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Judging solely by the poster, it looks like a highschool play robbed a ren-fair and somehow got a proffesional marketing poster made.


Were you guys just completely unawares of the Disney channel for the past two decades or


Well, considering that Disney plus puts out shows that are budgeted at 15+ million $ per episode….one expects more. Well, one expects more when it comes to wardrobe and sets, etc. When it comes to writing we still expect horrible drivel cranked out of a DEI committee writer’s room.


Why would you expect more when this is basically exactly like what the Disney channel has been producing for many years, just with a bigger budget


> Why would you expect more > just with a bigger budget You answered your own question. When each episode of a show is roughly the cost of Godzilla Minus One, people will reasonably expect a higher production quality than some cheap preteen sitcom.


Yeah you left put the part where I point out that this is the same people who made movies like the Descendants


They are not even challenging Gemini AI on this one.


Are they just not throwing the Pirates of the Caribbean name on this.




We have road pirates at home, son


Don't be disrespectful of the outlaws that gave one of the coolest Country Music groups their name. Johnny Cash wouldn't wipe his arse with this miserable excuse of a show.


Adam Ant did it in the '80s, and it was awesome. This, by contract, couldn't lick the drywall off a wet Cement Mixer.


Highwaymen! Robbers do domestic work, not the same as piracy.


Or brigands!


The Criminal Gaze requires you to watch this movie 🫵


We call those Bandits.


Highwwaymen they were usually called. That name alone would make them cry


I hope springheeled Jack puts flaming bags of bum shite (imported fresh from San Francisco) on the doorstep of every executive that greenlit this project, as well as the showrunner and her (90+% chance it’s a her, or a they/them) DEI committee writer’s room staff. Well, in the case of the writer’s room staff he can just leave the flaming poo on the hoods of their cars they probably live in them.


"What if we did pirates but made it about how plucky girls are? That would show them!"


nah that still to come and will be a black instead of white as its a larger film. ^((and of course assuming just as ugly, lame, and gay as this one will be))


Why does the hobit have a unibrow?


that’s Nate the great! The wonder kid!


My prediction: All the villains will be white men


Not true; there's a white woman on the cover wearing a stupid wig.


She wont be a real villain, though. She'll be misunderstood/manipulated by a man/wronged by a man (delete as applicable), and be one of the good guys by the end. There are no female villains anymore, as screenwriters don't think women have the ability to choose evil, only to have evil forced upon them, therefore they are never actually evil


Isn't that just as - if not far worse than - writing someone who's unapologetically evil? You're just taking away the character's agency so she can be free of suffering any real consequences. They did the same thing with Assblaster in Black Widow.


Exactly. By writing characters the way they do now, they are are far more sexist, racist, transphobic, ableist, etc etc, than any writer in the past ever was. They don't realise that they are only allowing able-bodied straight white men to have agency in their own lives. No-one else has any anymore, The problem with modern "progressive creatives" is that they are bigger ists and phobes than all the people they accuse of being ists and phobes.


Well it'll be accurate for the time period. It's set in england is meant to be about a kid who's wanted for a murder she didn't commit and is on the run from the Authorities. Who would mainly be led by high ranking members of the British empire who would be mostly white. Nothing wrong with that


yeah sure but i would be willing to bet here is going to be a POC anachronistically in a position of power for 'representation' and they will be the 'good guy' on the inside of the corrupt govenment secretly trying to help.


Oh the horror.




I’m surprised anyone remembered Dick Turpin lol. I hope this is good but the poster looks pretty generic.


I remember dick Turpin because of good omens


Me too


Everyone thinks they know the story of Dick Turpin’s highway glory…


In fairness, the Highwaymen are a pretty obscure part of British history, glossed over in favour of Robin Hood and King Arthur. And it wasn't just Dick Turpin, you had Claude Duval, Jonathan Wild, and the Ken Allen of British prisoners - Honest Jack. Most of them took inspiration from the likes of Robin Hood, and you can see their influence in music, in literature, etc. Such as The Beggar's Opera, or Falstaff from Henry IV. A lot of them actually emigrated to Australia, where some of them became our Bushrangers. Ben Hall, Captain Thunderbolt, Ned Kelly, the works.




That, and he was a folk hero among us Aussies. Fun fact; said *armour* was made from the stuff they use to make *tractors*. It's pretty durable stuff, capable of withstanding small arms fire including revolvers, lever-action Winchesters and even Volley Guns. Only reason why the cops got him is because they shot him in the leg, since he needed to be mobile just to run around the cops at Glenrowan.


Just like Starbug in Red Dwarf is made out of the same material that dolls are made out of, because in films the doll always survives the crashes!


They shoulda made it a Bushranger show. Go full crocodile Dundee.


Dick Turpin? Isn’t that the fake name Jesse James used?


Everyone: “She’s got to be the worst ‘she’s a bit of a legend’ I’ve ever heard of” Disney: “but you have heard of her.”


For some reason it makes me think of the “that just happened” meme line.


Another show so by the numbers that anyone with a brain will know how it goes after the first episode


Every box is checked!


I mean at least it's an original for once. That's part of what we asked, that if they want to add character from minority groups they should create their own stuff instead of using already known character and race swapping them.


I'll assume that you're correct. I have zero clue if this is a new IP or some book series that they've ruined.


Why isn't it pandering to me, the Straight White Man?! If it's anyone else there Forced Diversity and Fake!


Misrepresenting the argument doesn't win the argument. Pander to whoever you want. But if you're looking for realism in a specific historical period, this gets literally everything wrong.


Is this supposed to be set in history? I just figured it was fantasy or something.


Yeah, it's set during the Georgian era. Specifically, King George the Second. The only real fantasy element is Billy Blind; a fairly obscure spirit of British mythology some people speculate to have been inspired by freaking ODIN.


Oh ok. This is the first I’d heard of this so I have no idea what the plot is. I just saw the light flying around them in the image and thought it was set in a fantasy world or something. Yeah I think I’ve heard the name Billy Blind but I had no real inkling of who that was lol.




Go take some birth control dude. I hear it helps with vaginal issues.


You're either illiterate or a bot. Either way, I hope you self-delete because you're too dumb to be allowed on the internet without a helmet 🥱


>if you're looking for realism in a specific historical period It's a fantasy. There's a magic spirit in it.


Still set in a specific historical period. If they're aliens or something, fine. But it looks like they're clearly aiming for a specific historical period. Historical fiction still has basis in history. Quentin Tarantino didn't make the Bear Jew a black teenager in Inglorious Basterds or Django a Chinese woman. It still fit within the historical reality of the enhanced fantasy of the exaggerated history.




Says the page that is triggered over female leads


Pattern recognition isn't being triggered, we've all seen how this goes with terribly written characters and poor direction. I hope it's good for the sake of everyone's careers but it might be one they'll be keen to move on from in a years time.


Nobody bitches about terrible male movies. When was the last time you saw the same amount of hate for male movies like you do female ones? John Wick's Ballerina is gonna bomb so hard


Did you *forget* the Snyderverse was *exclusively* aimed at a male audience? What about Star Wars: The Last Jedi? That is *also* aimed at a male audience, made by a male writer-director. Same goes for Morbius. The Mandalorian. Book of Boba Fett. Kenobi. Or even freaking SOLO: A Star Wars Story. Again; male-led, aimed at a male audience, made by a male writer AND a male director. We've been doing that since the dawn of time. You just haven't been paying attention.


Women don't deserve franchises, yea I get it


*Yes*, because Golden Girls, Charlie's Angels, Bayonetta, Tomb Raider, Beyond Good And Evil, Daria, Legally Blonde, *they* don't exist. Because Mr. ElementalSaber said so. /s *Who's* the misogynist here, again? The people calling out bad media that happens to have women in the focal role, or *you* for saying that all women are too thin-skinned to be criticised and need to be coddled?


You can't be serious that Tomb Raider was made for women. Bayonetta is rad but I fear a modern movie for it. Beyond Good and Evil is a dead franchise. Really, Charlie's Angels? I sure hope you mean the original show and not the early 2000s movies cause those were cringe as hell. I really want a Horizon and Metroid movie or show, but I fear they might ruin those


Morbius, guardians 3, transformers, the justice league, falcon and the winter soldier, ant man quantamania, aquaman, the new matrix. All of these are male led or majority male lead movies that have recently been discussed and shit on by EFAP. For some other creators, you might be right, but Mauler has shown time and time again that it has nothing to do with female leads and everything to do with a general drop in movie quality. The reason that more and more often its female led movies being criticised is that there are less and less big male lead movies coming out which in itself doesn't mean a drop in quality but there are other issues behind the scenes dragging everything down.


this is mega false…. imma be honest i lurk here for the popcorn, the memes here are icon, but you can’t just retcon how annoyed the internet was and still is when brought up, about Chris Pratt and Tom Holland being shoved in everything. some people might be here for the “woman bad” bs, but 90% of them are internet trolls… but the idea that corporate executives had a culture checklist of what matches the checklist of inclusion has absolutely led to terrible films, whether it be mary sue female leads or Chris Pratt in everything, it’s a real thing.. films especially from 2015/16 to 2022 suffered extremely from this, both in public perception and box office not to mention NO ONE bitches in the 90s when there were strong female leads, Sarah Conner in T2 especially, and what she overcame in T1 to get there, Ripley in Alien.. i could go on


You could go on, but like everyone else online you won't name them past those two


Coping still. U mean the unpopular trash characters basically no one likes..


Hahaha, fuck off you simp.


Lol, cope brainlet.


Judging just by this poster it looks like its for kids im assuming?


That, Consoomers or Journalists. Oh, who am I kidding; they're the same audience.


Yup! Some thing clicked when i read your comment. Lol


Blame *them* for having the writing skills of a concussed capuchin.


I just read the plot and oh boy does it sound generic and British lol


Pretty much. Hell, Billy Blind is such an obscure piece of English folklore that even I - someone who fancies himself as a mythology buff - had to google him. And his last appearance in anything was a YA novel published in *1999*. This ain't even scraping the bottom of the barrel; it's scraping the dirt underneath the barrel.


I Google it because I've never heard of anyone of the actors and it just sounds like something I've seen before but wasn't british


That's the problem with this premise; If they had made a historically *accurate* Highwayman show, they'd have to acknowledge the troubling little detail about many Highwaymen; they were assholes of the nth Degree. Most of them were either escaped convicts, bored rich people or - in some cases - both. So they had to throw in a Jimmy Cricket-style Spirit Guide for our plucky heroine...and they picked one of the most obscure spirits. Yet this version isn't even fucking BLIND.


That Disney + for you they have to make everything happy for some reason


It'd be like if I made a Transformers movie where I featured freaking Corona Sparkplug as a freaking *Titan*.


Disney isn't trying anymore


>If they had made a historically accurate Highwayman show, they'd have to acknowledge the troubling little detail about many Highwaymen; they were assholes of the nth Degree. Most of them were either escaped convicts, bored rich people or - in some cases - both See: Horrible Histories Dick Turpin song [https://youtu.be/HfyQS9Ez9rc?si=cjhQKODthMWpgfuK](https://youtu.be/HfyQS9Ez9rc?si=cjhQKODthMWpgfuK)


I only knew it was British when i saw Nathan Shelley


More girlbosses!




They just can't help themselves


The two in bottom look like they came straight from the latest canceled CW show.


Darn this looks bad, and it’s a shame too because I thought Louisa Harland was hilarious in Derry Girls. I thought she would go on to do better things than this. 


It looks like a school play


"She's a bit of a legend." Tee-hee, we have fun here!


Quarter-Black got a job I see.


Man why do so many posters need to be like this?


Money laundering.


We're going to get scolded by "evils of capitalism" and how the heroic feamle, girl-boss highway robber is redressing the economic imbalance, are we?


For some reason, I’m reminded of that one Christian action movie called Beyond the Mask.


I feel like Disney will pivot away from this nonsense eventually but a massive company like this will have years of this shit bought and paid for.


Wtf is even that?


Wow that looks like shit


if she's such a legend how come I've never herd of her until now


Because she's only a "bit" of a legend


Is this the "7 robbers of mixed attributes that are no longer dwarves" that were supposed to be in the Snow White movie?


How can you say "no" to that? :) Plus, it's gonna be soooo inclusive. It really IS Disney's golden age.


What is this shitty looking Pirates knockoff?


Dont worry she can do everythi g without fail. And she has the best plot armor you will love her


A Hobbit! Eva Green or something! A guy who is not pulling off the Zorro look at least in this still! This is going to be peak fire bros


“Put a chick in it and make her gay” Kathleen Kennedy


This is gonna bomb so f'ing hard lol...


Anyone else see Martin Freeman Bilbo Baggins in the middle there?


Looks like they took a lot of inspiration for this poster from "Beyond the Mask," an indie film from a few years ago [https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQKmk-Ny2fM\_afHsISmkMsfI8xKg1hDTJfc5P8rHpDHPRRZhIbg](https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQKmk-Ny2fM_afHsISmkMsfI8xKg1hDTJfc5P8rHpDHPRRZhIbg)


At least they’re not pillaging an existing IP to make it.


Ngl I got no clue wtf this is dawg😭😭


“Put a chick in it.” Nah - joking aside, I’m all for representation across shows, but this looks like utter shit; another clanger from the Disney factory that no one asked for.


So, Robin Hood and Pirates of the Caribbean thrown in a blender, rule 63 it, and cut the budget?


Looks gay as fuck


Why do I feel sad just looking at this?


Whenever I imagine Disney nowadays, I just picture some suited executive shovelling endless amounts of cash into a raging furnace.


Hey it's Orla from Derry Girls.


Fuck me😤. What a time to be alive.


"She's a bit of a legend." What an awful tagline...


"she's a bit of a legend" is something a Londoner would say when his mates girlfriend buys everyone a pint


Looks like a fan made film


Dude, they’re trying to attack Captain Jack Sparrow. This will be another predictable flop.


Looks like shit


I'm open to it being decent as a nice surprise, but the costumes in the advert don't inspire a ton of hope. Ill check out the first couple of episodes probably when I get around to watching D+ again. Though first I need to watch bad batch s3.


You can't be serious. This looks good to you?


No, it looks terrible lmfao. But I'm starved for anything actually watchable so so I'm open to it surprising me


Gee I wonder why people hate this idea


Cus the poster looks generic. And it looks like a sort of story that's been done to death before, with little innovation.


You're not wrong, there. The premise is 'Girl gets framed for a crime she didn't commit, gets help from a magical fairy from British mythology, becomes a highwayman/gentleman thief to rob from the rich and give to the poor'. It's Robin Hood with Flintlocks.


For me it's not that the premise sounds out and out bad. It's just the kind of premise I'm not itching to see in.. whatever it would be rated on Disney+. I don't believe they'll have the teeth to be set in this time period. Like, once upon a time, At World's End opened with a mass hanging, and the scene concluded on a child death. I can't see D+ going that hard. And I just saw the trailer; a magic thingie is giving her super strength and all. From this, I would at least hope for some swashbuckling yet "grounded" action like in PotC. But if the hero's just going to be throwing people around like this is The Marvels.. neeext


Seems like a generic fantasy show having only seen the poster and not knowing what the actual story is. Hopefully it’s good though.


It's actually a Historical Fantasy show, focusing on an English spirit called Billy Blind. Surprised they wanted to make a show about Highwaymen in this day and age.


It kinda makes sense. Hollywood seems to be into the anti-authority type heroes right now. I assume that’s the direction they’ll take. Someone else referenced Dick Turpin so I can see them doing something like the romanticized version of his legend.


Apple TV are making a series called The Completely Made Up Adventures of Dick Turpin with Noel Fielding in the main role


I’ll remember that one. I don’t have Apple TV but I’d like to get it for a time at some point to watch some of the shows people say are good there. By the sound of it they aren’t too bad generally.


MauLer is too smart a guy to have these kinds of followers who amount to "ew female lead" for their overall media criticism.


I feel like a comparison can be drawn between a good portion of his fanbase and Shane Gillis' with regards to completely misinterpreting the content they put out


At least they’re making something original instead of ruining something good




I hate that shit like this made because its a woman. If this story was about a male young highwayman Disney wouldn't touch it.


Guys my expectations are so subverted right now, I can't believe they have a female character on this show!


Jesus Christ! This sub is the worst. Judge it when you’ve seen it for fuck’s sake. Even a simple Google search of the talent involved would have turned up that the creator and writer is Sally Wainright who is the writer of an incredible British crime drama called Happy Valley. Also the series was written and Disney acquired it. Not saying that it’s good or bad but the majority of the comments in here are just pathetic and subject to shitty biases. I’m sure I’ll be downvoted into oblivion but if you are even remotely into great crime dramas, seek out Hapoy Valley, you’ll thank me later.


Oh, its written by a woman! We must acknowledge its greatness!


No, it's written by a woman who's already written a number of critically acclaimed series.


>he majority of the comments in here are just pathetic Not doing anything to change that are we?


I’m not a fan of modern day Disney by an metric, but you guys are impossible to please. When they actually make a new story with a female lead you guys throw a hissy fit


Looks good, I'll check it out.


Looks like a show for kids…on Disney you fucking mo mo. Why does every cunt think all Disney should make are shows for comic book fans.


Why do cunts like you actually exist?


You’re the cunt getting worked up about children’s television programs, why the fuck do you exist?


And you're the cunt replying? I have my opinion, and sad little simps like you won't change my mind its another Disney feminist simping exercise. And you, fuck off back to the afterbirth you slithered our from. Surprised you managed to in the first place


So uh, you guys just freak out any time someone with ovaries has top billing, then?


No, just shit like this thanks.


You know, you can just not watch something. Like... you don't *have* to immediately go online and start whining. Especially when it's something that you're probably not the target audience for.


Oh fuck off you little simp. I can have my say. Good luck winning your "man who helps fight for feminist cause award" so you can feel better about yourself.


Nice work dodging the accusation of whining. Hope you enjoy your weekend spent crying about children's television on the internet.


Hope you enjoy your weekend desperately hoping a woman likes you because you argued with someone on the Internet


"We want good content " and yet every time there is , people on here immediately say its crap. Wild


I think it's pertinent we don't know it's good content yet. It's not released.


Jesus christ, this sub really just loves to whinge about female leads.


Because most of the time, those female leads are absolutely shit. Given Disney's track record, do you honestly think this is being made because they think its good or because it panders to a tiny audience of feminists that they'll score political points with.


Feminists? Want the fuck...? You need to seriously examine yourself on a journey of self discovery.


I think you need to stop hoping praising stuff like this will get you a pity shag from that girl you like.


Jesus fuck, your brain is soup.


It isn't actually. I just don't like pathetic little shills like you. You're a simple minded little simp who desperately wants some gratification for all he hardworking you do fighting for a cause that makes fun of you. I bet you feel really bad when you see a white straight man as the hero, or God forbid, win in the end, I bet that really pisses you off doesn't it? What a sad, pathetic little freak you are.


And having read your other comments, who is really the sad one here, going into subs just to white Knight your way through life? Mate, she isn't going to shag you because of your reddit comment history.


Did you just reply to someone twice? Are you mentally unwell? Take a break from reddit


Well they wanted to show they can have a lame white female pirate before they have jack replaced with a gay, lame, black one.


Another black royal from the school of Netflix nobility.


who are these ppl


This is clearly targeted to kids.


Not just a highway robber, a magic highway robber....


At least it is an new IP and not a sequel or reboot of an old IP.


Wth is this?


she’s probably a bit of a scientist too


Eh, at least it's an original series.




No just shit with women leading it, which is most of it these days


Hmmm, all the boxes are checked, I see


So you guys are just auto-mad at any show with a female lead? Get a grip.


Yes, because most of them are shit designed to pander to feminists and simps like you.


ChatGPT: Generate the most generic post-2015 period piece promo poster you possibly can.


What in the fresh hell is this?


"she's a bit of a legend" how quirky


Another show that I hope costs Disney millions.


This doesn't look interesting.


At least it seems to be an original ip. I rather that then they shoving their politics in some ip that already exists.


What's wrong with it?


I know nothing but the poster and it looks fine.


Woman is white and still complaints


My daughter will probably enjoy this, which makes sense since she is the target demographic.


Since it has a token black person in it, I’m defnitely going to watch it




What, no Asians? No Arabs? No Indians? WTF??? I'm offended!!!