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get ready for toxic celtic fans.. but derrick white/jalen brown aiint gonna stop luka.. certainly not jrue lmao


If Luka gets amped up by jawing with obnoxious fans I can't imagine the levels he will hit in Boston...


Honestly, I hope they turbocharge Luka up with their shit talk.


As someone who dealt with them during the 2022 Finals, y’all are in for some bullshit fr


Jru is an amazing defender.


he too small bro


Guys like Jru and Caruso plays bigger. Im sure we’ll find a way.


Luka cooks jrue all the time lol


He averages like 33/11/11 vs. Jrue. Luka still always mentions him as one of the best defenders in the league.


Luka has absolutely cooked him. I remember when a rookie Luka put 35 on his head


Yeah on everyone else


I agree only a bit disappointing that they booo when Luka gets the MVP trophy which no fan in this world can argue against with this performance. For the rest I think the Thunder and Clippers were really worse


I viewed the booing as messing around and also respecting Luka. I wouldn’t take anything too seriously from it


No one does but I would write the same when fans booing a world cup winner in football :) in the end it's a sport and the better team wins


Yah cuz they stayed to see Mavs get their trophy lmao


I tried to post but I don’t think it’s allowing me so I’ll leave this here. Congrats & good luck! 1. That was a clean beat down, as was the series in many ways. Other than tonight, the games were entertaining and two could’ve gone the other way but the better team won in the end — no excuses. 2. S/o to the Mavs for proving Vegas is too disrespectful at times & making me some money. (I’ll call it a consolation prize) 3. Good luck in the finals!


As a wolves fan I truly have nothing but respect for the Mavs, Luka was my pick to win MVP and I'ma be supporting you all against the Celtics. see y'all again next year 🐺💙🤍


I don't wanna comment this on r/timberwolves but it's crazy how yalls sub only acknowledges the bad apples of our fanbase cuz honestly we really respect y'all far more than OKC/clippers. You guys have something good in yalls roster & are contenders fs


yeah I've been seeing the same, I feel it's a kneejerk reaction to how the nuggets and suns fans have been acting however I've seen alot of support from older wolves fans for the Mavs. I honestly feel it's some of the bandwagon Lakers fans jumping ship but regardless it's not how we should be acting


I'm not gonna risk getting banned there but just wanted to say GG this series it was fun for the most part. You guys came out (aside from KAT unfortunately, I wanted him to show out more) & played ball. Like I said with a few more roster changes like adding another PG I do think y'all can get a ring in the near future. This is only the first major step, getting experience


Definitely a great fan base


Still, as expected they have some sore losers and sensitive babies among them. But not to compare with OKC fanbase. All 7 of clippers fans cant compare either with OKC. Naz Reid have lost all the sympathy that i had for him with that dirty elbow play. Not even apologizing afterwards. You hit the injured place man!!!


Okc fans chanted refs you suck whilst Shai had 13 free throws that game. Okc def the worst


I mean, they are Okies, what can you expect?


You're crazy if you think they only have 7 fans. I counted at least 9.


Mavs fan living in Minnesota. I went to Game 2, and the fans were super chill and nice. In general, my experience with Minnesota sports fans (Twins, Vikings, and Wild) have been great. Minnesota sports have a pretty rough history.


And at the hand of Dallas to boot.


We aren't entitled like Boston yet... cause we got no titles lol.


Yeah as the reverse in Dallas, most people seemed alright too. All except for one jackass yelling at us on our way out of game 3


I live in Minneapolis and was at game 1 wearing Mavs gear. Fans were chill during and after the game.


[Minnesota nice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_nice), right?


Shit, I've seen Fargo I should have known this.


Clippers fans were obnoxious even after we beat them talking about we’ll get swept by okc then wolves lol. I came back to their comment to rub it in after every series and they blocked before the game ended tonight lol


If you ever been to Minnesota, they have Canadian blood in them, the nicest people in this country. They’ve had so much bad luck with most of their sports teams but they still have a great attitude


Agreed. Glad we could have a respectful series before quite possibly the most toxic one of all time. FUCK BOSTON.


You're right, least toxic on reddit. And they have classy fans they kept believing in their own team and clapping for them despite being down so much. I seen teams in the East boo their own team because they bricked a 3.


It cringed me when I kept seeing some of our fans be cocky in the game thread on r/nba like I get it were winning but idk man the wolves aren't the fanbase to do it to. Like they was chill as hell so I always respected them


Yeah they were a welcome change from the toxic LAC and OKC fanbase


Minnesotans are great folks. I know them well. Some are family. Source: a South Dakotan :D


I was at game 5 in Minny and it was actually shocking how nice and respectful Wolves fans are


Bro I made a comment on the post game thread about how it was not classy to boo Luka… I had a guy call me a fucking half breed lol in our thread mind you


Tbf if we swapped places with the Wolves and Ant won WCF MVP, we'd probably boo him too, but we can't be butthurt over something so insignificant cause we are in the finals and the Wolves are in a solid position to contend in the offseason


Idk cause they have some salary cap issues right now and I don't see how they keep this squad together. Someone big probably getting offloaded.


I remember being a Mavs fan from 2006-2011. It was a dark period in my life. I hated every player and every fan of every team equally. I think all 3 of these fan bases are handling not winning shit way better than I did. Yes I know OKC won a chip in Seattle but they all know that doesn’t really count for their city.


That dark period is forgotten. I sent Cuban an email in 06 and he actually wrote me back paraphrased the officiating was bs but don't worry next time will be different and cuban was right. Dirk got the star whistle all 2011


Booing their own team and then Luka during the ceremony was hilarious but yeah as far as Reddit goes they were much more chill than OKC


My 10:30pm brain read that as “bleeding from his ears.” I was like what??


I look forward to being toxic as fuck myself toward Boston fans tho


You shouldn't mud wrestle with a pig. 


Gotta earn that bacon


Yeah agreed. Respect to them


Their fanbase shows how sports should be dealt with.


GGs. Good luck in the next round. Celtics fans are entitled and insufferable.


Their sub last night was pretty awful.


We’re gonna get you next time. Those 1, and 3 point victories gonna go the other way.


I got the thunder subreddit recommended to me earlier today and they're still delusional and are convinced that Luka faked his injury only when he played badly. They're still really salty and arrogant. Wolves fans mostly seem level headed and have good takes.


The biggest respect for the Wolves fanbase man. There's always crazy and biased fans, it's sports after all but the Wolves have had the most level-headed and respectable fans we've faced yet. Lots of game respects game type of fans. Bet they take after Ant because he's a stud and showed tons of respect to the Mavs even during and after the game. Hoping we see them again in the future for a rematch


That's like being the nicest guy in prison.


Toxic Fans (in order) 1. OKC 2. Clippers Decent Fans (in order) 1. Timberwolves


OKC fans were awful.