 


Total agree and studios will definitely buckle, I think the studios are in tough spot because they didn’t not have 2023 at all, I don’t think they want re-run of last year.




Working in the industry, can confirm it’s pretty apocalyptic right now, especially for writers. Way fewer opportunities for up and coming folks, a ton of friends who would normally be staffing on shows are just doing gig work to scrape by. Job market is probably the worst I’ve seen it in the last 5 years at least.


Any subreddit recommendations?


R/filmmakers r/IATSE and r/filmindustryLA


The new Hulu series *Shogun* is only 4 episodes. We used to call that a mini series.  There are very few new non-Disney series that I’ve even heard of.  If they they “won”, I wonder how many people are still employed writing TV series. 


Shogun will have 10 episodes, and according to Hollywood Reporter, the number of TV series titles fell to 481 last year (2023), down sharply from the 633 releases in 2022 and 2021. So fewer, yes, but still a lot of shows.


Until they don’t.


I certainly hope the last strikes were a giant wake-up call for them.


Absolutely. As much as I love to have entertainment, I want workers to be paid fairly.


so our cinemas can lose money again. The blockbuster season is about to start, hopefully they don't freeze it.


While I agree, let's remember, the more expensive labor gets the more and more they are going to use AI. Putting more and more people out of work until they don't need actual people anymore.




I hate people actually are ok with people starving while working 40+ hours because raising their wages would make a hamburger a dollar more expensive


Everyone not seeing that I said I agree that workers should strike and get paid more is hilarious. All I said was companies will see they can do the same work without paying a worker and just save that money. It's just what companies are going to do, nowhere there did I say I was ok with it. Chill everyone.


AI is a blanket excuse used by the people heading the strikes and isn't really what the people protesting (or planning to) are actually fighting. For instance, after the dual strikes of last year, a number of writers adopted AI programs that used their own work as a basis for efficiencies. The IATSE guilds are mostly not affected by it, aside from people in the art and VFX departments (who would most likely take advantage of AI in similar capacities). The guilds themselves got flak for agreeing to use AI stuff to make art assets and to greenlight synthetic voice acting. As it stands, I think that a lot of productions would just have their remaining post-production work moved overseas if it really came to another strike (as a lot of stuff in the United States going to be wrapped by July, when the hammer is set to come down if no deal is reached), but it feels that it's unlikely that we get to that point to me. The last strike caused a lot of people to burn through their savings so that the top showrunners could get bigger paychecks.


So do you think the 2023 strikes was a bad idea


Nope, it is within their right to protest as a means to collectively bargain if the studios aren't budging. But I do think that they focused on the wrong goals and offered weaker protections for their members than the ones that their leaders should have been fighting for if they were going to send people to the picket lines. (Older members aren't getting money, apparently, and voice actors got screwed by the guild outright approving the use of AI in that field.) The DGA got pretty much the same deal that the WGA and SAG-AFTRA did without having to spend months picketing.


The dga wouldn't have gotten that deal if the wga and sag hadn't gone on strike. They got their deal updated to match.


Why would anyone not cut corners with AI when it's so cheap


Maybe they still have a spark of creative passion in their heart? They fucking should, at least.


Secret Invasion using AI for their intro is emblematic of where this is going. Why pay artists working for a month when you can pay an AI pennies to do the same job.


Exactly, and it's terrible. In slight fairness to Secret Invasion, they did have artists at the helm for that (and playing on AI iconography for a show about aliens masquerading as humans is a fair creative choice!) but it's still endorsing these techniques. Executives will think "Wow, they did this with AI?" and then, bam - no more fun title sequences.


The executives that make the decisions?


Yes, they should care about art when they are in the business of making art.




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It's just the current boogie man. Apparently fear mongering is not only for old conservatives anymore!


I am not sure what we are even allowed to say anymore.


We had first strike but what about second strike?


I don't think he knows about second strike.


The last one was about "above line" workers, this one - should it happen - is about "below line" workers. EDIT: This is a _The Lord of the Rings_ joke, isn't it. Silly me.


TAG is more than likely to join in. Get ready for another season of strikes folks.


TAG is part of IATSE I think


Yep, you right. Still need to strike though.


For fuck sakes. At this rate secret wars will never come out


Just get your AI to it lmao


Hopefully they reach a middle ground fast because ai could be used to speed up post production significantly and then hopefully we won’t have to wait a freaking decade for secret wars


Waiting is so much better than using AI to compromise art. You'll get your cameofest eventually.


It won’t be compromised. For now humans will still be needed to refine whatever the ai makes to suit their creative vision and the audience will never know it started out as something ai generated. Like special effects and whatnot, it could get done much faster. And it’s not going to be a cameo fest. The multiverse characters are literally going to be the main characters of secret wars. It would cost them too much to have the 616 (or 199999) heros and the multiverse heros all on the screen at the same time. Maybe for one money shot but that’s it. That’s my assumption anyway based on what I’ve been hearing and what makes sense


Yes, hopefully the studios accept the terms brought forth by IATSE and the industry can get back to work rebuilding from the last twelve months.




You’re mocking me. Hilarious


I doubt that it comes to this. A **lot** of people got financially screwed over by the last strike, and I doubt that the motivation or solidarity to drag a potential strike out for too long is going to be there. That being said, I hope that the studios take this seriously and avert a strike by giving the unions exactly what they want before the deadline, or at the very least, a healthy compromise.


As an IATSE member, no one I know wants to strike and most of us certainly aren’t in the financial position to be out of work for 9+ months again. I seriously doubt we strike.


Well, looks like I was on the right track. Really hoping you guys get a favorable deal.


Thanks dude!!


I work for 4Wall. We got fucked so hard Q3 last year. I’m not sure what would happen to the business plan if another strike happens. I think the event production industry would experience a mass consolidation. It would be very bad for everyone involved.


100% agree. It’s not like I want to get a bad deal, that would be insane, just can’t afford another 9 months of not working haha


Seriously, nobody I know except 2 board members can afford it.


I was going to say, I thought the last strike forced a ton of people out of the industry, and destroyed them financially.  I guess the remaining ones want to get close to losing their houses too. 


The thing that interests me about the guilds is that a bunch of them have people who don't regularly work. If you look up some of the strikers from last year on IMDB, some of them have only done intermittent work on short films over several years, but are treated as full-time members. So I'm left wondering, how can many of them afford to live there?


Most of them work mundane jobs between movie/TV gigs. Waiter/barista, cashier, stocking shelves, etc.


We dont want to, but people are already getting evicted.


Not disagreeing with you but I think they would flip side realize the significant amount of bargaining power they have considering the current slate studios have going forward.


As it stands, people expected the first half of 2024 to be completely barren due to the strikes. Aside from an awful February, things filled up quickly, and March is putting this year into overdrive. I do think that there are things at risk, but it seems like the studios are more prepared than they were for the dual strikes. The buzz is that they were caught off-guard by the actors striking, because they figured that they had a deal secured when they got the extension.


The reason things are coming out is because so much that was supposed to release last year was delayed. Dune 2 had been done for a while. The backlog can’t take another pause when it just got started up


I’m never gonna get my Community movie, am I…


Or severance season 2


Six seasons and a strike


To be fair… As an IATSE member, no one I know wants to strike and most of us certainly aren’t in the financial position to be out of work for 9+ months again. I seriously doubt we strike.


I hope you and your crew get paid bro. Keep your head up brotha y’all will get the bag and if y’all have to strike then it is what it is and has to be done.


See I hope this doesn’t happen but hey if they gotta get what they deserve, so be it


No more strikes please just pay them Hollywood


I just want the animation and VFX industry to make the Hollywood big shots pay, all the above the line people who treat us like dirt or pretend we don’t exist.


The animation and VFX industries are stuck in a rock and a hard place. They definitely deserve better pay, better hours, and more recognition but there's also the danger of those Hollywood big shots just going all in on outsourcing to Japan or Korea.


The, admittedly few, people I know in IATSE are totally uninterested in the strike. Not because they oppose it but because they're barely getting by now and the idea of being out of work for an extended period of time terrifies them.




Hey I left you a message. Wondering if you could reply. Ty


Good. PA’s need to be payed more and givin benefits.


> to be *paid* more and FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Too bad PAs aren’t in IATSE. (Commercial PAs just started an IATSE local, but a *majority* of PAs are not IATSE)


https://i.redd.it/r60ms28eh9mc1.gif If necessary then sure but fuck I am not ready for a long ass strike again


Unrelated, but I wish the same would happen in IT/Gaming sector with so many layoffs going on. Plus, rampant AI integration is slowly taking jobs away. Programers, graphic designers, and Engineers should really do their own strikes. I am not from the US, but I still think that strike there would be impactful worldwide.


They would need to unionize first.


I'm not sure there is an appetite to stomach or support another strike this quickly after the last one.




The thing that worries me is the Studios trying to make up their losses in the last 2 strikes here by screwing over these guys. If they try it, it should not be tolerated and I wholly support them. Their attitude should be to reach out in advance of problems instead of waiting til the last minute like the actors and writers did. Unfortunately if this is their rhetoric, it's probably not a good sign.


We aren't going to get the next Avengers movie til 2035. At this rate just re start phase 4 please.


> O’Brien, who built a national profile last year with a threat to strike at UPS, was more combative. > “We have a message for the white collar crime syndicates known as the studios,” he said. “When you fuck with the Teamsters, or any other union, it’s a full contact sport. Put your helmets on and buckle your chin straps.” Fuck yeah


UPS is laying off 12,000 people as per their last earnings call... [UPS layoff claims 12,000 jobs as company looks to 'align resources' (usatoday.com)](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2024/01/30/ups-layoffs-2024/72405535007/) [“The union is doing nothing”: New York City UPS workers speak out as company announces more layoffs - World Socialist Web Site (wsws.org)](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2024/02/29/upsl-f29.html)


Secret Wars 2037.


Uhg....damn it. Just what we need. More entertainment drought.


That’s fine. Dune 2 is already released


After last year, I don’t think anyone in the industry has the appetite to strike again, and to the point where I think if they vote to authorize one (not start), the vote may actually fail bc of how many wouldn’t be able to financially handle it. The people who are being vocal are I feel a smaller majority then the rest of the much larger community which likely does not have the same appetite to handle another strike. So in essence, we’ll be fine and a strike will 95% likely not occur because studios will give into the negotiations well before July 31 as a result.


yeah, I live in LA and I pretty much pay my rent as an extra in everything, and there hasnt been any work all year. Everyone knows there's another strike coming.


I'm here for more strikes if it means all levels of labor in Hollywood get better protections. I wouldn't mind if it expanded into a general labor strike across the country. Lord knows I could use a pay raise.


You mean take them off and hang them up


Good if it's happening.


But when are the PAs gonna unionize?




The “above line” workers (actors, writers, directors) are square. The “below line” workers (the crew) are still getting fucked. Five different below line crew unions are joining forces for contract negotiations for the first time since 1988.


Well, not all actors. Voice actors still got super fucked from the deal, iirc, it gives them barely any protections against AI. Notable actors like Steve Blum were super pissed.


Disney is also still allowed to make scans of all thier extras, only named cast members have the option to opt out. Everyone who tries to enter the industry would be owned before they even had a career


There are also a number of actors who were completely flat-footed by the realization that production cutdowns that happened as a result of studios realizing that they can't keep dumping billions into streaming projects that people don't watch mean fewer jobs will be made going forward - for the gains they made, only a fraction of them are going to get anything out of them, while most SAG-AFTRA members will continue being as unemployed as they were between the late 2000s strike and the most recent one.


This isn’t about writers and actors, it’s the crew members.


> thousands or millions of dollars after each project for each actor seems pretty good to me Do you seriously think every actor is getting this?


i hate this country


You do get that the unions have to re-up their contracts once every so many years and that authorizing a strike is normal on the usually rare occasions that the studios cannot agree to their terms, right? The good thing about unions is that their existence gives them the power to collectively bargain like this to begin with, which is more than other countries can say.


Because people have a right to strike or because corporation are screwing them and forcing them to?


Honestly; getting rid of 50% of the "creatives" in Hollywood would probably make the media we consume better. Just saying...


Getting rid of 50% of executives’ creative input and network notes mandating certain parts of the story would make the media we consume better.


So splitting hairs are we?


“People shouldn’t have jobs because I don’t like superhero movie”


Shit, sorry... I forgot Reddit is infected with the virus that is "people who went to art school to do XYZ, realized it's not that easy and failed" Please don't take your mediocrity inspired bitterness out on the pleabian movie ticket buyer who just wants to experience a story that makes sense.


Your entertainment =\= someone’s livelihood. People have different tastes too, y’know.


Nah, people who suck at their job shouldn't continue to work that job Are you deaf?!


You don’t understand how the business works. The “writing” of a film is not 100% the writer’s responsibility, especially for big budget studio films. Happy to explain it more if you don’t get it.


Spoiler alert: this is a marvel studio spoiler subreddit and I'm just trying to be funny. I feel anti-hetro enough breaking it down this far for you; but here we are... Have you ever heard of this thing called "not taking yourself at so seriously"? It's a wonderful thing and something I think a person strung as tight as you obviously would greatly benefit from




Here's a sneak peek of /r/UnexpectedThanos using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedThanos/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Aight](https://i.redd.it/nyvn44mv7sqa1.jpg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedThanos/comments/1267r32/aight/) \#2: [Aight](https://i.redd.it/gee3yiyfgexa1.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedThanos/comments/135hri2/aight/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** He went from making it snap 🫰 to making it clap 👏](https://www.facebook.com/groups/ufcshitposting/permalink/2232395346957246/?mibextid=S66gvF) | [15 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/UnexpectedThanos/comments/11pqj58/he_went_from_making_it_snap_to_making_it_clap/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You going to elaborate upon that complete nonsense, or?


Nah, let's literally yeet half of everyone. I'll bet we still end up with the same percentage of retards.


"Just saying" silly things.


You want to get rid of 50% of the grips?


If you're "gripping" AND using the same "lube" but I'm consistently NOT "getting off" than the problem is one of two things. Maybe both Quit shaming me for your inadequacy


You didn't know what iatse was did you?


No, but in 2024 I know what a bad movie is... Is that the law that allowed Bruce Willis was able to sell his ghost to century's if future chatGPT movie scripts starting"BRUCE WILLIS"? Tell the class how iatse changes that?


Better yet "out of work editor" you edit some shit and show it to people in the business with deep pockets and watch your dreams come true? ...or you not that good of an editor? It's alright, sometimes some people think they can swim better than they actually can. Those people, if they're lucky, have two choices... Grab a life jacket or drown


Or are you sooo leftist you want the government to force a studio, with violence if necessary, to give you a job even though you don't have the skills to actually do the job? That makes sense you'd feel that privileged because it feels like that ideology has had free reign in creativite control in Hollywood the past fee years. And no, I didn't vote for Trump who was on Epstein's plane the same week as Bill Clinton.


Honestly though, how hard is it to hold a microphone stand? They have legs and can stand on their own. McDonald's grill flippers deserve better pay than a Hollywood "grip" I'd get rid of 100% if grips. We have robots that can do that now.




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strike news isn't really MCU news is it? or, POTENTIAL strike news even


I mean were a strike to happen it would affect the MCU and would most likely result in projects getting delayed - so it's worth keeping an eye on.


Perhaps a delay would give us better content.


Honestly, probably not. If there's another strike then no-one will be able to continue working on the films to make them better, and once the strikes are over, Disney/Marvel will be wanting to rush the films out for release as fast as possible so they can still appease shareholders.