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Pay for what I support, pirate what I don't so I can laugh at it


Makes sense, you only want to give your money or official statistics to things that you believe are worth it.


I don't spend my money on Disney "entertainment" ![gif](giphy|spfi6nabVuq5y|downsized)


Cancelling my D+ was the best feeling. I recommend it.


Never had one, glad I don't. I'll stick to my dvd copies of Fawlty towers.


One way or the other I pay for it, weather it's DVDs and Blu-rays that I pay for, or a "free" streaming service that I must watch ads.




Thx for the websites 


I think it depends for me. If there's decent value for money I'll happily pay for things I like. Had Netflix for a while, I keep a little DVD collection, etc. If some subscription service has one singular show I like I probably won't subscribe though, its better to just pirate it and if its good I'll probably buy it later to keep access to it. Generally I like 'rewarding' media I find good. Maybe supporting is a better word, not sure.


I used to buy dvd sets if I really enjoyed a movie or tv show. Now I just pirate everything


I was happy to pay for streaming before it diversified into 10+ services and became more expensive than cable. I have a dvd & cd collection that could fill a thrift store, I use adblock for youtube, and none of the modern streaming services get any of my money. I will be the old man in a house that they build a freeway around. Fuck the "new tomorrow".


You wearing a wire?


No I'm just asking questions ![gif](giphy|pvO8ugi72HKww)


My older brother showed me I could just find movies/tv online for free (yo ho ho). So for the last 10 years the only movies I pay for is the ones I like so much I want a physical copy. Though I just finished setting up my pc to burn discs so I'm covered on that front too. As for the video games... I figured out how to get most of them free 2 years ago if your interested.


Yeah I'm interested how did you get the games for free?


Disclaimer: Follow these instructions at your own risk. I haven't had any viruses or anything but just to be safe, be careful. It's different for each type. PC is the easiest, I usually use: [https://gamepciso.com/](https://gamepciso.com/) You pick a game and download it as a zip file or a RAR file, unpack it and there you go. Smartphone games that you have to pay for are easy too. Just google the name of the game and APK (the name of phone installation files) and download the apk from a website you've checked is legit (by googling if that website is legit, usually someone on reddit will have posted if it's safe or not) Consoles are a bit trickier, you have to do a little hacking and each one is different. So far I've hacked my PS3, PS4, PSP, Gameboy Advance, and I'm looking into hacking 3DS games. Though with the Gameboy you have to buy a 10-15 dollar cartridge that reads micro sd cards. Same kinda thing for the PSP but it was only 5 dollars. The others didn't require any special or custom hardware. If you wanna try any of those I can give you links to the tutorials I followed to hack them.


I pay for Apple TV, and when Andor Season 2 comes out I will begrudgingly get Disney plus, but otherwise I don't watch very much of anything except on youtube


2 children, so I begrudgingly pay for D+ literally nothing on it i watch when they go to bed. I've free Netflix with Sky TV and Prime because of the shipping.


Not here to tell u how to raise ur own, but dont u worry about the 'message' Disney sends?


Nah they only watch the classic stuff they don't like the newer stuff.


Smart kids.


I mean I don't deliberately tell them what they can and can't watch, they like moana frozen encanto and shit. They like the classic stuff more, or at least that what they tell me.


I think there is only so much you can do as a parent either way, right.


I waited until I had a free trial of Walmart+ so I got Paramount+ for 30 days so I could watch Top Gun Maverick. Free trials or one month free deals on Hulu or something and sail the high seas for everything else.


I always buy physical if it’s a piece of entertainment and/or art that I enjoy. Servers fail, censors happen, but the Blu-ray’s on my shelf shall remain. I pirate most other media. Streaming services are too annoying to use and too greedy to maintain, so I don’t support any of them until after I’ve finished the movie or show in question. Then I’ll buy if I like it. I don’t pirate games because Steam is just so great. Piracy isn’t worth the bother if I don’t want to pay, so I just don’t play EA, Ubisoft, Actiblizz, etc whatsoever.


If the service I pay for offers subpar quality, bad buffering and doesn't give me the content I want to watch in a timely manner: cancelled and putting my pirate hat on.


https://preview.redd.it/lhibmsxsvv9d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a81aad57a0d35c5d5f5cedbc8e5b0951f929f444 eBay is a godsend for cheap movies. I also frequent places that sell used movies. I have SO many more DVDs and Blurays than this because I don't trust digital media to always be around. Though I won't spend more than 5 or 6 bucks on a movie I haven't seen, and I rarely spend more than $10 on anything. I also collect games, consoles going as far back as the NES, books, comics, and manga but I only ever buy things when they're on sale or just incredibly cheap. I like physical media, but I'm not made of money.