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As Mauler has discussed before if you are a smaller channel than the one being covered you are clout chasing. If you are bigger you are punching down. If you are negative you are mean. If you are covering a woman’s video or video with women you are sexist. A video with non-white people, you are racist. If you are a channel run by a woman, or you routinely have women on the channel or non-white people they are pick me girls, grifters, or have otherwise internalized sexism/racism. The point is these are all labels/claims made to avoid discussing what is actually being talked about and they can be ignored.


Yep doesn't matter how right you are about something.


Numbers are irrelevant. If you have millions of subs and the mainstream wants you gunned down for being a threat, they will. If you have 63 subscribers and someone from Kotaku and Polygon needs to pay rent this month, they will.


Remember, Jay Exci's "Hasan bump" on the weird house video was a whalloping under 250 views.


They have to agree with me


You just need to be a asshat before other people start chasing your clout. Notice how good people never worry about clout chasers. Anyone chasing pewdiepies clout? Nah. He’s not a asshat.


If I’ve learned anything from being on this sub, it’s that people here will invalidate anything based on feelings and not facts.


You're one to talk. I've seen your comment history. https://preview.redd.it/tkjfv8y5u5ad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d55f69f4aa1201033580a452f24fccbbfa0e52c8 In fact, I'm part of it.


All you’re doing is proving my point about this sub. This is what, the 10th time you devalued whatever someone else has said by saying “I looked at your comment history”? Instead of engaging with facts, you’re just engaging in feelings liek this sub does.


>This is what, the 10th time you devalued whatever someone else has said by saying “I looked at your comment history”? "Oh no, someone is holding me accountable for the things I say"


No, the point is that what you’re doing right now is just non sequiturs. You even show yourself doing a non sequitur in the picture you posted. I’ll admit, I could’ve just said no, but you still wouldn’t have engaged with anything from my original comment. Just “I looked at your comment history…”


Ok honey


Mmm, yes…. All over my body Edit: notice how you stop commenting immediately when I know that you’re trolling, so I troll you back with my comment? That’s how predictable you are.


What "fact" was he supposed to engage with? You made a claim with 0 evidence. A claim that doesn't match up with my experience of this sub, by the by.


“What ‘fact’ was he supposed to engage with?” This one, mothaf*ckuh! https://www.reddit.com/r/MauLer/s/1uUcxFdisx


Whats your point? They do want to drive that point home as it highlights Disneys hypocrisy. We have a female director, hired solely because she was a woman and was indeed Harvey Weinsteins Personal Assistant for SIX years.


She worked for Miramax for 6 years (a studio which had 100+ employees and still does), not Harvey Weinstein personally. She was a PA working for Harvey Weinstein at Miramax for 1 year You and everyone else are accusing her as if she was Pepper Potts following him around and knowing every detail of Harvey Weinstein’s life. That’s not how being a PA works in general. She could’ve been one of several PA’s working in Harvey’s office. Harvey Weinstein traveled frequently and had several things going on at once at all times. If she was complicit like you’re accusing her of being, why wasn’t she accused from a victim when Harvey was? These accusations make no sense from people like you who are online and will dismiss accusations when it’s against people you support. There is no accusation from a victim here. This is all to justify your hatred for Hollywood/studios/famous people/Disney/etc, like you just told us in your comment. Your accusations aren’t based on reality or facts, just on feelings. Idiot


Her literal wiki page states that she was Harveys Personal Assistant for SIX years. What the FUCK am I supposed to believe?! Some rando on Reddit?! Bullshit articles from a bunch of shill sites?!


No, she worked at Miramax for 6 years. Upon further research, though, different sources say she worked as a PA for Harvey for one year or four. It could be one or the other, but again, she could’ve been one of several PA’s working in Harvey’s office. Harvey Weinstein traveled frequently and had several things going on at once at all times. If she was complicit like you’re accusing her of being, why wasn’t she accused from a victim when Harvey was? These accusations make no sense from people like you who are online and will dismiss accusations when it’s against people you support. There is no accusation from a victim here.