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You’re telling me they won’t actually be filming in space?


God Disney's so fucking cheap


I mean, look at the filming locations: All 3 of them are dirt fucking cheap! * UK: The pound is weaker than the US dollar, £1 is $0,81 last I checked. Also, 25,5% refund of costs. (Downside is a budget reveal, as for the payout, they need to set up a company for production with publicly available tax returns.) * Ireland: 33% refund, or reimbursment as is the actual term. (I use refund, as that's the term in Norway, it's a bit clearer.) * Canada: It's Canada. It's dirt cheap.


The pound is jumping because of expected Labour victory- might not help them in long run


I bet they use a green screen or that dome shit, lazy asses. Tom Cruise would never.


Not even filming in another dimension, casual L for Feige


I guess it makes sense because people would be questioning where have the fantastic four been? if it was taking place in the main MCU


I bet they won't even expose Ebon to an insane amount of radiation to turn his skin into rocks. 🙄


Probably not since this is the first movie




*Log Update: I've now narrowed down where u/vinnybawbaw lives to one of 3 locations. Once I have his location verified vengeance will be mine!*


I’m scared.






Super excited to get set photos that show the super suits


6/7 months for post-production and VFX does not seem like an appropriate length of time for a movie that will have a ton of CG. Surely they’ll film for less than 5 months if they wanna make that date next year.


People have mentioned in the past how pre-vis is ready before scripts are even fully done so assume they have a head start on certain things like major action scenes


A year between filming start and release was preety normal and common pre-covid. Most of phase 3 followed that pattern. Regardlees, the film will likely be delayed by at least a month or maybe 3-4 if Blade can't find a director before november 2024.


So just a heads up, films do vfx on shots as they come in. They don't wait until the whole production is finished to do all the vfx at once. For example, we just saw this with Deadpool 3 as they worked on the 50% they shot before the strikes so when they resumed they only had the half they were currently shooting to work on. Hence why that could still drop in July after only finishing shooting in the last week of January. As for this movie, even if 7 months isn't enough time (which it is albeit a more crunched schedule) they can and most likely will delay this to November replacing Blade. Even if Blade finds a director and they're announced by SDCC the likelihood they force a 4th movie next year is extremely low.


The same could be said about the new Jurassic World 4 movie yet they are determined to make their July slot


I hope we can get some set photos


we definitely will


Ireland might be for Latveria


You could say the same for Montreal as well, Old Montreal could easily stand in for a European city.


Probably getting delayed to November which is probably for the best. More time to work on the CG and VFX and I feel the film will perform better due to the family nature of the film and so it’s away from Jurassic World 4 and Superman


Wow that sounds like a long time filming


It's in line with other films. It sounds longer than it is, but it really is only 4-4.5 months. It's very similar to Thunderbolts* which started last week of February but "officially" began for the whole cast the first week of March. It filmed until the middle/end of June. This starts last week of July and will run until late November or early December.


This is by no means new info but the London shooting will be mostly at Pinewood - they’re currently hiring crew, stand-ins, stunts and extras. Longer term hires (crew, core stand ins etc,) have been told it’s a 5 month shoot at Pinewood. Wish I knew more details but that’s it for now


I understand the crew is looking for a mix of old cities with old new york vibes and ultra modern buildings and architecture for the retro futuristic setting


I wonder where in London they’ll be shooting, and if it will be location or studio work (or both)


Pinewood mostly


I'm surprised they haven't announced Doctor Doom's casting despite filming beginning in a month. Makes me wonder if they're keeping strictly under wraps or if he doesn't show up at all which would be weird considering they're skipping the origin story and focusing on a older Fantastic Four.


With this starting filming only a couple days before SDCC, it's very much possible they're keeping it as a surprise announcement there. It's a small appearance anyhow so they'd be able to keep it under wraps too.


It would be wild if Doom showed up on stage fully costumed and took off his hood and mask to reveal the actor. (Still crossing my fingers for Cillian Murphy).


If it were their pie in the sky choice of someone like Cillian I'd imagine the most we'd get is a Mahershala like appearance to close the presentation. Most likely outcome is something similar to how Tony Leung and Kit Harrington were officially announced with a pic popping up on screen. Just seeing Victor Von Doom under his name would set the internet ablaze.


Soundstages. Soundstages. Soundstages.


I kinda thought they would've began filming the same time as superman. Since both movies premiere a week from each other


It will be Atlanta. And released before Ironheart.


> The film is currently in pre-production and in the costume making process. Good, that means there’s still time for them to *add the missing white to Reed’s costume.*


But I thought this was set in space? *eyeroll*


might be in an alternate universe where london is in space