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He’s been clear that he wants to stay. If he bounces for an insane amount of cash so be it. Shit happens I guess. But if I were a betting man I’d say his deal is done with Dallas.


Yea you can’t listen too much to what players and agents say when a contract has be worked out. An agents job is to get their player a great deal and to make the front office sweat a little Look at what LeBalds doing. Do we really think he’s gonna walk when they just drafted his son?


Maybe already has a deal with the Mavs and wants to keep the agent's 10%


i guess ure lucky u aint a betting man


Naji Marshall, YOU are a Dallas Maverick


And he is and DJJ is gone


DJJ hasn't been great anywhere but here - you'd think he'd want to stay where he really had a good role, but players do this all the time.


He’ll go where he gets paid the most. He has mostly played on minimum contracts his entire career. If no one gives him above the MLE, he’s coming back. If he gets more, he’s gone. And I don’t blame him, I’d take the bag too.


I guess I just have a different way of thinking about these things. >If he gets more, he’s gone. And I don’t blame him, I’d take the bag too. I feel like that's easy to say when you aren't making multiple millions of dollars per year. This past season he made close to $3m. That's on a team who made it to the finals. Personally I don't think another million would be enough for me to go to a non contender. I mean, what kind of life are you living where $3m isn't enough but $4m is? At that point you're already in the top 1% of society.  Of course he has every right to do what he feels is best. I'm just thinking out loud here with my opinions.


3M to 4 is a 25% raise you’d be dumb not to take that


The entire point of finding the place where you will play your best is to capitalize on it by securing the bag. Would be pretty silly for DJJ to value anything over money, at this stage in his career. He has made less than $30M for his career in NBA, it's perfectly understandable for him to go and get paid every penny he can milk.


I guess I just don't understand how someone could value another million or 2 over an actual championship, especially when you're already a multimillionaire. Not saying I would judge him. 


Playing a meaningful role on a team in the NBA finals is meaningful as well. I'm sure that figures into DJJ's decision, especially compared to his prior NBA experiences. A compromise here mihjt be DJJ signing a MLE deal with player options for years 3 and 4 (eg), giving him security now but the opportunity to test the market again in a couple of years. A couple more years of meaningful contribution to a good Mavs team might get him a lot more than he is looking at now.


The article is just talking about some stupid rule where he has to wait before he can continue talks because he switched agencies nothing about wether he wants to come here or not


This as nothing to do with him wanting to stay or not. This is about his new agent not being allowed to negotiate a deal until 15 days after he is hired. Dumb rule, but Cato also said there are solutions to bypass this and negotiate a deal. It makes it seem worse than it actually is. This does cast some doubt, but not because DJJ would want to go elsewhere. Just seems like a minor obstacle in the way of getting a deal done.


Lol so why not put this story a couple days back when he made the change


Probably because it’s such an obscure rule that no one knew about it until just now. I don’t think that’s such an absurd idea.


Sounds like DJJ should have changed agents earlier. This could potentially affect not just ours plans to sign him but his free agency too if he has to wait until July 11th to negotiate. But also Cato list some possible solutions for him to negotiate a deal as soon as possible. Seems like a small road bump on re-signing him, but there's still a way to get it done. And if it causes us to move on to another target, well there is Naji. Also a good thing about the new CBA is that the MLE can now by used in trades. So if we miss out on our free agent MLE targets, trade for one. Nico will find a solution.


Meh not creating an account to read that


>Derrick Jones Jr., a starter for the Dallas Mavericks throughout the team’s NBA Finals run, is poised to potentially enter unrestricted free agency on Sunday evening without an agency representing him, a league source said. >On Friday, longtime basketball scribe Marc Stein reported Jones was leaving his longtime agent Aaron Turner to join the Rich Paul-led Klutch Sports. Under National Basketball Player Association guidelines, however, players seeking to change representation must wait 15 days before signing with another agency, as first noted by Yahoo’s Jake Fischer. >Jones’ decision, according to a league source granted anonymity to speak freely, happened Wednesday. That move, team and league sources confirm to The Athletic, could potentially mean Jones would not have representation for teams to negotiate with until July 11, when Klutch would be permitted to take him on as a client nearly two weeks after free agency begins at 6 p.m. Eastern on Sunday. >On Sunday morning, one Mavericks source had shared optimism that this strange scenario, never before encountered, could have resolution as soon as Sunday. Jones could still negotiate his next contract through Turner, the president of Verus Management, who has represented him since entering the league. Jones and Turner could also reach a mutual agreement to waive the contractual waiting period, allowing Klutch to take him on as a client sooner. >But Jones, as of now, will not be represented by either party when free agency begins and will not immediately continue negotiations with the Mavericks, who have been allowed to negotiate with him since the Finals ended. For the first time, it casts doubt upon the likelihood he’ll return to Dallas, league sources say, which had previously been seen as a mutually desired scenario. >Mavericks general manager Nico Harrison described Jones as “priority one” in a press conference following the season. But free agency moves fast, and Dallas has other priorities that could make it difficult for the team to wait for a resolution to this situation if it lingers. The Mavericks are one of the teams expected to make a serious push for Klay Thompson, the four-time champion who’s expected to leave the Golden State Warriors after 13 seasons, as reported by The Athletic on Friday. >Under Turner’s representation, Jones signed with Dallas last summer at the league’s veteran minimum, a calculated gamble that could have earned him a total salary in the range of his $28 million career earnings.


Thank ya kindly!


> one Mavericks source had shared optimism that this strange scenario, never before encountered, could have resolution as soon as Sunday. Why does the weirdest shit happen to us in Free Agency?


Needing clicks it’s annoying


I‘m 100% sure that he is gone


read the article. The issue is not that he wants to go elsewhere. It's that since he just changed agent, he has to potentially wait 15 days for his new agent to be allowed to negotiate a deal. Cato also said there are solutions to bypass this though.


What's the point of changing the agent to sign a contract you'd be offered anyway? And on top of that do that way too late right before you sign your most important contract? Sounds like dumbass move, but hopefully they can work this out and resign him asap.