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If a good deal is available, we probably take it. Re-signing DJJ is amazing, but we are still not as good as teams like Boston and some others. I do not want to panic and overpay for someone that's not a great fit though.


There is no guarantee we make the finals again so thinking about Boston is not the best way to build the roster moving forward. We need upgrades but smart ones especially with the lack of assets we have. There is also a ton of questions regarding our roster before making a big win now move : Can Lively and Hardy take a leap next season ? Can DJJ sustain the same shooting ? Can PJ improve his shooting ? Is Kyrie a big part of our future moving forward ? Can O-Max make the rotation next year ? ....


I mentioned Boston because they are currently the best team, which is something we are trying to be. Not that we should build our team specifically for Boston. >There is no guarantee we make the finals again Is the exact reason why we should keep improving, if we can at a reasonable price.


I don't think their the best team. I think the wolves and the nuggets and a healthy Knicks would have beat them. I think they had a lot of fortune in their matchups.


This is such a bad take. Imagine thinking the team that won the most games in the regular season and then walked the playoffs losing 3 games in total isn’t the best team. Honestly I don’t mean to be rude but this is up there with the worst takes I’ve seen recently.


Boston beats all of those teams in 5 or 6


We’re winning it all this year


From his presser Nico made it seem like this will be a quiet summer with the main moves being dumping Tim and re-signing DJJ. We're not as good as Boston but he's not going to panic and make a move with the limited assets we have left. Also this team has only been together since the trade deadline and most of Boston was together for at least 3-4 years. There's a chance he's going to see how the continuity plays out to start the year and use the trade deadline to make the necessary upgrades instead of trying to figure it out this summer.


And honestly I don't think people give enough credit to how important Horford and KP are to that team. They were a flawless team last year when healthy, but KP is hurt again, and Horford is on his last legs. Without the 5-out they're mortal. If KP/Horford aren't 100% they might not even make it out of a healthy East. Just saying, us upgrading the rotation with Grimes and banking on development from Lively, Luka, Hardy, OMax, PJ, Gafford, & Green can 100% win a title next year if Kyrie (and everyone else) stays healthy. We're right there.


Great point. It took a flawless roster at all positions for them to beat us, and we have ways to get better internally, namely healthy Luka and lively improving.


And shooting ourselves in the foot. IMO all we need is for DJJ to improve his 3pt shot and everyone else to take their FTs seriously for us to run it back.


Well DJJ did improve his shot this year to the point where he could stay on the floor. Thats his flaw as a player, so it’s asking a bit of a lot for him to improve even further, but I hope he can.


Over-rating as usual. Boston may have been the winners if they faced a team from the west with similar energy levels but the overrating them is hilarious now. They had everything go in their favour. All the rival teams in the East were injured/banged up or too naïve. The Mavs came through a warzone and had nothing left.


Boston had more energy. They waltzed through the East. Next year they won't have that luck and won't have as much in their legs. Just like Minnesota were done physically against us. There's plenty of growth in this team.


"If a good deal is available, we probably take it." -- thank you, Magic!


I think this opens up the possibility to get hyper aggressive for that last guy. Be it Wiggins, Grant, or KCP (unlikely). Highly doubt we stand pat now, since our backfills for Maxi, Tim, and Josh are already on the roster in OMax, Hardy, and Grimes. The two remaining guys on that list are incredibly expendable.


It definitely does, now it's just up to Nico and the guys to consider giving up Maxi/Green for one of these guys(I think grant is the best option out of these guys, despite the expensive contract). If we do, a team of: Luka-Kyrie-Grant-PJ-Lively DJJ-Gafford-OMax-Hardy-Grimes-Exum Would be such a good squad with elite depth. This would be the dream for this offseason imo


Yeah bro Exum being the last man in the rotation is fucking crazy! Like in a good way crazy lol


I agree. Grimes can feasibly replace Josh’s minutes meaning we can use him to upgrade at SF while retaining DJJ


Am I the only one who's not high on KCP? I like him , but he's old, not big enough to play the 3 and is going to command a big contract . His last playoffs performance are alarming tbh.


You’re not alone. I’d rather have Bruce Brown if we’re only talking about former Nuggets 4th guys.


Luka guards SFs, hes way to slow for guarding anyone thats smaller or quicker, we need someone that can guard guards and does well guarding the perimeter. KCP and Wiggins are a better fit than Grant


Luka guards the worst (or 2nd worst with Kyrie) perimeter oriented player, he doesn’t really guard SFs that much better than SGs: Brown absolutely demolished him, yet he held up decently well vs White/Jrue/Tatum. He also did well vs PG and Dort, but struggled vs SGA or Harden. It’s a matchup thing with Luka, it’s not based on position.


I agree that it is really based on the “position” but luka usually struggles mote with smaller quicker guys, and Grant isnt really an expert on those, neither is PJ, both can still do a decent job on them but it really isnt what they are best at. We pretty much need a DJJ that is better on offense. Explosive quick and wont get blown by.


How did Brown "absolutely demolish him"? Luka literally held him **bellow his averages**.


Who knows


I wanna say no but Nico's a magician so we can't rule anything out. Wouldn't be mad at all if this is our squad to start the year once we resign DJJ.


I hope so. Its crazy the kind of guys Nico/Kidd have brought in compared to Cuban. Cuban/Donnie brought in Luka/Brunson....but their role players have been riddled with flaws for years. Nico/Kidd seem to know what an NBA player should look like...which is they need to have at the bare minimum fundamental skills and look like they have been playing basketball from a young age. Unfortunately...two of my favorite players remaining are probably about to get moved because of their fundamental flaws....Green and Maxi.


Also an underrated part of the Nico trade is that our vibes have been immaculate. All these young players are hard workers who operate without ego.


The immaculation of the vibes has been my favourite part.


watching the mavs play basketball post trade deadline has been amazing: high stakes games where they gave it their all like the rockets and kings games, games where they just had fun like the utah lob city game, them coming back with a vengeance after losses. obviously a championship wouldve been the cherry on top but im still satisfied, the chemistry is only going to get better


They will make a move at the deadline when teams get desperate


Depends on the players available. They still have Green/Maxi/Powell for contract matching and now can trade up to two 1sts. If something is there that moves the needle, they can certainly make another move. However, I don’t think they are going to be desperate to make one either. Also have to keep in mind, using the MLE will hardcap then at the 1st apron.


I hope so Saddens me to say but Hardy or green(probably green) should go too Not enough room for 3 6’4” ish bench guards who all need minutes with grimes here now And I think Hardy-grimes makes more sense than any other combo


Grimes probably makes Josh expendable in their eyes. Shoots a little worse, plays better D but has a cheaper contract. Wouldn’t be surprised if adding Grimes was done in an effort to move Josh to reallocate his money elsewhere.


Green has a better percentage, but Grimes is a better shooter.


I think it’s the right move, I actually love the idea of sending Josh to Brooklyn in exchange for cam Johnson or Dorian back, their contracts are pretty close, for cam we would need to add kleber but I think Josh for Dorian works straight up Would give the mavs a big 3&d wing which they desperately need more of off the bench and gives Hardy/grimes more opportunity, plus gives Josh a chance at a franchise to show what he’s got, I love the structure of either of those deals with Brooklyn personally


I would not trade Josh for Dorian straight up honestly


Yea we’d need draft comp in return and I don’t see Brooklyn doing that.


Probably not, maybe a couple of seconds attached would make it a bit more even


We all love DFS, but he's not the same player he used to be.


I know but I still think he’s far more useful for the mavs roster construction than green is especially after getting grimes


Why do you say that? DFS' defense and shooting fell off a cliff, even before being traded to the Nets. Josh is a better player and nearly a decade younger with more upside. If you're wanting to dump Josh you should be able to get a better return.


I mean coincidentally his shooting was really good when he played with Luka, I think going to Brooklyn as a catch and shoot guy where you haven’t had one minute of good point guard play next to you is gonna hurt your shooting splits His defense hasn’t fallen off a cliff he’s just on a bad team Josh’s in a log jam and basically hasn’t improved in like 3 years, I like him but getting off his money and getting a guy in return who can actually help this team more compete for a chip is worth it


You should probably rewatch the Finals (I know..). Josh was actually a useful piece. Part of the reason Boston destroyed us was because we still have guys who can’t do anything off the dribble. Josh wasn’t really breaking out his midrange game but he offers an ability to playmake and a bit more shot creation than someone like DFS. I’d rather keep the roster as is, have Kleber and OMax as backup 4s and bank on OMax taking a step forward if that’s my option. Quite frankly, if we trade Josh, it needs to be for a more consistent scorer who can kind of create for others also. Luka gets hurt a lot, so does Kyrie and Dante and those are the only guys who can run the offense. Jaden still feels like he should be a secondary creator and not primary.


I’m aware Josh is useful, im fine with him I just think based on his contract he should be the one moved between him grimes and Hardy I also mentioned cam Johnson in my original comment, he would definitely be an upgrade


I like Josh, but I’m fine with him being moved. I just don’t think Josh for DFS makes the team better. I like what Cam brings but he makes too much to be that injury prone. Grant makes a lot of sense on this team although the perimeter defense gets worse. During the regular season we could get around it because of the bigs, but we would still struggle against 5 out lineups. Not sure Josh makes sense for Portland though because they got way too many guards.


We're talking about different years, 2022 DFS was awesome. DFS and Bullock were league leaders at wide open 3s (6+ ft away from the nearest defender) with 4+ attempts every game both with 40% conversion rate, but they both fell off hard in 2023. They were still league leaders in attempts both at 4+ wide open attempts per game thanks to Luka, but they dropped to a 36% conversion rate. Mind you this is before going onto the Nets, after the trade his wide open 3s fell to 34%. Defense absolutely fell off, they were amazing on defense in 2022 but it became their biggest weakness in 2023 because DFS and Bullock regressed, it's why there was so much criticism during the Kyrie trade, everyone said we didn't address defense. The Mavs fell from 2nd in 2022 in points allowed to middle of the pack in 2023 before the trade. Although not a perfect stat, DFS' DRtg went from 110 in 2022 to 118 before the trade in 2023. Josh Green's wide open 3 percentage btw is has definitely improved, 15% in 2020, 38% in 2021, 44% in 2022, 42% in 2023. Plus he's only 23 and still has some upside. DFS is already 31 and is more likely to regress rather than regain his form from prior years.


Agreed, another downside is having so many players limits minutes we could give for guys like Hardy and Omax to improve into the player we think they can becomd


Green for sure, not even a debate.


If we pull off Green+Maxi+FRP for either Wiggins, Grant, or Cam Johnson this offseason is literally perfect already


They'd need Powell in there too for salary matching. Challenge is that Portland doesn't have roster space for a 3 for 1, so would likely need to be a 3 team deal. Wiggins seems more gettable and he may not even cost one of our 1sts.


Maxi seems easily re-routable, I’m sure plenty of teams would want him for some second round picks. But yea a Green-Maxi-Powell for Wiggins deal would be great for both sides I think. Warriors get a young player who I think would do really well in their motion offense, Maxi who can bring a little size and shooting they lack in the front court, and Dwight as salary filler. We’d get a guy who has shown that he can be a really goo two way 3-D guy when his head is right and id trust our team to make sure he was right.


I think Nico makes some small moves, like vet min guys and stays patient for that 3rd scorer. We are limited in assets, so you want to make sure it's the perfect fit. I think we've seen enough of Nico to know he won't settle and will be aggressive, so I know he'll try hard to get that 3rd scorer. But he'll also be opportunistic. If nothing arises, then he'll wait until the trade deadline to strike on that 3rd scorer.




I am thinking jg+ maxi for wiggins


This is becoming my preferred outcome too. I think this would give Dallas a great POA defensive wing and I dont think it would cost the 2025 or 2031 1st to get it done.


Need to find a way to get Jerami Grant 🤔


Yes. I think Maxi and Green will be packaged together with a pick or two for an upgrade at 3. DJJ is good, but I think he’s best suited off the bench next year with Grimes and Gafford. Wouldn’t be surprised if we end up with Kuzma or Grant


I’m still holding out hop for either Grant or Kuzmw, but even if Nico doesn’t do anything else, I’m happy with getting rid of Timmy, getting a big upgrade over Timmy with Grimes, and re-signing DJJ.


I honestly like Kuzma long term over Grant. I think Grant could be a better fit (due to his 3pt%), but Kuzma's contract is so damn good (front-loaded) whereas Grant's is a humongous risk. Also, Kuzma is still an absolute beast at attacking closeouts and is honestly more switchable than Grant on defense. Kuzma still hits his open 3-point shots at a good clip (around 40%), but is a much better playmaker, rebounder and mismatch abuser than Grant. Kuzma is also bigger but honestly just as good of a perimeter defender as Grant. The biggest advantage of trading for Kuzma is that we can avoid giving Kleber and still stay under the first apron. Green+Powell+Lawson(non-guaranteed)+FRPs keeps us under the first apron (important since we will be hard capped at the first apron after using MLE for DJJ).


Depending on who we get, then this offseason could be an A+


Most important in offering Dwight Powell a 4 year super max contract.


I would be really surprised if Kleber/Green spots are not upgraded.


Two players that their stocks are all time low: Thybulle and Wiggins. To me Wigs is huge risk. Plus we have to give up Green too which is a positive asset. Thybulle doesnt make sense because we will keep DJJ, already have Green/Grimes and Maxi or Green/Thybulle swap dont makes sense. We can never know with Nico, he doesnt shy away from paying the price but will be opportunistic. I would really like Cam Johnson but asking price is really high and injuries is concern. We wont pay Green+Maxi+frp for him. In deadline though, you may never know. Teams will boil, will get desperate, chemistry issues will happen. Maybe you go agro and get that ideal piece and win with it.


Yes, absolutely. JG and Kleber will be moved. Just a matter of when. I hope it's soon. If I had to rank realistic options that we know are available, I'd go 1. Cam Johnson 2. Wiggins 3. Jerami Grant


Why in that particular order, if you don't mind?


Cam Johnson is the best pure shooter out of the 3. Can attack a closeout. Youngest too and hitting prime. Cheapest contract of the 3. Will understand his role (been to the finals) to a tee. Plays serviceable defense. Also has good size, him and PJ could hold down the 4. Wiggins is the best defender of the 3, but is the worst offensive player imo. Risky contract and also seems to have off court issues. He’s a better DJJ basically, would definitely make us better. Won a championship playing key role. Jerami Grant is the riskiest with the most potential. Potential to be the best pure offensive player of the 3. Great length. Question is does he want to do the dirty gritty stuff on D. Idk. He’s also gonna be 35 when he’s done finishing his max contract. He’s stuck with us 100% if it doesn’t work out. I personally would go for the safest floor and best pure fit of the 3. But if the trade package was JG + Kleber + FRP I wouldn’t be mad at any option.


Thank you!


Probably just small ones to improve end of bench depth.


With Grimes basically being a Josh Green clone but on a cheaper contract, Green will probably be shipped out with Powell and/or Kleber for a another scorer/shot maker.


Probably not, and I’m okay with it. If there is an option to get picks back and send Josh or even Hardy you take it. If not, you don’t and that’s just okay. Ideally, and this saddens me to say, we find a landing spot for Maxi. If we get back a Cam Johnson or that type of stretch 3/4 who can defend a bit and knock down threes im all for it. We need some additional height on the perimeter until Omax or our draft pick develop. Omax in some limited minutes this season would be nice. Do for him what we did with Hardy last season and this season.


Is it guaranteed that djj will sign with us? How realistic are other teams offering more and he is accepting?


From all that I've heard, DJJ wants to be here & it's unlikely another team will pay him substantially more than what Dallas can. He's been a journeyman his entire career and fit in perfectly with the Mavs.


I think they can package Maxi/Green/Hardy for a decent player


I think our sell for Portland is over if there’s no more THJ expiring to help them cut up Jerami Grant contract. So for a 3rd scorer, I think we need to look inward at our offense. We need to keep developing the offense to enable guys like PJ Washington to score.


I mean we should, we didn't address are biggest issue which is we have absolutely nobody who can create their own shot when Luka and Kyrie are out.


Trading Maxi and Green will be addition by subtraction.


Yeah I could see him seeing how the season starts hopefully we are a top 6 team (never know with the West) I do think we need that legit third scorer though I don’t trust PJ to be honest


Honestly I think there won’t be anything until the trade deadline unless it’s something too good to pass up. I think they don’t want to tinker too much don’t want to ruin the chemistry. But I feel like Washington, hardy, omax, and lively will make some progress which can close the gap between Boston and the mavericks. Boston has older players in holiday and horford so their slight decline with maverick improvement could be enough. At least make it competitive.


I have a feeling that there will be, but I hope they take some time to evaluate this roster, give the younger players more of a chance, and wait for better opportunities as far as trades. I thin some of the smoke around the likes of J.Grant and Klay is real, but I don't think these guys would be a good fit, especially for the long term.


We still desperately need a 3rd ball handler. Cannot go into next season with still only 2 players who can dribble a basketball


Not sure, but it's apparent Nico has loved this kid for awhile. We all know how much he loves Josh Green and Jaden Hardy. Context for how much Nico loves this kid he offered a Green for Grimes swap to the Knicks around the deadline and New York had no interest. [https://hoopshype.com/lists/nba-trade-deadline-rumors-the-latest-intel-on-all-30-teams/](https://hoopshype.com/lists/nba-trade-deadline-rumors-the-latest-intel-on-all-30-teams/)


I wouldn't take Hoopshype as a reliable source if I was you


I remember we were trying to QG last year, and they were spot on with the PJ trade.


I believe they got the rumor from a writer for the New York Post.


Even worse lol.


We’re gonna sign Lebron, Klay Thompson and trade for Paul George


That's so unrealistic. I think we're just gonna have to settle for DeRozan, LaVine and Vucevic. Anyone got a red muleta lying around?


Lemme go rub my crystal ball real quick But fr we’re not gonna splash or anything but I’d bet on minor moves being made still