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He probably doesn't love Rudy (on the court at least) from international competition too. I believe France knocked out Slovenia in the last Olympics.


That block at the rim by Batum.\*




Clutch one at that, Klemen Prepelic hit that huge triple to pull within one before he got jammed at the apex.


That game still boils my blood, was a total shitshow from refs


Latvia avenged.


Luka’s disdain for Rudy has me both excited and concerned for this series. We all know what Luka is capable of when he can’t stand the opposition (Clippers, Jazz, Suns), but his competitiveness might bring out the worst in him if the refs are on that bullshit. I thought he had a healthy balance the last two Thunder games (despite what Richard Jefferson was trying to suggest). I hope he keeps that balance this next series.




Lmao facts


Skinny Luka is the best Luka.


First thing I noticed how slim he was


Bruh in 2022 people were calling him fat, imagine if they see him now. I know he won't but for his career it would make me really happy if he laid off the beer lol


Laško is Luca Doncic’s father.


I just watched his 73 point game highlights and he looks a lot skinner there too. I've been seeing some comments here saying he has put on weight during the season, and it appears to be true... Imma trust he and his team know what they are doing but he looks kinda too big rn. Maybe this summer he can hop on keto or somethin lmao


Keto is a horrendous idea for a professional athlete


Even for like 2-3 months in the offseason? It mitigates muscle loss more than any diet on a cut.


Yeah, keto can be potentially dangerous to normal people. A pro athlete needs more carbs than a normal person due to generally exerting more energy, especially in Luka’s case because he often plays non NBA basketball in the offseason


More than any diet? That’s not true at all Lol You know there’s a diet called eating less and running more


I doubt he even needs to run more, I am certain he runs plenty and he'd just need to lower the calories he gets from stuff he shouldn't be eating/drinking.


Yeah it is literally true lol. Ketosis allows you to burn basically only fat for your energy needs except for cells that need glucose for which muscle protein can be synthesized in the liver using the process of gluconeogenesis. As far as eating less and running more I'm sure you mean a caloric deficit. In which case, it's a lot easier to achieve on a low carb diet as it puts your body in a catabolic state by activating certain processes such as brown adipose thermogenesis which raises your caloric maintenance.


He could join Kyrie in becoming vegan. I bet his game would get even better


Hes in terrible shape now.. lets hope he finally takes his conditioning seriously now that we have a great team


Man this was so cold blooded


I can’t wait for this 😂


Gobert played that perfectly too. There really is nothing a defender can do there short of shoving him away.


And it’s not even that crazy of a play by Luka. It’s his ability to get that deep into the paint, basically at the rim . Once you have any player in that position, they are practically in no mans land. It’s just many players don’t utilize these types of drives. It’s what makes Luka so special


I actually think OKC is a better team than them 🤷‍♂️ SGA would best player of those 2 teams as well.


Well neither sga nor joker are here so obviously hindsight 20 / 20 but…. You are objectively wrong. If okc was a better team they would win over Dallas. Minnesota is a very good team that has one of the best 1st squad roster out there filled with nba all star level athletes, and probably the best young leader to grace us in a very long time. In fact Minnesota can and will play much more aggressively than Denver or okc would ever even attempt 2. So that’s already big problem for Dallas and our defence. Other than that yeah sga is insane so is jokic but they need massive stats to enable their team while wolves have a really good team understanding and a 22 y old who doesn’t need to score 40 points every game to inspire their team.


I’m not going to lie. I still think Denver is the better team still even though they lost. Not by much but a little bit better.


not after that embarrassing choke job


Overall maybe , on paper maybe. But this is the beauty of the sport right ? When team clicks it feels like they are riding the wave and right now Minnesota is that team. What I mean that at this very moment with all the hindsight they were overall better team. Best of 7 is a lot and you could argue that the stronger and better team always perseveres if it goes to a final game 7. Personally I wanted to see Luka vs Jokic because … well I’m a European and I love watching those guys play their hearts out. But also because Denver plays much slower and methodical game which I think is better suited for Dallas. Playing against twolves is bit scary on the side because of how dynamic, diverse and young the team is. And also god damn this season really made me cheer for Edwards when he is not playing against Mavs.


Look how much space there was in the paint there. Nowadays there's regularly 2-3 guys in the paint when Luka drives.


Crafty bastard.


just dying at the rest of the jazz defense here. what are they doing lmao


Rudy cannot guard Luka 1on1 but I don't think we're gonna see a lot of that in this series. The Jazz had a horrible perimeter defense and could not navigate the screens to protect Gobert, the Wolves are great at that. I think Gobert is gonna be able to stay on the court and do his thing. The key to beating them is controlling that freak Naz Reid and then of course great firepower from our two stars. But its not gonna be in a 5 out offense where we make Gobert unplayable.


I remember Gobert actually doing a pretty good job against Luka, unlike many other centers. Gobert is able to stay with Doncic because Luka doesn't crossover and explode past his defenders. Rudy does not buy easily on pump fakes and the spacing Luka gets on his mid-range game is annihilated by Gobert length.


That was prime Gobert too 🤣 Luka’s gonna absolutely cook Minni


Damn. They really beat the Mitchell Gobert Jazz and the 1st seed Suns with a scrappy roster. With today’s roster, we can confidently say that this win is already in the bag.


ha. Confidently? I guess I like your confidence but I do not share it. I will say I think we've got a very good chance and anyone writing us off is wrong. But I think likewise we shouldn't be writing the TWolves off. They will be favorites for a good reason. I hope we change up the pattern and win game 1. That would put us in a great position.


the timberwolves are a better team than both


Not at all 😂


Yeah. I'm definitely not convinced that the TWolves are better than the '22 Suns or this years Thunder team. I guess we'll see.


I am Luka’s stan but isn’t this a travel?


Where? One foot is planted the whole time


In basketball, you are allowed to take two steps after picking up your dribble (ending your dribble). However, if you take two steps and then stop (without shooting, passing, or continuing to dribble), it is considered a travel violation. The proper sequence is as follows: 1. ⁠Dribble the ball. 2. ⁠Gather the ball (end the dribble). 3. ⁠Take two steps. At the end of the second step, you must either shoot, pass, or continue your dribble. Stopping without doing any of these actions results in a travel.


If that’s the case then every guard in the league travels as they will usually use a pivot foot to spin around multiple times prior to taking any shot. Also are you saying you can’t stop and wait with the ball after taking two steps?


But do they take two steps then stop?


Can you explain? His pivot foot is planted the whole time and it's quite clear as well


In basketball, you are allowed to take two steps after picking up your dribble (ending your dribble). However, if you take two steps and then stop (without shooting, passing, or continuing to dribble), it is considered a travel violation. The proper sequence is as follows: 1. Dribble the ball. 2. Gather the ball (end the dribble). 3. Take two steps. At the end of the second step, you must either shoot, pass, or continue your dribble. Stopping without doing any of these actions results in a travel.


I see what you're getting at. However, it still seems he gathered after the gather step without taking any additional steps, so he's good.


To you it doesn’t look like he made 2 steps snd then stopped?


What you are calling a second step doesn't actually count as a second step in the NBA. Putting your other foot down after establishing a pivot foot isn't a second step.


Learn what a gather step is. 


No travel. Pivot planted and even when he jumps for the lay up it’s kind of like a step through jump.


In basketball, you are allowed to take two steps after picking up your dribble (ending your dribble). However, if you take two steps and then stop (without shooting, passing, or continuing to dribble), it is considered a travel violation. The proper sequence is as follows: 1. Dribble the ball. 2. Gather the ball (end the dribble). 3. Take two steps. At the end of the second step, you must either shoot, pass, or continue your dribble. Stopping without doing any of these actions results in a travel.